That's pretty much it in a nutshell. ArenaNet have already explicitly said what their "so-called" endgame is about. They expect people to play the same game they were doing, prior to leveling, which means 5-man Dungeons, Dynamic Events, Exploration etc. People just seem to think "no raid, no gear grind... there must be something else." It's pretty sad at this point.
well im thought excatly that at first and i feel guildwars 2 will be excatly like this same things we been doing just with diffrent way of going around it
though this is not all that bad but it can have its major downfalls
we been doing leveling 5mans expleration for years in MMOS and dynamic events if you inculd rift but everything is cosmetic once you obtain what your looking for PVE will be none existent
Do it for fun people say but everyones ideal of fun is different i have concerns with PVE
i was talking in another thread about Guildwars 2 PVE and PVP
So this is my problem i like guildwars 2 it looks awsome but as more info goes by and closer we are to realse of guildwars 2 i started to think hard about following list below
End Game:
So we have not got lot of info what Guildwars 2 End game will be like so i can only say from what anet has told us so far and info we have been given
it seems like guildwars 2 endgame consist of PVP and PVE content but seems like End game content will be more PVP then PVE
i will get to reason why i think this furthure down
PVP is player vs player we all know this so we have WvW PVP and 5v5 PvP and i bet guildwars 2 PVP will be really good no doubt about it due to fact guildwars 2 is not gear dependent so all end game gear will be same as everyone elses with different visuals and if balance of classes is done right then PVP should be top notch
now this is were i have my major problem as i said about PVP.
so we all know gear is cosmetic so is doing dungeons worth hassle if you can do PVP? if you can gain exp and gear and money from PVP?
This is my issue and now dynamic events so reason why dynamic events is make questing inovative and it does it looks reallllyyyy gooooodd but PROBLEM!!!! why would i bother? as mention all items are cosmetic and have very little benifits to me so theres no rewards to do it justice.... also have this feeling that there will be no incenstive to do more then whats needed in guildwars 2
we have the sidekick feature in guildwars 2 so we can do any content with friends ect but again why would i go and do any of content guildwas 2 has to offer if im not going benfit even exp/leveling has no incenstive due to this feature so all i am left with is to do pvp
Now you have story mode but we all know no matter what a single player RPG will have a better story then a MMO can offer
im just stuck on this issue and im not sure if im missing something i know games are supose be for fun but ideal of fun is be rewarded even single player games reward you for your time and fact everything is just cosmetic makes me feel like PVE will be pointless and no incenstive to do it
They have said time and time again what you will do at level 80, the same thing you are doing at levels 1 through 79, adventuring through the land. They will have harder dynamic events, dungeons and personal story missions at 80. But they are not going to specifically lable this stuff "end game stuff". The gola being to enjoy eveyr minute of it.
Think of it like life. How many of us are trying to speed through life to get to age 80, retirement. None of us, we're enjoying the adventure as we go along.
So thre's going to be tons of things to do in PVE by the time you get to 80 (they mentioned thousands of quests in the game which means at least 100 to 200 at 80).
Guild Wars frees your shackles of "endgame, which is realy just code word for Raiding.
When you reach the level cap in GW2, you have plenty of things to keep doing and can even go back and do content from level 2-80. Structured PvP, World vs. World, Dungeons, Dynamic Events, Meta Events, Achievments, Exploration, Crafting, Mini-games, etc... There is so much you can do in this game, depending on what type of content you feel like doing for any given session, it isn't even funny.
You will continue doing these things, or even create an alt and play the game over again from the start, because it's fun. Not because of some endless gear grind that forces people to spend hundreds of hours to keep their characters equiped with the very best items; items that will mean absilutely nothing to you the second you quit the game or some new expansion comes out that introduces common green gear that's as good as all that gear you spent those hours grinding for.
