Currently Warhammer and daoc are the best pvp games in town by far.
War is a complete disaster but comparing swtor´s pvp with war´s is a bad taste joke.
16 scenarios at launch, open rvr, you can do pvp at level one....
And most amazing of all... people still play this fiasco cos there is nothing there better in terms of pvp
I doubt I can find a single veteran war player that likes swtor pvp.
We can discuss pve for hours, pvp is a total letdown.
Check swtor pvp forums.
Even wow has better pvp (arenas)
I am veteran enough to know pve players maintain alive a mmo but you could do a good job Bioware, instead you chose to give us this joke of pvp.
Most expensive game of all time and only 3 wfs (and small ones) really bioware?
I put 50 dollars on someone commenting your post and say "I was a warhammer pvp vet and I love SWTOR's PVP!"
I'll not be betting on whether they lying or not but do hope they post proof
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
Currently Warhammer and daoc are the best pvp games in town by far.
War is a complete disaster but comparing swtor´s pvp with war´s is a bad taste joke.
16 scenarios at launch, open rvr, you can do pvp at level one....
And most amazing of all... people still play this fiasco cos there is nothing there better in terms of pvp
I doubt I can find a single veteran war player that likes swtor pvp.
We can discuss pve for hours, pvp is a total letdown.
Check swtor pvp forums.
Even wow has better pvp (arenas)
I am veteran enough to know pve players maintain alive a mmo but you could do a good job Bioware, instead you chose to give us this joke of pvp.
Most expensive game of all time and only 3 wfs (and small ones) really bioware?
Dont tell me you're one of those 'PvP is balanced 3vs3' people.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
But still if warhammer has a good thing even if its only one, it is its pvp/rvr.
At the beginning was worse, a lot of cc and god mode classes (bright wizards) now it is nicer, it is not perfect but it works, and it can be very funny and well organized, not the chaos swtor wfs are.
You wanted a mmo to finally have a epic single player rpg type of experience.
Millions were spent on voice acting.
You can't have it both ways, thousands of hours of voice acting and millions spent on that aspect and because of that you have a endgame with two pve raids and three instanced pvp maps.
You wanted a mmo to finally have a epic single player rpg type of experience.
Millions were spent on voice acting.
You can't have it both ways, thousands of hours of voice acting and millions spent on that aspect and because of that you have a endgame with two pve raids and three instanced pvp maps.
You forgot one other important thing. We asked for an epic MMORPG, you know, an RPG story to it, and well we got that. What you're implying in this post, is that we want End Game, which is where you are in error. We wanted a game to play that was entertaining and fun to play AS we played it, all the way up the ladder. We aren't playing for cap and end game, thats not what we wanted at all. You're assuming 'end game' IS the game, it isn't.
Oh and we will enjoy, thank you.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
OP, you may be interested to know that much like every other themepark MMO, PvP wasn't the main focus. I know, how horrifying!
It was the main focus in WAR . Not that it turned out well, but I'm just saying.
No, it wasn't.
City Sieges were PVE beasts at launch, and it took an absurd length of time for them to finally make it a primarily PVP encounter.
Mythic talked it up, but talk is cheap, and the game itself was a mere shadow of what they led people to believe that it would eventually end up being. Even after all this time has passed the game is still severely lacking, and PVP is nowhere near the level it needs to be at to elevate WAR to the same level of prestige that DAoC had (and still does have for many players).
The PvP is, admittedly, awful. I never thought I'd see something I despised more than WoW's battlegrounds. But I found it in these Warzones. Especially Huttball.
You wanted a mmo to finally have a epic single player rpg type of experience.
Millions were spent on voice acting.
You can't have it both ways, thousands of hours of voice acting and millions spent on that aspect and because of that you have a endgame with two pve raids and three instanced pvp maps.
You forgot one other important thing. We asked for an epic MMORPG, you know, an RPG story to it, and well we got that. What you're implying in this post, is that we want End Game, which is where you are in error. We wanted a game to play that was entertaining and fun to play AS we played it, all the way up the ladder. We aren't playing for cap and end game, thats not what we wanted at all. You're assuming 'end game' IS the game, it isn't.
