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Im a big fan of the Matrix movies. But I have to say I am pretty disappointed in this game.
Ive been a beta tester for a while on and off. Mostly off simply because its riddled with very frustrating bugs. A lot of small ones that are super annoying. Example of some: At times you cannot upload mission documents to be able to complete the mission, therefore making the entire mission void and having to redo it. Very lame pathing issues. Mobs running at you through walls/doors...
In my opinion the graphics are poor. They seem very outdated and old. No real cool factor effects, nothing made me go whoa! that was cool!. True graphics dont make the game.. but in this day and age, it should have a little higher end stuff imho.
Gameplay seems pretty cool, still have a lot to figure out, which is one thing it has going for itself complexity. The skill system is something different. Seems like you will be able to be anything you want, any day you wish as long as you have the abilities in storage. I am a bit worried about the crafting aspect of this though. As at some point in time you will see people that have every skill possible and will have no need for anyone. Fighting on the other hand shouldnt be a problem at all. In fact it will allow anyone to adapt to what ever group they are part of.
Im still petty new to crafting, and I have to say its pretty rough for me. Trying to get the required code bits to make anything is a bit of a pain. This may change later down the road with data mining.
Fighting is alright, for me it was hard to really understand what I was doing. I still am not sure I am fighting the best I can heh. The camera during fighting can be a bit jittery and annoying (i.e. the camera will zoom in on the ground for a few then back out).. theres also a lot of bad character bouncing (hard to explain, but your char will be fighting in one spot, then pop to a new spot a few feet away.)
Plus the way you move your char around is a little odd. I cant really explain it, its just not something I am used to. I really wish it was more of a FPS mouse look style. I just know the way it works has gotten me killed a few times = P
As for missions/quests, I think they still need work. This could change (god I hope so) cause well, hey its beta right now you have 3 choices, which are pretty much your 3 factions. Pick one and youre stuck with missions one at a time. I have faith that this will change by release though.
Random mobs on the street are far and few between. There are some inside buildings, but it seems they only spawn if you have a mission then they spawn inside.
All in all its a pretty so-so game. A lot of neat ideas that still need a lot of work. In my personal opinion, they will need to push the game back a few more months in order to get this ready. Too too many really silly and lame bugs that will not go over well with the critics out there.
We will see how it goes at launch
Not addressing your post because I want to -- but because I finally can lol.
Actually gonna try to be brief since my index finger hurts :P
There will be an onslaught of tester screenshots soon and its kind of hard to comprehend how you think the graphics are outdated. RichWorld is a dynamic graphics engine that adjusts detail based on your rig. So it could be that -- not sure what youre on, but the engine isnt outdated at all.
As for the every skill in the game. Non-issue, try to keep up with several classes at the higher levels. it takes a lot of info, and to keep up with a fully functional crafting thing you'd also need to waste a lot of space on bits and more bits.
Not to mention a combative isnt going to blow all his attribute points into Reason so he can be an uber crafter
Everyone forgets attributes, which now have an important role, you get a limited amount and the cap is 50 on a stat. No ones going to waste them on Reason if they plan on being combative, especially Interlock combative where theyll need Perception. Or spies who need Focus, etc etc. You will have players who approach the game as a jack of all trades and will reflect this in their stats but thats a freedom I think we all want. They will sacrifice a focused stat group and thus limit themselves in any one area, but will be moderately competitive in all areas.
Some food for thought, as for bugs and whatnot, theyre banging em out every day. I know a few of the guys trust me they work hard. Later.
As for storyline lemme quote Jason Hall on story ./ mission system
"GameSpy: I suspect that the quest systems that World of Warcraft and EverQuest II have implemented are going to be par for the course in terms of design of future MMOs. What's your opinion on them?
Jason Hall: It's interesting to me because, in terms of quests and missions, I feel we've gone one step further than everybody else. When you take our missions, they're actually part of the overarching storyline that's being rolled on a continuous basis. They're not these isolated missions onto themselves. I always thought it was interesting that others didn't do that. Eventually, our missions will progress throughout the game's lifespan.