It's about time that an MMO came a long that was about playing to have fun playing, rather than just being some endless time waster that uses artificial rewards to ingrain in people a conditioned response that compels them to keep playing a game long after it has stopped providing actual fun.
but i have a feeling a stronge one that PVE will not hold players attention for long
the dynamic events are very innovative yes they are but like someone else said if theres no goal to aim for in a game then what am i supose to do as a player
sure i can PVP but only so much PVP i will do until i get bored
i like to mix things up and i enjoy PVE
issue with incenstive to PVE cannot just be for a cosmetic items there has be more to PVE content then cosmetic and new way to quest if thats all there is to offer then thats very sad it may not be same gear tread mill grind as other mmos
and if cosmetic turns be a big hit then i can bet people will do dungeons like they do raids in other MMO's there for it could possible a gear run tred mill to look cool but not have stats so in theroy it could be same crap we be doing
and now i know side kicking is only for PvP that helps little more for PvE players to want to level up and im glade they removed PVE side kicking
But im not one to go around collecting titles and stuff like that im one that farms for items and mats and sells things trades with people ect i enjoy econmys aspect of a MMO
The item incentivization you describe is one of the reasons most MMOs tank hard the longer they are out. Once most people have the biggest and best shiny... They demand even bigger and more shiny items. This creates a distinct rift between the hardcore and the casual. Both are needed for a game to survive.
The item carrot is nothing more than a mentality. This game was not made for hardcore 20 - 40 man raids. There are no uber items which replace skill. It is not bad to desire that in a game, GW2 is just not for you. Personally I can stay in WvWvW for a very long time as I did with DAoC. I don't need shiny stuff... I like the challenge a human opponent brings which IMO is far greater than any raid content can ever deliver.
The explorable dungeons will also have a number of routes and right now they are extremely challenging 5 mans. Going through all of the content that is slated to come out at release should keep hardcore groups busy until the first expansion. I really don't see the issue here other than no 20/40 man raids which honestly are no fun after the 50th run. If I never have to hear about DKP again it will be glorious.
- Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell. ArenaNet have already explicitly said what their "so-called" endgame is about. They expect people to play the same game they were doing, prior to leveling, which means 5-man Dungeons, Dynamic Events, Exploration etc. People just seem to think "no raid, no gear grind... there must be something else." It's pretty sad at this point.
well im thought excatly that at first and i feel guildwars 2 will be excatly like this same things we been doing just with diffrent way of going around it
though this is not all that bad but it can have its major downfalls
we been doing leveling 5mans expleration for years in MMOS and dynamic events if you inculd rift but everything is cosmetic once you obtain what your looking for PVE will be none existent
Do it for fun people say but everyones ideal of fun is different i have concerns with PVE
While i understand your thought process here( i don't hold it myself ), i'm thinking you are going to be very disappointed in the game. Rift's "dynamic events" fell woefully short of what they were hyped up to be. Sure they would spring up all over the map randomly and invasions would occur...but that was it. Raid rifts, Pvp rifts and the like were pretty poor. The dynamic events in GW2 are enormous in scope. they aren't simply pockets of enemies that show up and go away after a while. they have a lasting impact on each zone.
It seems like you want a gear treadmill, but are tip toeing around coming out and just saying it. There is no gear treadmill in this game and there never will be. It is what it is. Like i said, this game may disappoint you if that's what you are looking for.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell. ArenaNet have already explicitly said what their "so-called" endgame is about. They expect people to play the same game they were doing, prior to leveling, which means 5-man Dungeons, Dynamic Events, Exploration etc. People just seem to think "no raid, no gear grind... there must be something else." It's pretty sad at this point.
well im thought excatly that at first and i feel guildwars 2 will be excatly like this same things we been doing just with diffrent way of going around it
though this is not all that bad but it can have its major downfalls
we been doing leveling 5mans expleration for years in MMOS and dynamic events if you inculd rift but everything is cosmetic once you obtain what your looking for PVE will be none existent
Do it for fun people say but everyones ideal of fun is different i have concerns with PVE
While i understand what your thought process here( i don't hold it myself), i'm thinking you are going to be very disappointed in the game. Rift's "dynamic events" feel woefully short of what they were hyped up to be. Sure they would spring up all over the map randomly and invasions would occur...but that was it. Raid rifts, Pvp rifts and the like were pretty poor. The dynamic events in GW2 are enormous in scope. they aren't simply pockets of enemies that show up and go away after a while. they have a lasting impact on each zone.
