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Diablo 3: Blizzard to remove PvP from launch



  • BarCrowBarCrow Member UncommonPosts: 2,195 can only play it online by registering it through you can't actually battle other players.  Battle.not  more likely.

  • AndrewGoatAndrewGoat Member UncommonPosts: 160

    Originally posted by Aori

    Hopefully you didn't say LoL is worthy of your time, there is more unmitigated garbage in that game than blizzard can afford trash trucks to remove it.

    People are going to hate, Blizzard still to this day has the best customer support ANY company has to offer. They offer quality polished products, they may have expansions that cost money but they also release expansion quality patches FREE.

    Right now there is no gaming company as solid as blizzard is now. You know what you're getting when you buy a blizzard product.


    I'd rather support Riot Games, yes, than Activision-Blizzard. The fact that you don't see what's wrong with Blizzard and their games is exactly why they'll continue to exploit people like you and profit from it. But hey, enjoy it. They're basically the McDonalds of gaming companies. Enjoy paying for garbage. This just in: An expansion for Diablo 3 will have Pokemon and pvp! Only 59.99!!11

  • GorillaGorilla Member UncommonPosts: 2,235

    Originally posted by unclemo

    With the recent managment shake-ups you gotta wonder what is going on over there at Blizzard.

     Indeed. Though seems likely the management shake ups are a symptom of what's going on rather than a cause.

  • ArconaArcona Member UncommonPosts: 1,182

  • AndrewGoatAndrewGoat Member UncommonPosts: 160

    I love people who post stupid pictures instead of debating. It's pretty awesome.

    I bet you can't wait to buy the Diablo 3 expansion already, the one with the full features of the game in it, like pvp, and a cash shop including shiny pokemon and shiny horses.

    Good for you! I hope you enjoy it!

  • ArconaArcona Member UncommonPosts: 1,182

    So PvP arenas was a full feature of D2?


    So why did D2 sell 20 million copies?

    by the way arenas will be added in a free update.

    D3 will have much more support than D2 because Blizzard will have money from the RMAH to make free updates.

  • AndrewGoatAndrewGoat Member UncommonPosts: 160

    Originally posted by Arcona

    So PvP arenas was a full feature of D2?


    So why did D2 sell 20 million copies?

    So you're telling me that Diablo 3 shouldn't have 'pvp' or 'pvp arenas' just because Diablo 2 didn't? Okay, first off, this mentality is exactly why Blizzard's 'newer' games are garbage. They don't do anything new. They just put a new skin on it, and everyone buys it up like sheep.

    Secondly, Diablo 2 sold 20 million copies because it was actually a good, innovative game. Especially if you compare it to Diablo 1. Then, both games were actually made by a gaming company that cared about making good games, instead of regurgitating the same garbage year after year, Activision style.

    I hope you enjoy your Diablo 3 Expansion. Diablo 3: Rocks the 80s.

  • ArconaArcona Member UncommonPosts: 1,182

    AndrewGoat, are you serious??

    Suddenly people play Action RPGs because of the PvP?

    PvP has always been a sidenote to action RPGS, but now that Blizzard is adding Arenas a month or two after release its a main feature?

  • AndrewGoatAndrewGoat Member UncommonPosts: 160

    Originally posted by Aori

    If i like it i'll buy it, simple as that. But as i understand you, you'll support a corrupt, price gouging system that can be considered P2W?

    Have you even ever played League of Legends? You can buy every single thing in the game with in game currency, or speed it up with real money. And even then, the things you buy are champions that everyone else can get...through in game currency, it literally has nothing at all to do with 'Pay to Win'.

    I do hope you like your Diablo 3 thats only taken like 10 years to develop and wont ship with pvp, and instead will ship with a real money auction house. Like really, enjoy that. I hope you do.

    These mindless sheep that buy Blizzard's regurgitated garbage are funny. It's like they slap you in the face, after you paid to be slapped in the face, and you're just like...what are you gonna do for me next time? Oh, I'm going to slap you in the face again. Wonderful!

