Some players moan about this animation lock, but to me, I feel that games need it or they'll be too easy, and then even more people would moan about it...
wow, huge generalization there. I played in the beta and that is not even close to my experience. There are some people that don't like it and tbh its not that many. Melee in GW2 can easily close gaps and use other means agaisnt ranged classes especially as you get more practice.
As far as the bosses all classes can do ranged and no its not like a warriors range is limited, it can do just fine until the opportunity to close the gap. I think there is a still a couple of balance issues with some classes though, like thiefs can close space way to well. But at this point its all balance not mechanics.
Not really a huge generalization at all. There have been countless threads by people on this very site talking about how melee is extremely undertuned, or underpowered. This has been a common complaint about the game in all of the positive/negative lists.
You don't understand what a generalization is do you?
Unless he was generalizing about something else, I'm assuming that you were specifically talking about his claim that many GW2 weekenders were not pleased with the balance between melee and ranged. You claimed that was a "huge generalization." I pointed out that there were, in fact, many threads discussing it, so I'm not srue it was as huge a generalization as you make it out to be. Am I missing something here?
I'm not even sure it is a generalization...which would be more like saying ." I've played GW2 and ALL combat is unbalanced"
This seems to focus on a disparity between ranged and melee combat. Doesn't seem like a generalization to me.
Maybe I DON'T understand what a generalization is myself.
Remove animation lock and we end up with a generic action wannabe ice skating kite fest combat like GW2 has.
No thanks.
"Esport with tournaments is for hardcore pvp'rs that want to be competitive. Openworld PVP with ganking and griefing is for casuals that just wants their pvp mixed with pve from time to time." otacu
wow, huge generalization there. I played in the beta and that is not even close to my experience. There are some people that don't like it and tbh its not that many. Melee in GW2 can easily close gaps and use other means agaisnt ranged classes especially as you get more practice.
As far as the bosses all classes can do ranged and no its not like a warriors range is limited, it can do just fine until the opportunity to close the gap. I think there is a still a couple of balance issues with some classes though, like thiefs can close space way to well. But at this point its all balance not mechanics.
Not really a huge generalization at all. There have been countless threads by people on this very site talking about how melee is extremely undertuned, or underpowered. This has been a common complaint about the game in all of the positive/negative lists.
You don't understand what a generalization is do you?
Unless he was generalizing about something else, I'm assuming that you were specifically talking about his claim that many GW2 weekenders were not pleased with the balance between melee and ranged. You claimed that was a "huge generalization." I pointed out that there were, in fact, many threads discussing it, so I'm not srue it was as huge a generalization as you make it out to be. Am I missing something here?
I'm not even sure it is a generalization...which would be more like saying ." I've played GW2 and ALL combat is unbalanced"
This seems to focus on a disparity between ranged and melee combat. Doesn't seem like a generalization to me.
Maybe I DON'T understand what a generalization is myself.
To explain, saying "everyone is complaining about X" when in fact its just some people is a generalization.
If this game didn't play with "Anni-Locks" we'd have Berserkers jumping all over the place swinging their axe and critting everything to death. Yeah no thanks.
TERA is a game that actually implements strategy and tactics with it's annimation, seems too hard for a lot of people.
Maybe you should try the game and not base core mechanic arguments on videos and word of mouth. Still, I can see how the videos can cause different opinions. So do not worry
I would try the game, but I have this issue with giving my money to a company just to play a beta, with a no-refund policy. I"m frugal that way.
That's my point, why add more non combat factors into the combat to balance it out? It drove me nuts that Aion was so consumable intensive and it still heavily favored ranged in most cases. I like TERA's balancing better and enjoy the combat.
It's PvE as well. Add on the move abilities and every other mob in the game isn't as effective. I like the fact that when fighting a mob (or groups, I can't help myself lol) I have to keep in mind the "downtime" until my next action. It adds a level of complexity.
Lets remember there is attack speed gear in the game and attack speed affects all your skills and abilities.
