The CSR is mostly fed a few general lines and is clueless about tricky situations, and will just give you wrong information to have said something other than "I have no idea". Pretensions of help and all that. They surely don't pay those guys enough to put up with our crap and we surely pay way too much to put up with their crap.
Case in point, I've read a lot about this issue, because it seems I might have to do something like this as well. I've read a lot of emails, chat logs and whatnot, and it seems EA, Bioware and Origin people give pretty conflicting information when it comes to this.
My take is, even if you cancel your preorder and *not* buy a new one, you'll still get to play the early access, as retailers aren't exactly contacting Bioware to let them know you've canceled. You not redeeming the game key (the one you get on launch) is what's gonna stop you from playing at launch without having made a purchase.
So if I wanted to play still, I'd preorder again and not redeem my new preorder key but keep the old one, play early access and and at launch submit my game key.
Well at least swtor is not that great of a game to be waiting for, so your not going to miss really anything by not getting in early, the game is just a world of warcraft clone, with less stuff in it and even more boring combat, not to mention the super on-rails linear progression with 0 real variations outside of the class storylines. Your not missing much. If this game gets higher than 6.6/10 imma call BS and state that bioware or ea has bribed the reviewers, because the game is nothing special
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
The Problem isn't with SWTOR it's with Origin itself. Unlike Steam it doesn't charge your CC for pre-orders until the Game actually releases. So if your CC# changes from the time you pre-ordered until the game comes out your screwed.
Just a friendly bit of advice. Rants and complaints are fine and good, but please shorten them. I find it hard to believe anyone wants to read a rant/complaint that looks thicker then a hardback novel.
I just think we need less illeriate(Sp?) smacktards around that thinks a few paragraphs is a entire book..
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
The CSR is mostly fed a few general lines and is clueless about tricky situations, and will just give you wrong information to have said something other than "I have no idea". Pretensions of help and all that. They surely don't pay those guys enough to put up with our crap and we surely pay way too much to put up with their crap.
Case in point, I've read a lot about this issue, because it seems I might have to do something like this as well. I've read a lot of emails, chat logs and whatnot, and it seems EA, Bioware and Origin people give pretty conflicting information when it comes to this.
My take is, even if you cancel your preorder and *not* buy a new one, you'll still get to play the early access, as retailers aren't exactly contacting Bioware to let them know you've canceled. You not redeeming the game key (the one you get on launch) is what's gonna stop you from playing at launch without having made a purchase.
So if I wanted to play still, I'd preorder again and not redeem my new preorder key but keep the old one, play early access and and at launch submit my game key.
Just a friendly bit of advice. Rants and complaints are fine and good, but please shorten them. I find it hard to believe anyone wants to read a rant/complaint that looks thicker then a hardback novel.
I just think we need less illeriate(Sp?) smacktards around that thinks a few paragraphs is a entire book..
To all those who posted something positive or helpful, thank you very much. I am letting it go for now and feel that a wealth of great advice has been presented. If others have a similar issue and the 20th rolls around and they found a way around it or fixed it please send me a private message or post on the forums what you did.
May have been piss poor for you, but CS was fine for me.
I also had an issue regarding the card I originally used for the preorder with Origin, so I too contacted CS, and while it was a lengthy wait in the call queue, the CS guy that finally took the call was fine.
According to him, if I just cancelled the preorder with origin, and made a new preorder, it would only change my existing preorder code and time of redemption if I actually called them back and asked them to update it with the new one from my new order.
So I cancelled the order, made a new one, and left the code redemption as it is, and last time I checked on the SW:TOR site, it still showed my code redemption date as it always has.
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
Ok, this will possibly come across as a rant but read without prejudice. For several years we have had to tolerate crap service from video game companies. Why has no one ever said anything? Our so-called buddies in the industry feel as though our problems are not their own and so for years it has been hour long waits on the phone, 30 minute waits for the live chat CSR, and two day to sometimes week long waits for email replies. I put a ticket in Rift once that never got a reponse. I have waited weeks for tickets in WoW. In EQ I remember when, if a GM was not on, you recieved no help. Well I was a raving lunatic for SWTOR's release, but sadly to say we are going to have to suffer from another bout of terrible customer service.
Today our bank had to change our credit card because they had changed something internally. I thought to myself,"hmm that is the same card I used to preorder SWTOR." I looked and searched and prodded and probed for an answer to my dilema. Through hundreds of pages at Bioware, EA, Origin, SWTOR, and other google links I found nothing. I called EA, Bioware and Origin's customer service numbers but it was past their hours in wheneverland GMT +8 -1 carry the R timezone they are in. I proceed to call my last hope of SWTOR and thank god they are 24 hour service.
As I waited on hold for what became 1 hour and 58 minutes, I clicked on a bioware link that had customer service chat help, Origin chat help, and posted an email response request to my problem. Of course I have no complaints on the email request because it has not been given ample time to process. I recieved a response from Bioware first and they were basically like, well sorry we do not do that here so F-off. Fine fine I have two other options I am currently waiting on it should be fine.
20 minutes later the Origin chat person comes up. I say a simple hello and then state my issue. The CSR then proceeds to say "yeah you have to cancel and re-preorder." I sarcastically explain how technologically advanced they are at Origin and express how much I now hate them,especially after the email, account name, password reset, and BF3 BS they had recently put us through. I used one explitive and the CSR jumped at the opportunity to threaten a disconnect so I did it for them. Really? Someone who is getting screwed out of their preorder pre play position (I got my code within 15 minutes of the announcement so I was pretty sure I was high on the list) and you have no emotion on the subject, no nice words or calming technique to try and reassure me that it would get corrected?
I am still on the phone with SWTOR so it is going to be ok. Well, sadly it just got worse. After another hour plus I reached some absent personalitied guy and he just has more terrible customer service to relay. "I am not here for anything but security issues." Apparently the CSR's at SWTOR's phone number are hard at work answering all those calls about security on the accounts that have not been activated yet. It is already such a huge issue that they are answering the phones frantically to take care of these hassles. Oh wait, the game is not even operational yet, so why did I wait two hours to get someone to answer?
All three of the people I met had no heart for what they were doing. They had no quams about being cold and delivering ridiculous news with no support behind their words. The first guy it was if I was bothering him. The Origin guy it was if I was asking him to switch positions of the moon and the sun. The third guy sounded pissed that I was some dumb American demanding his help. *british accent* "Oh my, who gave the Americans the phone?" A Scottish guy ya jerk, maybe you guys should have treated them a little better and they would have given it to you first. All I wanted to do was change the numbers that were on file for what account they were going to charge when it released. It was too much for them to handle.
I have been trying my best to not buy in to the haters of SWTOR and I am so effing sick of WoW and the ilk that dweel within that community. Rift just has not been able to capture my attention for more than a couple of levels at a time. I was really looking forward to SWTOR, and not just because I was bored stiff by the other offerings. I love Star Wars. It is just that basic. I have no delusions of the games greatness, hell it could suck. Even if it ended up being WoW's twin, it never would be in my eyes because it was Star Wars. I played the beta and loved it, yeah alot of stuff looked very Rifty and WoWy and every other MMOy, but it wasn't, it was Star Warsy. I posted and posted defending the haters presumptuous posts about how it was going to be boring or sucky, whatever. I, for one, am realising that they don't care that it is important to have our support, because they do not have any for us.
I have canceled my preorder and will not be grabbing another copy. They do not deserve our money so I know they will not be getting mine. No one was willing to help, and none of them had any compasion for the simple situation I was presenting. I have worked at banks for years so they have no way to convince me that changing the numbers was not possible. If I presented myself at work the same way that they had to me, I would be fired on the spot.
Now I eagerly await a release date for GW2 and I have spoken to them on the phone on several occasions for GW1 and they have always seemed genuine and worried about my issues. This is not how you keep the 15 dollars a month Bioware, especially when the real issues start coming into these terrible people you have hired, and shotty systems you have developed to support their less than stellar abilities.
There is a whole lot misuse of the word CSR here. Just to help, CSR means Corporate Social Responsibility - You can't just change Customer Service Representative to CSR. You just confuse people.
CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
Your looking for a customer service advisor, or CSA, (also customer service associate and customer service representative)
Well, I'm just glad I've never had the need to contact customer service on my long gaming history. I just know how many CSAs actually get a kick out of making customers even more displeased and calling there is a dive into endless pit.
But in this case I'd just cancel, re-order and suck up the 5$ penalty. Then I'd just go into my bank and tell em to pay, since they ruined my deal.
I wrote what needed to be written, The wall will hopefully block off some of the less than thoughtful people, but thank you all the same.
You wrote what needed to be written? I had to contact CS because I could not find where to download my digital pre-order. Now there was a problem with the directions in the e-mail on where and how to download client. The directions in the e-mail were wrong and vague.
I contacted CS via phone. I did have about a 8 minute wait. The CS guy was great he did not know the answer but put me on hold for a few minutes got back and told me I need to load origin and go to my games since I registered my pre-order code already. There was the link and the download began.
I spent about 10 minutes just talking to the guy about mmos and WOW vs SWTOR. He was funny and very patient with my babbling about how excited I was to be playing SWTOR soon. He was not in a hurry and thanked me more then once for being a customer and my excitment about the game. I ended the call by saying "I better let you get back to your job"
In conclusion there were certainly issues with trying to get my digital copy that frustrated me but that was eased by the great CS guy on the phone. I will add that when I got to him I was kind and funny he appreciated that so he treated me well. OP try to remember these people are trying to do their job and get reemed by unhappy people like you all day. Kindness get kindness. Not only will I be playing SWTOR but because of CS I will be recommending it to others. At least one guy at SWTOR CS is a good patient guy.
Turkish4676 I can understand your frustration, but it never works to shout at the person on the otherside of the phone. You can find them jerks but like it or not they are your only hope. And as said by someone else if you stay friendly they more often then not are willing to help even if they have to be creative with procedures.
When i bought new parts for my pc windows 7 wouldn't register anymore cause the hardware was not the same as it orriginaly registered it on. I had to wait about 30 minutes before being helped, but that guy was a major dick. Saying "well you have to buy a new version of windows 7" and i explained to him that i only had windows 7 for a few months but that my motherboard died so i had to buy new hardware and he only told me that it was my badluck and refused to help me. I hang up on him cause he would not be willing to help me again so i called again knowing i would probally get another person on the phone. I did and this person hardly even seemed to know she worked for microsoft. But she would put me trough to tech support...and she pressed the wrong button cause i got hanged up, this after almost a hour waiting to get on the line. Frustration boiled up as well so i called again and the lines where about to close so it was my last chance to get my windows 7 registered otherwise i wouldn't be able to use my pc for the rest of the evening/night. I got another woman on the line. I explained her on a normal tone what the problem was and i tried to get help before but was treated poorly and one pressing the wrong button. I could have said nasty stuff but because i stayed calm she said she would connect me trough to another department cause she could understand that i might felt frustrated so she put me trough a line we can't even call and normally those people wheren't meant to do customer support but because i stayed calm and explained without getting angry how unfair i was treated by the first guy they helped me.
So next time if the first guy doesn't want to help you out at origin just hang up the phone and try again. You probally get another person who might be much more helpful. Swearing and shouting how their system is broken and how much they suck only pisses them off. And keep in mind working for customer support means you get to hear all kinds of people blamming you for things you didn't do, you are merly the messenger. They have to follow rules and when you come with a problem they check their screen and see what awnser needs to be given. In your case they couldn't help you and you just caught the guy in a bad mood. But stay friendly and just hang up to try again.
And to close down my wall of text. Never wait for to long, 2 hours is insane. Try later again or the day after.
Same problem as OP. I clicked the call me button in the Origins menu. Called me within 2 minutes. Problem solved within 5 minutes with a very polite, efficient customer service experience. Could not have been happier with the solution.
He said, as long as you do not apply the new pre order code over the old one, your place in early release is fine. /shrug.
Cancelled the old one, ordered a new, got a refund of my old money (though with that card dead, I will probably eat the $5).
The point is, OP, breath deeply, try again, and avoid chat if I were you. Call, if you are able to do so.