Oh and we will enjoy, thank you.
The Op is complaining about lack of pvp, only 3 maps and whatever else he's crying about.
The reason he only has three maps to fight on and virtually non-existant pvp endgame is due to the story bioware crafted for you guys.
Take away the voice acting, the in engine cinematic cutscenes and you would have 10 pvp maps and five tiers of raid content.
I see that you agree with me anyway, you play SWTOR for the leveling experience, not for endgame.
Everyone should realize this is what they asked for and stfu about weak endgame.
It was clear to me leveling my first character that this game is all about the leveling experience. So i deleted my level 40 commando and now have a extremely slow leveled character at 16. gonna stretch this out as much as i can because it sure looks like it falls apart at 50 because you wanted "RPG story".
im not a fanboi and have many negative views on the game but let me post the UNFACTUAL information on this game. PvP is extremely fun for "me" in swtor and for many others.
1) Only 3 warfronts - I know they will add more later but still, war had 16 at the beginning of the game (2 more later)
war also , pretty much died due to pve and progression. Comparing war pvp which was a "pvp" oriented mmo to swtor "pve" oriented mmo is like comparing apples to oranges. Secondly, war's pvp doesnt have any e-sports or any real serious population to this date. I still dont understand why you would compare the two. This isnt factual it's a biased opinion.
2) They mix level 10 players against 50s. I dont know who was the genius that took this decision. I dont care if you are buffed to 50 level. If you are against 5 level 50 players and you have 3 under 20s well.... And things will get worse in the future when a lot of players will be pvp full geared.
this is a briliant idea at teh current state of the game, yes it sux if you are level ten but with teh game being under a month old , the game instead of segregating brackets which would lead to hour long ques, added a system that allowed everyone to pvp somewhat enjoyably. When people level and servers balance out they will follow the same path as most other mmo's . This whole thing was a way for everyone to be able to pvp while leveling. THe amount of 50's is so slim in population complaining about it like you see 5 of them every pvp match is a lie.
3) You cant choose the wf you wish to join.
there's only 3, voidstar is my least favorite, but i do them all. so what, this isnt a game breaker. Again, within the first month, bioware wants to see how people like and enjoy the battlefronts. this is just nitpicking and after this comment ic ould see where your post was going and steering away from "pvp"
4) Too much cc - they never learned the lesson from war.
there is alot of cc, but 1v1 it's not overwhelming, the class balance minus operatives is pretty good. CC is in every game, and if you are getting chain cc'd you should feel like you were a "threat" and being focus fired means they want you out of the game. Play strategically instead of blaming the system. it's not like you got cc'd 9 times by one character. this is another generalized statement.
5) Fighting is chaotic due to camera position - Its too big the view (I dont know if you can change that)
i dont understand this complaint so i cant really criticize it. i have issues with teh camera and the snapping sux. so i'll put my own negative comment in there.
6) IU doesnt help much either.
the ui is standard not customing it sux, im guessing that is where you were going , there i agree with you. the ui and the ability options take away from teh involvement when you are forced to do alot of clicking.
7) Unbalanced (operative/smuggler)
its the launch.....remember world of roguecraft. shaman windfury.. grow up dude, 2 unbalanced classes out of how many? and they arent even overly broken like rogues were in wow. This statement is another "scare" tactic. you should re-think at this point what you are talking about .
8) No rewards for killing players on open pvp.
when wow was released you had no bg's just farming tarren mill. there are battlefronts, for pvp. I agree open world pvp will never be good in swtor because of instanced worlds. If you understand this isnt a open world in the first place , open world pvp wont piss u off.
9) Pvp servers are a joke.
opnionated, you are entitled to it and i agree, with no open world , pvp servers dont make sense.
10) Instanced zones.
instanced zones..i dont get personally but professionally i can see why they did it. again if this is a "pvp" thread , you have to understand that with instanced zones world pvp is gonna suck.
And so.... If you have a strong pve game (like swtor is) its no big deal but:
1) Crafting sucks.
crafting is better than almost any themepark mmo....not as good as swg or some sandbox games, but just saying "IT SUX" with no examples is not a statement but another opinion. what dont you like? it's detailed , takes time, and there are almost endless possiblities with it. it's not as detailed or complex as swg, but it's a hell of alot better than wow crafting that's for sure.
2) A lot of bugs.
gimme a break, now your steering away from your "pvp" thread to go into the "wow fanboi" complaints. It has alot less bugs than most mmo releases. In a perfect world we would recieve a finished game on release, but we didnt. the bugs will be ironed out just like every other game on the planet. again you are resorting to just nitpicking. There are bugs, only a few major ones though.
3) Too linear.
its a mmorpg, means there is a story withe a beginning and an end. wtf were you expecting with a story that has been told? it is alot less linear than most themeparks with jedi/sith choices and you do have a ton of different paths you can take. the end is the same , your 50 but how you get there is up to you. i am starting to think you just read stuff and posted opinions, i see now real factual information that you played the game.
4) Voice quests are great but 90% of them are useless.
another opnion, but i'll bite on your troll. voice quests are very entertaining on the main quest line. i do feel they could have done without the subquest/hub voice over though. again, you read this somewhere and think you know what you are talking about. im going on 90% sure you just read user reviews on metacritic.
5) Guilds are...... wait, guilds? Or a bunch of friends together? Not many options.
now im about worn out reading this stuff. sorry now guild achievements, yet. guilds are a bunch of friends, that's what they're for......if this is a complaint you should go shoot yourself. league of legends has been out 2 years now and there is still no "clan/guild" feature.
6) My personal opinion, music is not as great as I expected, I can say that one of the main songs its directly inspired in a roman movie, ben-hur maybe? Not bad at all but compared to conan´s......
so your pvp thread is now nitpicking music...i bit on this post. im now 99% sure you have no clue wtf you're talking about.
7) Few classes and you cant change your spec after you chose it.
now im 99.9% sure you are a retard. im not even replying to this , it is now obvious you havent played the game and read reviews to post your own "made up " review.
8) Only humanoids, no jawas, yodas etc.... as a class.
like i said im done, my brain hurts now.
..listen guys. i like swtor, and i dislike it. there are alot of issues and the game may not succeed in the future. is it fun? atm yes. does it need alot of love? yes of course. it has great potential, the story is great, the pvp is fun, space combat is fun. i enjoy what im doing in the game now. Will i like it post 50? i dont know, if it goes in the direction of wow probably not, if it opens up and takes some wow, swg, eve etc and combines some of the sandbox and themepark definately.
the game is alot of fun right now, but i have my own negative opinions. what i will not stand for is unfactual information about the game.
You wanted a mmo to finally have a epic single player rpg type of experience.
Millions were spent on voice acting.
You can't have it both ways, thousands of hours of voice acting and millions spent on that aspect and because of that you have a endgame with two pve raids and three instanced pvp maps.
You forgot one other important thing. We asked for an epic MMORPG, you know, an RPG story to it, and well we got that. What you're implying in this post, is that we want End Game, which is where you are in error. We wanted a game to play that was entertaining and fun to play AS we played it, all the way up the ladder. We aren't playing for cap and end game, thats not what we wanted at all. You're assuming 'end game' IS the game, it isn't.
Oh and we will enjoy, thank you.
Yes, enjoy paying 15 bucks a month for a singleplayer game with multiplayer elements tacked onto it.
Enjoy paying 15 bucks a month for 2 PVE raids and 3 instanced "pvp" maps (LOL @ the instanced PvP maps - I dont know how you guys stay awake!) Wait, isnt this a PVE game? then why only 3 raids?
And why is this PVE when Star Wars is all about Light vs Dark???
Yes, Enjoy paying your 15 bucks a month. Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying my dragon slaying in Skyrim. (A real single player game where I dont have a 1000 clones of me running around! lol)
not for nothing why to hardcore pvp'ers play mmos to beging with. you have battlefront, cod, etc why bother polluting the mmo space with rage fuled pvp...some of us don't want warmongering in our recreation
Currently Warhammer and daoc are the best pvp games in town by far.