It seems like you want a gear treadmill, but are tip toeing around coming out and just saying it. There is no gear treadmill in this game and there never will be. It is what it is. Like i said, this game may disappoint you if that's what you are looking for.
To be honest nah i dont really want a gear tredmill i just wanna know if theres more to PVE then Dynamic events and 5 man dungeons with cosmetics O.o?
If Anet does not or cannot fix "mob scaling" then pve is going to be a problem. As it is now its kind of a zergy faceroll with lots of players, pets, and over the top partical effects.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
If Anet does not or cannot fix "mob scaling" then pve is going to be a problem. As it is now its kind of a zergy faceroll with lots of players, pets, and over the top partical effects.
The only time I forsee this being an issue is at the beginning of the game, especially at release since the player concentration will be greatest then. As you level up the population will be more spread out and the scaling should work out a lot better.
If Anet does not or cannot fix "mob scaling" then pve is going to be a problem. As it is now its kind of a zergy faceroll with lots of players, pets, and over the top partical effects.
this could be a problem but i have feeling scaleing easy to fix in a game
As far as I understand there is no "END GAME" in GW2, ANet got rid of that ridiculous MMO problem, instead you get "GAME", all the way starting at level 1.
And gear that looks as awesome as in Gw2 (like the set that glows in the night) is a far greater incentive than crappy looking sets in other mmos that grant you +0.1% better stats.
As far as I understand there is no "END GAME" in GW2, ANet got rid of that ridiculous MMO problem, instead you get "GAME", all the way starting at level 1.
And gear that looks as awesome as in Gw2 (like the set that glows in the night) is a far greater incentive than crappy looking sets in other mmos that grant you +0.1% better stats.
hmm you have a point but its not 0.1% lol
this all depends on how hard guildwars 2 is and if easy mode vs hard mode has different cosmetics then there could be some light
It's threads like this that make me want to take my hat off to wow and give them a standing ovation. They have absolutely rewritten the point of playing a game. No longer is it about having fun and beating hte big bad at the end. It's about the most powerful item and the most powerful character. (neither of which exist but boy does it make you chase it well).
I want to beat the undead dragon at 80, and then go on to the other lands and defeat each of those dragons.
it seems like guildwars 2 endgame consist of PVP and PVE content but seems like End game content will be more PVP then PVE.It's a PvP Game. Like the original. Will always be.
There is no 'endgame' for Guild Wars. Getting to 80 does not mean you've full unlocked the game. There are still lots of things hidden around the world for you to find (most obvious would be skill challenges). I don't really want to go down a big list, and part of the fun of this game will be finding out about this stuff as you go along, so instead:
The rundown on gear in GW2. How it's not purely cosmetic, but in a way all gear is equal:
In Guild Wars 2 you have the following stats, which everyone shares:
Power - Increases damage
Expertise - Increases condition duration
Presision - Increases critical chance
Prowess - Increases critical damage
Malice - Increase condition damage
Toughness - Increases damage reduction
Compassion - Increases healing done
Vitality - Increases health
Concentration - Increases buff duration
** (and one class - specific stat) **
So, already I'm sure you will notice some differences to the standard stat system of most MMOs. For starters, unlike most MMOs, each class doesn't have 1 stat that is their 'primary damage stat'. You have multiple ways of boosting your damage output, each effecting different skills.
So for example:
An Axe with +20 Power would be perfect for a sustained DPS build. Now if you wanted a crit burst build, you may want to go with say an axe that has +5 Power + 10 Precision + 5 Prowess, or something along those lines. Both axes give +20 stats, but that +5 Power, +10 Precision, +5 Prowess axe might only drop in a dungeon. So you'll either have to copy attributes from other weapons to create that axe yourself, or you'll have to get a group together and go beat that dungeon.