If your credit info changed and they didn't provide a path to your account's pre-order details, so that you could change them--I would have done NOTHING, until they sent me the "credit card invalid" email. If they still didn't give a number to call, or an online way to change the credit card they have on file, and instead just cancelled/deleted my pre-order account...then I'd rant.
As it stands, your current invalid credit card pre-order still gets you a, most likely, day 1 early access slot...I say go with it until they ask you for a valid credit card.
Some people's sense of entitlement and their indiscriminate finger pointing borders on the obscene.
Wall 'o text summary: "S**t, due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to cancel my credit card and get a new number. This means any and all pending transactions associated with the old credit card need to be cancelled and redone... double-s**t. I think I'll phone one of the vendors with a pending transaction and insult them."
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
I wrote what needed to be written, The wall will hopefully block off some of the less than thoughtful people, but thank you all the same.
I'd say it was your bank that was at fault, with modern technology the way it is today what's preventing them from transfering your card details from one card to another without the need to cancel all of your standing orders and pre-orders? I find it odd that you're so eager to jump down Origin/Bioware/EA's throat concerning this when it is obviously the bank which is at fault!
Banks have no access to the details that are being presented to them from outside sources. If someone wrote down your tracking numbers and account numbers along with a valid check number on a piece of toilet paper the bank could still process it as a check. But if numbers that do not exist any longer come through they have no rights in changing the said numbers to assist me, the sub-par capabilities of the ordering system at Origin is solely to blame for the inability.
So you vent your anger/frustration on the phone CSR agent? Having worked for Hilton Honors as a CSR I've dealt with guys like you (not being accusatory, just pulling from what you wrote) that for some reason think the low level peons make all the program policies and that we have a pesona grudge against you, someone we didn't even know existed on this planet until 10 minutes ago, so we aren't going to move an inch for you.
Maybe those people actually did want to snap their fingers and make it all better. One thing is for certain, though, and that's after the attitude is brought their way, you certainly aren't getting anything but the bare minimum they have to do to make their call coaching scores should that call be recorded.
I've severely bent the rules of the HHonors program for folks that acted like and adult and had exhausted every avenue. But that's because they talked to me with a level of respect, a level that I recipricated.
If you had an issue with Origin's systems capabilities, little Suzy Swanson, CSR tier -1 is not the appropriate level for anger, frustration. I bet if you asked her nicely, though, she could either transfer you to the right place or give you an email address or a phone number to express your concerns.
I asked them all nicely and they were cold and unwilling. After several tries I have someone trying to fix it. I have called HH several times and have never had a bad experience so I must have never had you answer because you sound just like every other lazy person that answers any phone from any company now. People like you make me glad I get Chakru from India instead of Dan from El Paso. Lazy was never what made the U.S. great.
Well, I may sound like "every other lazy person" to you but when I was there I was one of the few folks who, as I said, could greatly bend the rules for you. Provided you didn't come off sounding like...well, you. The title was "Customer Service Representatiive", not your "Personal Verbal Punching Bag". CSR jobs don't pay enough to be cursed at by guys like you over a video game.
You reap what you sow. You assume too much too, now that I think about it? Do you work for Origin/BW/EA? How exactly do you know what those agents can or can't do such that you can label them "cold and unwilling".
Whining never made the US great either. A positive attitude and willingness to work with others did. You had an opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons as others have pointed out. You chose, ironically, the lazy route of sitting back and complaining.
Anyway, good luck with your issue and try to remember that despite what your anger tells you, CSRs aren't out to get you. If anything they wish they had the ability to give you what you want so you will shut up and get off their line, lol!
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
There is a whole lot misuse of the word CSR here. Just to help, CSR means Corporate Social Responsibility - You can't just change Customer Service Representative to CSR. You just confuse people.
CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
Your looking for a customer service advisor, or CSA, (also customer service associate and customer service representative)
Go ahead genius tell me how many of the 161 you referred to in your post. I was trying to minimalize but I guess being right has its rewards. First you should make sure that you are.
I wrote what needed to be written, The wall will hopefully block off some of the less than thoughtful people, but thank you all the same.
