I can't look at that Gamebreaker footage now but I hope they are not making claims like that about a game still in beta. Yes, the game has been in Korea for a year but there are a lot of updates coming on that end and the NA client used in CBT1 wasn't even the most current.
The main guy at GameBreakerTV basically said to 1200 watching that this is nothing more than a F2P game, he only played to level 11 and was complaining about not being able to shoot while jumping while having no idea how that pertains to the games mechanics. On top of that his main complaint was just quests, that's basically all he complained about, besides the whole jumping thing. It was brutal, anyone who played TERA in there was really upset, but if we voiced ourselves, yeah GBTV's fans would call us fanboys, while they were busy worshipping GW2, a game they haven't even played.
[quote][i]Originally posted by Lobotomist[/i] [b]I have been waiting for GW2 for years. Nothing else touches it. Nothing released this year or close. ( SWTOR ) But I played TERA and I can see a competitor. No wonder NC soft are trying to sue Bluehole and stop Tera. [/b][/quote]
I can't look at that Gamebreaker footage now but I hope they are not making claims like that about a game still in beta. Yes, the game has been in Korea for a year but there are a lot of updates coming on that end and the NA client used in CBT1 wasn't even the most current.
The main guy at GameBreakerTV basically said to 1200 watching that this is nothing more than a F2P game, he only played to level 11 and was complaining about not being able to shoot while jumping while having no idea how that pertains to the games mechanics. On top of that his main complaint was just quests, that's basically all he complained about, besides the whole jumping thing. It was brutal, anyone who played TERA in there was really upset, but if we voiced ourselves, yeah GBTV's fans would call us fanboys, while they were busy worshipping GW2, a game they haven't even played.
That game mechanic sucks
O yes coz there is a game law stating some where that if you can't jump and attack at the same time the game mechanic atuomaticly sucks. ya ok....
This has nothing to do with your post, but man, I love the hell outta your sig.
I appreciate that, thank you. Call it dumb inspiration, it's happens on rare occasions
Originally posted by FlawSGI
Originally posted by Deron_Barak
Oops, sorry SGI, the second part was not in reference to you. I rushed the post so it looked like it was. Many apologies.
Of course everyone is going to like different games. Some, not you hehe, just like to troll.
Well TY sir for clearing that up. I haven't posted in the Tera forums much so I wasn't sure if maybe you guys were getting troll posts as bad as some of the other threads and I assumed that was the case anyways. I rank Tera right up there with TSW in terms of games I have followed enough and hope they are successful enough and bring something different to the genre. Anything different would be nice right now.
But after being burned by AOC, Aion, then Rift all in a row, I am finding myself wanting to be ccareful with any MMO designed around a sub payment model because I don't rush through content and I do like to feel like I have seen enough of a game to decide if I am staying for the payments start in. Also like to add when I buy a game I always have to buy copies for myself and for the wife so thats $120 and some change on box and $30 a month in subs. I try to be careful these days with games and I know GW2 is a safe buy on the B2P model alone. Not a knock on Tera, just a knock on the sub model in general when you look at the required time necessary to dive into content in MMO's and for me (casual) that winds up with me barely scratching the surfaces before the bill rolls in. I become pretty hardcore when the game is interesting enough to keep me entertained but I haven't felt that in a long time.
I totally understand, well not abotut the wife part. I would love to be able to play MMOs with my wife.
Just to make you feel better I'll admit that I bought the CE for FFXIV... Hey it was supposed to good! At least that's what it said on the box...
Regarding the public lynching of TERA on Gamebreaker today...
Gary (the main presenter) has continuously dismissed TERA as a “Korean grind-fest”, so his (and it was largely his) dislike of the game came as no surprise, you can see previous episodes on TWIMMO for examples of his attitude. He was never really going to give TERA a fare chance. It’s the only mmo I can think of that he is continuously negative about, (though the news on it doesn’t help) except of course for FFXIV, a game he supported all through beta and launch and of course had an entire show on. Now he throws his C.E. box at every opportunity, fare enough, it was the worst mmo I’ve ever played, but to then write “TERABLE” on said box and throw it, I think is going too far.
TERA wasn’t the game he was heavily invested in, yet tanked so bad that one of his shows had to end, (funny how he couldn’t see this coming despite knowing the game so well). He didn’t invest money or GBTV's resources on TERA, he just played 11 levels, in a state of mind where he would obviously focus on every negative. Now there are many things wrong with TERA, the questing, VO and story IS some of the worst I have ever seen, and there are still doubts as to how well PVP and endgame will be implemented, and I cannot say I am a fan of either Frogster or En Mass. However there is a rather large elephant in the room...
Many, many mmo players are SICK of standard combat mechanics.
