That's my thought. Unless I missed something, I was able to do one mission, on one difficulty (although with all classes) which was, as pointed out earlier, basically the 'tutorial level'. I get the idea that it is a "stress test" part of the beta, but it really comes across as more of a "come try and get hooked" demo more then anything. I didn't really get a chance to try co-op mode, so not sure why they would need to stress test single-player know...unless it were always online :P.....And before anyone jumps on this, I'm not complaining about what they put out there, I just don't think 'beta' is the right label is all.
minor rant aside, It was a fun. It gave me my Diablo fix which was all I expected. I don't agree with all the decisions for this game, but it seems like it will still be fun and a nice little time-waster with friends.
Unless I've IS always online. Even the single player campaign must be played online. This is one "feature" that I don't much care for. Most RPGs don't require being online so if Comcast is having one of their loser attacks where they're not up for some reason, you can still play a game. But not so with D3. It's all online, co-op or not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is the biggest problem with D3, that's for SURE. It's just a tiny annoyance in comparison to other things that have been mentioned.
I'm not sure if I'll get D3. I do have it pre-ordered at Gamestop, but I might end up blowing that off. I don't feel strongly compelled to buy it and the things I'm hearing aren't increasing my desire, so.....yeah.
sorry, was being sarcastic on the highlighted point
I don't like the always-connected as a form of DRM (which could be a whole seperate thread of course), but I also understand the arguments for it since the game has the RMAH and all that. Not sure how I feel about the RMAH itself, but for me that is not enough of a draw to make me like 'always-connected' in single-player mode.
"Do something right, no one remembers. Do something wrong, no one forgets" -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
That game looks awesome!
Safehouse Gaming up and running at:
sorry, was being sarcastic on the highlighted point
I don't like the always-connected as a form of DRM (which could be a whole seperate thread of course), but I also understand the arguments for it since the game has the RMAH and all that. Not sure how I feel about the RMAH itself, but for me that is not enough of a draw to make me like 'always-connected' in single-player mode.
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence