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Even the most die hard fan boy has to admit SWTOR has fell flat on it's face, but if you are still living in denial then a simple look at the server population on the official site will back me up. Any mmo that sells 2 million copies at launch and then has empty servers 6 weeks later is an utter failure.
Anyway am not here to point out the obvious, I am here to draw your attention to this it's a huge list of awards saying how amazing SWTOR is as an MMO. It just goes to show how many so called "Professional" gaming sites are utterly out of touch with gaming.
Or maybe it shows how many are easily bought
Second, it didn't fall flat on it's face either.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
ok sorry
Where did you go to see the servers are empty? Since as far as I can see that isn't true at all.
Ok? Sorry?
Wait now.. Troll posts trolly thing, fanboy responds in expected manner, troll...says ok and stops posting.
can that happen? You know this is the internet, more importantly the MMORPG.COM forums, and that you're supposed to beligerantly and hard headedly reply to EVERYTHING that isn't in your realm of aggreable situations. This goes for trolls, haters, fanboys... everyone fights like a frothing maniac about the slightest of things for days on end on these forums and you...YOU sir, say OK? You Say..SORRY?
HOW DARE YOU SIR, you get back here right now and make this worse! It was expected of you and how dare you let us down!
Your right it's all about kickbacks and marketing....Add in that many are just pure Starwars fans, and many of them are video game players, not mmo players !
It's not an mmo its a standard video game.
I'm going to give you an award for being the first person to say sorry on
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
this isn't okay! Don't pretend it's okay, don't let him think this is okay!
This is supposed to be a rabid, frothing, ridiculous conversation that brings out the oddest and wierdest of the wierd to violently quote random and possibly imaginary quotes and to spurt forth purely made up percentages and poll numbers!
If we change the way things work...even could show others that being human..being respectable and kind to one another is a great way to enjoy each others intelectual company and share ideas.
We cannot, CANNOT have that here.
OP, come back..make things worse pls.
I'm afraid.
/Jaw drops open in disbelife.........Fatal heart attack..........Dead.
See, it's starting. You just killed Spookydom. I hope you're happy...YOU MANIAC!
you know, all those "light" servers? i thought i'd logged in wrong because i couldn't find a "dark" one. took me ages to realise that was the server load. man, do i feel stupid!
Is it prime time for gaming? Here in the US on the east coast it is 6 AM on a weekday. Out west it is 3 AM on a weekday. Is this surprising? Check back on those during peak hours.
You have to remember Gaming websites do not hire people that play MMOs exceppt in the most limited sense. Writers for this site and other major MMO sites simply do not play the games they write about longer than a couple of hours. All these companies care about is page hits which generally involves hyping up games. They repeat company talking points because thats easier and they generally have no idea what they are talking about.
MMO websites like MMORPG.Com are responsible for many of the bad gameswe see and the decline of mmos in general. They simply give companies free reign to put out any bad game and never question it. They are not journalists rather theier interests are in line with hyping bad mmmos.
That being said I don't think ToR is a bad game for what it is an ultra casual MMO that is not made for veteran MMO players.
I think the baiting of fans of this game is becoming a new blood sport. I do not approve but rising to the thread bait won't help either by those who do. Let go of your hate, choose the light side of the Force. Or maybe hate can only destroy hate, er, yeah. But anyway rising to the bait will only make the baiters froth and gurgle in pleasure like when a fox is ripped to shreds by hounds in front of hunters on horses.
.. i wasnt making a statement about the population.. i was answering YOUR question.
"Where did you go to see the servers are empty?"
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Your right that these gaming sites are out of touch. Its more about the individual behind the curtain of the site that is out of touch, like MikeB, in most cases, vs the Market. One who guages a mmorpg by his first experience being WoW, without any intellectual depth about where mmorpg's came from or what should be valued within the context of traditional Massively-Multiplayer, people get false information with a dumbified impression that a product is entertainment-worthy when it actually falls-short.
This site isn't alone in their mis-representation of products, but a clear example of their review impressions being on the losing-end of audience appeal who are interested in these types of products. One who can seriously infer that SW:TOR is innovative as a subscription-based mmorpg is soon recognized for what they are; ill-informed and lacking credibility.
I get where you were coming from, but as a whole for the OP, would this be the best time to see server pops? That is what I don't get. If this were at 6 PM EST and it was all lights on the East Coast I would be concerned.
Don't know what your talking about. This past weekend Republic Fleet had had the most players I have seen yet.
Perhaps server status should be checked during prime gaming times for Europe servers, and then U.S servers (U.S prime gaming tends to fall between 2300-0700 GMT roughly from the East to West coast). And make sure its not server downtime, like yesterday partially was.
That's about the same as Warhammer Online 3 years ago.
It started good too and everyone was psyched about it.
3 years later, we use it to make fun of other games in the manner of "uh oh, I think you just got wahammered with that MMO of yours"
Did I mention that it was also an EA game?:)
First, they destroy Mythic's reputation, now BioWare...wonder who's next
I review lots of indie games and MMORPGs
Ok, all silliness aside.
You know what blows my mind here? The OP immediately said, Ok, it's cool guys, don't wana stir the hornets nest, my bad I apologize.
Despite his act of humanity the zealous came to feed anyhow. Well, that's just...about right for this place actually. Sad overall really, but..exactly what everyone would and should expect from this scary hell on earth.
Gotta love it.
There is some irony in coming here with the intent of not stirring a hornet's nest of anything. Your only tool is a stir stick and the only thing to poke are hornet's nests.
** edit **
But, in fairness, they did walk into a room full of people who like SWToR, and then shout, "SWToR can't possibly be as good as all these awards and reviews say it is!" This is after a dozen people have done the same thing with the specific intent of making everyone in the room angry. "Look before you leap" would be the advice I'd give, but I suspect the reactions were not only expected, but desired.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Indeed, sir.
You are wise and true.
My good sir - you GREATLY underestimate the faithfulness, zealotry, and obedience of fanbois, lol