I'm absolutely fuming right now. They didn't touch on what this was ultimately about: THE PEGI 12 RATING IS WRONG FOR TERA.
Just how is the rating wrong? Tera's world, story, quests and graphics are mostly PEGI 12. If Frogster needs to censor only some blood splatters on-screen and player made guild emblems to keep PEGI 12, then it's a PEGI 12 game and Frogster would have been stupid to go over that rating for just guild emblems and a single graphical effect.
Frogster totally messed up how they did the censoring, I'm not arguing that, but I think their decision to release Tera as PEGI 12 was a good one.
Did you even get to the second dungeon? one of the room in the second dungeon where the second boss is have a freaken blood fountain in the middle with the entire floor covered in blood.... If blood splatter going to stop it form been Pegi 12 than well that room itself already killed any chance of Pegi 12.
Originally posted by Sephiroso
the thing i find funny is how they claim the changes to elin armor and etc wasn't because of some official board, but because they didnt want to attract pedo's....which begs to question how did they not think of that when they first designed the race/armor.
seriously, they say they understand the need for transparency yet lie right to our faces. not that it really matters. but i just find it funny. cause either they're lying, or the people in charge are to dumb to think ahead, which is pretty bad either way.
Because they didn't designed it DUH! BHS the development company that made the game design it. They have no issue with this in Korea, is Korea full of pedos? no but i seem US here in the west have some insecurities about it and though have to censor it.
okay fine, they didn't design it, but guess what, they knew they were releasing it in NA, and they are changing it now, so my original point doesn't change, why didn't they change the races and etc BEFORE the game went open beta
Wait what? Ok first one all on the Elin issue it was change before CLOSE BETA.
Second, it wasn't really their fault, the game was oringally intended to be rated M 17+ like it is in the US. However frogest try to shoot for 16+ (because it seem US and EU have differen't rating) but some one got a 12+, than they saw the blood was like o that can't be 12+. So it was either wait for a long time for a new rating or remove the blood. Oviousl the latter was a simpler solution than waiting for the entire game to be re-reviewed for a new rating.
if the elin models were really changed before closed beta then i'll retract my earlier comments and apologize. it seemed to me the whole outrage on the forums and in game(during open beta weekend and the last closed beta weekend i participated in) seemed to be on about how skimpy the elins clothing were and about how pedophiles would rejoice.
and when i saw the picture of the original elin models to the ones frogw/e changed to, and the fact that i'm just now seeing posts about how they just censored the game, i thought they changed both the blood and the elin models just recently for us in NA. if i was wrong, i again apologize. i never made an elin and other than taking a pic of one and showing it to a friend to entice them to play(she was female and likes cute things) i didnt even look all that closely to realize they had thongs in armor form on while i was playing.
"Elins were once more pointed at. Yes, the appearance of the Elins has been changed in both northern American and European version of the game. Not to comply with a demand from any official board, but because those characters in particular could have attracted to the game a population of unsavoury users, and it is part of our responsibility to protect our younger audiences from them. All partners involved in the project decided to ask Bluehole Studios for a solution, so they created new textures and designs for Elin wear. We are sure you all agree that this effort for child protection was the right thing to do. We all did, here, at Frogster."
I guess that settles it. If you played an Elin female before, you will have to get your pedophile jollies elsewhere
I dont know about you guys but i fell insulted by this comment by frogster,so what they are saying is only americans and europeans are pedos and asians are not? The hell with this game I canceled my pre order already censorship is wrong in any form this would be like lets remove the boobs from all the girls characters in the saturday morining cartoons wtf is wrong with people these days pedos are pedos and changing some graphics isnt gonna stop them seriously!
if the elin models were really changed before closed beta then i'll retract my earlier comments and apologize. it seemed to me the whole outrage on the forums and in game(during open beta weekend and the last closed beta weekend i participated in) seemed to be on about how skimpy the elins clothing were and about how pedophiles would rejoice.
and when i saw the picture of the original elin models to the ones frogw/e changed to, and the fact that i'm just now seeing posts about how they just censored the game, i thought they changed both the blood and the elin models just recently for us in NA. if i was wrong, i again apologize. i never made an elin and other than taking a pic of one and showing it to a friend to entice them to play(she was female and likes cute things) i didnt even look all that closely to realize they had thongs in armor form on while i was playing.