I for one lost interest in the tedious rotations and lack of any need to focus on positioning or the mob itself. After a year of WoW I gave up on AION after 3 months due to it, RIFT after 3 weeks, and SWTOR after 5 days. There is a reason Vindictus is popular, and why mmos are a niche compared to action games. Standard tab targeting, skill bar combat SUCKS. During PVE and instance runs, as DPS or healer, my mind drifts so often that I am practically catatonic.
I truly appreciate the attempts by Blizzard to add variety to the questing in Cataclysm, I enjoyed TRION’s use of dynamic events to spice up the PVE, and I really wanted for years to experience full voice and story in an MMO, and hope others follow Bioware’s example. However, they are all dancing around the fact that the main reason standard kill ten rat quests are dull is due to the fact that the combat used is un-stimulating and predicable. In pre-WoW pure grind mmos, I never felt the need for questing at all, as the combat was often challenging, and varied.
Now the implementation of TERA’s action combat is controversial, the pausing during casting and lack of fluidity doesn’t give the best first impression for certain players, but when you have free aim, manual block and dodge, AOE for all horizontal melee attacks, the need to focus on a mob’s tells and attack patterns, and many other features that are simply a better way to do combat, maybe a responsible reviewer should wait to find out if maybe there is a reason for these limitations, (pvp balance) or a way they can be negated (glyphs).
I am disappointed in Gamebreaker TV, if FFXIV of all games somehow deserved its own show, and SWTOR gets over 60 episodes before the game is even released, then an mmo who’s innovation directly addresses a major flaw in the genre could at least be treated with more respect.
Those of us, and we are many, that were disappointed in RIFT, or SWTOR or any other the mmos of the last few years, can at last get invested in combat within an open world mmo for the first times in half a decade.
I guess we just simply won’t have a Gamebreaker show for it.
As pretty as it is (and I do respect its action combat as well), TERA hasn't got most of the features that drew me to GW2 as regards quest delivery, alt-friendliness, level scaling and open world shared objectives that I ultimately value more than a target reticule. Now, if TERA had all of these as WELL as action combat, I might just play whichever released first or have to flip a coin. But it doesn't, so I'll just settle on watching the odd video here and there.
It's less about the combat, IMO, and more about what you really value in your MMOs. If having action combat is what you value most, I think the OP's assessment totally rings true.
I can't look at that Gamebreaker footage now but I hope they are not making claims like that about a game still in beta. Yes, the game has been in Korea for a year but there are a lot of updates coming on that end and the NA client used in CBT1 wasn't even the most current.
The main guy at GameBreakerTV basically said to 1200 watching that this is nothing more than a F2P game, he only played to level 11 and was complaining about not being able to shoot while jumping while having no idea how that pertains to the games mechanics. On top of that his main complaint was just quests, that's basically all he complained about, besides the whole jumping thing. It was brutal, anyone who played TERA in there was really upset, but if we voiced ourselves, yeah GBTV's fans would call us fanboys, while they were busy worshipping GW2, a game they haven't even played.
That game mechanic sucks
O yes coz there is a game law stating some where that if you can't jump and attack at the same time the game mechanic atuomaticly sucks. ya ok....
Well I could make a joke about how accurate, or safe, shooting a bow would be while jumping... but the character doing it could be a girl with fox ears or a big bipedal fox so my point about realism would be mute.
GamebreakerTV. I've heard of this but have never watched it. Not for any reason I just haven't. Regardless, if someone has 1200 people watching them do anything it is obviously for a reason. In this case it's to watch someone play a game and give their opinion of it and at that viewership you assume they are good at it.
You may or may not like TERA's art style, dislike it's "same ole" questing, hate the little fox-eared girls and think this nitch game will peak at 500k subs. Sure, that could happen who knows.
If someone good at reviewing MMOs plays to even level 11 and can't tell the difference between TERA's development quality and a F2P MMO you've wasted your viewers time and a little bit of your credibility.
If someone good at reviewing MMOs plays to even level 11 and can't tell the difference between TERA's development quality and a F2P MMO you've wasted your viewers time and a little bit of your credibility.
I think it is called.....Paid to review? Paid to bash? IDK. Maybe just being skeptical. I mean who can we trust anymore.
As pretty as it is (and I do respect its action combat as well), TERA hasn't got most of the features that drew me to GW2 as regards quest delivery, alt-friendliness, level scaling and open world shared objectives that I ultimately value more than a target reticule. Now, if TERA had all of these as WELL as action combat, I might just play whichever released first or have to flip a coin. But it doesn't, so I'll just settle on watching the odd video here and there.
It's less about the combat, IMO, and more about what you really value in your MMOs. If having action combat is what you value most, I think the OP's assessment totally rings true.
Yes its Tera has pretty standard dull quest syste, its normal plain but by no means bad. They are reasonable and give good exp award and have quest help if you choice to ask for it.
Alt-friendliness wise well lvling in Tera you can cap in about 1 month if you play decent amount and cap in 2 month if you play casual. Thats pretty alt friendly and good lvling scale for a korean mmorpg. The lvl system is pretty much westernized. But if you want something like WoW where you cap in like 3 days well than i don't see value in the character really.
Lvling is not a grind fest by any means even in the Korean Tera. Anyone that play will tell you you can cap in 2 month playing casual.
As for open world shared objective, not sure if you want or don't want this. But Tera is broken in to areas that guild can taken control, there are BAM's (bigassmonster) basicaly pretty epic boss monster, they are kinda like dungeon bosses but as an elite mob. Also pvp server is open world pvp. So idk if that what your looking for?
Well said on the last part, for me the combat plays over the quest flaws because here is my logic, ok quest is standard yes but hey the combat make it fun to go kill 10 rats, sure quest seem pointless and dull but hey the process is fun. And to me quest is a means to an end, honestly even GW2 chances are your going to cap in about 1-2 month than quest means pretty much nothing because well you don't need to lvl any more. So i mean dull quest sure but what keep me playing is the combat so i can deal with dull quest or just farm BAM and feel like i'm playing monster hunter =D
Those of us, and we are many, that were disappointed in RIFT, or SWTOR or any other the mmos of the last few years, can at last get invested in combat within an open world mmo for the first times in half a decade.
This game is going to disappoint as well so I'll choose to invest elsewhere. I've had enough of Victoria's Secret MMOs.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
I truly appreciate the attempts by Bioware to add variety to the questing in Cataclysm, I enjoyed TRIONs use of dynamic events to spice up the PVE, and I really wanted for years to experience full voice and story in an MMO, and hope others follow Biowares example. However, they are all dancing around the fact that the main reason standard kill ten rat quests are dull is due to the fact that the combat used is un-stimulating and predicable. In pre-WoW pure grind mmos, I never felt the need for questing at all, as the combat was often challenging, and varied.
Now the implementation of TERAs action combat is controversial, the pausing during casting and lack of fluidity doesnt give the best first impression for certain players, but when you have free aim, manual block and dodge, AOE for all horizontal melee attacks, the need to focus on a mobs tells and attack patterns, and many other features that are simply a better way to do combat, maybe a responsible reviewer should wait to find out if maybe there is a reason for these limitations, (pvp balance) or a way they can be negated (glyphs).
This is untrue, or at least it may have been true for you, but it doesn't represent reality: the reason that quest based leveling became popular was BECAUSE OF mob grinding becoming tedious to many MMO gamers along that time. That's way quest based leveling became the popular and preferred way of leveling, because it offered a better alternative to the mob grinding leveling which was the norm up till then. If combat and pure grind was sufficient and still awesomesauce, then people would have been indifferent towards any quest based leveling. This however wasn't the case.
I think reality is far simpler, and that's that no matter what mechanic, after any extensive period of time it'll become stale and a grind if it doesn't change much. To one person quicker than the other, but in the end they all lose its initial lustre.
I think what TERA has, action oriented combat, is different and refreshing enough to make combat matter. However, combat, just like questing, is only a part of the equation. For some, it'll be enough of a change to make the gameplay fun, for others it won't or at least not in the long term. I know that the melee combat in AoC was different enough, with using location and non-tab based attacks incl collision detection to make mob grinding a lot more entertaining than in other MMO's, so I can sure see the appeal of TERA's combat. In the end, it depends on everyone individually if that's enough for their MMO gaming to be fun, short term and long term.
Those of us, and we are many, that were disappointed in RIFT, or SWTOR or any other the mmos of the last few years, can at last get invested in combat within an open world mmo for the first times in half a decade.
This game is going to disappoint as well so I'll choose to invest elsewhere. I've had enough of Victoria's Secret MMOs.
agree meaningless open world pvp=rift =swtor=Tera Tera wont be any diff, otherwise it would top Aion in Korea already.
If someone good at reviewing MMOs plays to even level 11 and can't tell the difference between TERA's development quality and a F2P MMO you've wasted your viewers time and a little bit of your credibility.
I think it is called.....Paid to review? Paid to bash? IDK. Maybe just being skeptical. I mean who can we trust anymore.
Possible. I guess that's why we should take other's opinions witha grain of salt and look for certain "tells" that something doesn't seem right.
I would like to add that the things about TERA that are not as good as they could be, e.g. Questing, can be improved upon with updates as the game goes on. They are already adding monster rifts as part of an invasion in the storyline. The inclusion of PvE servers shoudl be a good indication they plan to make TERA a rounded game byond just PvP.