It's harder to make a game this way. It's been quite the challenge. We're hoping that when people MxO, they'll feel that it's a different experience, that's it not just a level grind, and that they're actually participating in an actual story. Getting that message out has been one of our biggest challenges. We're beta testing the game, but we can't put any of the story elements in. When you have a game that basically revolves around the story, and you can't communicate that vital part, it hurts the impression that a beta tester might have. When you suck the story out, all that's left is this mechanic, and then [beta testers] are expecting the mechanic to operate like WoW and EQII, because those games are basically mechanics with a bit of story sprinkled in. It's harder on us to do this beta because of that. Then when the game launches, and we pop all the story elements in, it's a whole different ball of wax. "
I wasn't quick enough to join the beta, let alone the stress test... but I've had my eye on the Matrix Online for a while. What concerns me most - and what I hope the testers can dispell now that the NDA has been lifted, is the apparent lack of scope in the game. I've heard people talk about crafting a little bit, but (for those SWG people out there) in comparison to the sheer volume of items and non-combat related professions in SWG, does the Matrix hold up on this end?
One thing I loved about SWG (amidst the quagmire of things I despised) was the fact that someone could play a dancer, a medic, a musician, or a doctor, and still have a very full gaming experience in this non-combat role - because they were crucial to the functioning of the game in one way or another.
What I've seen of The Matrix is a lot of wonderful combat video and screenshots, but nothing to convince me there is another facet to the game. Please... someone explain to me I'm wrong.
There are still crafters, data node tappers, explorer types (goes along with data node tapping), hackers, doctors, buffers, debuffers. There are no social skills though -- no dancer or whatever. Doesn't fit the theme. This isnt a cookie cutter game -- the game is desigend around the game not the othe way around.
MxO is alot like the movies.
Like the first movie the novel special combat effects grab your intrest, but also like the next two movies the follow through falls flat. After you've used Kung Fu move #97 over a thousand times to kill the same similar looking bad guy in the same similar looking environment....(no you can't say ALL mmorpgs a repetative like that, not to this degree.)
The combat is esentially that Stick Fight paper/rock/scissors combat with fancy animations. When you're not using special moves(and often even when you are), who wins a combat round is just random chance on how the outcome of your picking style A, B, or C matches up with the AI's use of style A, B, or C. That's another drawback of the Interlock combat system. Who ever loses a combat round does no damage what-so-ever. When the ever faulty ramdomization routine gets stuck in a rut, a pushover mob or player will pound you into the ground. True random number generation for computers is a proven myth, and MxO's All-or-Nothing combat system is far more dependant on it than any MMORPG product out there.
Movement and combat have a herky-jerky feel to them. When fighting multiple mobs or players, after defeating one opponent you're often forced to do some needless camera pan and body turn that forces you to get clocked 2 or 3 times before the PLAYER gets back control of their own character to target or engage another target. Everyting now is highly suceptible to FoM templates which will only result in clone characters and even less depth.
MxO doesn't suck, but it needs alot more refinement and fleshing out. Releasing in late March will result in HUGE nerfs after release and major changes and evolutions in how features work. The whole fluid Matrix martial arts feel is out to focus on the fancy Wire-Fu/Bullet-time special effects. Environmetnts in MxO have no sublety. A team of graphic designers would need a good 3 months at least to flesh out the cardboard, xeroxed building look it has now. This really isn't a 3rd generation MMO. This is Anarchy Online Redux with many of the same technical problems, less graphic and environmental appeal, and an uncomfortable and very un-Matrix UI.
I have a question about the storyline. Although I know this question cannot really be answered, even by beta testers, until the release of the game, I still wouldn't mind hearing opinions on it.
I get the impression that the storyline mission content is going to be a first come, first serve type thing--where those that have the most time to play are going to get to experience all the juicy story changes and elements, pretty much leaving more casual gamers like myself in the dust.
The story, and the ability to take part in it, is what has me most psyched about this game. However, my enthusiasm might be dampened if having a subscription to the game will only allow me to read about what other players with a lot more time on their hands were able to accomplish while I was away from the game. Am I making sense (sorry, I'm tired)?
What does everyone else think?
If these hacker, doctor, buffer types exist and are supposedly non-combat oriented roles like Sygmas says, are they still rewarded with a full and significantly different gameplay experience to kung-fu artists, or karate masters... etc.
What I want to see in MxO is a world where different roles, some combat and some not, are forced to interact with one another for successfully elevating your gameplay experience. This, I've found, is the driving force behind a stable economy - which is another aspect I've not heard much about in MxO... the economy.
Fighting is fine and good... I've almost always played a combat role in the MMORPG's I've subscribed to or beta tested. Story is fine and good. However, unless there are support classes and lush economy (of some sort) to help bolster the depth of the game, I worry that MxO will grow old before it's time.