It was announced before CBT 1 that the panties got changed to shorts, and you know the whole freaken elin thing, If i remember it happen before EME moved to its new forum. So much crap on it not even going to touch it because i think both side are retarded in their agurment. I hate censorship but the way people went about it was arg.
Also the blood thing is only in EU, not NA. NA its still rated M so thats staying the same. I seem when they were getting the rating there was some issue and they were trying to get a 16+ ended up with a 12+ only to be told opps you can't be 12+ if you have that blood so they either ditch blood or wait lik eother 6-8 weeks for new evulations.
Sorry for going on a bit too strong lol get over excited need to calm downa nd eat some oreo... and study for my finals Q_Q
what the hell? how is it even 12+ i dont even... How stupid can Frogster be? Glad that I am playing on the NA version, I advise you guys to Jump to NA version if this cencorship BS is not solved. And this whole Pedophile talk is full of shit, IN jap and KR there were no Problems and here suddenly everyone goes horseshit?
I swear there are too many insecure people in the west. Hell the cencorship they did is Fucking 100% useless in the firstplace, Covering their bellies is suppose to do what exatly? Do they really think that Pedos come to play MMORPGS instead of going to some Third world countery and doing their dirty shit? Get real people, the stupidity people show when it comes to the subject is amusing.
Whats next? "Ban all FPS games because murderers might play them" u've got to be Kidding me Lol.
what the hell? how is it even 12+ i dont even... How stupid can Frogster be? Glad that I am playing on the NA version, I advise you guys to Jump to NA version if this cencorship BS is not solved. And this whole Pedophile talk is full of shit, IN jap and KR there were no Problems and here suddenly everyone goes horseshit?
I swear there are too many insecure people in the west. Hell the cencorship they did is Fucking 100% useless in the firstplace, Covering their bellies is suppose to do what exatly? Do they really think that Pedos come to play MMORPGS instead of going to some Third world countery and doing their dirty shit? Get real people, the stupidity people show when it comes to the subject is amusing.
Whats next? "Ban all FPS games because murderers might play them" u've got to be Kidding me Lol.
You know there good amount of people that been trying to do that lol Ofc the US supremue court already ruled Video game as an art and thus can't be banned/regulated so yaya for us.
are they now going to change the other female characters too?
i honestly can care less about the elins, or the blood. however the moment they change anything about the game. i simply won't think twice to cancel my subscription.
are they now going to change the other female characters too?
i honestly can care less about the elins, or the blood. however the moment they change anything about the game. i simply won't think twice to cancel my subscription.
No only the blood. Also you can always play on the NA server =D
are they now going to change the other female characters too?
i honestly can care less about the elins, or the blood. however the moment they change anything about the game. i simply won't think twice to cancel my subscription.
No only the blood. Also you can always play on the NA server =D
and what was that about the breast size reduction?
already preordered a CE EU copy of the game. i should have bought the NA instead.
there is nothing worse than a German game company.
are they now going to change the other female characters too?
i honestly can care less about the elins, or the blood. however the moment they change anything about the game. i simply won't think twice to cancel my subscription.
No only the blood. Also you can always play on the NA server =D
and what was that about the breast size reduction?
already preordered a CE EU copy of the game. i should have bought the NA instead.
there is nothing worse than a German game company.
That happened ages ago and that was a change to all verison including Ktera,NA,and EU all had that change i think possibly before CBT. Again play on NA server EME pwns =D You know you want to join us.
