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Well, believe it or not, thats the subject of the email beeing sent by NCSoft/Arenanet to people who did sign up as beeing interested in checking their upcoming title Guild Wars 2.
Let me tell you something,
IF i was thinking on buying this game, after receiving this email, i am PRETTY SURE i wont
I know i am just one guy in millions but i am not going to encourage companies to charge full price for betas with no release date. I will buy the game once it is ready to release.
so they sent a bit of spam - but all they really want is as many people as possible to log-in during the Beta-Weekend in order to stress-test their servers. Is that so bad? i don't think so...
I did buy the game (Digital edition plus something - can't remember how its called) and am very much looking forward to this event.
hope you change your mind and that we'll see you there...
EDIT: It was because of the community's requests to play the game outside it's closed-beta that they allowed this. i wish all games were like that....
Just my 2 cents...
i want my minute of life back please for clicking/reading/replying to this usless thread...
So you sign up to recive info about the game and you complain because they send you info about the game.
haha this,
Think before posting man. And if you do not wish to receive those mails unsub from their mailing
you are NOT alone on this m8......i also refuse to buy a beta test.
f**** that sh*t
While I respect where you're coming from, OP--if I understand you correctly--I can't say that I agree with your reaction. I'll certainly agree that to some degree any form of solicitation is distasteful, but I don't think that your level of sensitivity is necessary. I don't find this type of marketing particularly harmful or even particularily presumptuous.
I replied twice - what do I get??? hehe
EDIT: someone should really close this thread.....
Just my 2 cents...
Wow.. OP you need sunlight. Pointless thread.
Eat me!
No all they want is to get into the consumers pocket as deeply and as quickly as possible. If "all they really wanted was to get as many people in as possible" there would be no inclusion of the need to pre order would there? As this thread demostrates there are already people interested in the beta who will not be testing it and in some cases claiming they won't buy because of the way they are doing it.
Not to resurrect a dead debate (especially since I never engaged in it) but TOR wanted to do what you claim and guess what for about the last month just about everyone who ever registered on the site got into the beta pre order or not.
Well i am glad there is someone else who feels the same. I like how Trion and BW handled betas. I got beta keys to test these games from MMORPG.COM without paying a dime for it. That helped me decide if it is worth my money.
Dont sign up then unsub there mailing, then you won't have that problem.
Its all so simple lol.
I will tell you a secret, wen you pre-purchase the game you not only get acces to the beta, but also the game when it releases.
So its not like "hur dur ill pay to play a beta" its more like "herp derp i pay to play the game and i get a beta acces in advantage"
you fanbois can defend it all you like.....its plain other company asks you to pay for the beta.....not even de "big evil" blizzard.....this weekend you could play D3 for FREE also TERA gave us some love by letting us try it......this is just plain GREED, nothing more or less.
WHEN it releases. Exactly.
That is why i will wait when it actually releases instead of paying for access to beta.
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
The more power to you, thanks for the correction ill edit right now. (mi engrish is vad)
Nope - its greed on your part - why do you think you deserve to get free Beta access??
they spent more than 5 years developing what could be the best MMO as of yet and you just think everyone should be able to experience it for free? i say no - you are wrong
for now that is the most logical action on their part. sure once game iss finally out if you would like to try it out then there will probably be a "trial" of some sorts - but now (with all the hype and their effords) i think its reasonable to ask you to buy the game if you wish to enjoy it before its officially out....
Just my 2 cents...
whats really sad though is how easily mmorpg players will volunteer to become "lemmings" to a company out of excitment. One person to disagree in ths entire post did so in a reasonable way, as if anyone coming onto mmorpg doesn't know this is standard fare (people taking exception with companies trying to get money before offering up an actual product).
The community atmosphere is too reminiscent of games like Mortal Online and Darkfall for my liking right now yes until they started to get royally dumped on the fans of those games treated anyone to question the devs the exact same way many of you are treating these guys for doing what we as a community do to any game we haven't already married in our sleep.
Question why we need to put ourselves out there for the sake of a company. honestly I hope attitudes like this don't ruin this game as they have so many others that came before if not because of bad attitudes turning peope off then because the devs get god complexes and begin to think they can do no wrong simply because a bunch of fanatics defend everything they do.
This is just getting crazy, NO ONE is forcing you to pay for the beta, nor they are cheating people in order to sell more, the beta acces is just a reward to those who trust the company and want to prepurchase the game. Easy as that.
Beta testing isn't about enjoying the game it's about helping the company out to fix bugs etc. and no people shouldn't be asked to pay to do that sorry that doesn't become true no matter how much you like the game. there are tons of games that have used similar marketing tricks and they didn't get passes for it either.
Beta testing is to give feedback about bugs, i know people don't treat it like that anymore and betas are nothing more than glorious free trials for the players so why not charge for it? not that most of the players are going to care for giving feedback.
same here lol...
Pardon my English as it is not my 1st language