The things that are hard to change, namely the world map and combat system are really good, the combat being most of these things. I do hope they work on the questing though, the combat makes it fun but I imagine what having both that and interesting questing would be like.
Those of us, and we are many, that were disappointed in RIFT, or SWTOR or any other the mmos of the last few years, can at last get invested in combat within an open world mmo for the first times in half a decade.
This game is going to disappoint as well so I'll choose to invest elsewhere. I've had enough of Victoria's Secret MMOs.
agree meaningless open world pvp=rift =swtor=Tera Tera wont be any diff, otherwise it would top Aion in Korea already.
When have we had the same tastes as Koreans? Aion being the most popular MMO with Warcraft 3 still having way more players than WoW should be an indicator.
Those of us, and we are many, that were disappointed in RIFT, or SWTOR or any other the mmos of the last few years, can at last get invested in combat within an open world mmo for the first times in half a decade.
This game is going to disappoint as well so I'll choose to invest elsewhere. I've had enough of Victoria's Secret MMOs.
agree meaningless open world pvp=rift =swtor=Tera Tera wont be any diff, otherwise it would top Aion in Korea already.
Which is why they scrapped the PvP system and are finalizing a new one. That and lack of content a year ago when it released hurt them bad since everyone loves Aion over there.
Rift, Swtor, Aion = tab target which is a large reason why they aren't doing better, you can only be so different. Package the game up however you like, combat is the main vehicle for doing anything in an MMO. It seems silly but a free aim combat system with hotkey abilities makes this game so much fun.
Vindictus might be a good start to compare combat but how many different abilities are the characters in that game actually using?
Alt-friendliness wise well lvling in Tera you can cap in about 1 month if you play decent amount and cap in 2 month if you play casual. Thats pretty alt friendly and good lvling scale for a korean mmorpg. The lvl system is pretty much westernized. But if you want something like WoW where you cap in like 3 days well than i don't see value in the character really.
You have no clue what people mean by 'alt friendly'
Those of us, and we are many, that were disappointed in RIFT, or SWTOR or any other the mmos of the last few years, can at last get invested in combat within an open world mmo for the first times in half a decade.
This game is going to disappoint as well so I'll choose to invest elsewhere. I've had enough of Victoria's Secret MMOs.
agree meaningless open world pvp=rift =swtor=Tera Tera wont be any diff, otherwise it would top Aion in Korea already.
Which is why they scrapped the PvP system and are finalizing a new one. That and lack of content a year ago when it released hurt them bad since everyone loves Aion over there.
Rift, Swtor, Aion = tab target which is a large reason why they aren't doing better, you can only be so different. Package the game up however you like, combat is the main vehicle for doing anything in an MMO. It seems silly but a free aim combat system with hotkey abilities makes this game so much fun.
Vindictus might be a good start to compare combat but how many different abilities are the characters in that game actually using?
Are you telling me that Tera is goign to do well than AION, SWTOR, RIFT only because it has different combat? if it was true AOC and DCUO would be a great success because they did combat differently. There is so much more to a MMO than just combat..its just one part of the equation.
By the way Tera was below average in Korea and game which released with 60+ servers has been reduced to 16 now.... you people are way too optimistic about something that didn't even succeed in its own country.
Are you telling me that Tera is goign to do well than AION, SWTOR, RIFT only because it has different combat? if it was true AOC and DCUO would be a great success because they did combat differently. There is so much more to a MMO than just combat..its just one part of the equation.
By the way Tera was below average in Korea and game which released with 60+ servers has been reduced to 16 now.... you people are way too optimistic about something that didn't even succeed in its own country.
Again, why does TERA doing poorly in Korea(which it didn't) reflect here? Aion did poorly here, but it's the most played game in all of Korea, whereas less people play WoW than play TERA in Korea.
TERA is still 9th most played game overall in Korea, so don't make up stories about it failing, it had huge server reduction because it came out with a level cap of 50 and quick leveling with only two endgame dungeons. It took two weeks before people had done all the content...
TERA has added a lot since it's release a month ago. It has 7 level 58 dungeons with two modes, and this month is adding two more level 60 dungeons with two modes and monster invasions that will require 20 men to close the crevice releasing the monsters.
It didn't even have Guild vs Guild battles on release in Korea, it was literally unfinished.
Are you telling me that Tera is goign to do well than AION, SWTOR, RIFT only because it has different combat? if it was true AOC and DCUO would be a great success because they did combat differently. There is so much more to a MMO than just combat..its just one part of the equation.
By the way Tera was below average in Korea and game which released with 60+ servers has been reduced to 16 now.... you people are way too optimistic about something that didn't even succeed in its own country.
