Im not the OP, and no one was offended when modding was brought up. But in no way is making MO like modding a game... Seriously...
Again, I am not defending MO. I had already stated that I think they are lacking in many areas. if that post wasnt directed at me then oh well what I'm saying still stands.
Peace Energyo, I wasn't trying to pick on you or your defence/non defence. I just thought it funny... ahh never mind. The topic has run its course. Again, no offense was meant.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
There's a MMO called FusionFall which is some cartoon network MMO. It was made using Unity Engine. It took probably close to 60-70 guys to make the game. That's for a simple themepark MMO. Now try tackling a sandbox mmo with a team not even half that size using the Unreal Engine.
That is a really moot and incorrect example. FusionFall features lot more content, polish and features then MO, of course it took a bigger team to develop? Not to mention you make it sound like UE is lot harder to use for mmos then Unity. It is not, it been done before. SV just failed at it due to their incompetence.
Yea buddy it aint easy, this is no mod for an already complete game. Believe it or not but creating a game takes a lot of manpower and lots of cash. Both of with SV doesn't have.
Add skill, knowledge and experince to that list too, which SV lacks as well.
You over and over make it sound that the only reason SV aint cashing millions of dollars in is due to poor support and lack of funds. No. They are failing due to their own incompetence, any team which knew what they were doing would have achieved more with the same resources they had.
Coding a MMO takes a lot of programmers, money, time. We're not talkking about a mod, we're talking about a MMO. The fact that you even bring up Neverwinter Nights moding comminuty up makes you look like a total idiot.
No it's not rocket science but it does take a great deal of time and lots of programmers. Some very simple games out there took hundreds of programmers. There's a MMO called FusionFall which is some cartoon network MMO. It was made using Unity Engine. It took probably close to 60-70 guys to make the game. That's for a simple themepark MMO. Now try tackling a sandbox mmo with a team not even half that size using the Unreal Engine.
Yea buddy it aint easy, this is no mod for an already complete game. Believe it or not but creating a game takes a lot of manpower and lots of cash. Both of with SV doesn't have.
Again not defending MO, just pointing out that this RainBringer guy is wrong.
RainBringer if you're really interested in what it takes then I suggest you do some reasearch in game development. I don't know a programmer out there who will tell you it's easy lol.
The reason I brought up modding NWN is because Starvault is made up of "devs" who have gotten most of their experience in this field from modding together.
If you dont know the facts or if you cannot make the connections, then please ask around here, its the forums after all. Resorting to attacking me due to some ill will from a past post makes you look very petty if nothing else. I wasnt being an idiot when I compared one group of game-modders to another (NWN modders to SV) nor was I being idiotic when I said that fans make a better job at creating user interface plugins for WoW or lotro while SV cant create a new UI for their own game years after it left the alpha stage. If you see anything here that looks idiotic then feel free to point it out and I`ll correct it, if you cant then dont come and bait me with a flamepost.
Not once did I say that making a game doesnt take time or resources. Since you lack reading comprehension let me rephrase what I said in that post: Making a game isnt rocket science, but an amateur team like SV with next to no real skill in professional game development cannot possibly deliver the product they promised the playerbase time and time again.
Just like any aspect of life, if an amateur greenhorn like SV tries to make something too far out of their reach based solely on their visions of grandeur then they are going to fall flat on their face. Just like if any greenhorn architect with part time experience with making shacks tried to build the world's tallest building, do you think he would be successful? Would you still support him when his works turns out to be a festering piece of crap that isnt safe to climb up past the ground floor?
You might want to read that paragraph again since you seem confused at what I was saying back there.
Telling someone they don't know anything about something that they themselves dont know anything about makes them an idiot. Read that guy's post. He's being an idiot. I could have used harsher words but chose not to. I guess next time I won't use the word idiot so I don't offend you.
Bringing up mods and comparing it to creating a MMO is just laughable and it makes you the word I chose.
Since you dont know jacksquat about game development, here let me explain a few things to you.
Writing the actual code is a very time consuming process, but this is the part which bassically defines the end result depending on how you work around the code. If you end up writing hundered of thousands of lines with hack code monkey jargon instead of making your work object oriented then you have shot yourself in the foot even before the race has begun. OOP provides you with the freedom to call functions individually so that you can have better interaction between the various game features, which helps in easier debugging in case of any compatibilty errors and provides an overall smoother operation.
Then you got the other end of the spectrum, that is the graphical aspect of the game. This can be just as laborious as writing code, but depending on which software you are employing. Designing a game with some archaic software would be a PITA compared to designing with a powertool like 3ds max or the likes. But the advantage that this half of development process has over base coding is that you craft one master CG base (skeleton bones, M/F meshes, layouts, tiles, graphical objects, etc) you can use it as templates or parent nodes if you need to use it in multiple instances.