Make sense? This is also a highly simplistic example. The stat breakdown per class will be a bit more complex than that, and there will be people who will want multiple weapon / armor sets to cater to different builds.
It's threads like this that make me want to take my hat off to wow and give them a standing ovation. They have absolutely rewritten the point of playing a game. No longer is it about having fun and beating hte big bad at the end. It's about the most powerful item and the most powerful character. (neither of which exist but boy does it make you chase it well).
I want to beat the undead dragon at 80, and then go on to the other lands and defeat each of those dragons.
I want to take my hat of for Wow because people assume it invented stuff like that.
You were raiding for gear in EQ already, the only difference was that it took longer time before you would start with it. All Wow did was lowering the time to level up, and that is not rewriting anything.
MMOs have been pretty focused on gear already since Meridian 59 launched in '96. I blame D&D which is one of the most gear focused ROGs ever made 8r.I.F.T.S is worse but it is the only one i can think of).
The real problem lately have been that you start faster and faster on the gear grind. In the early games many more or less casual players would never really reach max level, a new expansion would raise the level before they even got there.
Sadly have MMOs always focused more on time sinks than having fun with a few exceptions.
There is no 'endgame' for Guild Wars. Getting to 80 does not mean you've full unlocked the game. There are still lots of things hidden around the world for you to find (most obvious would be skill challenges). I don't really want to go down a big list, and part of the fun of this game will be finding out about this stuff as you go along, so instead:
The rundown on gear in GW2. How it's not purely cosmetic, but in a way all gear isequal:
In Guild Wars 2 you have the following stats, which everyone shares:
Power - Increases damage
Expertise - Increases condition duration
Presision - Increases critical chance
Prowess - Increases critical damage
Malice - Increase condition damage
Toughness - Increases damage reduction
Compassion - Increases healing done
Vitality - Increases health
Concentration - Increases buff duration
** (and one class - specific stat) **
So, already I'm sure you will notice some differences to the standard stat system of most MMOs. For starters, unlike most MMOs, each class doesn't have 1 stat that is their 'primary damage stat'. You have multiple ways of boosting your damage output, each effecting different skills.
So for example:
An Axe with +20 Power would be perfect for a sustained DPS build. Now if you wanted a crit burst build, you may want to go with say an axe that has +5 Power + 10 Precision + 5 Prowess, or something along those lines. Both axes give +20 stats, but that +5 Power, +10 Precision, +5 Prowess axe might only drop in a dungeon. So you'll either have to copy attributes from other weapons to create that axe yourself, or you'll have to get a group together and go beat that dungeon.
Make sense? This is also a highly simplistic example. The stat breakdown per class will be a bit more complex than that, and there will be people who will want multiple weapon / armor sets to cater to different builds.
There's over 9000 PvE-heavy MMOs with gear progression on the market already. Why can't people who want gear-based PvE just leave GW2 alone?
its not about gear or shiny stuff clearly your not reading the posts
its about whats there to do if there is no gear treadmil
we be doing
Dungeons and PVP and Crafting for donky ages
Dynamic events is new twist but this feature alone is not enough to keep anyone playing long term its about concerns of longtivity and other Content PVP and PVE issues that need more insight
An Axe with +20 Power would be perfect for a sustained DPS build. Now if you wanted a crit burst build, you may want to go with say an axe that has +5 Power + 10 Precision + 5 Prowess, or something along those lines. Both axes give +20 stats, but that +5 Power, +10 Precision, +5 Prowess axe might only drop in a dungeon. So you'll either have to copy attributes from other weapons to create that axe yourself, or you'll have to get a group together and go beat that dungeon.
Make sense? This is also a highly simplistic example. The stat breakdown per class will be a bit more complex than that, and there will be people who will want multiple weapon / armor sets to cater to different builds.
