i have noticed something as well. Fanboys just can't enjoy their game, if someone on the forums dislike it. What does it matter to you.. just play it, enjoy it.
It seems most of you, who praise the game, write countless positive reviews and create new and new posts about how awesome swtor is or how much subs it has, you don't even play it. You sit here on forums and whine at people who dislike the game. Day after day, post after post.
You'd think, fanboy's main goal would be to have fun in their beloved game. But now it looks like your main goal is to attack people who don't like swtor. Then i guess the game isn't fun after all? It's like you are trying to prove to yourself it actually is.
Worst thing is, i can't seem to find any interesting discussions on mmorpg.com lately, because 99% of it is swtor.
I think these types of posters (that were being discussed) discredit themselves. If I see a statement to the effect of I played for an hour, the game is horrible, I have a hard time taking any critique made seriously. An hour is barely enough time to pass the tutorial areas of most MMO's.
agreed but many people have been critical and have been playing through beta so some could have been playing for months now. I feel I put enough time into the game by now to say I enjoy the game enough to play for a few months BUT i still feel unless they take some pretty big measures in certain departments like PVP they are going to lose a ton of subscribers in the coming months.. I hope they do put out the content patches fast and the fixes many people want like customizable UI and high res textures and some others but what bothers me is when people bring up stuff like that and get flamed because they have a negative opinion about the game.
Sure I'm not saying everyone who posts negatively only played for an hour, that would imply the game should be a pefect fit for everyone. It certainly isn't, and yes there's a lot of work to be done on Biowares end.
That bothers me as well, I reported a number of posts yesterday in the CC complaint threads, all were fans. I don't care what side of the fence a poster is on when they're namecalling or throwing a discussion off topic with ad hominem attacks they deserve to be reported. Even considering I felt those CC complaints were unwarranted.
I'm all about healthy discussion postive or negative, it doesn't matter to me as long as those discussing it have solid points I'll listen to what they have to say.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Oh, as mature people, we accept that not everyone likes the same things. The problem comes when certain individuals ridicule our positive perspectives in an attempt to make their negative perspectives the only possible and rational assessment. That, my friend, is simply sad.
Isn't this being hypocritical?
You have basically just made the same type of comment, you are claiming others do to you.
I have noticed that the people who claim that SWTOR is either a bad game, or are quitting have only played a maximum of one day playing time.
What is this due too? Impatience? Are they too spoiled with WoW?
Is there something that I am missing here?
I am just curious, as I reached 50 yesterday and will be playing the game after the free month.
Wow... thats some seriously broad and bizarre generalisation right there. You really should take some time reading through what you type before posting it.
Unless of course, you really meant to take a random "fact" out of thin air and use it to slander and miscredit everyone that disagrees with your opinion? In that case, all is well i guess.
Feel like I'm the crazy one, for trying so hard to like this, though. Who keeps playing a game that isn't fun within the first hour? I don't blame anyone who gives up on a game that quickly.
know what you mean I couldn't even get an hour into MW3 I loved the first one never played the second one and got the third but its just like playing the first one with couple new weapons and differn't maps... sense of deja vu you get from swtor to a MMO vet is pretty annoying. But I hate to say if something else was out I haven't already played to death I probably wouldn't keep putting hours into this one.. I honestly enjoyed rift for the first 5 months more than I enjoyed my time here. Not saying I'm not having some fun but in rift I was playing like when I played everquest the first time just nonstop for days.. I honestly haven't played more than a few hours the last couple few days and haven't really thought about the game at all. Where is in rift all I could think about was what soul combo do I want to try next, but after 7 months of rift I'm done with that one. WoW haven't played since BC but don't really have any desire to try it again.
I'll admit I'm pretty addicted to MMOs but just not finding this one hooking me like others in the past which really bugs me cause Il ove all of biowares games for the most part and love star wars I mean how could you loose right? I don't know guess I'm burt out of these types after a decade of playing them.