Again, why does TERA doing poorly in Korea(which it didn't) reflect here? Aion did poorly here, but it's the most played game in all of Korea, whereas less people play WoW than play TERA in Korea.
TERA is still 9th most played game overall in Korea, so don't make up stories about it failing, it had huge server reduction because it came out with a level cap of 50 and quick leveling with only two endgame dungeons. It took two weeks before people had done all the content...
TERA has added a lot since it's release a month ago. It has 7 level 58 dungeons with two modes, and this month is adding two more level 60 dungeons with two modes and monster invasions that will require 20 men to close the crevice releasing the monsters.
And why shouldn't it reflect its below average success from Korea in west? it is still the same MMO when it comes to game mechanics. But my original point remains..to think Tera will be a bigger success than Rift, Aion and Swtor only on basis of its comabt is just ridiculous optimisim.
For someone who is telling me 'not to make up stuff' you surely do make your own while explainign why Tera lost 50% of server in couple of months of release.
And why shouldn't it reflect its below average success from Korea in west? it is still the same MMO when it comes to game mechanics. But my original point remains..to think Tera will be a bigger success than Rift, Aion and Swtor only on basis of its comabt is just ridiculous optimisim.
That is ridiculous, but it also has graphics, political system and Guild vs Guild behind it. I know many are going to try it out for those reasons alone, let alone with the combat added on.
In my previous post I meant to say a year ago lol.
Are you telling me that Tera is goign to do well than AION, SWTOR, RIFT only because it has different combat? if it was true AOC and DCUO would be a great success because they did combat differently. There is so much more to a MMO than just combat..its just one part of the equation.
By the way Tera was below average in Korea and game which released with 60+ servers has been reduced to 16 now.... you people are way too optimistic about something that didn't even succeed in its own country.
Again, why does TERA doing poorly in Korea(which it didn't) reflect here? Aion did poorly here, but it's the most played game in all of Korea, whereas less people play WoW than play TERA in Korea.
TERA is still 9th most played game overall in Korea, so don't make up stories about it failing, it had huge server reduction because it came out with a level cap of 50 and quick leveling with only two endgame dungeons. It took two weeks before people had done all the content...
TERA has added a lot since it's release a month ago. It has 7 level 58 dungeons with two modes, and this month is adding two more level 60 dungeons with two modes and monster invasions that will require 20 men to close the crevice releasing the monsters.
And why shouldn't it reflect its below average success from Korea in west? it is still the same MMO when it comes to game mechanics. But my original point remains..to think Tera will be a bigger success than Rift, Aion and Swtor only on basis of its comabt is just ridiculous optimisim.
For someone who is telling me 'not to make up stuff' you surely do make your own while explainign why Tera lost 50% of server in couple of months of release.
Wait did you seriously just say "why shouldn't it reflect its below average success from Korea in west?"? Seriously? Do you understand mmorpgs at all? The fact that its been pointined Aion rhapes all mmorpg in korea including WoW should have give you the clue that Koreans like very different game play than we do, coz Aion is failing here. Tera lost a lot of its content coz the game was release way to early, i honestly don't know wtf they were thinking but i feel like they were using korea as a beta test or something.
Originally posted by teakbois
Originally posted by rexzshadow
Alt-friendliness wise well lvling in Tera you can cap in about 1 month if you play decent amount and cap in 2 month if you play casual. Thats pretty alt friendly and good lvling scale for a korean mmorpg. The lvl system is pretty much westernized. But if you want something like WoW where you cap in like 3 days well than i don't see value in the character really.
You have no clue what people mean by 'alt friendly'
Do explain coz from what i see alt friendly is some one who feel t he need to make about 10 different character with in 1 week so each and every single one of them must have completley different way to hit lvl cap because they can't stick to 1 character long enough -.- To be honest most mmorpg player don't make an alt until they reached decent point in the game where they feel the need for something different. Most of the time thats already good few month in to the game, and honest after not visting the starting area for few month its not that bad. Ofc unless you have some kinda of super memory that it feel like just yesterday you were lvling you main here and its boring well thats personal reason.
And why shouldn't it reflect its below average success from Korea in west? it is still the same MMO when it comes to game mechanics. But my original point remains..to think Tera will be a bigger success than Rift, Aion and Swtor only on basis of its comabt is just ridiculous optimisim.
For someone who is telling me 'not to make up stuff' you surely do make your own while explainign why Tera lost 50% of server in couple of months of release.
I agree on your point. Just like SW:TOR can't stand as an MMO on story alone, Tera can't stand on combat alone. Still, I can't dismiss the fact that as a healer, this game has been the most fun to play for a long time and PvP felt a lot better than games with the standard combat mechanics of cooldowns and target lock.