Im just going to point out that the pure stat items give diminishing returns, so items with bonuses more than one attribute give more total points.
For example:
+25 power
+15 power
+10 malice
+5 precision
obviously my example is as simple as yours was meant to be, but I thought I would point that little detail out. Details are important to some people.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
An Axe with +20 Power would be perfect for a sustained DPS build. Now if you wanted a crit burst build, you may want to go with say an axe that has +5 Power + 10 Precision + 5 Prowess, or something along those lines. Both axes give +20 stats, but that +5 Power, +10 Precision, +5 Prowess axe might only drop in a dungeon. So you'll either have to copy attributes from other weapons to create that axe yourself, or you'll have to get a group together and go beat that dungeon.
Make sense? This is also a highly simplistic example. The stat breakdown per class will be a bit more complex than that, and there will be people who will want multiple weapon / armor sets to cater to different builds.
Im just going to point out that the pure stat items give diminishing returns, so items with bonuses more than one attribute give more total points.
For example:
+25 power
+15 power
+10 malice
+5 precision
obviously my example is as simple as yours was meant to be, but I thought I would point that little detail out. Details are important to some people.
to be honest i dont care about states of equiment lol this threads about concerns
An Axe with +20 Power would be perfect for a sustained DPS build. Now if you wanted a crit burst build, you may want to go with say an axe that has +5 Power + 10 Precision + 5 Prowess, or something along those lines. Both axes give +20 stats, but that +5 Power, +10 Precision, +5 Prowess axe might only drop in a dungeon. So you'll either have to copy attributes from other weapons to create that axe yourself, or you'll have to get a group together and go beat that dungeon.
Make sense? This is also a highly simplistic example. The stat breakdown per class will be a bit more complex than that, and there will be people who will want multiple weapon / armor sets to cater to different builds.
Im just going to point out that the pure stat items give diminishing returns, so items with bonuses more than one attribute give more total points.
For example:
+25 power
+15 power
+10 malice
+5 precision
obviously my example is as simple as yours was meant to be, but I thought I would point that little detail out. Details are important to some people.
to be honest i dont care about states of equiment lol this threads about concerns
The game is what it is...what you wanna know about?? If we going do do the same things after end game??
Of course we will, they can't make a infinite game...the only way to avoid stagnation is with expansion packs and thats the route they will follow.
It's threads like this that make me want to take my hat off to wow and give them a standing ovation. They have absolutely rewritten the point of playing a game. No longer is it about having fun and beating hte big bad at the end. It's about the most powerful item and the most powerful character. (neither of which exist but boy does it make you chase it well).
I want to beat the undead dragon at 80, and then go on to the other lands and defeat each of those dragons.
I want to take my hat of for Wow because people assume it invented stuff like that.
You were raiding for gear in EQ already, the only difference was that it took longer time before you would start with it. All Wow did was lowering the time to level up, and that is not rewriting anything.
MMOs have been pretty focused on gear already since Meridian 59 launched in '96. I blame D&D which is one of the most gear focused ROGs ever made 8r.I.F.T.S is worse but it is the only one i can think of).
The real problem lately have been that you start faster and faster on the gear grind. In the early games many more or less casual players would never really reach max level, a new expansion would raise the level before they even got there.
Sadly have MMOs always focused more on time sinks than having fun with a few exceptions.
Who did it first is rather irrelevant. It was WoW who introduced this way of playing to the vast majority. So yes the credit for this mindset should go to WoW.
i was talking in another thread about Guildwars 2 PVE and PVP
So this is my problem i like guildwars 2 it looks awsome but as more info goes by and closer we are to realse of guildwars 2 i started to think hard about following list below
End Game:
So we have not got lot of info what Guildwars 2 End game will be like so i can only say from what anet has told us so far and info we have been given
it seems like guildwars 2 endgame consist of PVP and PVE content but seems like End game content will be more PVP then PVE
i will get to reason why i think this furthure down
PVP is player vs player we all know this so we have WvW PVP and 5v5 PvP and i bet guildwars 2 PVP will be really good no doubt about it due to fact guildwars 2 is not gear dependent so all end game gear will be same as everyone elses with different visuals and if balance of classes is done right then PVP should be top notch
now this is were i have my major problem as i said about PVP.
so we all know gear is cosmetic so is doing dungeons worth hassle if you can do PVP? if you can gain exp and gear and money from PVP?