  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916

    OK I don't get it. Will we be able to duel other players? I know they were planning on releasing arenas and all that sort of crap but what I really care about are DUELS! Diablo 2 had only one option of PvP - dueling - and I loved it. As long as that it's in the game I will be happy.

    But yeah I want the game now or as soon as possible. I don't want a finished game. I want Diablo now! A few days ago I was QQing to a friend of mine how this game is taking ages and that they should just release a buggy/incomplete version like every other company and patch it afterwards. I have been waiting for this game for too long now.

    But yeah dueling in diablo > MMO PvP or some stupid arenas :D


    Originally posted by Netspook

    Originally posted by Corehaven

    I stopped being interested in the game when they revealed you had to have a net connection to play it at all.   Now no PVP either.   Game just seems worse and worse to me all the time. 


    Sounds like you expected PvP and no internet requirement. Lol...

    Owned. A mainly online game requires an internet connection to play. Amagad, what were they thinking??? I mean only 10% of the people on Earth have an internet connection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and some more !) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

  • TirinasTirinas Member Posts: 117

    Originally posted by Aori

    Originally posted by AndrewGoat

    Originally posted by Aori

    Hopefully you didn't say LoL is worthy of your time, there is more unmitigated garbage in that game than blizzard can afford trash trucks to remove it.

    People are going to hate, Blizzard still to this day has the best customer support ANY company has to offer. They offer quality polished products, they may have expansions that cost money but they also release expansion quality patches FREE.

    Right now there is no gaming company as solid as blizzard is now. You know what you're getting when you buy a blizzard product.


    I'd rather support Riot Games, yes, than Activision-Blizzard. The fact that you don't see what's wrong with Blizzard and their games is exactly why they'll continue to exploit people like you and profit from it. But hey, enjoy it. They're basically the McDonalds of gaming companies. Enjoy paying for garbage. This just in: An expansion for Diablo 3 will have Pokemon and pvp! Only 59.99!!11

    If i like it i'll buy it, simple as that. But as i understand you, you'll support a corrupt, price gouging system that can be considered P2W?


    So what are you gonna pay for to have an edge? skins? they don't add anything but looks. Champions? you can get them for free why pay ? Runes ? you can ONLY get them by playing and not paying.

    All thats left for you to buy are the XP/IP boosts and they don't make you a better player.

    So what exactly makes LoL a pay to win game or their system pay to win ?

  • koljanekoljane Member UncommonPosts: 171

    Diablo 1 = Single player game

    Diablo 2 = Single player game

    Diablo 3 should be single player game with some features for multyplayer, why you ppl QQ about Arena and PvP.

    Diablo had that touch that gave ppl joy to grind, gear up their toons and playing game on the nightmare level. That is what Diablo was and it should be back as the clasic old school game.


    Cause, whatever or whoever make a new game there is more ppl that throw pottatos on it then the ones that say that game is good.

    WOW is 7 years old game and it is time for the game to start loosing players and in some point it will have more ppl then any other new MMORPG (like 2 million ppl).

    LOL, DOTA, RIFT, TERA, Everquest, AION, SWTOR........... all good games but generaly it cant keep you motivated to play it like it was like 3-4 years ago, cause in past few years everything is spinin`around this games GENERALY. 

    SWTOR was last and biggest disapointment for us all. It just didnt gave majority of ppl full pleasure but just a bit that is not enough for ppl who play/played games i mentioned abow.

    To get back to track....

    Diablo 3 should start where Diablo 2 stoped, with minor adjusments.

    About Real Money AH, i see that as a good thing. You can play your game and you can sell items for real money. Farmers will now have to pay small fee to Blizzard for every sale :D

    There will be ppl who like to get items easy way and ppl who can make money on that kind of ppl. Now it will be legite and it is a win win combo for most of the customers.

    Also, we know it is Blizzard, the company that have only 4 games :D

    They will squeez the life of Diablo and give as new features on spoon in the coming years, that is how thay make money and still do.

    We can love or hate WOW, but that game have more the 7 million players and that is a fact. Rift,Aion,SWTOR,LOL,HON,DOTA dont have 7 million ppl TOGETHER. So, personal opinion is one thing but the numbers are saying different story.