I guess we'll have to wait and see how the game will fare in the end game. I don't think it'll take more than a month or two before that aspect of the gameplay is more thoroughly criticized on its proper merits, than just dismissed like some posters on this thread have been doing.
As for GW2, it won't live to the expectations of the rabit fanboy base. It just can't. It's the same with Diablo III. It was the same with SW:TOR. I'm just waiting for the shitstorm about to happen. At least with Tera, you get to play an average game with above average combat and graphics, so anything beyond that is a pleasant surprise. For GW2, nothing will be enough. And people will be unreasonable regardless of GW2 being a B2P game.
And why shouldn't it reflect its below average success from Korea in west? it is still the same MMO when it comes to game mechanics. But my original point remains..to think Tera will be a bigger success than Rift, Aion and Swtor only on basis of its comabt is just ridiculous optimisim.
For someone who is telling me 'not to make up stuff' you surely do make your own while explainign why Tera lost 50% of server in couple of months of release.
I agree on your point. Just like SW:TOR can't stand as an MMO on story alone, Tera can't stand on combat alone. Still, I can't dismiss the fact that as a healer, this game has been the most fun to play for a long time and PvP felt a lot better than games with the standard combat mechanics of cooldowns and target lock.
I guess we'll have to wait and see how the game will fare in the end game. I don't think it'll take more than a month or two before that aspect of the gameplay is more thoroughly criticized on its proper merits, than just dismissed like some posters on this thread have been doing.
As for GW2, it won't live to the expectations of the rabit fanboy base. It just can't. It's the same with Diablo III. It was the same with SW:TOR. I'm just waiting for the shitstorm about to happen. At least with Tera, you get to play an average game with above average combat and graphics, so anything beyond that is a pleasant surprise. For GW2, nothing will be enough. And people will be unreasonable regardless of GW2 being a B2P game.
I'm looking foward to GW2, buying it and rubbing every little thing thats wrong with it back at their face =D Should be fun. To be honest i haven't seen a single mmorpg receive as much hate as Tera. It seem every single review out there feel the need to only talk about how dull the quest system is and ignore pretty much everything else.
That game mechanic sucks
[quote][i]Originally posted by Lobotomist[/i] [b]I have been waiting for GW2 for years. Nothing else touches it. Nothing released this year or close. ( SWTOR ) But I played TERA and I can see a competitor. No wonder NC soft are trying to sue Bluehole and stop Tera. [/b][/quote]
O yes coz there is a game law stating some where that if you can't jump and attack at the same time the game mechanic atuomaticly sucks. ya ok....
I appreciate that, thank you. Call it dumb inspiration, it's happens on rare occasions
I totally understand, well not abotut the wife part. I would love to be able to play MMOs with my wife.
Just to make you feel better I'll admit that I bought the CE for FFXIV... Hey it was supposed to good! At least that's what it said on the box...
Just not worth my time anymore.
Regarding the public lynching of TERA on Gamebreaker today...
Gary (the main presenter) has continuously dismissed TERA as a “Korean grind-fest”, so his (and it was largely his) dislike of the game came as no surprise, you can see previous episodes on TWIMMO for examples of his attitude. He was never really going to give TERA a fare chance. It’s the only mmo I can think of that he is continuously negative about, (though the news on it doesn’t help) except of course for FFXIV, a game he supported all through beta and launch and of course had an entire show on. Now he throws his C.E. box at every opportunity, fare enough, it was the worst mmo I’ve ever played, but to then write “TERABLE” on said box and throw it, I think is going too far.
TERA wasn’t the game he was heavily invested in, yet tanked so bad that one of his shows had to end, (funny how he couldn’t see this coming despite knowing the game so well). He didn’t invest money or GBTV's resources on TERA, he just played 11 levels, in a state of mind where he would obviously focus on every negative. Now there are many things wrong with TERA, the questing, VO and story IS some of the worst I have ever seen, and there are still doubts as to how well PVP and endgame will be implemented, and I cannot say I am a fan of either Frogster or En Mass. However there is a rather large elephant in the room...
Many, many mmo players are SICK of standard combat mechanics.
I for one lost interest in the tedious rotations and lack of any need to focus on positioning or the mob itself. After a year of WoW I gave up on AION after 3 months due to it, RIFT after 3 weeks, and SWTOR after 5 days. There is a reason Vindictus is popular, and why mmos are a niche compared to action games. Standard tab targeting, skill bar combat SUCKS. During PVE and instance runs, as DPS or healer, my mind drifts so often that I am practically catatonic.