Next tidbit of information is regarding the game engine, the platform that is actually used to create a game with. A full fledged game engine should come with all the tools that are required to create a game without having to resort to multiple softwares and libraries, but SV dont have the skill to work with a licensed engine, leave alone creating one from scratch. Its common knowledge that SV has licensed the UE3 engine. There isnt much I can tell you bout this engine since I have never worked with it. But far as I have heard its quite user friendly. But IMO nothing would be friendly enough to help the ever so talented team at Starvault.
And no son, I dont need to "research" anything about this topic. I have enough hands on experience on the matter already. Even I could make a Whack-A-Mole themed MMO where players could log in, select one of three premade avatars and get down to business whacking the hell out of those moles. But I choose not to. Because I know that I dont have enough time or money to invest into this hobby of mine and besides whack a mole MMO wouldnt really be all that popular...
But too bad, so sad that daddy's boy did not take a few minutes to think it out before duping and cheating thousands of people by making this game called Mortal Online. Just because none of us might be putting our resumes at the bottom of every post dont take it for granted that we dont know what we speak of.
I know I am way off topic here and am double posting, but I just had to explain something to this guy who thinks he knows more than he actually does.
Telling someone they don't know anything about something that they themselves dont know anything about makes them an idiot.
Your posts reek of ignorance on the subject and gross hypocrisy. Tell me, do you have any experience in make even a stick figure .gif that you want to call me out? You talk like you have spent many years of your life developing a game or personally know dozens if not hundreds of game developers, but all I see in your posts are baseless personal attacks where you dont even try to read what I have posted. I am not going to use any harsher words be honest your confused, misinformed posts are embarrassing enough by themselves without having anyone pointing out to it.
If you want any more clarification or information on game development, then feel free to PM me and I`ll help you sort out your mistakes, lets not derail this thread any further with your personal attacks.
Doesn't matter that their past experience is modding. They are making a MMO. What is SV's team size? They got like 5 people working for them? lol
5 experienced programmers are going to struggle with a game like Mortal Online. I know a lot more than you think when it comes to programming but I wont get in to that. Modding a game is nothing like making a MMO. I never said the devs of MO were competent. The ONLY thing I am talking about is the fact you bring up modding. But actually yes, SV not having the funds is effecting the quality of the game. That is mostly their own damn fault for adding in things that shouldn't have been done until after they got in basic features. For example, cooking, alchemy, plant picking. All of these features took them a lot of time to do (oh and can't forget butchery) and these were all features they shouldn't have focused their time with. This is where leadership flat out sucks, someone was too caught up in their own wants instead of putting in features that are needed. I say this because the devs of MO apparently play the game.
Where I get my info?
I am a 2nd year computer science student. (have written lots of code in C++, taken OOP classes, etc). I have lots of resources and friends in the programming field who know what they are doing. that's all I really need to say. None of this really matters. Anyone without knowledge in the field should be able to find out that creating a MMO like this wouldn't be an easy task just by a little reading and research in to it. Why SV decided to take on this project? I have no clue, it was dumb on their part.
just wanna put a few supportive and negative words in for MO. I am a new player but brefily tried during beta then maybe 7 months later. during both play times of the game it was broken and not playable. I come back less then a week ago and the game is very well polished now it seems, compared to back then. I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you? The day time and night time cycles are out standing, the sun rays actually bind you. So far the only few negative things I have found are my inabilty to not get stuck, and the magic system (its not free aim but the target system is still fun). This game makes you create your own destiny and it doesn't give you a helping hand like Darkfall. Darkfall is so much easier than MO, which is why I love MO. The community in DF is also full of assholes, while MO seems to be full of friendly people who may be willing to help. Over all I hope this game keeps improving because I really enjoy playing it, and I am glad others do too... but if df 2.0 has complete first person for archy and stuff will it compete? proably not considering this game's soul purpose is to provide total first person expierence.. love it
I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you? The day time and night time cycles are out standing, the sun rays actually bind you.
Yea I have..
In Wurm. Or Ryzom. Or Entropia Universe. Probably a few more that I forgot.
ooo what is this Entropia Universe game. I think the other games you mentioed are not anything like mo or df right?
I've only been playing Entropia for two days.. it looks like a *quite* sandboxy f2p mmo with pvp in space and in pvp areas on land (yes, implying there's actually space and land to play in) with err helicopters and stuff.
Ingame currency is usually obtained with real cash though, although there is mining and hunting, they won't make you much profit. I'm playing for free anyway, living the bum life.
Oh: It's nothing like MO, nope. It's an indie title but it hasn't crashed on me yet, there are actually players in it and so far I haven't been a victim of GM arbitrariness yet. :P
I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you?
Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game.
Oh really? There were rain in caves and houses in your beloved Darkfall. Did you forget that already? And it was even raining inside the capitol building in Rift, and that's not even made by a indie company like SV. Nice try though. I can look up more if you want it...
I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you?
Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game.
Oh really? There were rain in caves and houses in your beloved Darkfall. Did you forget that already? And it was even raining inside the capitol building in Rift, and that's not even made by a indie company like SV. Nice try though. I can look up more if you want it...