The problem, Vhaln, is when you and posters such as Teala find it impossible for someone to view a game differently than from how you view it. You need to respect other people's opinions if you are to be viewed as credible and respectful posters. Saying things such as "Oh, the game only got that rating because the reviewers are fanboys or because they were payed by EA." is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary.
The problem, Vhaln, is when you and posters such as Teala find it impossible for someone to view a game differently than from how you view it. You need to respect other people's opinions if you are to be viewed as credible and respectful posters. Saying things such as "Oh, the game only got that rating because the reviewers are fanboys or because they were payed by EA." is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary.
Teala just hates themeparks period. When she could not find any good critiisms off Rift she said the squirrel animations were not realistic enough.
She does have a few good points when it comes to TOR. Right now the rage over pvp is building up on the forums and it is making for some quality entertainment.
The problem, Vhaln, is when you and posters such as Teala find it impossible for someone to view a game differently than from how you view it. You need to respect other people's opinions if you are to be viewed as credible and respectful posters. Saying things such as "Oh, the game only got that rating because the reviewers are fanboys or because they were payed by EA." is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary.
I know, sometimes I get carried away, and I apologize. Obviously, some people are having a lot of fun with TOR, and I'd be a complete asshole to want to take that away from them. It's a game, and if you're enjoying it, that is the important thing.
@Sanusukex I was totally hooked by Rift for a while, too. My biggest gripe with that game was that they shot themselves in the foot, longevity wise. Felt like they had a great game in some ways, but then made some ridiculously bad design decisions, as far as pacing, endgame, and replayability.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
The problem, Vhaln, is when you and posters such as Teala find it impossible for someone to view a game differently than from how you view it. You need to respect other people's opinions if you are to be viewed as credible and respectful posters. Saying things such as "Oh, the game only got that rating because the reviewers are fanboys or because they were payed by EA." is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary.
ill agree some people get carried away but when game sites give warhammer online similar scores to games like rift or even this game how can you honestly believe they are not in some way afraid to be critical in there reviews because of the advertisers who pay for there websites
You seem to forget that one magazIne usually has several reviewers with differing ideas. Perhaps the guy that ed Warhammer was an extreme PvP junkie and thought the game was amazing regardless of how satisfactory the PvE may be. Also, each person has their own set of standards and those standards are constantly shifting.
You seem to forget that one magazIne usually has several reviewers with differing ideas. Perhaps the guy that ed Warhammer was an extreme PvP junkie and thought the game was amazing regardless of how satisfactory the PvE may be. Also, each person has their own set of standards and those standards are constantly shifting.
if thats the case then that is a horribly jaded way to review an MMO for a large gaming site.. either way warhammer got universally good scores from many big review sites even IGN gave it a 90 which i suspect will be close to what they give swtor
It's all about opinions. While we can read reviews and frorum posts to see if a game is worth playing or not, the only opinion that matters at the end of the day is your own, I hated games that have scored highly and liked games that a lot of people just hated. Doesn't bother me in the slightest that people don't like Europa Universalis and think it's pretentious garbage. I enjoy it and thats all that matters to me. So some of you think that SWTOR is trash, fine. Move onto the next game and don't waste another minute on it. You like it? Great thats money well spent for you. Thinking of trying it? Do the smart thing and wait for the free trial and make up your own mind and don't worry about the people trying to shove their opinions down your throat,
You seem to forget that one magazIne usually has several reviewers with differing ideas. Perhaps the guy that ed Warhammer was an extreme PvP junkie and thought the game was amazing regardless of how satisfactory the PvE may be. Also, each person has their own set of standards and those standards are constantly shifting.
if thats the case then that is a horribly jaded way to review an MMO for a large gaming site.. either way warhammer got universally good scores from many big review sites even IGN gave it a 90 which i suspect will be close to what they give swtor
Probably because if you were to review Warhammer you might rate it high. I might do the same. If i had just played till level 20 or so. PvP was still fun and you still weren't at end game to know that there was nothing for PvE.