War is a complete disaster but comparing swtor´s pvp with war´s is a bad taste joke.
16 scenarios at launch, open rvr, you can do pvp at level one....
And most amazing of all... people still play this fiasco cos there is nothing there better in terms of pvp
I doubt I can find a single veteran war player that likes swtor pvp.
We can discuss pve for hours, pvp is a total letdown.
Check swtor pvp forums.
Even wow has better pvp (arenas)
I am veteran enough to know pve players maintain alive a mmo but you could do a good job Bioware, instead you chose to give us this joke of pvp.
Most expensive game of all time and only 3 wfs (and small ones) really bioware?
I put 50 dollars on someone commenting your post and say "I was a warhammer pvp vet and I love SWTOR's PVP!"
I'll not be betting on whether they lying or not but do hope they post proof
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
Dont tell me you're one of those 'PvP is balanced 3vs3' people.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
I think only guild wars has a balanced pvp.
But still if warhammer has a good thing even if its only one, it is its pvp/rvr.
At the beginning was worse, a lot of cc and god mode classes (bright wizards) now it is nicer, it is not perfect but it works, and it can be very funny and well organized, not the chaos swtor wfs are.
If you want a real pvp game play Bloodline Champions.
Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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You guys wanted this.
You wanted a mmo to finally have a epic single player rpg type of experience.
Millions were spent on voice acting.
You can't have it both ways, thousands of hours of voice acting and millions spent on that aspect and because of that you have a endgame with two pve raids and three instanced pvp maps.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
You forgot one other important thing. We asked for an epic MMORPG, you know, an RPG story to it, and well we got that. What you're implying in this post, is that we want End Game, which is where you are in error. We wanted a game to play that was entertaining and fun to play AS we played it, all the way up the ladder. We aren't playing for cap and end game, thats not what we wanted at all. You're assuming 'end game' IS the game, it isn't.
Oh and we will enjoy, thank you.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
PvP, like other matters of substance is utter rubbish in SWTOR, unfortunately.
That's what happens when the $85 million budget is allocated to voice overs, buying awards, excessive product promotion and inane marketing stunts!
"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
I need to take this advice more.
No, it wasn't.
City Sieges were PVE beasts at launch, and it took an absurd length of time for them to finally make it a primarily PVP encounter.
Mythic talked it up, but talk is cheap, and the game itself was a mere shadow of what they led people to believe that it would eventually end up being. Even after all this time has passed the game is still severely lacking, and PVP is nowhere near the level it needs to be at to elevate WAR to the same level of prestige that DAoC had (and still does have for many players).
The PvP is, admittedly, awful. I never thought I'd see something I despised more than WoW's battlegrounds. But I found it in these Warzones. Especially Huttball.
WAR isn't exactly a poster-child for good PVP balance either lol.
Nor are any of the other games the OP listed. Looks like a case of forum QQ due to a PVP beatdown, imho
sooon they will voice over pvp which is what they are only good at.
The Op is complaining about lack of pvp, only 3 maps and whatever else he's crying about.
The reason he only has three maps to fight on and virtually non-existant pvp endgame is due to the story bioware crafted for you guys.
Take away the voice acting, the in engine cinematic cutscenes and you would have 10 pvp maps and five tiers of raid content.
I see that you agree with me anyway, you play SWTOR for the leveling experience, not for endgame.
Everyone should realize this is what they asked for and stfu about weak endgame.
It was clear to me leveling my first character that this game is all about the leveling experience. So i deleted my level 40 commando and now have a extremely slow leveled character at 16. gonna stretch this out as much as i can because it sure looks like it falls apart at 50 because you wanted "RPG story".
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
(Off topic RANT!)
I could pick em cant I?
My track record is pretty terrible when it comes to themepark mmos lol!
Lotro : Great leveling, crap endgame.
WAR: Great leveling, Crap unfocused endgame.
Aion: Great leveling, non-existent endgame
AoC: Good leveling, no endgame
RIFT: Crap Leveling, Great endgame
DAoC: Good leveling, No endgame
SWTOR: Great leveling, extremely light endgame.
