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There had been 10 or 11 servers still that were not really being used.
As of tonight all servers, save 1, was at least at "normal" status. About 65 or 70% were either orange or red, with about a third of those being wait listed.
For a game doing so "badly", I sure am not seeing it on the servers. All European servers are "normal" or higher at primetime.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Rwookrrorro was probably the light server, wasn't it?
We don't have a lot of people... :'(
My servers tend to be standard to heavy. Still feels kind of empty though due to the instancing, which creates the illusion of light population. On the plus side I rarely find myself competing for mission objectives, and if I do find someone else doing the same quest I just do something else and come back later.
Then by your logic Rift is doing better since all servers on there are rated Medium to High most of the time. Unless you know what number equals to what status then you have no clue how many are actually on there. Maybe 'Light' = less then 1000 and 'Standard' = less then 10,000. That's quite a large possible range of people. Pointless evidence in which BTW there are now 30 servers in 'Light' status. Kind of a huge drop from 1 in only a few hours.
It's obviously doing well to the suprise of the haters.. .and obviously not doing as good as the fanboys would want.
It's STAR WARS... anything with star wars on the box sells a bucketload, let alone STAR WARS & BIOWARE.
What's actually inside is another matter.
Unfortunatly, the 'haters', as you call them, are aware of the fact that anything before the first month is pointless information. Although the fanboys are seemingly oblivious of this fact which just makes them look stupid. It can do very well in the first month but if 60% of the subs drop then it wont be doing so well anymore.
Just to add, as of right now all the EU servers are 'Light' except 5. Five servers above light. lol Wow, look at how good it's doing. ROFL
Yeah it's doing real peachy.
Anyway, during primetime, when my own server is listed as heavy, I still walk through towns and see nobody.. like literally nobody. I can run around in the capital city for 5 minutes and run into maybe 3 people. Feels instanced into oblivion.
You mean servers are light 10 am in morning on Monday? really? wow what a shocker.
*rolls eyes*
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
Europe at random 4am hours probably?
Even if it is current it is even more desperation because he expects everyone to quit their jobs and sit in front of PC playing SWTOR. A lot of us have been back to work after 48 hrs of partying and drinking ;o
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
as of this writing, its 27 europian servers at standard and 64 europian servers as Light
1 US full , 3 heavy , 85 standard , 36 Light,
This is downtime on both sides not primetime.
No, during the day, 1PM.
Granted, it's a workday, but compared to other games it's below expectation, occupation wise. I wouldn't mind a server merge with higher server caps.
Oh so it is 1 pm? that makes it all right then i guess? people work you know to pay the bills? and what other games you are talking about where un employed keep servers full? please do tell.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
as of this writing, its 27 europian servers at standard and 64 europian servers as Light
1 US full , 3 heavy , 85 standard , 36 Light,
This is downtime on both sides not primetime.
No merges needed, all servers at Heavy/full during prime time.
Haha yeah, like i said people are getting desperate to spin anything into negative. Most of people are at work, better results would be to post server status in evening during prime time. It is as stupid as posting servers at 4 am in morning in US time and scream 'merge is dieeeiiingg!!'
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
Other then the person you quoted, no one mentioned anything about merging servers. Nice job putting words into peoples mouths and making yourself look like a fool.
Uh.. I should hope people in Europe work during the day on a weekday. That explains the light activity in an mmo. Try taking a snapshot during primetime.
This picture reminds me of one of my own I made when playing Pirates of the burning sea.
All I got back was TROLL, TROLL, TROLL.
And then the game go FREE!
Hahahaha! Strike!
yes i am talking about person i quoted and as far as others like yourself... it is easy to see the intentions behind posting server status in middle of working day in EU as a sign of game 'not doing well'. You are not fooling anyone.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
Alls I was saying was who cares about primetime when no one is playing the game at any other time. I made no mention of merging servers nor did I intend it. I was just saying that server status doesn't mean the game is doing well when numbers are unknown. Everything else is stuff you assumed and making yourself look like an idiot.
At the time you posted this, in Europe it is 11 or 12 am on a monday. Hardly a peak time.
Shadow's Hand Guild
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Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
I just happened to check your posting history.. no surprise there because i knew soon you will resort to name calling. And no that is not what you meant. You were trying to prove to us that game is not doing well on basis of server activity during morning on a working day. there i quoted your post again..sorry like i sad not fooling anyone with your thinely veiled 'game is dying' post.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
I'm sure they'll be merging servers REAL soon based on the 1PM monday stats in Europe.
There's still 30 minute queues on my server sometimes. You think they should double that?
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
I would hardly call it pointless. It's the largest mmo launch in history. That's not pointless. They made a boatload of their money back on day one, if not all of it.
It may not be the most important thing when considering the future health of the game, but it is a long way from pointless.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
I don't see what checking my post history has to do with anything. OMG I don't like Star wars? I think it's over hyped crap cause it is. Though if you read my posts then you would see that I never say the game is dying, I say that anything said good about the game now is pointless till after the first month. Also, to a lot of people the day after New Years when it's on a Sunday is not a working day. At least everyone I know is off today. So, I wouldn't consider it a working day for everyone.