You seem to forget that one magazIne usually has several reviewers with differing ideas. Perhaps the guy that ed Warhammer was an extreme PvP junkie and thought the game was amazing regardless of how satisfactory the PvE may be. Also, each person has their own set of standards and those standards are constantly shifting.
if thats the case then that is a horribly jaded way to review an MMO for a large gaming site.. either way warhammer got universally good scores from many big review sites even IGN gave it a 90 which i suspect will be close to what they give swtor
Probably because if you were to review Warhammer you might rate it high. I might do the same. If i had just played till level 20 or so. PvP was still fun and you still weren't at end game to know that there was nothing for PvE.
i did play warhammer at launch and got bored after a week so no I would't of given it a good review
but that is a point many people are trying to make for this game its the type that is probably going to be fun for a month or two but after that why stay? its just all to similar.
I am just curious, as I reached 50 yesterday and will be playing the game after the free month.
Well that was quick. And because you dinged 50 so fast I was wondering which one is really the most casual, WoW or Tor ?
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I have noticed that heterosexual men have barely spent any time with another guy, and they are saying how they don't like sex with other guys, as if they are experts. Why don't they spend a month living with another guy, living the experience, and then they can really know if they like it or not.
I have noticed that heterosexual men have barely spent any time with another guy, and they are saying how they don't like sex with other guys, as if they are experts. Why don't they spend a month living with another guy, living the experience, and then they can really know if they like it or not.
I have noticed that heterosexual men have barely spent any time with another guy, and they are saying how they don't like sex with other guys, as if they are experts. Why don't they spend a month living with another guy, living the experience, and then they can really know if they like it or not.
So do you go onto gay forums and explain to gay men what it is you don't like about the physical act of love with another man?
Sorry to disprove the OP but, i played the game for 3 months. i loved it in the beginning but they ruined their own game over time before it was even released. the game they released is a fraction of what the original SWTOR was in the original beta.
i will say that i got off that ship before it left the harbor. but i spent a good deal of time on it and realized the food sucks, the service sucks, and they make a habit of damaging their own engines. now im just waiting for it to sink.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
hi, i reached level 40 on 2 classes and i do not like star wars (swtor that is) anymore and i think it is lackluster ....hopefully you wont discredit me for not reaching 50 on 3 classes or some other reason.
You should go have fun in the game instead of making yet another post of this type *not saying you personally made several jsut theres enough like it)...this just puts you on the same level as hater trolls i think
Something that I have noticed.... is how willing fanboys are to turn a blind eye to some of the glaring problems/lacking features of the game:
1. Linear progression. Only one zone per level range seriously hampers the replayability of the game; sure, class quests are different but those are only like 25% of the leveling content. Even if I level a different class I will still be doing most of the exact same content.
2. Awful character creation/customization. 2008 games had better character creation systems, and the fact that there is no way to customize your gear aside from orange items is mindboggling. Also, no way to alter appearance after character creation.
3. Over sharding of zones. It was a good idea because nobody like fighting for quest kills but they took to an extreme, you barely see any other players.
4. Lack of ambience. No ambient sound, mobs and NPCs are rarely animated/pathed outside of cutscenes, lack of day/night cycles. All of this (plus #3) results in lifeless zones that seem more like a movie set peppered with props rather than a living world (you know that little thing MMOs are known for?).
5. Subpar graphics and animation. Characters are stiffly animated, high res textures are note even available.
6. Terrible optimization. Even people with monster computers get sttuters, shaders kill performance, PvP zones cause massive performance drops for many players (even with good computers).
7. Lack of competitive PvP. No Group vs Group warzones or ranked PvP modes = nothing but casual PvP.
8. Outdated quest mechanics. Sure, they voice quest text but it doesn´t hide the fact that all non-class quests are "Kill X, Fetch Y". Pathetic considering WoW had more quest variety than this in 2007.