If this game didn't play with "Anni-Locks" we'd have Berserkers jumping all over the place swinging their axe and critting everything to death. Yeah no thanks.
TERA is a game that actually implements strategy and tactics with it's annimation, seems too hard for a lot of people.
It aslo seems like it's a hard concept to many that this is the way the combat is intended to work and that's what those of us who enjoy the game like and appreciate about the mechanics of the game.
Ninja Gaiden series, DMC series, Soul Caliber, Street Fighter, you name it...
Practically every triple A action title out since the dawn of man uses this system. Why? Because it takes SKILL.
Why does your average Gee Whiz Fanboy hate it? Because it is too hard for them.
apparently its been a while since you played those games you mentioned. They may have animation lock, but their movement and combat is very flowing and well synchronized with each other. You can evade and block, jump back and forth, chain your attacks and chain both ground and aerial combos together. Those games have a lot more true action combat than what TERA is doing. In TERA , as soon as you start swinging your weapon your stuck in the middle of nowhere with a heavy locked animation. 1 block or 1 dodge depending on the class you pick just dont cut it. It doesnt take skill to play TERA with so much limited moves because you have little choices.
After playing betas i do accept that They implemented their own system well for what it is, but it is nowhere near true action combat. RIght now i think only the graphic visuals are the reason i would buy this game, but graphics only arent enough to purchase.
Ok, whip out your old NG2 disc and play it. Swing the Kusari Gama Y attack.
Yes, you are stuck there.
I will grant you that Team Ninja did a GREAT job of making these animation locks feel seamless. However, they are there and you only did not notice because you would die if you screwed up lol.
I think cooldowns also play a role. You don't have cooldowns in those action games. There aren't really even any skills to talk about.
Yes, you are correct. A cooldown adds another dimension.
I think of it like DARK SOULS or DEMON SOULS... the "stamina" bar acted as a limiting agent. Not quite a "cooldown" but the same idea of restricting actions from being spammed mercilessly.
I also think you bring up a good point overall in that the action mechanics in TERA could probably be "modified" to give it a more visceral feel. I really do think unlocking the Ranged class MP Builders would really work (Melee animation is FINE in my opinion, those don't have any weird issues I think)...
Indeed, Im not sure if it needs to be done for melee I didn't get the chance to play too much melee to form a good opinion. But your idea is definately on the right track! already they do away with animation locks with the lock-on skills why not with others?
I just don't like when other people just base their argument completely on the, its too hard so you complain argument. If they give it a little thought they could ask for better and not settle.
wow, huge generalization there. I played in the beta and that is not even close to my experience. There are some people that don't like it and tbh its not that many. Melee in GW2 can easily close gaps and use other means agaisnt ranged classes especially as you get more practice.
As far as the bosses all classes can do ranged and no its not like a warriors range is limited, it can do just fine until the opportunity to close the gap. I think there is a still a couple of balance issues with some classes though, like thiefs can close space way to well. But at this point its all balance not mechanics.
Not really a huge generalization at all. There have been countless threads by people on this very site talking about how melee is extremely undertuned, or underpowered. This has been a common complaint about the game in all of the positive/negative lists.
You don't understand what a generalization is do you?
Unless he was generalizing about something else, I'm assuming that you were specifically talking about his claim that many GW2 weekenders were not pleased with the balance between melee and ranged. You claimed that was a "huge generalization." I pointed out that there were, in fact, many threads discussing it, so I'm not srue it was as huge a generalization as you make it out to be. Am I missing something here?
I'm not even sure it is a generalization...which would be more like saying ." I've played GW2 and ALL combat is unbalanced"
This seems to focus on a disparity between ranged and melee combat. Doesn't seem like a generalization to me.
Maybe I DON'T understand what a generalization is myself.
To explain, saying "everyone is complaining about X" when in fact its just some people is a generalization.
Ah..okay..the generalization I not concerning the combat itself...but how many people were commenting (or hating on) the combat . Got it. Reading comprehension fail on my part.