Yes there is crafting, and a lot of it too. sure, if you have money out the ying yang you can do everything, but most people can only master everything after getting a whole bunch of money at level 50.
And heres what hackers and such do, they group with the gunman/martial artists and let them go into interlock. The hackers then heal the interlockers, or debuff the enemy they are fighting. its like a mage type character in high fantasy. the warrior aggroes and hits them directly(interlock) and the mage (hacker) hits them with either attack skills or debuffing skills.
its very group orientated if you plan on doing gang hideouts. inless your crazy about the game and know every single possible way to be invincible, but im not going to share that.
The community is run through radio free zion, so they host all the parties and such.
he said
Ive been a beta tester for a while on and off. Mostly off simply because its riddled with very frustrating bugs. A lot of small ones that are super annoying. Example of some: At times you cannot upload mission documents to be able to complete the mission, therefore making the entire mission void and having to redo it. Very lame pathing issues. Mobs running at you through walls/doors...
what do beta testers do have fun...
dont slag a game off in beta because it has bugs.
heh well I am not going to try and defend myself cause your obviously biased about this game
But I am going to change my opinion about the graphics because I did finally max out my graphic settings since I have a pretty high end comp. (upgraded comp, but never changed the settings in game)
I said poor before.. cause, well.. they were horrible at low settings. When I maxed it out, I felt like I was playing a different game oddly enough. Cars on the streets and pedestrians on the sidewalks. I still think it feels out dated. I have to compare it to EQ2 because imho EQ2 is pretty cutting edge stuff. I am not a fan of EQ2 at all but I do think their graphics are visually stunning. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give Matrix a 7 (maxed video settings).
Btw I have no doubt the devs are banging out the bugs, I never implied they werent. I would certainly expect them to bang them out, cause, well thats their job The fact that you know some of them is non-issue. Later.
Xen of Onslaught
Xen of Onslaught
This is one of the biggest misconceptions of MxO. It is a virtually rolled number, not rock-paper-scissors. For one, RPS give you three possible outcomes and we have four basic types of attack to start with (Speed, Power, Grab, Block). Now, what abilities do you have loaded up to attack with? Kung Fu? Karate? Handguns? This makes a difference. If you go in with Handguns against a Kung Fu Master be prepared to be disarmed at some point. If you're disarmed you better have some martial arts loaded as a backup or your opponent will clean your clock. Oh, and you better have been leveling up your abilities as well. So now that we've made the number of combinations numerous (Power attack with Kung Fu level 10, Speed attack with Handguns level 15, etc.) let's toss in those ability moves you can snap off in the midst of combat like Disarming Shot, or Overhand Smash, or Guard Breaker, etc. Rock-paper-scissors = 3 choices. MxO combat = many, many choices.
Ok, i just didnt like you saying it had bugs when its in beta.
In this day and age of mmorpg's, I really believe you should be able to switch from 3d person to 1st person view, and vice versa. While in combat, I like to switch to 3d person, but when in-doors and otherwise running around I like to use 1st person for immersive purposes. Unfortunately, 1st person is not an option, which bugs me (unless it has recently changed which I don't think it has).
This may sound like a totally stupid question, but does the above post imply that cars on the street and pedestians milling around only appear on the higher graphics settings?
Rock, thanks for handling the RPS thing I was about to have an aneurism with this guy. Anywho, besides that
Lets get a little thing straight
MXO is not /trying/ to be a cookie cutter MMO. This is NOT your rescue from WoW or EQ2, its not looking to be that. It's doing its own thing, being a Doctor IS what it is in SWG -- to an extent. What did docs do in SWG? They made medpacks, healed you, buffed you etc. You do all the same here except the medpacks, the abilities you use to heal and buff aren't item based. They are 'spells' like other Hacker abilities. The crafting mechanism is taken out /UNLESS/ you take up Coder with it and spend your time making the bes consumables (various types of pills buffs, tactic boosters, health pills, etc perfecting these)
Admriker as much as I don't like him has asked someone to explain 'non combative' activities for him.
One such activity which goes hand in hand with crafting and is considered a 'explorer' type activity is Data Node Tapping. This system will be undergoing a facelift and is /not/ fully functional right now. (Well, it WORKS but its not worht the return, that will be addresed though)
Data Node Tapping requires two abilities and several tools, one is Locate Data Node which is available early. This allows you to use either a Data Node Handheld or Data Node Locator Goggles to pinpoint Data Nodes. With a handheld these will appear in proximity to you on your map, with goggles you get a visual representation.