This is my issue and now dynamic events so reason why dynamic events is make questing inovative and it does it looks reallllyyyy gooooodd but PROBLEM!!!! why would i bother? as mention all items are cosmetic and have very little benifits to me so theres no rewards to do it justice.... also have this feeling that there will be no incenstive to do more then whats needed in guildwars 2
we have the sidekick feature in guildwars 2 so we can do any content with friends ect but again why would i go and do any of content guildwas 2 has to offer if im not going benfit even exp/leveling has no incenstive due to this feature so all i am left with is to do pvp
Now you have story mode but we all know no matter what a single player RPG will have a better story then a MMO can offer
im just stuck on this issue and im not sure if im missing something i know games are supose be for fun but ideal of fun is be rewarded even single player games reward you for your time and fact everything is just cosmetic makes me feel like PVE will be pointless and no incenstive to do it
Playing: GW2 Waiting on: TESO Next Flop: Planetside 2 Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
Try this. Put on a yellow shirt, red pants, two different types of shoes, and a green tie. Now go look in the mirror and ask yourself if it's worth the effort to go change, because after all, you're already dressed.
well im thought excatly that at first and i feel guildwars 2 will be excatly like this same things we been doing just with diffrent way of going around it
though this is not all that bad but it can have its major downfalls
we been doing leveling 5mans expleration for years in MMOS and dynamic events if you inculd rift but everything is cosmetic once you obtain what your looking for PVE will be none existent
Do it for fun people say but everyones ideal of fun is different i have concerns with PVE
They have said time and time again what you will do at level 80, the same thing you are doing at levels 1 through 79, adventuring through the land. They will have harder dynamic events, dungeons and personal story missions at 80. But they are not going to specifically lable this stuff "end game stuff". The gola being to enjoy eveyr minute of it.
Think of it like life. How many of us are trying to speed through life to get to age 80, retirement. None of us, we're enjoying the adventure as we go along.
So thre's going to be tons of things to do in PVE by the time you get to 80 (they mentioned thousands of quests in the game which means at least 100 to 200 at 80).
Guild Wars frees your shackles of "endgame, which is realy just code word for Raiding.
When you reach the level cap in GW2, you have plenty of things to keep doing and can even go back and do content from level 2-80. Structured PvP, World vs. World, Dungeons, Dynamic Events, Meta Events, Achievments, Exploration, Crafting, Mini-games, etc... There is so much you can do in this game, depending on what type of content you feel like doing for any given session, it isn't even funny.
You will continue doing these things, or even create an alt and play the game over again from the start, because it's fun. Not because of some endless gear grind that forces people to spend hundreds of hours to keep their characters equiped with the very best items; items that will mean absilutely nothing to you the second you quit the game or some new expansion comes out that introduces common green gear that's as good as all that gear you spent those hours grinding for.
It's about time that an MMO came a long that was about playing to have fun playing, rather than just being some endless time waster that uses artificial rewards to ingrain in people a conditioned response that compels them to keep playing a game long after it has stopped providing actual fun.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
The item incentivization you describe is one of the reasons most MMOs tank hard the longer they are out. Once most people have the biggest and best shiny... They demand even bigger and more shiny items. This creates a distinct rift between the hardcore and the casual. Both are needed for a game to survive.
The item carrot is nothing more than a mentality. This game was not made for hardcore 20 - 40 man raids. There are no uber items which replace skill. It is not bad to desire that in a game, GW2 is just not for you. Personally I can stay in WvWvW for a very long time as I did with DAoC. I don't need shiny stuff... I like the challenge a human opponent brings which IMO is far greater than any raid content can ever deliver.
