Ninja Gaiden series, DMC series, Soul Caliber, Street Fighter, you name it...
Practically every triple A action title out since the dawn of man uses this system. Why? Because it takes SKILL.
Why does your average Gee Whiz Fanboy hate it? Because it is too hard for them.
Actually very true... and this ^^^ is scientifically proven.
Look at my first posts in this thread for a dissertation on that "scientific fact"
If Animation lock was to be removed from the game. All evade adn block skills must be removed. All monsters will have to have some kind of ranged lock on attack to counter ranged kiting and or vastly increased movement speed to make it impossible to kite at all. All bosses will be reduced to two spells, ranged lockon nuke and 360 degree aoe to counter circle strafing tanking and ranged kiting. The combat in the game would in short be reduced to pressing 1 2 3 and running circles and that has been done for many years now already.
GW2 has no animation lock and players can freely iceskate while dealing large amount of ranged damage to melee players/mobs.
TERA is not the game player who do not understand animation lock are looking for.
I agree that it would need to change, not sure if all your options are the right ones but definately changes would be needed for something like that. As far as your "projected" combat, I don't see Tera's combat beign way to different right now, its move and 1 2 3 also...this is standard skill based game fare. But also we can ponder an inbetween, animation lock somethings but not all.
I agree that it would need to change, not sure if all your options are the right ones but definately changes would be needed for something like that. As far as your "projected" combat, I don't see Tera's combat beign way to different right now, its move and 1 2 3 also...this is standard skill based game fare. But also we can ponder an inbetween, animation lock somethings but not all.
Try fighting a boss in Tera or pvp in Tera like you would in WoW or GW2 or any other tab target mmorpg and tell me how it goes.
I agree that it would need to change, not sure if all your options are the right ones but definately changes would be needed for something like that. As far as your "projected" combat, I don't see Tera's combat beign way to different right now, its move and 1 2 3 also...this is standard skill based game fare. But also we can ponder an inbetween, animation lock somethings but not all.
Try fighting a boss in Tera or pvp in Tera like you would in WoW or GW2 or any other tab target mmorpg and tell me how it goes.
Ha! ok, basic pve fights in Tera and GW2 both can be fairly simple but still more complicated than other MMO's because they actually require concentration, still the 1 2 3 rule(with a bit of 4 & 5) applies with a lot more emphasis on movement in GW2 and risk-reward in Tera. Boss battles in both are not going to be a piece of cake and require more, pvp...thats a whole different beast and 1 2 3 wont cut it in neither.
I take it you didn't play the GW2 pvp cause you would know that simple startegy is not going to cut it. What Im trying to point out though is that skill system games are not really that complex when it comes to the run of the mill mob. I know I played both Tera and GW2....and still in GW2 a run of the mill mob is harder to come by because of the dynamic event scaling.
Ninja Gaiden series, DMC series, Soul Caliber, Street Fighter, you name it...
Practically every triple A action title out since the dawn of man uses this system. Why? Because it takes SKILL.
Why does your average Gee Whiz Fanboy hate it? Because it is too hard for them.
Actually very true... and this ^^^ is scientifically proven.
Look at my first posts in this thread for a dissertation on that "scientific fact"
If Animation lock was to be removed from the game. All evade adn block skills must be removed. All monsters will have to have some kind of ranged lock on attack to counter ranged kiting and or vastly increased movement speed to make it impossible to kite at all. All bosses will be reduced to two spells, ranged lockon nuke and 360 degree aoe to counter circle strafing tanking and ranged kiting. The combat in the game would in short be reduced to pressing 1 2 3 and running circles and that has been done for many years now already.
GW2 has no animation lock and players can freely iceskate while dealing large amount of ranged damage to melee players/mobs.
TERA is not the game player who do not understand animation lock are looking for.
I agree that it would need to change, not sure if all your options are the right ones but definately changes would be needed for something like that. As far as your "projected" combat, I don't see Tera's combat beign way to different right now, its move and 1 2 3 also...this is standard skill based game fare. But also we can ponder an inbetween, animation lock somethings but not all.