  • warmaster670warmaster670 Member Posts: 1,384

    Originally posted by BarCrow can only play it online by registering it through you can't actually battle other players.  Battle.not  more likely.

    So somehow in your mind, battle = fighting other people, sorry but in the real world fighting npcs is still battleing.

    Originally posted by headphones


    they're putting in a cash shop masquerading as an auction house.


    So somehow players having the option of selling/buying items for real money (which they did in diablo 2 anyway) is somehow putting a cash shop in? i take it youve never actually seen a cash shop before, because you seem confused as to what they are.

    Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
    Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.

  • TirinasTirinas Member Posts: 117

    Originally posted by Aori

    Originally posted by AndrewGoat

    Originally posted by Aori

    If i like it i'll buy it, simple as that. But as i understand you, you'll support a corrupt, price gouging system that can be considered P2W?

    Have you even ever played League of Legends? You can buy every single thing in the game with in game currency, or speed it up with real money. And even then, the things you buy are champions that everyone else can get...through in game currency, it literally has nothing at all to do with 'Pay to Win'.

    I do hope you like your Diablo 3 thats only taken like 10 years to develop and wont ship with pvp, and instead will ship with a real money auction house. Like really, enjoy that. I hope you do.

    These mindless sheep that buy Blizzard's regurgitated garbage are funny. It's like they slap you in the face, after you paid to be slapped in the face, and you're just like...what are you gonna do for me next time? Oh, I'm going to slap you in the face again. Wonderful!

    Ok here we go, LoL you can buy skins, runes, boosts and champs. If you don't buy them with cash, it can take awhile to acquire all of them ingame (minus skins/boosts, cash only obviously).

    We take a look at Diablo3, Player run RMAH, all items are acquired and available in game. Whats the difference?

    The difference is your comparing apples to oranges.

    LoL is a moba in which you can get everything that might give you an edge for FREE.

    Skins are only aesthetic and don't make you a better player neither do they give you an advantage.

    Boosts? they only add extra XP or IP after a game is won or lost depending on what kind of boost you bought. Do boosts make you a better player or give you an i win button? No they don't. The only advantage they give you is that you might be able to buy a few more runes for when you hit level 20 which is no big deal since your capped at a certain amount you can put in your rune pages anyways.

    Champions and runes can both be bought with IP. In fact runes which are the things that give you an advantage can ONLY be bought with IP, the ingame currency you get after playing a game.

    Sure you could buy champions with real money but you still need to be good at them and thats something you don't seem to get. You can't go around telling people because your Fiora they should just surrender and expect to 1 hit everyone.

    As for D3; D3 is an A-rpg, something completely different from LoL.

    In D3 you have as you said yourself the RMAH which is THE definition of pay to win. You don't even have to farm or put any effort in the game because you can just buy your way to the top. You may say you aren't going to do that but in the end you'll either have to farm yourself which puts you behind the people that bought their way to the top and that is something most players don't want or buy yourself to the top.

    Sooooooooo apples and oranges.............

    "Are runes IP only? then my mistake, haven't played in long time. That aside, champs are still big deal to have and kinda costly then add IP boosts.. still i made my point above and still stands."

    Again; Champs are not a big deal since they don't make you a better player nor do they provide instant wins or any other advantages. It's all about you and how good you are.

  • expressoexpresso Member UncommonPosts: 2,218

    Meh.... so we get PvP a month or two after release I am more instrested in that they doubled monster health and damaged across the board and you now get access to hardcore mode (perma-death) at level 10 rather than having to play through the game once on normal mode.

    We'll probably get a release date announcment on friday with the D3 press-event at blizz HQ, I can this out in April... bout time to.


  • ormstungaormstunga Member Posts: 736

    Is there anything left of this game?

    Oh that's right, tools supplied by blizzard to chinese farmers for a cut of their money.... wtf happened?

  • SlampigSlampig Member UncommonPosts: 2,342

    Originally posted by Aori

    Originally posted by Mephster

    I think the game has been in developement for about oh say 50 years now and they still can't get it right. What have they been doing ?