LOL Thats the reason i dont play KOR game they never shine in NA and alwais they change the game as theyr desire,same reason why Aion die and same reason all KOR game in NA never going to be a success.
The reasons aion died in the west was cause of the massive changes about pvp
the ragequit crafting "wich was untouched"
the lottery to win
the grindfest
tera none of that...do some research next time you try to bash a game.
I decided not to play for now. However if I was going to it would have to be En Masse. Just think of the cash shop down the line and remember what they did to RoM!
im really starting to be worry about Frogster. let us hope they don't keep giving us more of their usual surprises. or else im afraid that the NA servers will be packed with European refugees.
Just like what these guys said, EME is an Amazing company, They are really great and listen to almost everything the fans ask for, We Asked for RNG reduction and got that easily, they even changed the difficulty of the first early levels just like we asked. Glad to see a company who actually cares about what the players want. EME is one of the reasons why TERA will hopefully have a Long lifespan in the P2P market.
Frogster isn't willing and capable to handle an AAA Title this "incident" proved again what we all said all along.
Just look at the Guild Emblems.
* Are Guild emblems in MMOs new? - NO a feature which is available over 10 years in various MMOs.
* Is it possible to upload undesired pictures? - YES this is nothing new.
* Does Guild Emblems need Moderation? - YES this is nothing new
* How is it handled by other Publishers / Games? - As you would expect. Report -> BAN.
* How is it handled by Frogster? - OMG; what Y CAN U UPLOAD EVIL PICTURES, DISABLEEEEEEE!!11
Frogster can't afford to even be bothered to moderate Guild Emblems the proper way. They showed they don't want to even moderate their own forums properly and even for a Beta what happened in TERA CHAT is beyond reason due to lack of basic moderation. You don't let people spamm the chat about raping ************ kids, pedobears and every other sick bestiality not even in a BETA.
Look at Server rules for PVP and PVE. Guild VS Guild (flagging) or Battlegrounds. Rift, SWTOR, WoW. They all had it, now Frogster still sitting around figuring out what a PVE server should have and still no commitment to dead lines.
How do you want to run a game when you can't get these basic down?
PEGI 12 and blood are really the small issues here. Such a shame, TERA is such a good game.
Well i and my friends canceld the preorder 2 days ago (we didn't need this letter to see). Playing on NA isn't desireable due to high latency beyond 150ms. (which is too much for competive PVP and PVE). I personaly will resub my JP account for some relaxed BAM hitting time to time.
I'm amazed how people can be offended by pixels and how they think about sex when looking at the elin. it's not the elin that's the problem it's these peoples mindsets. Do these people think the same thing when they see a young girl on the beach in a bathingsuit? The people who are screaming for censorship of the elin are the ones with the dirty secrets that they are ashamed of..the rest of us normal folk don't see them in a sexual way.
The ONLY thing that's going to change between NA and EU version is the splat of blood on the camera, there will be blood when you hit a mob, there will be blood on the ground and there will be blood and mutilated corpses in the istances. They are just changing the effect of the blood splashing on your screen.
The elins are a no issue since they were removed before OBT from both NA and EU.
And castanics nipples were removed before the release in Korea.
It's always nice to see when a developer takes the concerns of it's community seriously. Too often, the only response is the sound of chirping crickets.
It's always nice to see when a developer takes the concerns of it's community seriously. Too often, the only response is the sound of chirping crickets.
Well... let's say that they were a bit forced into it
The users on EU official forum started a real crusade agains Frogster.
The way they replied didn't pretty much say anything.
EU version is gonna be such a waste of money :J
Good thing the NA version isn't IP blocked so you can play there.
Higher ping is just an excuse for sucking, I've been playing without any issues overseas, and people have played on the KR servers for ages. Tera is coded well.