I played DF for maybe 6 months at launch, tried to go back awhile ago and couldn't take the horrendous UI... so it's not my "beloved Darkfall", but I also never saw it rain inside a house (but I will take your word that it does).
The best part about this is that the guy I quoted was making the case that the weather system had never been seen before, and then he (and you) have now come back with multiple examples of other weather systems... LOL
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
just wanna put a few supportive and negative words in for MO. I am a new player but brefily tried during beta then maybe 7 months later. during both play times of the game it was broken and not playable. I come back less then a week ago and the game is very well polished now it seems, compared to back then. I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you? The day time and night time cycles are out standing, the sun rays actually bind you. So far the only few negative things I have found are my inabilty to not get stuck, and the magic system (its not free aim but the target system is still fun). This game makes you create your own destiny and it doesn't give you a helping hand like Darkfall. Darkfall is so much easier than MO, which is why I love MO. The community in DF is also full of assholes, while MO seems to be full of friendly people who may be willing to help. Over all I hope this game keeps improving because I really enjoy playing it, and I am glad others do too... but if df 2.0 has complete first person for archy and stuff will it compete? proably not considering this game's soul purpose is to provide total first person expierence.. love it
I do not know what you are talking about. Since Dawn the cool weather system they had been "turned off" or something. There used to be storm fronts that rolled in with dark clouds. I have not seen that since Dawn.
I had a house that it constantly rained in even when it was not raining outside.
I think the sun is too bright and there are a lot of bugs with the sin shining through a house or from under the ground at you.
How do you create your own destiny in MO with no sandbox tools? No real exploring past just looking at scenery, and all the Dungeons are empty.
And I am sorry I do not like DF but the Archery in DF blows MO away because it actually uses projectiles and real world physics. In MO you do not even need to lead your target.
I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you?
Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game.
Oh really? There were rain in caves and houses in your beloved Darkfall. Did you forget that already? And it was even raining inside the capitol building in Rift, and that's not even made by a indie company like SV. Nice try though. I can look up more if you want it...
I played DF for maybe 6 months at launch, tried to go back awhile ago and couldn't take the horrendous UI... so it's not my "beloved Darkfall", but I also never saw it rain inside a house (but I will take your word that it does).
The best part about this is that the guy I quoted was making the case that the weather system had never been seen before, and then he (and you) have now come back with multiple examples of other weather systems... LOL
Well that guy maybe hasn´t played as many MMOs as other people. So shouldn´t judge him to hard. But you could be judged harder for claiming MO being the ONLY one with this phenomenon of rain inside buildings when you can find every other little detail that annoys you about MO. You should have checked if there weren´t any others games out there before you claimed that.. LOL
I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you?
Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game.
Oh really? There were rain in caves and houses in your beloved Darkfall. Did you forget that already? And it was even raining inside the capitol building in Rift, and that's not even made by a indie company like SV. Nice try though. I can look up more if you want it...
I played DF for maybe 6 months at launch, tried to go back awhile ago and couldn't take the horrendous UI... so it's not my "beloved Darkfall", but I also never saw it rain inside a house (but I will take your word that it does).
The best part about this is that the guy I quoted was making the case that the weather system had never been seen before, and then he (and you) have now come back with multiple examples of other weather systems... LOL
Well that guy maybe hasn´t played as many MMOs as other people. So shouldn´t judge him to hard. But you could be judged harder for claiming MO being the ONLY one with this phenomenon of rain inside buildings when you can find every other little detail that annoys you about MO... LOL
1. Re-read my post
2. Re-read your response
My post said that "I have never seen such a thing in another game"
Your response is apparently looking up games with weather systems that rain indoors.
So before you "judge me harder" you might actually want to read what I said and perhaps judge yourself a bit harder for misunderstanding what was clearly typed or just ignoring the "I have never seen" part.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you?
Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game.
Oh really? There were rain in caves and houses in your beloved Darkfall. Did you forget that already? And it was even raining inside the capitol building in Rift, and that's not even made by a indie company like SV. Nice try though. I can look up more if you want it...
I played DF for maybe 6 months at launch, tried to go back awhile ago and couldn't take the horrendous UI... so it's not my "beloved Darkfall", but I also never saw it rain inside a house (but I will take your word that it does).
The best part about this is that the guy I quoted was making the case that the weather system had never been seen before, and then he (and you) have now come back with multiple examples of other weather systems... LOL
Well that guy maybe hasn´t played as many MMOs as other people. So shouldn´t judge him to hard. But you could be judged harder for claiming MO being the ONLY one with this phenomenon of rain inside buildings when you can find every other little detail that annoys you about MO... LOL
1. Re-read my post
2. Re-read your response
My post said that "I have never seen such a thing in another game"
Your response is apparently looking up games with weather systems that rain indoors.