The explorable dungeons will also have a number of routes and right now they are extremely challenging 5 mans. Going through all of the content that is slated to come out at release should keep hardcore groups busy until the first expansion. I really don't see the issue here other than no 20/40 man raids which honestly are no fun after the 50th run. If I never have to hear about DKP again it will be glorious.
- Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
While i understand your thought process here( i don't hold it myself ), i'm thinking you are going to be very disappointed in the game. Rift's "dynamic events" fell woefully short of what they were hyped up to be. Sure they would spring up all over the map randomly and invasions would occur...but that was it. Raid rifts, Pvp rifts and the like were pretty poor. The dynamic events in GW2 are enormous in scope. they aren't simply pockets of enemies that show up and go away after a while. they have a lasting impact on each zone.
It seems like you want a gear treadmill, but are tip toeing around coming out and just saying it. There is no gear treadmill in this game and there never will be. It is what it is. Like i said, this game may disappoint you if that's what you are looking for.
To be honest nah i dont really want a gear tredmill i just wanna know if theres more to PVE then Dynamic events and 5 man dungeons with cosmetics O.o?
If Anet does not or cannot fix "mob scaling" then pve is going to be a problem. As it is now its kind of a zergy faceroll with lots of players, pets, and over the top partical effects.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
The only time I forsee this being an issue is at the beginning of the game, especially at release since the player concentration will be greatest then. As you level up the population will be more spread out and the scaling should work out a lot better.
this could be a problem but i have feeling scaleing easy to fix in a game
As far as I understand there is no "END GAME" in GW2, ANet got rid of that ridiculous MMO problem, instead you get "GAME", all the way starting at level 1.
And gear that looks as awesome as in Gw2 (like the set that glows in the night) is a far greater incentive than crappy looking sets in other mmos that grant you +0.1% better stats.
My Guild Wars 2 First Beta Weekend "reviewette" :
hmm you have a point but its not 0.1% lol
this all depends on how hard guildwars 2 is and if easy mode vs hard mode has different cosmetics then there could be some light
It's threads like this that make me want to take my hat off to wow and give them a standing ovation. They have absolutely rewritten the point of playing a game. No longer is it about having fun and beating hte big bad at the end. It's about the most powerful item and the most powerful character. (neither of which exist but boy does it make you chase it well).
I want to beat the undead dragon at 80, and then go on to the other lands and defeat each of those dragons.
There is no 'endgame' for Guild Wars. Getting to 80 does not mean you've full unlocked the game. There are still lots of things hidden around the world for you to find (most obvious would be skill challenges). I don't really want to go down a big list, and part of the fun of this game will be finding out about this stuff as you go along, so instead:
The rundown on gear in GW2. How it's not purely cosmetic, but in a way all gear is equal:
In Guild Wars 2 you have the following stats, which everyone shares:
Power - Increases damage
Expertise - Increases condition duration
Presision - Increases critical chance
Prowess - Increases critical damage
Malice - Increase condition damage
Toughness - Increases damage reduction
Compassion - Increases healing done
Vitality - Increases health
Concentration - Increases buff duration
** (and one class - specific stat) **
So, already I'm sure you will notice some differences to the standard stat system of most MMOs. For starters, unlike most MMOs, each class doesn't have 1 stat that is their 'primary damage stat'. You have multiple ways of boosting your damage output, each effecting different skills.
So for example:
An Axe with +20 Power would be perfect for a sustained DPS build. Now if you wanted a crit burst build, you may want to go with say an axe that has +5 Power + 10 Precision + 5 Prowess, or something along those lines. Both axes give +20 stats, but that +5 Power, +10 Precision, +5 Prowess axe might only drop in a dungeon. So you'll either have to copy attributes from other weapons to create that axe yourself, or you'll have to get a group together and go beat that dungeon.