I'd say it was your bank that was at fault, with modern technology the way it is today what's preventing them from transfering your card details from one card to another without the need to cancel all of your standing orders and pre-orders? I find it odd that you're so eager to jump down Origin/Bioware/EA's throat concerning this when it is obviously the bank which is at fault!
Banks have no access to the details that are being presented to them from outside sources. If someone wrote down your tracking numbers and account numbers along with a valid check number on a piece of toilet paper the bank could still process it as a check. But if numbers that do not exist any longer come through they have no rights in changing the said numbers to assist me, the sub-par capabilities of the ordering system at Origin is solely to blame for the inability.
So you vent your anger/frustration on the phone CSR agent? Having worked for Hilton Honors as a CSR I've dealt with guys like you (not being accusatory, just pulling from what you wrote) that for some reason think the low level peons make all the program policies and that we have a pesona grudge against you, someone we didn't even know existed on this planet until 10 minutes ago, so we aren't going to move an inch for you.
Maybe those people actually did want to snap their fingers and make it all better. One thing is for certain, though, and that's after the attitude is brought their way, you certainly aren't getting anything but the bare minimum they have to do to make their call coaching scores should that call be recorded.
I've severely bent the rules of the HHonors program for folks that acted like and adult and had exhausted every avenue. But that's because they talked to me with a level of respect, a level that I recipricated.
If you had an issue with Origin's systems capabilities, little Suzy Swanson, CSR tier -1 is not the appropriate level for anger, frustration. I bet if you asked her nicely, though, she could either transfer you to the right place or give you an email address or a phone number to express your concerns.
I asked them all nicely and they were cold and unwilling. After several tries I have someone trying to fix it. I have called HH several times and have never had a bad experience so I must have never had you answer because you sound just like every other lazy person that answers any phone from any company now. People like you make me glad I get Chakru from India instead of Dan from El Paso. Lazy was never what made the U.S. great.
Well, I may sound like "every other lazy person" to you but when I was there I was one of the few folks who, as I said, could greatly bend the rules for you. Provided you didn't come off sounding like...well, you. The title was "Customer Service Representatiive", not your "Personal Verbal Punching Bag". CSR jobs don't pay enough to be cursed at by guys like you over a video game.
You reap what you sow. You assume too much too, now that I think about it? Do you work for Origin/BW/EA? How exactly do you know what those agents can or can't do such that you can label them "cold and unwilling".
Whining never made the US great either. A positive attitude and willingness to work with others did. You had an opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons as others have pointed out. You chose, ironically, the lazy route of sitting back and complaining.
Anyway, good luck with your issue and try to remember that despite what your anger tells you, CSRs aren't out to get you. If anything they wish they had the ability to give you what you want so you will shut up and get off their line, lol!
First off the assumptions are not mine. I posted an example of the 8 conversations I had in total with a CSR. It was the only one that was emailed to me and as you can see I did not curse at him and he was not my verbal punching bag. Regardless, if you get paid to do something, then that is what you should do. You, once again prove the problem. Unless that was the CEO everytime I was in contact with someone, then I do know there is someone higher than the person I was speaking with that has more authority. Take a management class before you become so sure of yourself. I was never offerred lemons, they only offerred me their terrible version of lemonade. Lazy is posting assumptions and giving up after the first guy tells you no. lol?
I'd just cancel and pre-order a new one.
The CSR is mostly fed a few general lines and is clueless about tricky situations, and will just give you wrong information to have said something other than "I have no idea". Pretensions of help and all that. They surely don't pay those guys enough to put up with our crap and we surely pay way too much to put up with their crap.
Case in point, I've read a lot about this issue, because it seems I might have to do something like this as well. I've read a lot of emails, chat logs and whatnot, and it seems EA, Bioware and Origin people give pretty conflicting information when it comes to this.
My take is, even if you cancel your preorder and *not* buy a new one, you'll still get to play the early access, as retailers aren't exactly contacting Bioware to let them know you've canceled. You not redeeming the game key (the one you get on launch) is what's gonna stop you from playing at launch without having made a purchase.
So if I wanted to play still, I'd preorder again and not redeem my new preorder key but keep the old one, play early access and and at launch submit my game key.