If this game didn't play with "Anni-Locks" we'd have Berserkers jumping all over the place swinging their axe and critting everything to death. Yeah no thanks.
TERA is a game that actually implements strategy and tactics with it's annimation, seems too hard for a lot of people.
It aslo seems like it's a hard concept to many that this is the way the combat is intended to work and that's what those of us who enjoy the game like and appreciate about the mechanics of the game.
I think the issue is that people just want what they want.
It's not about "this is the game and the mechanics and players learning to play the game" it's about "I like want these mechanics and every game should have them."
Regardless of what the developers want to implement.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Maybe you should try the game and not base core mechanic arguments on videos and word of mouth. Still, I can see how the videos can cause different opinions. So do not worry
I would try the game, but I have this issue with giving my money to a company just to play a beta, with a no-refund policy. I"m frugal that way.
I COMPLETELY agree with you. If you are not sure do NOT buy it. Hopefully friend codes or an open beta comes along. But I would keep core mechanic opinions to myself until I try it.
If this game didn't play with "Anni-Locks" we'd have Berserkers jumping all over the place swinging their axe and critting everything to death. Yeah no thanks.
TERA is a game that actually implements strategy and tactics with it's annimation, seems too hard for a lot of people.
It aslo seems like it's a hard concept to many that this is the way the combat is intended to work and that's what those of us who enjoy the game like and appreciate about the mechanics of the game.
I think the issue is that people just want what they want.
It's not about "this is the game and the mechanics and players learning to play the game" it's about "I like want these mechanics and every game should have them."
Regardless of what the developers want to implement.
That's my point, why add more non combat factors into the combat to balance it out? It drove me nuts that Aion was so consumable intensive and it still heavily favored ranged in most cases. I like TERA's balancing better and enjoy the combat.
It's PvE as well. Add on the move abilities and every other mob in the game isn't as effective. I like the fact that when fighting a mob (or groups, I can't help myself lol) I have to keep in mind the "downtime" until my next action. It adds a level of complexity.
Lets remember there is attack speed gear in the game and attack speed affects all your skills and abilities.
All those things I mentioned are combat. You wouldn't use gap closers or ranged weapons in a melee class outside of combat, I can see the speed boost outside of combat but not the others. And these things Im talking about are not consumables they are skills.
And again I know there are people that love it, but I can see how others don't. What I don't like to see is when one camp tells the other: "no it cant be done! it will ruin the game! this game is too hard and complex for you!".
wow, huge generalization there. I played in the beta and that is not even close to my experience. There are some people that don't like it and tbh its not that many. Melee in GW2 can easily close gaps and use other means agaisnt ranged classes especially as you get more practice.
As far as the bosses all classes can do ranged and no its not like a warriors range is limited, it can do just fine until the opportunity to close the gap. I think there is a still a couple of balance issues with some classes though, like thiefs can close space way to well. But at this point its all balance not mechanics.
Not really a huge generalization at all. There have been countless threads by people on this very site talking about how melee is extremely undertuned, or underpowered. This has been a common complaint about the game in all of the positive/negative lists.
You don't understand what a generalization is do you?
Unless he was generalizing about something else, I'm assuming that you were specifically talking about his claim that many GW2 weekenders were not pleased with the balance between melee and ranged. You claimed that was a "huge generalization." I pointed out that there were, in fact, many threads discussing it, so I'm not srue it was as huge a generalization as you make it out to be. Am I missing something here?
I'm not even sure it is a generalization...which would be more like saying ." I've played GW2 and ALL combat is unbalanced"
This seems to focus on a disparity between ranged and melee combat. Doesn't seem like a generalization to me.
Maybe I DON'T understand what a generalization is myself.
To explain, saying "everyone is complaining about X" when in fact its just some people is a generalization.
Ah..okay..the generalization I not concerning the combat itself...but how many people were commenting (or hating on) the combat . Got it. Reading comprehension fail on my part.