Data Nodes are basically nodes of information that appear anywhere in the game world, you can only see them with your goggles. (I'll provide a visual of the operation of tapping and what it looks like at the bottom of this post) Data Nodes can be compared to essentially 'resource mining' in other MMOs. Though anyone can make good use of it. You gain information of course, as well as code bits (Which are useful to crafting, or can be sold) Data Nodes hover around the world, some are exceptionally high and cannot be tapped without good equipment and/or good skills. This is activity is further supported in the fact it HAS ITS OWN CLASS.
There is a class called Data Miner which provides you with certs to use much more advanced equipment to do these activities, and a variety of other things, as well as augmenting your return from tapping.
Tapping also comes with a risk, tapping any one node, especially a juicy one, for too long might cause you to get caught and jumped by an Agent. Though this has never happened to me it remains a game mechanic risk to add a bit of 'excitement' to the activity. Now for the screenshots . . .
This is a data node from a distance. They pulsate and whatnot the glow in front of my face is the glow that emits from my goggles
This is the beginning process of tapping
This is the node as its near completely drained:
(Looks kind of like its being assimilated into you)
Theres some data node tapping for you.
But to get back to my original point. This game isn't trying to be this cookie cutter have all, please everyone MMO. It's trying to tap into a market that has nothing to do with the fantasy MMO market.
Quote to support this:
"GameSpy: What has informed MxO's design in the wake of recently released MMOs that have taken very concerted steps to make themselves more accessible to casual gamers?
Jason Hall: How many people do you know who aren't hardcore that like trolls, and dragons, and dungeons?
GameSpy: I definitely get ranked on a lot by my friends who don't do the D&D thing [Editor's Note: Will Tuttle, I'm looking at you].
Jason Hall: There's a certain barrier to entry that content like that brings. Something like The Matrix seems to have a much wider appeal, particularly with regards to clothing and things of that nature. But we'll see. World of Warcraft and EverQuest II cater to a very specific kind of content interest, and I don't think that it's the one and only type. "
Also for those still curious about non-combative activities. They have possible plans for Interlock Dancing.
Jason Hall: I'm seeing some natural occurrences of that, with things like Radio Free Zion. Also, once parties started being planned in the game's clubs, we realized that we had to enhance them. We actually did that, in order to give them a better place for them to throw parties. I think you're going to see more and more support for community-based things like that.
One of the big ideas that's been proposed by the community -- and I don't know if we'll do it -- but it's certainly been proposed is "interlock dancing." Because our combat system is the most advanced out of any MMO, we could theoretically convert it to dancing. It could be very unique, it could be something that is earned, and it could look awesome. Because kung fu is essentially a choreographed dance, isn't it? There are things like that we are opened-minded about. We're not trying to be a cookie-cutter MMO. We're trying to define something new, and attract a wider audience. Our content is more easily understood because it's based in reality.
But yes, anyways, there ARE things to do besides combat. BUT it IS a very combat focused game. NO its not TRYING To be your be all end all savior. It's not trying to revolutionize MMOs, its making INNOVATIONS not trying to be a revolution. As Grmm posted in anothe thread MXO's combat is not the hybrid RPG/Fighting system (I.E. completely free combat, its turn based, but it LOOKS better) -- it was never trying to do this. The technology isnt there yet but it was making an improvisation, an innovation, to make the AESTHETIC look as good, the depth remain the same of an RPG combat system. Because they could NOT make it some mediocre I click you click combat system and then told you its the matrix.
Would you prefer the combat to be like WoW? You can't create a Matrix combat system as well choreographed without it being as free of movement as any number of singleplayer games. This is currently not possible. But it is setting a precedent for the VISUALS of MMORPG combat ,which have been SORELY mediocre for a LONG time.
So there you have it, don't look to this game to save your universe. It's a video-game. It offers its own things, it lacks things other games have and it has things other games don't. Play it if the theme interests you, it doesn't fail there thats for sure.
And yes, I know its not currently ready for launch, we're currently two big patches away from launch. Thats more than enough time to make it LAUNCH worthy. Name a MMO that came out with all the best things it could have, none. MXO is coming out with many features that many MMOs don't have years later. Imagine how it will be a year from now?
