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I dont want to argue over this - or negate your high expectations of the game - but few points to discuss:
a) GW has always been a "second game" for most players.
b) Why is that? Cause it has no subscription, its easy, and almost f2p.
c) Dynamic events arent that special. Warhammer had those, Rift has those (Instant adventures was implemented alongside with Rifts). You can play those for an hour or two at most, but after that it gets boring grind.
d) Lets face it. NcSoft/AreneNet sucks hard time in making endgame content. NcSoft hasnt really succeeded in making anything properly on mass-scale. Lets see Lineage2/Aion Mass pvp that lags so much that you have hard time telling what is happening. GW is the only succesfull NcSoft end game product, but, if I may ask, if the games name already is Guild Wars, then for how long can you be bothered to play a different forms of pvp-only only as end game? Warhammer failed hard time with this concept as did Darkfall. If you say, go do dynamic events, then read my point (c).
Someone is jelous their p2p game looks far worse than gW2. Deal with it. =]
Ok boss whatever you say
Looking forward to EQL and EQN.
If you mean by looks the graphics, then I admit that NcSoft has always done "good looking" games. But, the mechanics behind servers and gameplay isnt working as intended in NcSoft games.
I always thought Guild Wars was a second game because it is not a real mmorpg. And no subscription off course.
a) Thats because GW was never an MMorpg, it was a corpg.
b) GW has one of the most difficult hard modes in any game, clearly you havent played them.
c)The difference with Rift and warhammer is that in both cases "dynamic events" were secondary things you did between quest hubs, in GW2 the entire game is based in the Dynamic events system, even PVP.
d)What you consider to be good endgame is entirely subjective. There are thousands of people that have played hundreds and even thousands of hours of PvP because of the fact its fun for them, the same way people have played counterstrike for years.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
Im gonig to get GW2 thats a no brainer but i Dont think its going to be as good as its being hyped up to be. Hell if im wrong awesome but I think we all know by now what happens when games get hyped up as much as GW2 is..
I do think many people will use GW2 as an alt game.
Many of the players in the first GW were players of Wow and other games that played it for the PvP. Other just had it when they felt burnt out of their regular game.
But there were plenty of people playing it as main game as well. GW is still one of the largests MMOs in number of active players and it is still number 3 on the top voted games here.
It would not surprise me the least if half of the GW2 players would play the game as their second MMO, but I don´t see why that would be a problem? There is no rule that say that you only can enjoy one MMO at the same time.
Sounds like i need to restring my old violin, the texture of the tone produced by new strings is to die for!
* Waves at Pushkina *
I've never played GW2 but I have a bunch of opinions on the videos and articles I've watched and read. /tongue_in_cheek
no one cares, give it a rest
a) if this game is half as good, i won't have time for a second game.
b) the lack of subscription is great. i can pay more off my credit card.
c) i know. but i liked rift's dynamic events. they're a great idea.
d) my wife and i pvp only as our endgame. we have never enjoyed raiding and dungeons. and gw2's pvp system looks mind-blowing for a pvp fan. so - 100% of the time? i'm even considering starting pvp at level 1 and levelling in pvp. one man's endgame content is another man's grind.
1/10 OP
@OP No i won't admit it...
I don't know about you but I didn't play any other MMO while I was playing GW1. It completely fulfilled my needs at the time.
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky
cant admit anything until ive tested. but to be totally honest gw1 wasnt the number one game for me when it came out i played it thro and then some but never number one choise. we will see how things turn out to be with second coming.
im looking forward to GW2 but I do think the OPs probably correct.
Bingo. Some folks seem to be getting a little uncomfortable at how little they are getting for their monthly sub when compared to how much we'll be getting without one.
Not really, some people will always prefer something different no matter what you do. You can´t make a perfect game for everyone so I am happy enough if the game is fun for me.
I liked GW and played it as a main game a rather long time, other of my friends have always used it as an alt game. And those people paid the same sums as me.