Make sense? This is also a highly simplistic example. The stat breakdown per class will be a bit more complex than that, and there will be people who will want multiple weapon / armor sets to cater to different builds.
There's over 9000 PvE-heavy MMOs with gear progression on the market already. Why can't people who want gear-based PvE just leave GW2 alone?
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).
I want to take my hat of for Wow because people assume it invented stuff like that.
You were raiding for gear in EQ already, the only difference was that it took longer time before you would start with it. All Wow did was lowering the time to level up, and that is not rewriting anything.
MMOs have been pretty focused on gear already since Meridian 59 launched in '96. I blame D&D which is one of the most gear focused ROGs ever made 8r.I.F.T.S is worse but it is the only one i can think of).
The real problem lately have been that you start faster and faster on the gear grind. In the early games many more or less casual players would never really reach max level, a new expansion would raise the level before they even got there.
Sadly have MMOs always focused more on time sinks than having fun with a few exceptions.
There is no 'endgame' for Guild Wars. Getting to 80 does not mean you've full unlocked the game. There are still lots of things hidden around the world for you to find (most obvious would be skill challenges). I don't really want to go down a big list, and part of the fun of this game will be finding out about this stuff as you go along, so instead:
The rundown on gear in GW2. How it's not purely cosmetic, but in a way all gear is equal:
In Guild Wars 2 you have the following stats, which everyone shares:
Power - Increases damage
Expertise - Increases condition duration
Presision - Increases critical chance
Prowess - Increases critical damage
Malice - Increase condition damage
Toughness - Increases damage reduction
Compassion - Increases healing done
Vitality - Increases health
Concentration - Increases buff duration
** (and one class - specific stat) **
So, already I'm sure you will notice some differences to the standard stat system of most MMOs. For starters, unlike most MMOs, each class doesn't have 1 stat that is their 'primary damage stat'. You have multiple ways of boosting your damage output, each effecting different skills.
So for example:
An Axe with +20 Power would be perfect for a sustained DPS build. Now if you wanted a crit burst build, you may want to go with say an axe that has +5 Power + 10 Precision + 5 Prowess, or something along those lines. Both axes give +20 stats, but that +5 Power, +10 Precision, +5 Prowess axe might only drop in a dungeon. So you'll either have to copy attributes from other weapons to create that axe yourself, or you'll have to get a group together and go beat that dungeon.
Make sense? This is also a highly simplistic example. The stat breakdown per class will be a bit more complex than that, and there will be people who will want multiple weapon / armor sets to cater to different builds.
its not about gear or shiny stuff clearly your not reading the posts
its about whats there to do if there is no gear treadmil
we be doing
Dungeons and PVP and Crafting for donky ages
Dynamic events is new twist but this feature alone is not enough to keep anyone playing long term its about concerns of longtivity and other Content PVP and PVE issues that need more insight
Im just going to point out that the pure stat items give diminishing returns, so items with bonuses more than one attribute give more total points.
For example:
+25 power
+15 power
+10 malice
+5 precision
obviously my example is as simple as yours was meant to be, but I thought I would point that little detail out. Details are important to some people.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
to be honest i dont care about states of equiment lol this threads about concerns
The game is what it is...what you wanna know about?? If we going do do the same things after end game??
Of course we will, they can't make a infinite game...the only way to avoid stagnation is with expansion packs and thats the route they will follow.
Who did it first is rather irrelevant. It was WoW who introduced this way of playing to the vast majority. So yes the credit for this mindset should go to WoW.
I got 99 problems but an endgame aint one.
Everything you need to know about Elder Scrolls Online
Playing: GW2
Waiting on: TESO
Next Flop: Planetside 2
Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
Try this. Put on a yellow shirt, red pants, two different types of shoes, and a green tie. Now go look in the mirror and ask yourself if it's worth the effort to go change, because after all, you're already dressed.
Well your concern revolved around gear balance and the incentives of PvE. Now that that has been cleared up, what other concerns do you have?