So before you "judge me harder" you might actually want to read what I said and perhaps judge yourself a bit harder for misunderstanding what was clearly typed or just ignoring the "I have never seen" part.
I keep re-reading it and it STILL says "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game". And as I said in my edited response above. You should have checked up on the fact that MO ain´t the only game that had this phenomenon of rain inside buildings. It was just a google search away... But you OFC wanna put all negative lights ONLY on MO, when you somehow missed it in Darkfall for example.
I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you?
Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game.
Oh really? There were rain in caves and houses in your beloved Darkfall. Did you forget that already? And it was even raining inside the capitol building in Rift, and that's not even made by a indie company like SV. Nice try though. I can look up more if you want it...
I played DF for maybe 6 months at launch, tried to go back awhile ago and couldn't take the horrendous UI... so it's not my "beloved Darkfall", but I also never saw it rain inside a house (but I will take your word that it does).
The best part about this is that the guy I quoted was making the case that the weather system had never been seen before, and then he (and you) have now come back with multiple examples of other weather systems... LOL
Well that guy maybe hasn´t played as many MMOs as other people. So shouldn´t judge him to hard. But you could be judged harder for claiming MO being the ONLY one with this phenomenon of rain inside buildings when you can find every other little detail that annoys you about MO... LOL
1. Re-read my post
2. Re-read your response
My post said that "I have never seen such a thing in another game"
Your response is apparently looking up games with weather systems that rain indoors.
So before you "judge me harder" you might actually want to read what I said and perhaps judge yourself a bit harder for misunderstanding what was clearly typed or just ignoring the "I have never seen" part.
I keep re-reading it and it STILL says "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game". And as I said in my edited response above. You should have checked up on the fact that MO ain´t the only game that had this phenomenon of rain inside buildings. It was just a google search away... But you OFC wanna put all negative lights ONLY on MO, when you somehow missed it in Darkfall for example.
OK. I will try one more time.. really SLOWLY and then give up as it's a silly point.
The OP said " have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you? "
Slapshot1188 said "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game."
You seem to struggle with the concept that "I have never seen such a thing" is quite different from saying it doesn;t exist in all of creation. Think long and hard on that difference and then you will understand where you went wrong.
Why would I have checked up on the internet to see if other games had it when that wasn;t the question. He asked if we had ever SEEN such a thing in another game, not if I could google something.
As for Darkfall... again, I am fairly certain that it didn't launch with weather and it was added later. The one bad thing I recall was that it could rain on one person's screen and not the other, but again... comparing one failed game to another is like asking which testicle youd like to have removed.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you?
Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game.
Oh really? There were rain in caves and houses in your beloved Darkfall. Did you forget that already? And it was even raining inside the capitol building in Rift, and that's not even made by a indie company like SV. Nice try though. I can look up more if you want it...
I played DF for maybe 6 months at launch, tried to go back awhile ago and couldn't take the horrendous UI... so it's not my "beloved Darkfall", but I also never saw it rain inside a house (but I will take your word that it does).
The best part about this is that the guy I quoted was making the case that the weather system had never been seen before, and then he (and you) have now come back with multiple examples of other weather systems... LOL
Well that guy maybe hasn´t played as many MMOs as other people. So shouldn´t judge him to hard. But you could be judged harder for claiming MO being the ONLY one with this phenomenon of rain inside buildings when you can find every other little detail that annoys you about MO... LOL
1. Re-read my post
2. Re-read your response
My post said that "I have never seen such a thing in another game"
Your response is apparently looking up games with weather systems that rain indoors.
So before you "judge me harder" you might actually want to read what I said and perhaps judge yourself a bit harder for misunderstanding what was clearly typed or just ignoring the "I have never seen" part.
I keep re-reading it and it STILL says "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game". And as I said in my edited response above. You should have checked up on the fact that MO ain´t the only game that had this phenomenon of rain inside buildings. It was just a google search away... But you OFC wanna put all negative lights ONLY on MO, when you somehow missed it in Darkfall for example.
OK. I will try one more time.. really SLOWLY and then give up as it's a silly point.
The OP said " have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you? "
Slapshot1188 said "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game."
You seem to struggle with the concept that "I have never seen such a thing" is quite different from saying it doesn;t exist in all of creation. Think long and hard on that difference and then you will understand where you went wrong.
Why would I have checked up on the internet to see if other games had it when that wasn;t the question. He asked if we had ever SEEN such a thing in another game, not if I could google something.
As for Darkfall... again, I am fairly certain that it didn't launch with weather and it was added later. The one bad thing I recall was that it could rain on one person's screen and not the other, but again... comparing one failed game to another is like asking which testicle youd like to have removed.
{mod edit} . Writing "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game." Where you once again, try to convince others that this is ONLY happening in MO, when it clearly wasn´t the case. How can you NOT see this? If you didn´t want to attack MO you should have written "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... I´m sure there is more games out there that has it to, but right now I can only think of MO". Would still be attack on MO, but would have saved your face alittle at least.