9. Subpar UI with no customizability. Galactic Trade, nuff said.
10. No addons or macros. MMO staples since early 2000´s
11. Boring combat. No real strategy required, just stand still and unload your skills while your opponent does the same. Kiting is as deep as it gets.
12. No real LFG tools. Having fun sitting in the Fleet spamming instead of actually playing the game.
13. Lack of guild features. No point in having a guild, it´s jsut a second friends list.
hi, i reached level 40 on 2 classes and i do not like star wars (swtor that is) anymore and i think it is lackluster ....hopefully you wont discredit me for not reaching 50 on 3 classes or some other reason.
You should go have fun in the game instead of making yet another post of this type *not saying you personally made several jsut theres enough like it)...this just puts you on the same level as hater trolls i think
I'm pretty sure the OP wasn't talking about people who gave the game a fair go and still don't like it. His post was pretty explicit about the kind of critics he meant.
hi, i reached level 40 on 2 classes and i do not like star wars (swtor that is) anymore and i think it is lackluster ....hopefully you wont discredit me for not reaching 50 on 3 classes or some other reason.
You should go have fun in the game instead of making yet another post of this type *not saying you personally made several jsut theres enough like it)...this just puts you on the same level as hater trolls i think
I'm pretty sure the OP wasn't talking about people who gave the game a fair go and still don't like it. His post was pretty explicit about the kind of critics he meant.
Something that I have noticed.... is how willing fanboys are to turn a blind eye to some of the glaring problems/lacking features of the game:
1. Linear progression. Only one zone per level range seriously hampers the replayability of the game; sure, class quests are different but those are only like 25% of the leveling content. Even if I level a different class I will still be doing most of the exact same content.
2. Awful character creation/customization. 2008 games had better character creation systems, and the fact that there is no way to customize your gear aside from orange items is mindboggling. Also, no way to alter appearance after character creation.
3. Over sharding of zones. It was a good idea because nobody like fighting for quest kills but they took to an extreme, you barely see any other players.
4. Lack of ambience. No ambient sound, mobs and NPCs are rarely animated/pathed outside of cutscenes, lack of day/night cycles. All of this (plus #3) results in lifeless zones that seem more like a movie set peppered with props rather than a living world (you know that little thing MMOs are known for?).
5. Subpar graphics and animation. Characters are stiffly animated, high res textures are note even available.
6. Terrible optimization. Even people with monster computers get sttuters, shaders kill performance, PvP zones cause massive performance drops for many players (even with good computers).
7. Lack of competitive PvP. No Group vs Group warzones or ranked PvP modes = nothing but casual PvP.
8. Outdated quest mechanics. Sure, they voice quest text but it doesn´t hide the fact that all non-class quests are "Kill X, Fetch Y". Pathetic considering WoW had more quest variety than this in 2007.
9. Subpar UI with no customizability. Galactic Trade, nuff said.
10. No addons or macros. MMO staples since early 2000´s
11. Boring combat. No real strategy required, just stand still and unload your skills while your opponent does the same. Kiting is as deep as it gets.
12. No real LFG tools. Having fun sitting in the Fleet spamming instead of actually playing the game.
13. Lack of guild features. No point in having a guild, it´s jsut a second friends list.
I am not sure what the Star Wars fans will label us as... But myself and three friends feel the exact same way. Sadly for me SWOTR wasn't a home run and sadly pales by comparison to the Star Wars Galaxies. Oh well at least I have more Story to see and then maybe I'll finish up my free month playing out the Story on the light side.
If you are a die hard Star Wars fanboi then congrats your have found a home, a home with a nice story to watch and a mediocre, limited and stale MMO to play but at least it has light sabers and speeders.
i have noticed something as well. Fanboys just can't enjoy their game, if someone on the forums dislike it. What does it matter to you.. just play it, enjoy it.