P.S. I agree with Grimm or Grinn whatever it is that the controls are a bit stiff an there are some quirkiness. These things have been around for a long time, although they are annoying, you get used to them and they dont detract enough from the game to say screw this im not playing it. It's a valid point and im not sure if it will be addressed, its always possible. They have to prioritize things in a beta stage, after launch they have more room for 'icing' if you will. So maybe they just intend to polish that at a later stage. Not going to respond to his RPS analogy as Rock handled that quite fine.
This is all potential to change as its a Quality of Life issue.
This is one of the biggest misconceptions of MxO. It is a virtually rolled number, not rock-paper-scissors. For one, RPS give you three possible outcomes and we have four basic types of attack to start with (Speed, Power, Grab, Block). Now, what abilities do you have loaded up to attack with? Kung Fu? Karate? Handguns? This makes a difference. If you go in with Handguns against a Kung Fu Master be prepared to be disarmed at some point. If you're disarmed you better have some martial arts loaded as a backup or your opponent will clean your clock. Oh, and you better have been leveling up your abilities as well. So now that we've made the number of combinations numerous (Power attack with Kung Fu level 10, Speed attack with Handguns level 15, etc.) let's toss in those ability moves you can snap off in the midst of combat like Disarming Shot, or Overhand Smash, or Guard Breaker, etc. Rock-paper-scissors = 3 choices. MxO combat = many, many choices.
Actually I think you are a bit confused. As far as disarming goes. You will only see that during a successful grab tactics roll. Which is impossible to get with someone using Karate/Kungfu versus someone of equal level using Gunman line. (Especially since he'll no doubt have Sharpshooter loaded) Yes an Akikido master would be able to, as they specialize in Grab Tactics which would give them a natural bonus to grab tactic rolls.
MXO combat is definately RPS styled. Either you win the attack roll or you do zero damage. Nevermind forget i'm not even going to get into it right now. I'll just say that I think both you and Sgy are doing a great injustice. By trying to represent the MXO combat system with depth that really isn't there. The MXO combat system is really no different then what's in current batch of MMO's. Beyond that at least in those a bad attack roll doesn't prevent you from damaging your opponent.
PS: Before I stopped testing the only type of gunman a Karate or KungFu master could beat were using Rifles or Dual SubMachine Guns. As they would be owned by an equal level GunSlinger. Which started at about lvl 35+. Before then they stood pretty good chance of beating a Dual Handgun user.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
roin, please play the same game i am playing. When i roll a successful power roll, i do my own karate disarm move, i dont have to roll a successful grab tactics. seriously stop saying you play to 50, wow great job, but you havent played it currently, which means all your posts are useless to people actually trying to read about the game...
i make a good sygmas jr. dont I?
i try
You're getting there Jackman, you just have to be more violent like I can be :P
I'm not even going to go into it with you. The problem with you, Syg, and that other guy what's his name Rockman? You think you know everything about the game when in fact you don't. That really doesn't bother me as much as the fact that you don't respect others opinions or comments. Though you are no where near as rude as Sygmus can be. When he spots someone talking ill of his game.
Believe what you want. Say what you want. At this point I really don't care. If you don't like my spoken experiences with MXO. I don't know what to tell ya. Because i'm going to keep saying what I experienced while testing.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
I'm not even going to go into it with you. The problem with you, Syg, and that other guy what's his name Rockman? You think you know everything about the game when in fact you don't. That really doesn't bother me as much as the fact that you don't respect others opinions or comments. Though you are no where near as rude as Sygmus can be. When he spots someone talking ill of his game.
Believe what you want. Say what you want. At this point I really don't care. If you don't like my spoken experiences with MXO. I don't know what to tell ya. Because i'm going to keep saying what I experienced while testing.
Actually I know a lot more than you think. For reasons I can't speak of but I'll let you figure that one out.
I'm not even going to go into it with you. The problem with you, Syg, and that other guy what's his name Rockman? You think you know everything about the game when in fact you don't. That really doesn't bother me as much as the fact that you don't respect others opinions or comments. Though you are no where near as rude as Sygmus can be. When he spots someone talking ill of his game.
Believe what you want. Say what you want. At this point I really don't care. If you don't like my spoken experiences with MXO. I don't know what to tell ya. Because i'm going to keep saying what I experienced while testing.
Actually I know a lot more than you think. For reasons I can't speak of but I'll let you figure that one out.
That's exactly why I've tapped your house and put bugs in the phone.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Perhaps I'll ask again. Is there an economy - and what does it consist of?