{mod edit}
Edit. I know your not stupid Slappy, but can´t you see that in you writing like you did, is trying to convince the poor fella your trying to answer, and others here that can´t google, that MO is the only game with this problem. And speaking of Darkfall VS MO. I actually hope that both games succeed in the long run. The MMO genre needs more games like both DF and MO, who at least are trying to do something unique with the sandbox genre. Darkfalls biggest issue for me and many others, was the horrible grind and the no skill cap. I would be intrigued to try it again if they would wipe and do a skill cap. But it seems they will go for the armor restriction etc instead. Wich is good, but leaves the horrible grind in game. MO has slowly been gaining momentum, and has cought up to DF. At least that´s how I see it. None of them are perfect. Far from it. But I do hope both games succeed. Even though I favor MO atm.
OK. I will try one more time.. really SLOWLY and then give up as it's a silly point.
The OP said " have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you? "
Slapshot1188 said "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game."
You seem to struggle with the concept that "I have never seen such a thing" is quite different from saying it doesn;t exist in all of creation. Think long and hard on that difference and then you will understand where you went wrong.
Why would I have checked up on the internet to see if other games had it when that wasn;t the question. He asked if we had ever SEEN such a thing in another game, not if I could google something.
As for Darkfall... again, I am fairly certain that it didn't launch with weather and it was added later. The one bad thing I recall was that it could rain on one person's screen and not the other, but again... comparing one failed game to another is like asking which testicle youd like to have removed.
{mod edit} . Writing "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game." Where you once again, try to convince others that this is ONLY happening in MO, when it clearly wasn´t the case. How can you NOT see this? If you didn´t want to attack MO you should have written "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... I´m sure there is more games out there that has it to, but right now I can only think of MO". Would still be attack on MO, but would have saved your face alittle at least.
{mod edit}
Edit. I know your not stupid Slappy, but can´t you see that in you writing like you did, is trying to convince the poor fella your trying to answer, and others here that can´t google, that MO is the only game with this problem. And speaking of Darkfall VS MO. I actually hope that both games succeed in the long run. The MMO genre needs more games like both DF and MO, who at least are trying to do something unique with the sandbox genre. Darkfalls biggest issue for me and many others, was the horrible grind and the no skill cap. I would be intrigued to try it again if they would wipe and do a skill cap. But it seems they will go for the armor restriction etc instead. Wich is good, but leaves the horrible grind in game. MO has slowly been gaining momentum, and has cought up to DF. At least that´s how I see it. None of them are perfect. Far from it. But I do hope both games succeed. Even though I favor MO atm.
{mod edit}
As far as DF... you are once again WAAAAY off base. As I said above I tried to go back to DF a while back (maybe a year?!?) and gave up in a day from the horrendous UI. Is it better than MO? Yes... but that's just picking which is WORSE. Asking me which I would rather play is like asking me to pick having your left testicle or right testicle cut off. There really isn't a good choice.
Is that clear enough for you?
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
OK. I will try one more time.. really SLOWLY and then give up as it's a silly point.
The OP said " have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you? "
Slapshot1188 said "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game."
You seem to struggle with the concept that "I have never seen such a thing" is quite different from saying it doesn;t exist in all of creation. Think long and hard on that difference and then you will understand where you went wrong.
Why would I have checked up on the internet to see if other games had it when that wasn;t the question. He asked if we had ever SEEN such a thing in another game, not if I could google something.
As for Darkfall... again, I am fairly certain that it didn't launch with weather and it was added later. The one bad thing I recall was that it could rain on one person's screen and not the other, but again... comparing one failed game to another is like asking which testicle youd like to have removed.
I try this really slow for you as well. Cause your very good at checking out every little fault with MO. Writing "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game." Where you once again, try to convince others that this is ONLY happening in MO, when it clearly wasn´t the case. How can you NOT see this? If you didn´t want to attack MO you should have written "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... I´m sure there is more games out there that has it to, but right now I can only think of MO". Would still be attack on MO, but would have saved your face alittle at least. So maybe before trying to convince everyone else that it only happened to in MO, check out if that is a fact. So you don´t loose face. But I know your so focused at throwing all your garbage at MO, that you forget that there is other games out there that has the same problem. Like your beloved Darkfall.
And you can say that you don´t play the game anymore etc, but you don´t fool anyone. What Darkfall fans fears the most is success for MO, and you are the most die hard fan they have. You´ve done a "great" job so far, and keep on going. One just have to check any of your 3000 posts or so on the subject. But I´m not suprised that you try save face here. And nothing I write will change the fact that you´ll hang around on this forum forever and ever trying to say all the bad things about MO that you can find. Even though, like in this case, knowing that even your sweetheart Darkfall had the same problem.
As your profile says you are from Sweden (same as StarVault...) I will assume this is a Swedish thing and thus you are having trouble understanding the language useage and let it go at that. All the native speakers who read will understand the difference.