I truly appreciate the attempts by Blizzard to add variety to the questing in Cataclysm, I enjoyed TRION’s use of dynamic events to spice up the PVE, and I really wanted for years to experience full voice and story in an MMO, and hope others follow Bioware’s example. However, they are all dancing around the fact that the main reason standard kill ten rat quests are dull is due to the fact that the combat used is un-stimulating and predicable. In pre-WoW pure grind mmos, I never felt the need for questing at all, as the combat was often challenging, and varied.
Now the implementation of TERA’s action combat is controversial, the pausing during casting and lack of fluidity doesn’t give the best first impression for certain players, but when you have free aim, manual block and dodge, AOE for all horizontal melee attacks, the need to focus on a mob’s tells and attack patterns, and many other features that are simply a better way to do combat, maybe a responsible reviewer should wait to find out if maybe there is a reason for these limitations, (pvp balance) or a way they can be negated (glyphs).
I am disappointed in Gamebreaker TV, if FFXIV of all games somehow deserved its own show, and SWTOR gets over 60 episodes before the game is even released, then an mmo who’s innovation directly addresses a major flaw in the genre could at least be treated with more respect.
Those of us, and we are many, that were disappointed in RIFT, or SWTOR or any other the mmos of the last few years, can at last get invested in combat within an open world mmo for the first times in half a decade.
I guess we just simply won’t have a Gamebreaker show for it.
Thank You.
As pretty as it is (and I do respect its action combat as well), TERA hasn't got most of the features that drew me to GW2 as regards quest delivery, alt-friendliness, level scaling and open world shared objectives that I ultimately value more than a target reticule. Now, if TERA had all of these as WELL as action combat, I might just play whichever released first or have to flip a coin. But it doesn't, so I'll just settle on watching the odd video here and there.
It's less about the combat, IMO, and more about what you really value in your MMOs. If having action combat is what you value most, I think the OP's assessment totally rings true.
Well I could make a joke about how accurate, or safe, shooting a bow would be while jumping... but the character doing it could be a girl with fox ears or a big bipedal fox so my point about realism would be mute.
GamebreakerTV. I've heard of this but have never watched it. Not for any reason I just haven't. Regardless, if someone has 1200 people watching them do anything it is obviously for a reason. In this case it's to watch someone play a game and give their opinion of it and at that viewership you assume they are good at it.
You may or may not like TERA's art style, dislike it's "same ole" questing, hate the little fox-eared girls and think this nitch game will peak at 500k subs. Sure, that could happen who knows.
If someone good at reviewing MMOs plays to even level 11 and can't tell the difference between TERA's development quality and a F2P MMO you've wasted your viewers time and a little bit of your credibility.
Just not worth my time anymore.
I think it is called.....Paid to review? Paid to bash? IDK. Maybe just being skeptical. I mean who can we trust anymore.
Yes its Tera has pretty standard dull quest syste, its normal plain but by no means bad. They are reasonable and give good exp award and have quest help if you choice to ask for it.
Alt-friendliness wise well lvling in Tera you can cap in about 1 month if you play decent amount and cap in 2 month if you play casual. Thats pretty alt friendly and good lvling scale for a korean mmorpg. The lvl system is pretty much westernized. But if you want something like WoW where you cap in like 3 days well than i don't see value in the character really.
Lvling is not a grind fest by any means even in the Korean Tera. Anyone that play will tell you you can cap in 2 month playing casual.
As for open world shared objective, not sure if you want or don't want this. But Tera is broken in to areas that guild can taken control, there are BAM's (bigassmonster) basicaly pretty epic boss monster, they are kinda like dungeon bosses but as an elite mob. Also pvp server is open world pvp. So idk if that what your looking for?
Well said on the last part, for me the combat plays over the quest flaws because here is my logic, ok quest is standard yes but hey the combat make it fun to go kill 10 rats, sure quest seem pointless and dull but hey the process is fun. And to me quest is a means to an end, honestly even GW2 chances are your going to cap in about 1-2 month than quest means pretty much nothing because well you don't need to lvl any more. So i mean dull quest sure but what keep me playing is the combat so i can deal with dull quest or just farm BAM and feel like i'm playing monster hunter =D
This game is going to disappoint as well so I'll choose to invest elsewhere. I've had enough of Victoria's Secret MMOs.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
Why does it suck? What difference does shooting while jumping do, there is absolutely no reason to do it.
agree meaningless open world pvp=rift =swtor=Tera Tera wont be any diff, otherwise it would top Aion in Korea already.
Possible. I guess that's why we should take other's opinions witha grain of salt and look for certain "tells" that something doesn't seem right.
I would like to add that the things about TERA that are not as good as they could be, e.g. Questing, can be improved upon with updates as the game goes on. They are already adding monster rifts as part of an invasion in the storyline. The inclusion of PvE servers shoudl be a good indication they plan to make TERA a rounded game byond just PvP.