Have to say its a nice read from frogster.i hope they get the emblem thing sorted..i like the idea of submitting designs for clearance..cant really gowrong with that one.i was never really bothered about the blood in the first place..looking forward to getting started in this..i now have 3 mmo's. lotro lifetime,gw2,tera.so one sub active.that to me is awsome.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
if the elin models were really changed before closed beta then i'll retract my earlier comments and apologize. it seemed to me the whole outrage on the forums and in game(during open beta weekend and the last closed beta weekend i participated in) seemed to be on about how skimpy the elins clothing were and about how pedophiles would rejoice.
and when i saw the picture of the original elin models to the ones frogw/e changed to, and the fact that i'm just now seeing posts about how they just censored the game, i thought they changed both the blood and the elin models just recently for us in NA. if i was wrong, i again apologize. i never made an elin and other than taking a pic of one and showing it to a friend to entice them to play(she was female and likes cute things) i didnt even look all that closely to realize they had thongs in armor form on while i was playing.
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
was there really a breast reduction? o.o..
this would be a ultimate nightmare for me.. :P
i dont mind elin get censored or no blood at all.. but damn... they cannot changed anything to other females characters!! XD
I dont know about you guys but i fell insulted by this comment by frogster,so what they are saying is only americans and europeans are pedos and asians are not? The hell with this game I canceled my pre order already censorship is wrong in any form this would be like lets remove the boobs from all the girls characters in the saturday morining cartoons wtf is wrong with people these days pedos are pedos and changing some graphics isnt gonna stop them seriously!
It was announced before CBT 1 that the panties got changed to shorts, and you know the whole freaken elin thing, If i remember it happen before EME moved to its new forum. So much crap on it not even going to touch it because i think both side are retarded in their agurment. I hate censorship but the way people went about it was arg.
Also the blood thing is only in EU, not NA. NA its still rated M so thats staying the same. I seem when they were getting the rating there was some issue and they were trying to get a 16+ ended up with a 12+ only to be told opps you can't be 12+ if you have that blood so they either ditch blood or wait lik eother 6-8 weeks for new evulations.
Sorry for going on a bit too strong lol get over excited need to calm downa nd eat some oreo... and study for my finals Q_Q
It is nice to hear some good news. I played some in the Beta this weekend. The game was a nice change of pace.
what the hell? how is it even 12+ i dont even... How stupid can Frogster be? Glad that I am playing on the NA version, I advise you guys to Jump to NA version if this cencorship BS is not solved. And this whole Pedophile talk is full of shit, IN jap and KR there were no Problems and here suddenly everyone goes horseshit?
I swear there are too many insecure people in the west. Hell the cencorship they did is Fucking 100% useless in the firstplace, Covering their bellies is suppose to do what exatly? Do they really think that Pedos come to play MMORPGS instead of going to some Third world countery and doing their dirty shit? Get real people, the stupidity people show when it comes to the subject is amusing.
Whats next? "Ban all FPS games because murderers might play them" u've got to be Kidding me Lol.
You know there good amount of people that been trying to do that lol Ofc the US supremue court already ruled Video game as an art and thus can't be banned/regulated so yaya for us.
someone correct me if im wrong.
are they now going to change the other female characters too?
i honestly can care less about the elins, or the blood. however the moment they change anything about the game. i simply won't think twice to cancel my subscription.
No only the blood. Also you can always play on the NA server =D
and what was that about the breast size reduction?
already preordered a CE EU copy of the game. i should have bought the NA instead.
there is nothing worse than a German game company.
That happened ages ago and that was a change to all verison including Ktera,NA,and EU all had that change i think possibly before CBT. Again play on NA server EME pwns =D You know you want to join us.
Im moving to the NA servers
EnMasse do an amazing job they are cool and listening to their fans
unlike the frogs wich for like how many years they keep killing everything they touch and the last one they did with style was runes of magic.
they dont have a single clue what they r doing with tera
bad support,offensive reply on forums
didnt bother to inform players about the changes wich btw its a violation
and they barely speaking english
Tera will die in europe unless bluehole-EnMasse do something about it.
but seriously what the hell the ywas thinking back then when they decide to make frogster publisher of the eu version ???