In some cases yes but in others no and that's what makes it fun IMO. There are abilities like Rising Fury and Combative Strike for a Warrior that move you faster that normal speed for a split second as you complete the move. I use Rising Fury half the time to escape being tampled after a heavy frontal assualt. If I angle it just right I can move around the mob at the same time I'm slashing and come back with the stage two of it from the back. Some skills make other specific skills recover faster and are used more fluidly with others. There are additional factors to using abilities in TERA rather than what direction your pointed in which is where most tab target/hotkey games take you.
Edit: Meaning that when the phrase "True Action Combat" is used I see how motion plays a big part in the combat making the statement true.
Ninja Gaiden series, DMC series, Soul Caliber, Street Fighter, you name it...
Practically every triple A action title out since the dawn of man uses this system. Why? Because it takes SKILL.
Why does your average Gee Whiz Fanboy hate it? Because it is too hard for them.
Actually very true... and this ^^^ is scientifically proven.
Look at my first posts in this thread for a dissertation on that "scientific fact"
If Animation lock was to be removed from the game. All evade adn block skills must be removed. All monsters will have to have some kind of ranged lock on attack to counter ranged kiting and or vastly increased movement speed to make it impossible to kite at all. All bosses will be reduced to two spells, ranged lockon nuke and 360 degree aoe to counter circle strafing tanking and ranged kiting. The combat in the game would in short be reduced to pressing 1 2 3 and running circles and that has been done for many years now already.
GW2 has no animation lock and players can freely iceskate while dealing large amount of ranged damage to melee players/mobs.
TERA is not the game player who do not understand animation lock are looking for.
I agree that it would need to change, not sure if all your options are the right ones but definately changes would be needed for something like that. As far as your "projected" combat, I don't see Tera's combat beign way to different right now, its move and 1 2 3 also...this is standard skill based game fare. But also we can ponder an inbetween, animation lock somethings but not all.
In some cases yes but in others no and that's what makes it fun IMO. There are abilities like Rising Fury and Combative Strike for a Warrior that move you faster that normal speed for a split second as you complete the move. I use Rising Fury half the time to escape being tampled after a heavy frontal assualt. If I angle it just right I can move around the mob at the same time I'm slashing and come back with the stage two of it from the back. Some skills make other specific skills recover faster and are used more fluidly with others. There are additional factors to using abilities in TERA rather than what direction your pointed in which is where most tab target/hotkey games take you.
Without Action Lock, you would see people running in circles all day jumping up and down like retarded rabbits.
I would rather have to choose when I use action lock attacks, and if I make the incorrect choice I pay for it. Much more skill involved than kiting / running around in circles.
Without this lock, there would be no way in hell I could kill a sorcerer with my slow moving berzerker. It also gives the other person a chance to react (hence the action- no action in a game without the ability to react).
I personally enjoy the combat, though I have currently only played ranged classes. It reminds me of playing Demon Souls' slightly and I much prefer it to other MMo's I have played given that I am actually rewarded for playing well. One of the issues I had with other games was that Monsters would stick to you or have impossible to dodge attacks, I do prefer pre-fixed attack animations from NPC's that you can learn and then avoid.
There may well be MMO's with better combat, unfortunately they fall short of TERA in other ways so I won't be playing them. As far as GW2 goes, I don't see how the comparison is even relevant..
Ninja Gaiden series, DMC series, Soul Caliber, Street Fighter, you name it...
Practically every triple A action title out since the dawn of man uses this system. Why? Because it takes SKILL.
Why does your average Gee Whiz Fanboy hate it? Because it is too hard for them.
Actually very true... and this ^^^ is scientifically proven.