    Article - 

    More like 10 or so years but ya sarcasm is great. The game has been redone 2-3 times now, the original version was by blizzard north btw so obviously they're long gone so it was changed.

    Either way, blizzard is telling us its not ready and providing us with the pve aspect. You can CHOOSE to purchase it KNOWING the PvP is not yet available or you can wait.. still KNOWING the PvP is not yet available.

    I don't see the issue, they aren't hiding that it isn't ready and are giving you the choice.

    It is easier to cry gloom and doom. Then again I also think that a LOT of people on this site have a hard time with reading comprehension.

    That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!

  • simmihisimmihi Member UncommonPosts: 709

    "After a lot of consideration and discussion, we ultimately felt that delaying the whole game purely for PvP would just be punishing to everyone who’s waiting to enjoy the campaign and core solo/co-op content, all of which is just about complete."

    I find that to be a decent approach to things. Afterall, the big chunk of people interested in D3 are looking forward mainly to the PvE aspect.

  • trikkitrikki Member Posts: 58

    This is good news,hope they dont add PVP all.Or add PVP without any gear vendors.Just simple achievements.

  • BaniscoBanisco Member Posts: 240

    It looks to me that they are leaving pvp out to rush the game and release it before GW2, because as we all know the two are B2P and the first to come, will sell more.

    About the LoL P2W thing, all you can buy with real money are skins (no impact on gameplay) ip and exp boost (fasten your leveling but dont increase your skill) and champions, and in case you dont know all champions are equal in power, the champion you use doesnt matter, is the skill what matters and you cant buy that. But the RMAH of D3 is clearly a P2W shop, no player will make money with that because wen they find a cool item that they want to sell, they go to the RMAH and find that the bots, farmers, and gold selling mafias have overloaded the shop with 100+ copys of that item for 0.09 moneys (euro, dolar, pounds, wathever). So if there is no point to sell, the only poin is to buy, and if you buy all the rare items withou having to figth and play for them you get more powerfull by only using your wallet, thats what i call P2W.

  • expressoexpresso Member UncommonPosts: 2,218

    Originally posted by Banisco

    It looks to me that they are leaving pvp out to rush the game and release it before GW2, because as we all know the two are B2P and the first to come, will sell more.

    About the LoL P2W thing, all you can buy with real money are skins (no impact on gameplay) ip and exp boost (fasten your leveling but dont increase your skill) and champions, and in case you dont know all champions are equal in power, the champion you use doesnt matter, is the skill what matters and you cant buy that. But the RMAH of D3 is clearly a P2W shop, no player will make money with that because wen they find a cool item that they want to sell, they go to the RMAH and find that the bots, farmers, and gold selling mafias have overloaded the shop with 100+ copys of that item for 0.09 moneys (euro, dolar, pounds, wathever). So if there is no point to sell, the only poin is to buy, and if you buy all the rare items withou having to figth and play for them you get more powerfull by only using your wallet, thats what i call P2W.

    Rush the game? rofl Blizzard are anything but rushing, but clearly they have come to a point where they have to release - it's expensive to keep a game in production, even Blizzard have limits.

    As to the RMAH lets just see how it plays out, I dont plan to use it and will use the gold auction house if I need to - I also just leaned that hardcore (perma-death) characters do not have access to the RMAH and have their own stash so that is great news.

  • BaniscoBanisco Member Posts: 240

    Originally posted by expresso

    Originally posted by Banisco

    It looks to me that they are leaving pvp out to rush the game and release it before GW2, because as we all know the two are B2P and the first to come, will sell more.

    About the LoL P2W thing, all you can buy with real money are skins (no impact on gameplay) ip and exp boost (fasten your leveling but dont increase your skill) and champions, and in case you dont know all champions are equal in power, the champion you use doesnt matter, is the skill what matters and you cant buy that. But the RMAH of D3 is clearly a P2W shop, no player will make money with that because wen they find a cool item that they want to sell, they go to the RMAH and find that the bots, farmers, and gold selling mafias have overloaded the shop with 100+ copys of that item for 0.09 moneys (euro, dolar, pounds, wathever). So if there is no point to sell, the only poin is to buy, and if you buy all the rare items withou having to figth and play for them you get more powerfull by only using your wallet, thats what i call P2W.