It seems most of you, who praise the game, write countless positive reviews and create new and new posts about how awesome swtor is or how much subs it has, you don't even play it. You sit here on forums and whine at people who dislike the game. Day after day, post after post.
You'd think, fanboy's main goal would be to have fun in their beloved game. But now it looks like your main goal is to attack people who don't like swtor. Then i guess the game isn't fun after all? It's like you are trying to prove to yourself it actually is.
Worst thing is, i can't seem to find any interesting discussions on mmorpg.com lately, because 99% of it is swtor.
Sure I'm not saying everyone who posts negatively only played for an hour, that would imply the game should be a pefect fit for everyone. It certainly isn't, and yes there's a lot of work to be done on Biowares end.
That bothers me as well, I reported a number of posts yesterday in the CC complaint threads, all were fans. I don't care what side of the fence a poster is on when they're namecalling or throwing a discussion off topic with ad hominem attacks they deserve to be reported. Even considering I felt those CC complaints were unwarranted.
I'm all about healthy discussion postive or negative, it doesn't matter to me as long as those discussing it have solid points I'll listen to what they have to say.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Isn't this being hypocritical?
You have basically just made the same type of comment, you are claiming others do to you.
Wow... thats some seriously broad and bizarre generalisation right there. You really should take some time reading through what you type before posting it.
Unless of course, you really meant to take a random "fact" out of thin air and use it to slander and miscredit everyone that disagrees with your opinion? In that case, all is well i guess.
know what you mean I couldn't even get an hour into MW3 I loved the first one never played the second one and got the third but its just like playing the first one with couple new weapons and differn't maps... sense of deja vu you get from swtor to a MMO vet is pretty annoying. But I hate to say if something else was out I haven't already played to death I probably wouldn't keep putting hours into this one.. I honestly enjoyed rift for the first 5 months more than I enjoyed my time here. Not saying I'm not having some fun but in rift I was playing like when I played everquest the first time just nonstop for days.. I honestly haven't played more than a few hours the last couple few days and haven't really thought about the game at all. Where is in rift all I could think about was what soul combo do I want to try next, but after 7 months of rift I'm done with that one. WoW haven't played since BC but don't really have any desire to try it again.
I'll admit I'm pretty addicted to MMOs but just not finding this one hooking me like others in the past which really bugs me cause Il ove all of biowares games for the most part and love star wars I mean how could you loose right? I don't know guess I'm burt out of these types after a decade of playing them.
Teala just hates themeparks period. When she could not find any good critiisms off Rift she said the squirrel animations were not realistic enough.
She does have a few good points when it comes to TOR. Right now the rage over pvp is building up on the forums and it is making for some quality entertainment.
I know, sometimes I get carried away, and I apologize. Obviously, some people are having a lot of fun with TOR, and I'd be a complete asshole to want to take that away from them. It's a game, and if you're enjoying it, that is the important thing.
@Sanusukex I was totally hooked by Rift for a while, too. My biggest gripe with that game was that they shot themselves in the foot, longevity wise. Felt like they had a great game in some ways, but then made some ridiculously bad design decisions, as far as pacing, endgame, and replayability.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
ill agree some people get carried away but when game sites give warhammer online similar scores to games like rift or even this game how can you honestly believe they are not in some way afraid to be critical in there reviews because of the advertisers who pay for there websites
if thats the case then that is a horribly jaded way to review an MMO for a large gaming site.. either way warhammer got universally good scores from many big review sites even IGN gave it a 90 which i suspect will be close to what they give swtor
It's all about opinions. While we can read reviews and frorum posts to see if a game is worth playing or not, the only opinion that matters at the end of the day is your own, I hated games that have scored highly and liked games that a lot of people just hated. Doesn't bother me in the slightest that people don't like Europa Universalis and think it's pretentious garbage. I enjoy it and thats all that matters to me. So some of you think that SWTOR is trash, fine. Move onto the next game and don't waste another minute on it. You like it? Great thats money well spent for you. Thinking of trying it? Do the smart thing and wait for the free trial and make up your own mind and don't worry about the people trying to shove their opinions down your throat,
Probably because if you were to review Warhammer you might rate it high. I might do the same. If i had just played till level 20 or so. PvP was still fun and you still weren't at end game to know that there was nothing for PvE.
i did play warhammer at launch and got bored after a week so no I would't of given it a good review
but that is a point many people are trying to make for this game its the type that is probably going to be fun for a month or two but after that why stay? its just all to similar.