And it looks like GW2 will have Great leveling with a light endgame...
Can someone please create a well rounded game please??!??!?!
Besides Blizzard of course ( It hurt to say that).
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
Why is there always an "end game" why can't they create a world where you play the game in and not a linear path like all these MMOs.
Darkfall is a boss game
im not a fanboi and have many negative views on the game but let me post the UNFACTUAL information on this game. PvP is extremely fun for "me" in swtor and for many others.
1) Only 3 warfronts - I know they will add more later but still, war had 16 at the beginning of the game (2 more later)
war also , pretty much died due to pve and progression. Comparing war pvp which was a "pvp" oriented mmo to swtor "pve" oriented mmo is like comparing apples to oranges. Secondly, war's pvp doesnt have any e-sports or any real serious population to this date. I still dont understand why you would compare the two. This isnt factual it's a biased opinion.
2) They mix level 10 players against 50s. I dont know who was the genius that took this decision. I dont care if you are buffed to 50 level. If you are against 5 level 50 players and you have 3 under 20s well.... And things will get worse in the future when a lot of players will be pvp full geared.
this is a briliant idea at teh current state of the game, yes it sux if you are level ten but with teh game being under a month old , the game instead of segregating brackets which would lead to hour long ques, added a system that allowed everyone to pvp somewhat enjoyably. When people level and servers balance out they will follow the same path as most other mmo's . This whole thing was a way for everyone to be able to pvp while leveling. THe amount of 50's is so slim in population complaining about it like you see 5 of them every pvp match is a lie.
3) You cant choose the wf you wish to join.
there's only 3, voidstar is my least favorite, but i do them all. so what, this isnt a game breaker. Again, within the first month, bioware wants to see how people like and enjoy the battlefronts. this is just nitpicking and after this comment ic ould see where your post was going and steering away from "pvp"
4) Too much cc - they never learned the lesson from war.
there is alot of cc, but 1v1 it's not overwhelming, the class balance minus operatives is pretty good. CC is in every game, and if you are getting chain cc'd you should feel like you were a "threat" and being focus fired means they want you out of the game. Play strategically instead of blaming the system. it's not like you got cc'd 9 times by one character. this is another generalized statement.
5) Fighting is chaotic due to camera position - Its too big the view (I dont know if you can change that)
i dont understand this complaint so i cant really criticize it. i have issues with teh camera and the snapping sux. so i'll put my own negative comment in there.
6) IU doesnt help much either.
the ui is standard not customing it sux, im guessing that is where you were going , there i agree with you. the ui and the ability options take away from teh involvement when you are forced to do alot of clicking.
7) Unbalanced (operative/smuggler)
its the launch.....remember world of roguecraft. shaman windfury.. grow up dude, 2 unbalanced classes out of how many? and they arent even overly broken like rogues were in wow. This statement is another "scare" tactic. you should re-think at this point what you are talking about .
8) No rewards for killing players on open pvp.
when wow was released you had no bg's just farming tarren mill. there are battlefronts, for pvp. I agree open world pvp will never be good in swtor because of instanced worlds. If you understand this isnt a open world in the first place , open world pvp wont piss u off.
9) Pvp servers are a joke.
opnionated, you are entitled to it and i agree, with no open world , pvp servers dont make sense.
10) Instanced zones.
instanced zones..i dont get personally but professionally i can see why they did it. again if this is a "pvp" thread , you have to understand that with instanced zones world pvp is gonna suck.
And so.... If you have a strong pve game (like swtor is) its no big deal but:
1) Crafting sucks.
crafting is better than almost any themepark mmo....not as good as swg or some sandbox games, but just saying "IT SUX" with no examples is not a statement but another opinion. what dont you like? it's detailed , takes time, and there are almost endless possiblities with it. it's not as detailed or complex as swg, but it's a hell of alot better than wow crafting that's for sure.