If this game didn't play with "Anni-Locks" we'd have Berserkers jumping all over the place swinging their axe and critting everything to death. Yeah no thanks.
TERA is a game that actually implements strategy and tactics with it's annimation, seems too hard for a lot of people.
It aslo seems like it's a hard concept to many that this is the way the combat is intended to work and that's what those of us who enjoy the game like and appreciate about the mechanics of the game.
I think the issue is that people just want what they want.
It's not about "this is the game and the mechanics and players learning to play the game" it's about "I like want these mechanics and every game should have them."
Regardless of what the developers want to implement.
I think you are correct. The complaints are from people who just don't find that pieces of the combat are what they want. Of course this game is not for them. Now, they mention why that is and the people who like it say many things like "its to hard for you, learn it, it can't be better...blah blah".
Not everyone likes chess, so not everyone like Tera's combat. Like in Chess, you are commited to your move and have to live with the outcomes.
I've played the hell out of wow, rift, AoC, swtor and other 'triple A mmo's." and I can deffinetly understand why some people dont' like Tera's combat. You can't just stand still spamming Gravround or ice lance or explosive shot. You actually have to play.
I always just looked at the "lock" as the enemy using an effective feint or otherwise avoiding my attack so fierce that it's momentum must be carried through. Anyway it happens both ways. I'm certainly not complaining when they miss (or I dodge a charge) and start wailing on their flanks.
I'm a geek ...I know but imagination can be fun even in the most minute of ways.
If this game didn't play with "Anni-Locks" we'd have Berserkers jumping all over the place swinging their axe and critting everything to death. Yeah no thanks.
TERA is a game that actually implements strategy and tactics with it's annimation, seems too hard for a lot of people.
It aslo seems like it's a hard concept to many that this is the way the combat is intended to work and that's what those of us who enjoy the game like and appreciate about the mechanics of the game.
I think the issue is that people just want what they want.
It's not about "this is the game and the mechanics and players learning to play the game" it's about "I like want these mechanics and every game should have them."
Regardless of what the developers want to implement.
I think you are correct. The complaints are from people who just don't find that pieces of the combat are what they want. Of course this game is not for them. Now, they mention why that is and the people who like it say many things like "its to hard for you, learn it, it can't be better...blah blah".
This is usually in reponse to "DN and Vindictus are way better games for action combat" lol. Kidding though, whenever a dialog gets to personal attacks all form of discussion has gone away I think.
I really see discussion like this one to be pretty much useless.
I saw a lot of the anti-lock posters in this thread, posting against Tera for:
1 - Naked chicks.
2 - Elin.
3 - Dull start.
4 - Too Easy.
5 - Elin and naked chicks.
6 - Grind.
7 - Asian style.
8 - Pointless pvp.
9 - Elin.
10 - Generic mmo.
11 - Bad quest.
12 - Naked chicks and elins.
13 - F2P
14 - P2P is so dead.
15 - WOW clone.
16 - AION clone.
17 - Tetris clone.
18 - Elins.
And then one of those poster came up with something like "if they remove the animations lock they may get lot more subscription". (I'm looking at you Zilaxx) Totally bulls, if wasn't for the animations lock you would complain about one of the 18 point above, like a good number of people attacking the lock just cause is a nice way to bash Tera.
You hate this game, no matter if there is a lock or not.
Anyway GW2 has a combat without lock, don't you guys love to have the chance to choose? if you like animations lock you can play Tera if you don't you can play GW2, if you like both you can play both. It's a win win situation.
And Zilaxxx, it's true Tera is a mmorpg, but they advertised it EVERYWHERE as a mmo with an action combat, now you are complaining cause Tera is a mmo and not an action game?
You should stop a second organize your thoughts and then you can come back and bash Tera with some logic.
One thing that makes this enjoyable for me, as an Archer, is that I can miss with my arrows! I love that. You have to actually aim. All the mmorpg's I have played you just have to target them one time and you will hit all the time.
If this game didn't play with "Anni-Locks" we'd have Berserkers jumping all over the place swinging their axe and critting everything to death. Yeah no thanks.