As far as DF... you are once again WAAAAY off base. As I said above I tried to go back to DF a while back (maybe a year?!?) and gave up in a day from the horrendous UI. Is it better than MO? Yes... but that's just picking which is WORSE. Asking me which I would rather play is like asking me to pick having your left testicle or right testicle cut off. There really isn't a good choice.
Is that clear enough for you?
Do read my edited message as well.
I wonder if this is the case? That you think both suck balls etc. Why your ain´t over at DF forum spilling your guts about "how Tasos lying makes even Henrik CEO of SV look like a saint" etc? Nope. All focus on MO. I wonder why? Your only at DF forum to say that MO suck the donkeys balls. Does that sound like someone that dislike both games? Does that come from someone that dislike DF or someone that loves it? Do you get what I´m getting at at all?
I wonder if this is the case? That you think both suck balls etc. Why your ain´t over at DF forum spilling your guts about "how Tasos lying makes even Henrik CEO of SV look like a saint" etc? Nope. All focus on MO. I wonder why? Your only at DF forum to say that MO suck the donkeys balls. Does that sound like someone that dislike both games? Does that come from someone that dislike DF or someone that loves it? Do you get what I´m getting at at all?
I wonder if this is the case? That you think both suck balls etc. Why your ain´t over at DF forum spilling your guts about "how Tasos lying makes even Henrik CEO of SV look like a saint" etc? Nope. All focus on MO. I wonder why? Your only at DF forum to say that MO suck the donkeys balls. Does that sound like someone that dislike both games? Does that come from someone that dislike DF or someone that loves it? Do you get what I´m getting at at all?
I don't think you'll persuade him to play MO tbh.
lol. That´s a lost cause. I´m not trying to make him play MO either. Just wondered why he have ~3000 posts on how MO sux, and none on darkfall, when he thinks they both suck. MO sux alittle more he says, but still, no crap throwing on DF at all. If I dislike a game, I could vent some air on the games forum and move on. But 3000 post later Slappy is here like it´s his first post on how bad MO is. So allow me to call BS on his claims that he dislikes DF...
Im not the OP, and no one was offended when modding was brought up. But in no way is making MO like modding a game... Seriously...
Again, I am not defending MO. I had already stated that I think they are lacking in many areas. if that post wasnt directed at me then oh well what I'm saying still stands.
Peace Energyo, I wasn't trying to pick on you or your defence/non defence. I just thought it funny... ahh never mind. The topic has run its course. Again, no offense was meant.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
You over and over make it sound that the only reason SV aint cashing millions of dollars in is due to poor support and lack of funds. No. They are failing due to their own incompetence, any team which knew what they were doing would have achieved more with the same resources they had.
The reason I brought up modding NWN is because Starvault is made up of "devs" who have gotten most of their experience in this field from modding together.
If you dont know the facts or if you cannot make the connections, then please ask around here, its the forums after all. Resorting to attacking me due to some ill will from a past post makes you look very petty if nothing else. I wasnt being an idiot when I compared one group of game-modders to another (NWN modders to SV) nor was I being idiotic when I said that fans make a better job at creating user interface plugins for WoW or lotro while SV cant create a new UI for their own game years after it left the alpha stage. If you see anything here that looks idiotic then feel free to point it out and I`ll correct it, if you cant then dont come and bait me with a flamepost.
Not once did I say that making a game doesnt take time or resources. Since you lack reading comprehension let me rephrase what I said in that post: Making a game isnt rocket science, but an amateur team like SV with next to no real skill in professional game development cannot possibly deliver the product they promised the playerbase time and time again.
Just like any aspect of life, if an amateur greenhorn like SV tries to make something too far out of their reach based solely on their visions of grandeur then they are going to fall flat on their face. Just like if any greenhorn architect with part time experience with making shacks tried to build the world's tallest building, do you think he would be successful? Would you still support him when his works turns out to be a festering piece of crap that isnt safe to climb up past the ground floor?
You might want to read that paragraph again since you seem confused at what I was saying back there.
Since you dont know jacksquat about game development, here let me explain a few things to you.
Writing the actual code is a very time consuming process, but this is the part which bassically defines the end result depending on how you work around the code. If you end up writing hundered of thousands of lines with hack code monkey jargon instead of making your work object oriented then you have shot yourself in the foot even before the race has begun. OOP provides you with the freedom to call functions individually so that you can have better interaction between the various game features, which helps in easier debugging in case of any compatibilty errors and provides an overall smoother operation.
Then you got the other end of the spectrum, that is the graphical aspect of the game. This can be just as laborious as writing code, but depending on which software you are employing. Designing a game with some archaic software would be a PITA compared to designing with a powertool like 3ds max or the likes. But the advantage that this half of development process has over base coding is that you craft one master CG base (skeleton bones, M/F meshes, layouts, tiles, graphical objects, etc) you can use it as templates or parent nodes if you need to use it in multiple instances.