    Rush the game? rofl Blizzard are anything but rushing, but clearly they have come to a point where they have to release - it's expensive to keep a game in production, even Blizzard have limits.

    As to the RMAH lets just see how it plays out, I dont plan to use it and will use the gold auction house if I need to - I also just leaned that hardcore (perma-death) characters do not have access to the RMAH and have their own stash so that is great news.

    Well maybe rush is not the correct word, i mean that they want to release it the sooner posible in order to not have to compete with other titles.

  • BanquettoBanquetto Member UncommonPosts: 1,037

    I never PvP'd in years of playing Diablo 2, and I doubt I would have PvP'd in Diablo 3 either.

    But this game is really starting to smell of "we've spent enough, just release the damn thing, finished or not." Enthusiasm is rapidly waning - and that's after month of telling people how good the beta was looking. Now every build seems worse than the one before as they slash and burn to get it ready to push out the door.

  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916

    Originally posted by Tirinas

    Originally posted by Aori


    The difference is your comparing apples to oranges.

    LoL is a moba in which you can get everything that might give you an edge for FREE.

    Skins are only aesthetic and don't make you a better player neither do they give you an advantage.

    Boosts? they only add extra XP or IP after a game is won or lost depending on what kind of boost you bought. Do boosts make you a better player or give you an i win button? No they don't. The only advantage they give you is that you might be able to buy a few more runes for when you hit level 20 which is no big deal since your capped at a certain amount you can put in your rune pages anyways.

    Champions and runes can both be bought with IP. In fact runes which are the things that give you an advantage can ONLY be bought with IP, the ingame currency you get after playing a game.

    Sure you could buy champions with real money but you still need to be good at them and thats something you don't seem to get. You can't go around telling people because your Fiora they should just surrender and expect to 1 hit everyone.

    As for D3; D3 is an A-rpg, something completely different from LoL.

    In D3 you have as you said yourself the RMAH which is THE definition of pay to win. You don't even have to farm or put any effort in the game because you can just buy your way to the top. You may say you aren't going to do that but in the end you'll either have to farm yourself which puts you behind the people that bought their way to the top and that is something most players don't want or buy yourself to the top.

    Sooooooooo apples and oranges.............

    "Are runes IP only? then my mistake, haven't played in long time. That aside, champs are still big deal to have and kinda costly then add IP boosts.. still i made my point above and still stands."

    Again; Champs are not a big deal since they don't make you a better player nor do they provide instant wins or any other advantages. It's all about you and how good you are.

    Having to farm in Diablo isn't a big suprise is it? To be honest, it's not like they are fabricating the items. Every single item on that auction would have dropped in game and earned by players. Do you know how many times I wanted some items in Diablo 2 which would NEVER drop for me. I have played thousands of hours of Diablo 2 and I never got items like Tyrael's Might or perfect Death's Phatom. Do you know how much I wanted the Death's Phantom? Some of the items in Diablo 2 were so rare.  No MMO item comes even close to how rare Tyrael's Might was. If I could buy the dimensional shard, I would.

    Also there's no RMAH in hardcore (the mode I will most likely play a lot). But that's too hardcore :D 

    Plus I  will not lose any sleep over not having any MMO players playing Diablo :D This whole moral principle thing jsut for it's sake is getting annoying. 

    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

  • ThegoodlolThegoodlol Member CommonPosts: 64

    Well 2-3 years ago this would have made me sad, but right now I've come to the conclusion that if I want to find balanced and fun PvP, I'm not gonna find it in MMO's (save a few exceptions), but rather in RTS or Shooters, so it doesn't bother me very much. Plus, they will surely patch it as soon as they can, so I can wait a month with no problem, it will give me time to explore the game until PvP is added. Maybe there will be some kind of duel feature that will be availble at launch.

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