TERA is a game that actually implements strategy and tactics with it's annimation, seems too hard for a lot of people.
It aslo seems like it's a hard concept to many that this is the way the combat is intended to work and that's what those of us who enjoy the game like and appreciate about the mechanics of the game.
I think the issue is that people just want what they want.
It's not about "this is the game and the mechanics and players learning to play the game" it's about "I like want these mechanics and every game should have them."
Regardless of what the developers want to implement.
Unfortunately the majority don't know what they want.
Ninja Gaiden series, DMC series, Soul Caliber, Street Fighter, you name it...
Practically every triple A action title out since the dawn of man uses this system. Why? Because it takes SKILL.
Why does your average Gee Whiz Fanboy hate it? Because it is too hard for them.
Actually very true... and this ^^^ is scientifically proven.
Look at my first posts in this thread for a dissertation on that "scientific fact"
If Animation lock was to be removed from the game. All evade adn block skills must be removed. All monsters will have to have some kind of ranged lock on attack to counter ranged kiting and or vastly increased movement speed to make it impossible to kite at all. All bosses will be reduced to two spells, ranged lockon nuke and 360 degree aoe to counter circle strafing tanking and ranged kiting. The combat in the game would in short be reduced to pressing 1 2 3 and running circles and that has been done for many years now already.
GW2 has no animation lock and players can freely iceskate while dealing large amount of ranged damage to melee players/mobs.
TERA is not the game player who do not understand animation lock are looking for.
I'm not even sure it is a generalization...which would be more like saying ." I've played GW2 and ALL combat is unbalanced"
This seems to focus on a disparity between ranged and melee combat. Doesn't seem like a generalization to me.
Maybe I DON'T understand what a generalization is myself.
Remove animation lock and we end up with a generic action wannabe ice skating kite fest combat like GW2 has.
No thanks.
"Esport with tournaments is for hardcore pvp'rs that want to be competitive. Openworld PVP with ganking and griefing is for casuals that just wants their pvp mixed with pve from time to time."
To explain, saying "everyone is complaining about X" when in fact its just some people is a generalization.
If this game didn't play with "Anni-Locks" we'd have Berserkers jumping all over the place swinging their axe and critting everything to death. Yeah no thanks.
TERA is a game that actually implements strategy and tactics with it's annimation, seems too hard for a lot of people.
I would try the game, but I have this issue with giving my money to a company just to play a beta, with a no-refund policy. I"m frugal that way.
That's my point, why add more non combat factors into the combat to balance it out? It drove me nuts that Aion was so consumable intensive and it still heavily favored ranged in most cases. I like TERA's balancing better and enjoy the combat.
It's PvE as well. Add on the move abilities and every other mob in the game isn't as effective. I like the fact that when fighting a mob (or groups, I can't help myself lol) I have to keep in mind the "downtime" until my next action. It adds a level of complexity.
Lets remember there is attack speed gear in the game and attack speed affects all your skills and abilities.
Just not worth my time anymore.
It aslo seems like it's a hard concept to many that this is the way the combat is intended to work and that's what those of us who enjoy the game like and appreciate about the mechanics of the game.
No signature, I don't have a pen
Indeed, Im not sure if it needs to be done for melee I didn't get the chance to play too much melee to form a good opinion. But your idea is definately on the right track! already they do away with animation locks with the lock-on skills why not with others?
I just don't like when other people just base their argument completely on the, its too hard so you complain argument. If they give it a little thought they could ask for better and not settle.
Ah..okay..the generalization I not concerning the combat itself...but how many people were commenting (or hating on) the combat . Got it. Reading comprehension fail on my part.
I think the issue is that people just want what they want.
It's not about "this is the game and the mechanics and players learning to play the game" it's about "I like want these mechanics and every game should have them."
Regardless of what the developers want to implement.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I COMPLETELY agree with you. If you are not sure do NOT buy it. Hopefully friend codes or an open beta comes along. But I would keep core mechanic opinions to myself until I try it.