Well that was quick. And because you dinged 50 so fast I was wondering which one is really the most casual, WoW or Tor ?
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
i'd say depends what your definition of "casual" is
not sure how I missed that one
So do you go onto gay forums and explain to gay men what it is you don't like about the physical act of love with another man?
Sorry to disprove the OP but, i played the game for 3 months. i loved it in the beginning but they ruined their own game over time before it was even released. the game they released is a fraction of what the original SWTOR was in the original beta.
i will say that i got off that ship before it left the harbor. but i spent a good deal of time on it and realized the food sucks, the service sucks, and they make a habit of damaging their own engines. now im just waiting for it to sink.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
hi, i reached level 40 on 2 classes and i do not like star wars (swtor that is) anymore and i think it is lackluster ....hopefully you wont discredit me for not reaching 50 on 3 classes or some other reason.
You should go have fun in the game instead of making yet another post of this type *not saying you personally made several jsut theres enough like it)...this just puts you on the same level as hater trolls i think
Something that I have noticed.... is how willing fanboys are to turn a blind eye to some of the glaring problems/lacking features of the game:
1. Linear progression. Only one zone per level range seriously hampers the replayability of the game; sure, class quests are different but those are only like 25% of the leveling content. Even if I level a different class I will still be doing most of the exact same content.
2. Awful character creation/customization. 2008 games had better character creation systems, and the fact that there is no way to customize your gear aside from orange items is mindboggling. Also, no way to alter appearance after character creation.
3. Over sharding of zones. It was a good idea because nobody like fighting for quest kills but they took to an extreme, you barely see any other players.
4. Lack of ambience. No ambient sound, mobs and NPCs are rarely animated/pathed outside of cutscenes, lack of day/night cycles. All of this (plus #3) results in lifeless zones that seem more like a movie set peppered with props rather than a living world (you know that little thing MMOs are known for?).
5. Subpar graphics and animation. Characters are stiffly animated, high res textures are note even available.
6. Terrible optimization. Even people with monster computers get sttuters, shaders kill performance, PvP zones cause massive performance drops for many players (even with good computers).
7. Lack of competitive PvP. No Group vs Group warzones or ranked PvP modes = nothing but casual PvP.
8. Outdated quest mechanics. Sure, they voice quest text but it doesn´t hide the fact that all non-class quests are "Kill X, Fetch Y". Pathetic considering WoW had more quest variety than this in 2007.
9. Subpar UI with no customizability. Galactic Trade, nuff said.
10. No addons or macros. MMO staples since early 2000´s
11. Boring combat. No real strategy required, just stand still and unload your skills while your opponent does the same. Kiting is as deep as it gets.
12. No real LFG tools. Having fun sitting in the Fleet spamming instead of actually playing the game.
13. Lack of guild features. No point in having a guild, it´s jsut a second friends list.
I'm pretty sure the OP wasn't talking about people who gave the game a fair go and still don't like it. His post was pretty explicit about the kind of critics he meant.
I am not sure what the Star Wars fans will label us as... But myself and three friends feel the exact same way. Sadly for me SWOTR wasn't a home run and sadly pales by comparison to the Star Wars Galaxies. Oh well at least I have more Story to see and then maybe I'll finish up my free month playing out the Story on the light side.
If you are a die hard Star Wars fanboi then congrats your have found a home, a home with a nice story to watch and a mediocre, limited and stale MMO to play but at least it has light sabers and speeders.