Well at least swtor is not that great of a game to be waiting for, so your not going to miss really anything by not getting in early, the game is just a world of warcraft clone, with less stuff in it and even more boring combat, not to mention the super on-rails linear progression with 0 real variations outside of the class storylines. Your not missing much. If this game gets higher than 6.6/10 imma call BS and state that bioware or ea has bribed the reviewers, because the game is nothing special
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
I just think we need less illeriate(Sp?) smacktards around that thinks a few paragraphs is a entire book..
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
Sound advice, thank you.
I am right there with ya.
To all those who posted something positive or helpful, thank you very much. I am letting it go for now and feel that a wealth of great advice has been presented. If others have a similar issue and the 20th rolls around and they found a way around it or fixed it please send me a private message or post on the forums what you did.
Aw my bad. Hope you get it sorted out good buddy.
and this is one of the many reasons, rift > swtor , bai bai
Clicky for Rift trial
I see what you did ther~
Their CS is terrible tbh, it'll be hellish within a few months when people have in game problems.
May have been piss poor for you, but CS was fine for me.
I also had an issue regarding the card I originally used for the preorder with Origin, so I too contacted CS, and while it was a lengthy wait in the call queue, the CS guy that finally took the call was fine.
According to him, if I just cancelled the preorder with origin, and made a new preorder, it would only change my existing preorder code and time of redemption if I actually called them back and asked them to update it with the new one from my new order.
So I cancelled the order, made a new one, and left the code redemption as it is, and last time I checked on the SW:TOR site, it still showed my code redemption date as it always has.
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
only piss poor customers spam text walls
There is a whole lot misuse of the word CSR here. Just to help, CSR means Corporate Social Responsibility - You can't just change Customer Service Representative to CSR. You just confuse people.
CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
Your looking for a customer service advisor, or CSA, (also customer service associate and customer service representative)
Well, I'm just glad I've never had the need to contact customer service on my long gaming history. I just know how many CSAs actually get a kick out of making customers even more displeased and calling there is a dive into endless pit.
But in this case I'd just cancel, re-order and suck up the 5$ penalty. Then I'd just go into my bank and tell em to pay, since they ruined my deal.
You wrote what needed to be written? I had to contact CS because I could not find where to download my digital pre-order. Now there was a problem with the directions in the e-mail on where and how to download client. The directions in the e-mail were wrong and vague.
I contacted CS via phone. I did have about a 8 minute wait. The CS guy was great he did not know the answer but put me on hold for a few minutes got back and told me I need to load origin and go to my games since I registered my pre-order code already. There was the link and the download began.
I spent about 10 minutes just talking to the guy about mmos and WOW vs SWTOR. He was funny and very patient with my babbling about how excited I was to be playing SWTOR soon. He was not in a hurry and thanked me more then once for being a customer and my excitment about the game. I ended the call by saying "I better let you get back to your job"
In conclusion there were certainly issues with trying to get my digital copy that frustrated me but that was eased by the great CS guy on the phone. I will add that when I got to him I was kind and funny he appreciated that so he treated me well. OP try to remember these people are trying to do their job and get reemed by unhappy people like you all day. Kindness get kindness. Not only will I be playing SWTOR but because of CS I will be recommending it to others. At least one guy at SWTOR CS is a good patient guy.
Turkish4676 I can understand your frustration, but it never works to shout at the person on the otherside of the phone. You can find them jerks but like it or not they are your only hope. And as said by someone else if you stay friendly they more often then not are willing to help even if they have to be creative with procedures.
When i bought new parts for my pc windows 7 wouldn't register anymore cause the hardware was not the same as it orriginaly registered it on. I had to wait about 30 minutes before being helped, but that guy was a major dick. Saying "well you have to buy a new version of windows 7" and i explained to him that i only had windows 7 for a few months but that my motherboard died so i had to buy new hardware and he only told me that it was my badluck and refused to help me. I hang up on him cause he would not be willing to help me again so i called again knowing i would probally get another person on the phone. I did and this person hardly even seemed to know she worked for microsoft. But she would put me trough to tech support...and she pressed the wrong button cause i got hanged up, this after almost a hour waiting to get on the line. Frustration boiled up as well so i called again and the lines where about to close so it was my last chance to get my windows 7 registered otherwise i wouldn't be able to use my pc for the rest of the evening/night. I got another woman on the line. I explained her on a normal tone what the problem was and i tried to get help before but was treated poorly and one pressing the wrong button. I could have said nasty stuff but because i stayed calm she said she would connect me trough to another department cause she could understand that i might felt frustrated so she put me trough a line we can't even call and normally those people wheren't meant to do customer support but because i stayed calm and explained without getting angry how unfair i was treated by the first guy they helped me.