Very ture Sovrath, that is human nature I guess.
No signature, I don't have a pen
All those things I mentioned are combat. You wouldn't use gap closers or ranged weapons in a melee class outside of combat, I can see the speed boost outside of combat but not the others. And these things Im talking about are not consumables they are skills.
And again I know there are people that love it, but I can see how others don't. What I don't like to see is when one camp tells the other: "no it cant be done! it will ruin the game! this game is too hard and complex for you!".
No worries!
I think you are correct. The complaints are from people who just don't find that pieces of the combat are what they want. Of course this game is not for them. Now, they mention why that is and the people who like it say many things like "its to hard for you, learn it, it can't be better...blah blah".
Tera combat is "Live Action Chess".
Not everyone likes chess, so not everyone like Tera's combat. Like in Chess, you are commited to your move and have to live with the outcomes.
I've played the hell out of wow, rift, AoC, swtor and other 'triple A mmo's." and I can deffinetly understand why some people dont' like Tera's combat. You can't just stand still spamming Gravround or ice lance or explosive shot. You actually have to play.
I always just looked at the "lock" as the enemy using an effective feint or otherwise avoiding my attack so fierce that it's momentum must be carried through. Anyway it happens both ways. I'm certainly not complaining when they miss (or I dodge a charge) and start wailing on their flanks.
I'm a geek ...I know but imagination can be fun even in the most minute of ways.
This is usually in reponse to "DN and Vindictus are way better games for action combat" lol. Kidding though, whenever a dialog gets to personal attacks all form of discussion has gone away I think.
Just not worth my time anymore.
I really see discussion like this one to be pretty much useless.
I saw a lot of the anti-lock posters in this thread, posting against Tera for:
1 - Naked chicks.
2 - Elin.
3 - Dull start.
4 - Too Easy.
5 - Elin and naked chicks.
6 - Grind.
7 - Asian style.
8 - Pointless pvp.
9 - Elin.
10 - Generic mmo.
11 - Bad quest.
12 - Naked chicks and elins.
13 - F2P
14 - P2P is so dead.
15 - WOW clone.
16 - AION clone.
17 - Tetris clone.
18 - Elins.
And then one of those poster came up with something like "if they remove the animations lock they may get lot more subscription". (I'm looking at you Zilaxx) Totally bulls, if wasn't for the animations lock you would complain about one of the 18 point above, like a good number of people attacking the lock just cause is a nice way to bash Tera.
You hate this game, no matter if there is a lock or not.
Anyway GW2 has a combat without lock, don't you guys love to have the chance to choose? if you like animations lock you can play Tera if you don't you can play GW2, if you like both you can play both. It's a win win situation.
And Zilaxxx, it's true Tera is a mmorpg, but they advertised it EVERYWHERE as a mmo with an action combat, now you are complaining cause Tera is a mmo and not an action game?
You should stop a second organize your thoughts and then you can come back and bash Tera with some logic.
Actually very true... and this ^^^ is scientifically proven.
One thing that makes this enjoyable for me, as an Archer, is that I can miss with my arrows! I love that. You have to actually aim. All the mmorpg's I have played you just have to target them one time and you will hit all the time.
This game takes skill and concentration!
Unfortunately the majority don't know what they want.
Look at my first posts in this thread for a dissertation on that "scientific fact"
If Animation lock was to be removed from the game. All evade adn block skills must be removed. All monsters will have to have some kind of ranged lock on attack to counter ranged kiting and or vastly increased movement speed to make it impossible to kite at all. All bosses will be reduced to two spells, ranged lockon nuke and 360 degree aoe to counter circle strafing tanking and ranged kiting. The combat in the game would in short be reduced to pressing 1 2 3 and running circles and that has been done for many years now already.
GW2 has no animation lock and players can freely iceskate while dealing large amount of ranged damage to melee players/mobs.
TERA is not the game player who do not understand animation lock are looking for.