Next tidbit of information is regarding the game engine, the platform that is actually used to create a game with. A full fledged game engine should come with all the tools that are required to create a game without having to resort to multiple softwares and libraries, but SV dont have the skill to work with a licensed engine, leave alone creating one from scratch. Its common knowledge that SV has licensed the UE3 engine. There isnt much I can tell you bout this engine since I have never worked with it. But far as I have heard its quite user friendly. But IMO nothing would be friendly enough to help the ever so talented team at Starvault.
And no son, I dont need to "research" anything about this topic. I have enough hands on experience on the matter already. Even I could make a Whack-A-Mole themed MMO where players could log in, select one of three premade avatars and get down to business whacking the hell out of those moles. But I choose not to. Because I know that I dont have enough time or money to invest into this hobby of mine and besides whack a mole MMO wouldnt really be all that popular...
But too bad, so sad that daddy's boy did not take a few minutes to think it out before duping and cheating thousands of people by making this game called Mortal Online. Just because none of us might be putting our resumes at the bottom of every post dont take it for granted that we dont know what we speak of.
I know I am way off topic here and am double posting, but I just had to explain something to this guy who thinks he knows more than he actually does.
Telling someone they don't know anything about something that they themselves dont know anything about makes them an idiot.
Your posts reek of ignorance on the subject and gross hypocrisy. Tell me, do you have any experience in make even a stick figure .gif that you want to call me out? You talk like you have spent many years of your life developing a game or personally know dozens if not hundreds of game developers, but all I see in your posts are baseless personal attacks where you dont even try to read what I have posted. I am not going to use any harsher words be honest your confused, misinformed posts are embarrassing enough by themselves without having anyone pointing out to it.
If you want any more clarification or information on game development, then feel free to PM me and I`ll help you sort out your mistakes, lets not derail this thread any further with your personal attacks.
Doesn't matter that their past experience is modding. They are making a MMO. What is SV's team size? They got like 5 people working for them? lol
5 experienced programmers are going to struggle with a game like Mortal Online. I know a lot more than you think when it comes to programming but I wont get in to that. Modding a game is nothing like making a MMO. I never said the devs of MO were competent. The ONLY thing I am talking about is the fact you bring up modding. But actually yes, SV not having the funds is effecting the quality of the game. That is mostly their own damn fault for adding in things that shouldn't have been done until after they got in basic features. For example, cooking, alchemy, plant picking. All of these features took them a lot of time to do (oh and can't forget butchery) and these were all features they shouldn't have focused their time with. This is where leadership flat out sucks, someone was too caught up in their own wants instead of putting in features that are needed. I say this because the devs of MO apparently play the game.
Where I get my info?
I am a 2nd year computer science student. (have written lots of code in C++, taken OOP classes, etc). I have lots of resources and friends in the programming field who know what they are doing. that's all I really need to say. None of this really matters. Anyone without knowledge in the field should be able to find out that creating a MMO like this wouldn't be an easy task just by a little reading and research in to it. Why SV decided to take on this project? I have no clue, it was dumb on their part.
just wanna put a few supportive and negative words in for MO. I am a new player but brefily tried during beta then maybe 7 months later. during both play times of the game it was broken and not playable. I come back less then a week ago and the game is very well polished now it seems, compared to back then. I have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you? The day time and night time cycles are out standing, the sun rays actually bind you. So far the only few negative things I have found are my inabilty to not get stuck, and the magic system (its not free aim but the target system is still fun). This game makes you create your own destiny and it doesn't give you a helping hand like Darkfall. Darkfall is so much easier than MO, which is why I love MO. The community in DF is also full of assholes, while MO seems to be full of friendly people who may be willing to help. Over all I hope this game keeps improving because I really enjoy playing it, and I am glad others do too... but if df 2.0 has complete first person for archy and stuff will it compete? proably not considering this game's soul purpose is to provide total first person expierence.. love it
Yea I have..
In Wurm. Or Ryzom. Or Entropia Universe. Probably a few more that I forgot.
ooo what is this Entropia Universe game. I think the other games you mentioed are not anything like mo or df right?
Just fyi, it was coded by an intern, as far I am aware, not SV themselves:P
They had like 20+ people on the team from the beginning, it's their own fault they didnt manage it wisely.
Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
try daoc. rains in some buildings. it doesnt rain in every building in MO..
I've only been playing Entropia for two days.. it looks like a *quite* sandboxy f2p mmo with pvp in space and in pvp areas on land (yes, implying there's actually space and land to play in) with err helicopters and stuff.
Ingame currency is usually obtained with real cash though, although there is mining and hunting, they won't make you much profit. I'm playing for free anyway, living the bum life.
Oh: It's nothing like MO, nope. It's an indie title but it hasn't crashed on me yet, there are actually players in it and so far I haven't been a victim of GM arbitrariness yet. :P
Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game.
I played DF for maybe 6 months at launch, tried to go back awhile ago and couldn't take the horrendous UI... so it's not my "beloved Darkfall", but I also never saw it rain inside a house (but I will take your word that it does).