So next time if the first guy doesn't want to help you out at origin just hang up the phone and try again. You probally get another person who might be much more helpful. Swearing and shouting how their system is broken and how much they suck only pisses them off. And keep in mind working for customer support means you get to hear all kinds of people blamming you for things you didn't do, you are merly the messenger. They have to follow rules and when you come with a problem they check their screen and see what awnser needs to be given. In your case they couldn't help you and you just caught the guy in a bad mood. But stay friendly and just hang up to try again.
And to close down my wall of text. Never wait for to long, 2 hours is insane. Try later again or the day after.
Same problem as OP. I clicked the call me button in the Origins menu. Called me within 2 minutes. Problem solved within 5 minutes with a very polite, efficient customer service experience. Could not have been happier with the solution.
He said, as long as you do not apply the new pre order code over the old one, your place in early release is fine. /shrug.
Cancelled the old one, ordered a new, got a refund of my old money (though with that card dead, I will probably eat the $5).
The point is, OP, breath deeply, try again, and avoid chat if I were you. Call, if you are able to do so.
Let us know what server your gonna be on so we can avoid it...that is all...
"Rift just has not been able to capture my attention"
"EA Piss Poor Customer Service"
"I have canceled my preorder and will not be grabbing another copy."
"Now I eagerly await a release date for GW2"
If your credit info changed and they didn't provide a path to your account's pre-order details, so that you could change them--I would have done NOTHING, until they sent me the "credit card invalid" email. If they still didn't give a number to call, or an online way to change the credit card they have on file, and instead just cancelled/deleted my pre-order account...then I'd rant.
As it stands, your current invalid credit card pre-order still gets you a, most likely, day 1 early access slot...I say go with it until they ask you for a valid credit card.
Amen brother.
Some people's sense of entitlement and their indiscriminate finger pointing borders on the obscene.
Wall 'o text summary: "S**t, due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to cancel my credit card and get a new number. This means any and all pending transactions associated with the old credit card need to be cancelled and redone... double-s**t. I think I'll phone one of the vendors with a pending transaction and insult them."
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Well, I may sound like "every other lazy person" to you but when I was there I was one of the few folks who, as I said, could greatly bend the rules for you. Provided you didn't come off sounding like...well, you. The title was "Customer Service Representatiive", not your "Personal Verbal Punching Bag". CSR jobs don't pay enough to be cursed at by guys like you over a video game.
You reap what you sow. You assume too much too, now that I think about it? Do you work for Origin/BW/EA? How exactly do you know what those agents can or can't do such that you can label them "cold and unwilling".
Whining never made the US great either. A positive attitude and willingness to work with others did. You had an opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons as others have pointed out. You chose, ironically, the lazy route of sitting back and complaining.
Anyway, good luck with your issue and try to remember that despite what your anger tells you, CSRs aren't out to get you. If anything they wish they had the ability to give you what you want so you will shut up and get off their line, lol!
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
Go ahead genius tell me how many of the 161 you referred to in your post. I was trying to minimalize but I guess being right has its rewards. First you should make sure that you are.
First off the assumptions are not mine. I posted an example of the 8 conversations I had in total with a CSR. It was the only one that was emailed to me and as you can see I did not curse at him and he was not my verbal punching bag. Regardless, if you get paid to do something, then that is what you should do. You, once again prove the problem. Unless that was the CEO everytime I was in contact with someone, then I do know there is someone higher than the person I was speaking with that has more authority. Take a management class before you become so sure of yourself. I was never offerred lemons, they only offerred me their terrible version of lemonade. Lazy is posting assumptions and giving up after the first guy tells you no. lol?