I plan to play GW2, hopefully as main game, but I will also try out other games, like WoDO, Class 4 and Copernicus. I only want to have a good time when playing, why would I care if the guys I am grouping with play Wow as well?
People are just taking gaming to serious and forget that it is about having fun, not whos game that is best.
^^ that. For me, every other game i played was either a let down or i uninstalled after about 150 hours. GW still has a high funfactor for me
Don't shoot the will ruin you monitor
GW2 would only be a "second game" if there were another game worth playing. At the moment, there is not. If at some point in the future, another game comes along which is really good, and worth whatever price they put on it...then I might end up playing it. If I'm still playing GW2 at that time, then I'll be playing two games. Which one will be the "second game"? *shrug* Just depends which one ends up being more enjoyable and taking up my time. As I said, though...GW2 isn't going to be a "second game" if there's nothing to compete with it. TSW maybe, but not likely. Copernicus? We'll see.
a) I don't except the premise. Most people play more than one game at a time...and unless you have some sort of information about which of their games they liked more, or which game they spent more time on...the "second game" thing is purely subjective.
b) Having no subscription might mean people are more willing to play several games at a time, but it has nothing at all to do with which game they enjoy more / most. Maybe GW was their "first game", and whatever else they were playing was "second".
c) You clearly don't understand dynamic events in GW2. The fact that the system has the same marketing buzzword attached as a system in another game doesn't mean the systems are the same.
d) Your definition of "endgame" is severely limited. ArenaNet's development is completely and totally separate from games developed by other subsidiaries have nothing to do with GW2. The only other game developed by ArenaNet was GW. Again, you clearly don't understand the systems / mechanics in GW2, if you think PvP is the only endgame.
Man you have your opinions, but what i quoted is just ridiculous. NCsoft actually are the people that made mass scale happen in mmos. They were the first with L2 to make over 400 or 500 toon on a screen both pve and pvp in siege, you sure you know what you are talking about? Sure it lag when you have so much people on the same screen, but they did it, before mass scale in mmo was like 100 toon max, well in fact mmo never really made anything mass scale related before NC did, thats their strong point, no siege, no world boss before them. The biggest fight in the pvp games before was like 50 to 100 guys tops, and it was laggy as hell too, do you even played those mass scale at that time?
For your information when i tested lineage2 i was running it on a 400MHz pentium3 if i recall well, it was a long time ago, but i just remember i used a proc one or 2 generation older and had like half the MHz recommended to run the game. At that time this meant a lot more than now. I have yet to experience a game that run so well with such a shitty computer. Really i don't think you even know what your are talking about. Mass scale lag is normal when it reach that number, the render of the toons in the screen is enough to make the game lag even on high end machine.
They are tons of people enjoying mass scale content a lot, in fact a lot play mmo for that reason alone, stop taking your opinion as a fact. If anything mass scale content is a huge bonus to any mmo. All the game you cited are liked and renowned because of those large scale contents. If anything games being able to reach that much people on a single map, mean they run very well.
Going to quote my self this time from a previous thread...
The old "I don't like GW1 therefore I will dislike GW2" -- *Karl Pilkington flies in* "stop talking bullsh*t.."
This is a new game... not 7 years ago! I actually hope you WoW clone hunters skip this game all together…
Also NCSoft? They are yes the publisher but in my opinion do not call the shots with Guild Wars 2, Anets creativity and inventiveness will convey, nay!! persue their true dominion!!!!!
Hail the barn owl! Hail Bill Bailey! *ooomm*
All hail the Barn Owl! oh.. and the RED SQUIRREL!!!
Heh , there's nothing to admit , GW was always meant for casual players , and the mind set will be kept in place towards GW2. Why break something that is working perfectly? If not for WoW , GW could of been the top with the most active player base. Those that follow my posts knows that I'm not a huge fan of NCSoft , but they know I give credit where credit is dued. GW2 will do well at launch , all the GW fanatics will love GW2 as for the rest that didn't fit in GW , dunno , I for one will give it a shot.