The best part about this is that the guy I quoted was making the case that the weather system had never been seen before, and then he (and you) have now come back with multiple examples of other weather systems... LOL
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I do not know what you are talking about. Since Dawn the cool weather system they had been "turned off" or something. There used to be storm fronts that rolled in with dark clouds. I have not seen that since Dawn.
I had a house that it constantly rained in even when it was not raining outside.
I think the sun is too bright and there are a lot of bugs with the sin shining through a house or from under the ground at you.
How do you create your own destiny in MO with no sandbox tools? No real exploring past just looking at scenery, and all the Dungeons are empty.
And I am sorry I do not like DF but the Archery in DF blows MO away because it actually uses projectiles and real world physics. In MO you do not even need to lead your target.
Well that guy maybe hasn´t played as many MMOs as other people. So shouldn´t judge him to hard. But you could be judged harder for claiming MO being the ONLY one with this phenomenon of rain inside buildings when you can find every other little detail that annoys you about MO. You should have checked if there weren´t any others games out there before you claimed that.. LOL
1. Re-read my post
2. Re-read your response
My post said that "I have never seen such a thing in another game"
Your response is apparently looking up games with weather systems that rain indoors.
So before you "judge me harder" you might actually want to read what I said and perhaps judge yourself a bit harder for misunderstanding what was clearly typed or just ignoring the "I have never seen" part.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I keep re-reading it and it STILL says "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game". And as I said in my edited response above. You should have checked up on the fact that MO ain´t the only game that had this phenomenon of rain inside buildings. It was just a google search away... But you OFC wanna put all negative lights ONLY on MO, when you somehow missed it in Darkfall for example.
OK. I will try one more time.. really SLOWLY and then give up as it's a silly point.
The OP said " have never seen a weather system like in MO on an online game, have any of you? "
Slapshot1188 said "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game."
You seem to struggle with the concept that "I have never seen such a thing" is quite different from saying it doesn;t exist in all of creation. Think long and hard on that difference and then you will understand where you went wrong.
Why would I have checked up on the internet to see if other games had it when that wasn;t the question. He asked if we had ever SEEN such a thing in another game, not if I could google something.
As for Darkfall... again, I am fairly certain that it didn't launch with weather and it was added later. The one bad thing I recall was that it could rain on one person's screen and not the other, but again... comparing one failed game to another is like asking which testicle youd like to have removed.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
{mod edit} . Writing "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... then no I have never seen such a thing in another game." Where you once again, try to convince others that this is ONLY happening in MO, when it clearly wasn´t the case. How can you NOT see this? If you didn´t want to attack MO you should have written "Do you mean how it rains inside of buildings? If so... I´m sure there is more games out there that has it to, but right now I can only think of MO". Would still be attack on MO, but would have saved your face alittle at least.
{mod edit}
Edit. I know your not stupid Slappy, but can´t you see that in you writing like you did, is trying to convince the poor fella your trying to answer, and others here that can´t google, that MO is the only game with this problem. And speaking of Darkfall VS MO. I actually hope that both games succeed in the long run. The MMO genre needs more games like both DF and MO, who at least are trying to do something unique with the sandbox genre. Darkfalls biggest issue for me and many others, was the horrible grind and the no skill cap. I would be intrigued to try it again if they would wipe and do a skill cap. But it seems they will go for the armor restriction etc instead. Wich is good, but leaves the horrible grind in game. MO has slowly been gaining momentum, and has cought up to DF. At least that´s how I see it. None of them are perfect. Far from it. But I do hope both games succeed. Even though I favor MO atm.
{mod edit}
As far as DF... you are once again WAAAAY off base. As I said above I tried to go back to DF a while back (maybe a year?!?) and gave up in a day from the horrendous UI. Is it better than MO? Yes... but that's just picking which is WORSE. Asking me which I would rather play is like asking me to pick having your left testicle or right testicle cut off. There really isn't a good choice.
Is that clear enough for you?
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Do read my edited message as well.
I wonder if this is the case? That you think both suck balls etc. Why your ain´t over at DF forum spilling your guts about "how Tasos lying makes even Henrik CEO of SV look like a saint" etc? Nope. All focus on MO. I wonder why? Your only at DF forum to say that MO suck the donkeys balls. Does that sound like someone that dislike both games? Does that come from someone that dislike DF or someone that loves it? Do you get what I´m getting at at all?
I don't think you'll persuade him to play MO tbh.
lol. That´s a lost cause. I´m not trying to make him play MO either. Just wondered why he have ~3000 posts on how MO sux, and none on darkfall, when he thinks they both suck. MO sux alittle more he says, but still, no crap throwing on DF at all. If I dislike a game, I could vent some air on the games forum and move on. But 3000 post later Slappy is here like it´s his first post on how bad MO is. So allow me to call BS on his claims that he dislikes DF...