The things that are hard to change, namely the world map and combat system are really good, the combat being most of these things. I do hope they work on the questing though, the combat makes it fun but I imagine what having both that and interesting questing would be like.
Just not worth my time anymore.
When have we had the same tastes as Koreans? Aion being the most popular MMO with Warcraft 3 still having way more players than WoW should be an indicator.
Which is why they scrapped the PvP system and are finalizing a new one. That and lack of content a year ago when it released hurt them bad since everyone loves Aion over there.
Rift, Swtor, Aion = tab target which is a large reason why they aren't doing better, you can only be so different. Package the game up however you like, combat is the main vehicle for doing anything in an MMO. It seems silly but a free aim combat system with hotkey abilities makes this game so much fun.
Vindictus might be a good start to compare combat but how many different abilities are the characters in that game actually using?
Just not worth my time anymore.
You have no clue what people mean by 'alt friendly'
Are you telling me that Tera is goign to do well than AION, SWTOR, RIFT only because it has different combat? if it was true AOC and DCUO would be a great success because they did combat differently. There is so much more to a MMO than just combat..its just one part of the equation.
By the way Tera was below average in Korea and game which released with 60+ servers has been reduced to 16 now.... you people are way too optimistic about something that didn't even succeed in its own country.
Sorry, this is not even remotely true.
Again, why does TERA doing poorly in Korea(which it didn't) reflect here? Aion did poorly here, but it's the most played game in all of Korea, whereas less people play WoW than play TERA in Korea.
TERA is still 9th most played game overall in Korea, so don't make up stories about it failing, it had huge server reduction because it came out with a level cap of 50 and quick leveling with only two endgame dungeons. It took two weeks before people had done all the content...
TERA has added a lot since it's release a month ago. It has 7 level 58 dungeons with two modes, and this month is adding two more level 60 dungeons with two modes and monster invasions that will require 20 men to close the crevice releasing the monsters.
It didn't even have Guild vs Guild battles on release in Korea, it was literally unfinished.
And why shouldn't it reflect its below average success from Korea in west? it is still the same MMO when it comes to game mechanics. But my original point remains..to think Tera will be a bigger success than Rift, Aion and Swtor only on basis of its comabt is just ridiculous optimisim.
For someone who is telling me 'not to make up stuff' you surely do make your own while explainign why Tera lost 50% of server in couple of months of release.
That is ridiculous, but it also has graphics, political system and Guild vs Guild behind it. I know many are going to try it out for those reasons alone, let alone with the combat added on.
In my previous post I meant to say a year ago lol.
Wait did you seriously just say "why shouldn't it reflect its below average success from Korea in west?"? Seriously? Do you understand mmorpgs at all? The fact that its been pointined Aion rhapes all mmorpg in korea including WoW should have give you the clue that Koreans like very different game play than we do, coz Aion is failing here. Tera lost a lot of its content coz the game was release way to early, i honestly don't know wtf they were thinking but i feel like they were using korea as a beta test or something.
Originally posted by teakbois
You have no clue what people mean by 'alt friendly'
Do explain coz from what i see alt friendly is some one who feel t he need to make about 10 different character with in 1 week so each and every single one of them must have completley different way to hit lvl cap because they can't stick to 1 character long enough -.- To be honest most mmorpg player don't make an alt until they reached decent point in the game where they feel the need for something different. Most of the time thats already good few month in to the game, and honest after not visting the starting area for few month its not that bad. Ofc unless you have some kinda of super memory that it feel like just yesterday you were lvling you main here and its boring well thats personal reason.
I agree on your point. Just like SW:TOR can't stand as an MMO on story alone, Tera can't stand on combat alone. Still, I can't dismiss the fact that as a healer, this game has been the most fun to play for a long time and PvP felt a lot better than games with the standard combat mechanics of cooldowns and target lock.
I guess we'll have to wait and see how the game will fare in the end game. I don't think it'll take more than a month or two before that aspect of the gameplay is more thoroughly criticized on its proper merits, than just dismissed like some posters on this thread have been doing.
As for GW2, it won't live to the expectations of the rabit fanboy base. It just can't. It's the same with Diablo III. It was the same with SW:TOR. I'm just waiting for the shitstorm about to happen. At least with Tera, you get to play an average game with above average combat and graphics, so anything beyond that is a pleasant surprise. For GW2, nothing will be enough. And people will be unreasonable regardless of GW2 being a B2P game.
I'm looking foward to GW2, buying it and rubbing every little thing thats wrong with it back at their face =D Should be fun. To be honest i haven't seen a single mmorpg receive as much hate as Tera. It seem every single review out there feel the need to only talk about how dull the quest system is and ignore pretty much everything else.