2) A lot of bugs.
gimme a break, now your steering away from your "pvp" thread to go into the "wow fanboi" complaints. It has alot less bugs than most mmo releases. In a perfect world we would recieve a finished game on release, but we didnt. the bugs will be ironed out just like every other game on the planet. again you are resorting to just nitpicking. There are bugs, only a few major ones though.
3) Too linear.
its a mmorpg, means there is a story withe a beginning and an end. wtf were you expecting with a story that has been told? it is alot less linear than most themeparks with jedi/sith choices and you do have a ton of different paths you can take. the end is the same , your 50 but how you get there is up to you. i am starting to think you just read stuff and posted opinions, i see now real factual information that you played the game.
4) Voice quests are great but 90% of them are useless.
another opnion, but i'll bite on your troll. voice quests are very entertaining on the main quest line. i do feel they could have done without the subquest/hub voice over though. again, you read this somewhere and think you know what you are talking about. im going on 90% sure you just read user reviews on metacritic.
5) Guilds are...... wait, guilds? Or a bunch of friends together? Not many options.
now im about worn out reading this stuff. sorry now guild achievements, yet. guilds are a bunch of friends, that's what they're for......if this is a complaint you should go shoot yourself. league of legends has been out 2 years now and there is still no "clan/guild" feature.
6) My personal opinion, music is not as great as I expected, I can say that one of the main songs its directly inspired in a roman movie, ben-hur maybe? Not bad at all but compared to conan´s......
so your pvp thread is now nitpicking music...i bit on this post. im now 99% sure you have no clue wtf you're talking about.
7) Few classes and you cant change your spec after you chose it.
now im 99.9% sure you are a retard. im not even replying to this , it is now obvious you havent played the game and read reviews to post your own "made up " review.
8) Only humanoids, no jawas, yodas etc.... as a class.
like i said im done, my brain hurts now.
..listen guys. i like swtor, and i dislike it. there are alot of issues and the game may not succeed in the future. is it fun? atm yes. does it need alot of love? yes of course. it has great potential, the story is great, the pvp is fun, space combat is fun. i enjoy what im doing in the game now. Will i like it post 50? i dont know, if it goes in the direction of wow probably not, if it opens up and takes some wow, swg, eve etc and combines some of the sandbox and themepark definately.
the game is alot of fun right now, but i have my own negative opinions. what i will not stand for is unfactual information about the game.
This pretty much sums up my feelings.
Everything I say is my opinion or personal preference. You may or may not find it useful to your cause but regardless I am entitled to it.
Yes, enjoy paying 15 bucks a month for a singleplayer game with multiplayer elements tacked onto it.
Enjoy paying 15 bucks a month for 2 PVE raids and 3 instanced "pvp" maps (LOL @ the instanced PvP maps - I dont know how you guys stay awake!) Wait, isnt this a PVE game? then why only 3 raids?
And why is this PVE when Star Wars is all about Light vs Dark???
Yes, Enjoy paying your 15 bucks a month. Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying my dragon slaying in Skyrim. (A real single player game where I dont have a 1000 clones of me running around! lol)
So Demmi77 I am a retard for giving my opinion? You should be banned for insulting me in this page.
You know this may be your lucky day cos if I only could express myself in my own languaje.....
I didnt insult anyone and I respect all opinions, even if I dont agree with them,
Make yourself a BIG favor kid.... grow up
I dont like trolls thats for sure but I despise fanboys who rage when somebody gives a negative opinion on their beloved game.
How can somebody get personnal about it ?
I will never, be able to understand this.
Btw if someone is thinking i didnt play the game, I can give you the name of my server and my characters
Because Themeparks are usually built like that. Fast leveling with grindy "end game" raiding/pvp etc.
My gaming blog
Ok, so enlighten us where the depth and longetivity can be found in PvP because currently it is shallow and that is a fact and not an opinion.
Three warzones total and one persistant PvP zone and the open world PvP on PvP servers is pointless and have no motives and objectives at all.
My gaming blog
not for nothing why to hardcore pvp'ers play mmos to beging with. you have battlefront, cod, etc why bother polluting the mmo space with rage fuled pvp...some of us don't want warmongering in our recreation
so say we all