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Since we've already had two topics for the 'Top 10 Flaws', thought I'd throw out the second article, and people can talk this one over. It's a sister article to the other one, by the same writer.
(edit: Yes. This is almost all about PvP. So was the top 10 flaws list. Team Quitter is about GW/GW2 PvP. It's a very focused site. )
thanks for the link Meowhead.
I'm so exited for GW2. I think the fact that he played the demo 6 times make his top 10 more.... significant.
And his 10 strengths are just as inarticulate and inaccurate as his flaws. This didn't need its own thread...
EDIT: Apparently the other thread got locked. I doubt people will be as "up in arms" this time, so maybe this one will survive, but he really does have poor writing (and research) skills.
Love? I'm just going to pretend that one doesn't exist and that #11 is #10.
Private servers? No. You can make private rooms. Allowing players to tweak skills? Community mods like in Elder Scrolls and Minecraft? That's far beyond a pipe dream.
Almighty Empire? Oh, you mean the game is actually 3D like every other game now. Okay.
The game ends naturally? I honestly do not know what he's talking about here.
Most of his other points are either his own personal preference or nothing anyone hasn't considered before. He should emphasize that all of this is in comparison to GW1 and that it's also only things he likes, not exactly "strengths".
EDIT #2: Apparently, the other thread didn't get locked. I just saw a duplicate thread.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss
The locked thread was a duplicate. Here is the unlocked one.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." -Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
Just like ANet could potentially fix flaws, they could also ruin anything on this list, so I'll be on the fence until there's a beta. However, I disagree with anyone who says "the writing is bad". I'm not even a big PvP'er and I found both his Flaws and "Good Things" lists to be enthralling. Good show all around.
Anyone participated already in beta or is that only ''i wish'' ?
At this point it's all "I wish" with a dash of "this is probably going to happen.. sweet!" There is no beta yet, which is why people should take these articles with a grain of salt.
Unless you meant something else, then I'm sorry I didn't understand.
Come on, the strengths list is so much worse than his flaws list, despite both of them being awful (seems like he starts out against ANYTHING that is different from GW1). Like you said, "love" REALLY? The list is so padded it's ridiculous.
Seriously? Numbers 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10 are all pretty ridiculous...'s made of wuv!
#1 is... Graphics? If that was supposed to be a joke, i didn't get it.
Also, no mention of World PvP at all? Odd list, didn't like it.
Hype train -> Reality
I dunno if THAT was a joke, but I laugh everytime I read your sig.
That comment was wholly serious and the developers of SW:TOR agree with it. That's why the game has so many features in common with WoW (Holy Trinity, gear grind, raids, separate PvP and PvE gear, etc, etc). They think that not doing that is stupid. I've seen a developer interview or two where they've basically expressed the same thought that WoW sharply defines what features an MMO MUST have.
If he actually understands what he is talking about and i didn't get that picture.I have seen that identical article before ,so it is just copy paste material.
I can go into detail and explain why most of the reasons are null or unimportant but to cut the post short i will skip right to number 1
I don't doubt it wil llook nice, thought GW1 looked good enough,however there are important factors to discuss.
GW1 was famous for making plain jane static meshses with no insides.That is why they can make free to play gaming,becuase they eliminated immersion and about a full year or more of work.effort.To design insides with nice architecture takes at least 10x longer if not more than to just make a static mesh.Also when you keep your maps rather empty it is easier to pull off graphics.So it wil lbe interesting to see how ANEt pulls off non instances and keeping the world full of activity ,aside from events which are non realistic spawns.
I will post this example of SINGLE person who spent 8 weeks to make a gorgeous map that wil lrival anything in GW1 or GW2 built on the IOS platform wich is ipads/tabs ect ect.Not only did he make it look good but there is some nice architecture insides of a coupel buildings. Epic Citadel
My point is that if a single person on a IOS can do it,then a AAA developer with a much more robust platform can most certainly do it ,with no excuses.The point is it is nothing to brag about anymore,it was when all games looked like EQ and Wow but those days are long gone.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
The Epic Citadel doesn't look any better, and arguably a good bit worse, than the cities in GW2. From what we've seen of demos, it looks pretty good, with people in cities talking and bustling about as you pass by, and some venders being linked to DEs to determine if they are there and/or have goods to sell. There's definitely been a lot of activity.
I am not sure where you are getting the idea that they skimped on content in GW2 considering they have a large team and took 5 years to make it. GW1 had less because they had a much smaller team (I am not sure about how the development time compares). I don't think looking at GW1 and expecting GW2 to share the same faults is reasonable. Vastly different sized development teams, monetary resources, design goals, etc. Their differences, imho, are larger than their similarities in terms of development.
I'm not sure what your beef with DEs is. Non-realistic spawns? Alright, sure. It's a heck of a lot more realistic than any other MMO however.
Edit: With regards to graphics, I just realized you are probably coming from the point of view that it isn't really a strength since it is no big deal. While high fidelity isn't a big deal these days, that doesn't mean good art in games is a trivial matter. Imho, they have a good artistic goal and are acheiving it which is praiseworthy.
... you do realize that the buildings in GW2 have insides now, right? Right?
Your forgetting another rule WoW has. If another game does something better than you, then you had better clone it as fast as you can and get it in your game. With your own twist of course. SWTOR is also following that rule and going a few better than WoW. At least there is Player Housing in SWTOR. BTW, doe anone know if GW2 will have player housing? I might take a second look at the game if it does.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Each player in GW2 has a home instance. It's a several block section of their capital city which is instanced and will reflect the changes and choices you make in your personal story. You will have a house, or in an Asura's case, a lab, and that can be changed due to the story.
I don't have a direct quote for it, but it was reported here on that there would be a robust player housing system put into the game, just not at release.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." -Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
That's NOT one of the rules they were talking about (they were talking about controls, interface, the Holy Trinity, raiding, itemization, gear grind, and that sort of thing). We'll see what they do in that regard. We already know they don't seem to have phasing, so they aren't doing everything WoW does and more. They are certainly doing some significant things that WoW doesn't do and a huge swath of things WoW does do mostly how WoW does them (or did them in some cases). Frankly, WoW doesn't always follow this rule either as there have been a number of innovations from other games that WoW hasn't embraced.
There are player districts in GW2 as someone just said. You get quests there, make decisions, have housing, and a whole storyline.
Not exactly what I was looking for in the housing department, but worth giving a glance at. Thanks.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
teamQQ have some really good article writers! Kudos!
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I'm actually glad they're not putting full concentration into player housing at launch. They're taking long enough, and what they have is interesting enough for starters. The concept isn't a big deal to me, personally, but some people like it. They're just going to have to wait a bit, gameplay comes before superficial add-ons.
I don't even have a lenghty, thought out response to that. The devs of SWTOR just seem like really boring people if they think this way.
And Jeff Strain from -one of ArenaNets founders said in 2007 about wow.
Everyone wants to duplicate that success, but I'm not sure that everyone is realistic about what that means. WoW was in development for five years, was built on an established and very popular game universe, and probably cost more than $40 million to create. Don't believe that there is some magic design element that you will add to your MMO that will allow you to steal all of WoW's subscription customers. If you find yourself saying, "It's like WoW, but...," you're in trouble. To reiterate an earlier point – go do your own thing, and let them do theirs.
quite a differense in approach
I don't remember where the quote is, but they want to put proer houing in the game too, but it won't be ready at launch.
Definitely. Bioware is just taking the easy road. No critical thinking whatsoever. Like it or not, they're becoming another Blizzard.