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Only word I can describe SW:ToR is, Generic.
"Story" = Timesink, nothing more.(and not as interestering as we have been led to believe)
5% actually playing the game, 95% listening to "Story"/Traveling.
Lets not try and pass personal opinion and playstyle as facts.
A good start would be to start your post with "I feel it's.." or "to me personally.." something along those lines. it saves a lot of back and fourth posting
In my opinion, these are Facts.
It's a fact you have a personal opinion yes. Keyword is opinion
For instance. Story = timesink is trying to state a fact when it's a mere opinion. If you word it to, "To me story is a timesink" then you not only got it correctly, you come off less as a troll
But you won't do that. You would have to admit your own unique playstyle is the whole content of your post which again renders the thread pointless
In my opinion, you need to look up the word "Fact" in the dictionary.
Also, may want to check your percentages in your OP. Maths may not be your strong point.
Totally agree with OP. Go to any place where there is a mission and see all the zombies with little ballons over there head listening to the story. IN MY OPINION he is absolutely right. Big time sink. Might be kind of fun the first time but its going to get old..
That's a lie, unless maybe you really suck at the cutscenes and just sit there unable to make a decision for hours.
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Fine, Cutscenes+Travel time=95% ingame time.
The game is brilliant
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Now the opinion is whether this story telling experience is approvef or not... that is an opinion. You like it? Good for you... you dont? Then Welcome to the club!
Here is an interesting thought, what kbo56 said at 12:28:14 am in whatever timezone that is on the day of 12/27/11 contains a propostional true statement. The proposition had several points that were obviously subjective and the rub is that people who are presently pleased with tor find it necessary to display their own devotion by way of their own subjective defense.
All of that said, I am curious to how much actual game time would be spent comparatively if there would be an examination of time spent "playing" the game out of cutscenes vs time in cutscenes among a sampling of players. At the moment with my own experience playing the game--hitting spacebar--the time in cutscenes would be relatively short. Thankfully the case resulted in not purchasing the game.
Shadow's Hand Guild
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The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
Had the same opinion as OP, lucky for me i tried it out during the beta ^^
Funny thing is, fanboys and all tend to put their opinions as facts as well, far more then haters. Believe it or not...
"The story is bland and uninspired" - Opinion
"This story is really amazing!" - Opinion
Just felt like highlighting it, since logic seems to work one way but not the other.
No, his math isn't correct btw, but its a dramazation of what it FEELS like, which is what any 'discussion' of this game will be based on. Facts are pretty limited.
He said "I can describe". That's the same like IMO or I feel or whatever. You and your friends jumped on him and brought the word 'fact' into the discussion so fck it.
That part only partains to the word "generic" which nobody can dispute. If he meant "I can describe" to all points, then he needs to learn how to construct his posts better.
Jumping in here like you are his boyfriend to defend him doesn't change anything
Why is it when someone posts "SWTOR is great! I am having a blast!" no one ever feels the need to remind them to put "In my opinion" before their statements?
Ok now, tell me 1 mmorpg that is not a timesink and i will cut off my tintins..
Everything you do in life is a timesink, some of that timesink we enjoy more, and some we enjoy less...
if you disagree then ok. telling others how to present information doesnt contribute.
Because as soon as you write "I am having" you don't need to add "In my opinion"
Regardless. I find it a bone of contention on this site, no matter what the discussions are about. Be It TOR or MMORPGS in general. People need to learn the difference between personal choices and taste vs facts on all sides. Posters have a tendency to post opinions as universal truths
What information. Construction of posts is important. It's the difference between a locked topic and a warning to well thought through responses
Plus you can't disagree with another persons feelings. If he feels everything in the game is a timesink then those are his feelings. Again not a fact
thread wasted.
The people attacking the OP really have no idea what "Logic" means. It must be some abstract sense. If we are going to start talking about true logic than the OP is certainly guilty, but woe to anyone disagreeing with him so far... fallacy abounds. Hyperbole to convey a point is not exactly unheard of and I think the average reader can understand what is being said.
The voice overs are great for the the story and tedious for side quests. Considering every. single. side. quest. I am disrupting some random "power" generator or some other such nonsense to stop the separatist/rebel/imperial/some guy with time on his hands etc. There literally is so very little spectrum when it comes to non-story quests. They are literally instantly forgettable and annoying. This can be said for most MMOs but frankly considering the drawbacks it cannot be overlooked. There is not even any variation. There is no special quests in any amount worth speaking of. BONUS kill 4634343 separatists! This is Guild Wars asking for 15 dollars a month. A single player game with multiplayer aspects.
This game is a tunnel, plain and simple. I have been thinking of remaking the maps to remove the vast majority of land that cannot be accessed just to show what the maps actually are, tunnels. I also hate that side quests are not, exactly, optional. They are not side quests as people know them. They are simply quests. You have to do a large majority of them because if you follow the story quests you are going to fall behind terribly.
I think you need to recheck what fallacy and hyperbole is.
Story = timesink (this is an opinion passed as a fact) The reason why this can't be a fallacy or a hyperbole is because a timesink is based on a persons feeling towards a given activity, . It's subjective. You may design something with the express purpose of it being a timesink but that is something else entirely. It's neither false nor is it an exaggeration
The game is 96% story and 5% combat (hyperbole and a fallacy)
Now that we are clear on that the OP used both. The problem is using the opinion part as a fact.
Lets not even forget that he is trolling giving little information as to why he feels this way and only using a bare minimum of lines. It doesn't take rocket science to see what the purpose of this thread is
This whole thread should get locked
If you thought the hate for WoW was bad the hate for SWTOR is going to be worse. They hit like 3 million subs in something like 10 days. Hating SWTOR is going to become the really cool thing to do regardless of facts.