The reasons aion died in the west was cause of the massive changes about pvp
the ragequit crafting "wich was untouched"
the lottery to win
the grindfest
tera none of that...do some research next time you try to bash a game.
I decided not to play for now. However if I was going to it would have to be En Masse. Just think of the cash shop down the line and remember what they did to RoM!
im really starting to be worry about Frogster. let us hope they don't keep giving us more of their usual surprises. or else im afraid that the NA servers will be packed with European refugees.
Just like what these guys said, EME is an Amazing company, They are really great and listen to almost everything the fans ask for, We Asked for RNG reduction and got that easily, they even changed the difficulty of the first early levels just like we asked. Glad to see a company who actually cares about what the players want. EME is one of the reasons why TERA will hopefully have a Long lifespan in the P2P market.
Frogster isn't willing and capable to handle an AAA Title this "incident" proved again what we all said all along.
Just look at the Guild Emblems.
* Are Guild emblems in MMOs new? - NO a feature which is available over 10 years in various MMOs.
* Is it possible to upload undesired pictures? - YES this is nothing new.
* Does Guild Emblems need Moderation? - YES this is nothing new
* How is it handled by other Publishers / Games? - As you would expect. Report -> BAN.
* How is it handled by Frogster? - OMG; what Y CAN U UPLOAD EVIL PICTURES, DISABLEEEEEEE!!11
Frogster can't afford to even be bothered to moderate Guild Emblems the proper way. They showed they don't want to even moderate their own forums properly and even for a Beta what happened in TERA CHAT is beyond reason due to lack of basic moderation. You don't let people spamm the chat about raping ************ kids, pedobears and every other sick bestiality not even in a BETA.
Look at Server rules for PVP and PVE. Guild VS Guild (flagging) or Battlegrounds. Rift, SWTOR, WoW. They all had it, now Frogster still sitting around figuring out what a PVE server should have and still no commitment to dead lines.
How do you want to run a game when you can't get these basic down?
PEGI 12 and blood are really the small issues here. Such a shame, TERA is such a good game.
Well i and my friends canceld the preorder 2 days ago (we didn't need this letter to see). Playing on NA isn't desireable due to high latency beyond 150ms. (which is too much for competive PVP and PVE). I personaly will resub my JP account for some relaxed BAM hitting time to time.
I'm amazed how people can be offended by pixels and how they think about sex when looking at the elin. it's not the elin that's the problem it's these peoples mindsets. Do these people think the same thing when they see a young girl on the beach in a bathingsuit? The people who are screaming for censorship of the elin are the ones with the dirty secrets that they are ashamed of..the rest of us normal folk don't see them in a sexual way.
Guys just to make things a bit more clear.
The ONLY thing that's going to change between NA and EU version is the splat of blood on the camera, there will be blood when you hit a mob, there will be blood on the ground and there will be blood and mutilated corpses in the istances. They are just changing the effect of the blood splashing on your screen.
The elins are a no issue since they were removed before OBT from both NA and EU.
And castanics nipples were removed before the release in Korea.
It's always nice to see when a developer takes the concerns of it's community seriously. Too often, the only response is the sound of chirping crickets.
Well... let's say that they were a bit forced into it
The users on EU official forum started a real crusade agains Frogster.
The way they replied didn't pretty much say anything.
EU version is gonna be such a waste of money :J
Good thing the NA version isn't IP blocked so you can play there.
Higher ping is just an excuse for sucking, I've been playing without any issues overseas, and people have played on the KR servers for ages. Tera is coded well.
L2P TERA combat:
Have to say its a nice read from frogster.i hope they get the emblem thing sorted..i like the idea of submitting designs for clearance..cant really gowrong with that one.i was never really bothered about the blood in the first place..looking forward to getting started in this..i now have 3 mmo's. lotro lifetime,gw2,tera.so one sub active.that to me is awsome.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.