Look at my first posts in this thread for a dissertation on that "scientific fact"
If Animation lock was to be removed from the game. All evade adn block skills must be removed. All monsters will have to have some kind of ranged lock on attack to counter ranged kiting and or vastly increased movement speed to make it impossible to kite at all. All bosses will be reduced to two spells, ranged lockon nuke and 360 degree aoe to counter circle strafing tanking and ranged kiting. The combat in the game would in short be reduced to pressing 1 2 3 and running circles and that has been done for many years now already.
GW2 has no animation lock and players can freely iceskate while dealing large amount of ranged damage to melee players/mobs.
TERA is not the game player who do not understand animation lock are looking for.
I agree that it would need to change, not sure if all your options are the right ones but definately changes would be needed for something like that. As far as your "projected" combat, I don't see Tera's combat beign way to different right now, its move and 1 2 3 also...this is standard skill based game fare. But also we can ponder an inbetween, animation lock somethings but not all.
In some cases yes but in others no and that's what makes it fun IMO. There are abilities like Rising Fury and Combative Strike for a Warrior that move you faster that normal speed for a split second as you complete the move. I use Rising Fury half the time to escape being tampled after a heavy frontal assualt. If I angle it just right I can move around the mob at the same time I'm slashing and come back with the stage two of it from the back. Some skills make other specific skills recover faster and are used more fluidly with others. There are additional factors to using abilities in TERA rather than what direction your pointed in which is where most tab target/hotkey games take you.
Look at my other post
I get it, you're trying to pimp GW2 as the game that has what TERA does but takes away the locks therefore making your point that the locks don't need to be there. I still don't agree with it but I see your point. The counter point I would make is that GW2 is about movement and TERA is about movemement and risk/reward. One huge difference in the comparison is that TERA has full collision which changes things dramatiacally. If I'm fighting a huge boss and I know it's about to attack I can't simply walk through it out of harms way... I'm dead lol. Even if I'm fighting a normal mob I can't simply walk behind it, I have to move horizontal and vertical. True Action Combat (I couldn't help it )
I didn't play the BWE and I realize that videos are not like playing the game. What I did see was an evolution of the static tab target, which is great and hope is done at minimum in the future, but did not carry the weight TERA does for me.
Ninja Gaiden series, DMC series, Soul Caliber, Street Fighter, you name it...
Practically every triple A action title out since the dawn of man uses this system. Why? Because it takes SKILL.
Why does your average Gee Whiz Fanboy hate it? Because it is too hard for them.
Actually very true... and this ^^^ is scientifically proven.
Look at my first posts in this thread for a dissertation on that "scientific fact"
If Animation lock was to be removed from the game. All evade adn block skills must be removed. All monsters will have to have some kind of ranged lock on attack to counter ranged kiting and or vastly increased movement speed to make it impossible to kite at all. All bosses will be reduced to two spells, ranged lockon nuke and 360 degree aoe to counter circle strafing tanking and ranged kiting. The combat in the game would in short be reduced to pressing 1 2 3 and running circles and that has been done for many years now already.
GW2 has no animation lock and players can freely iceskate while dealing large amount of ranged damage to melee players/mobs.
TERA is not the game player who do not understand animation lock are looking for.
I agree that it would need to change, not sure if all your options are the right ones but definately changes would be needed for something like that. As far as your "projected" combat, I don't see Tera's combat beign way to different right now, its move and 1 2 3 also...this is standard skill based game fare. But also we can ponder an inbetween, animation lock somethings but not all.
In some cases yes but in others no and that's what makes it fun IMO. There are abilities like Rising Fury and Combative Strike for a Warrior that move you faster that normal speed for a split second as you complete the move. I use Rising Fury half the time to escape being tampled after a heavy frontal assualt. If I angle it just right I can move around the mob at the same time I'm slashing and come back with the stage two of it from the back. Some skills make other specific skills recover faster and are used more fluidly with others. There are additional factors to using abilities in TERA rather than what direction your pointed in which is where most tab target/hotkey games take you.
Look at my other post
I get it, you're trying to pimp GW2 as the game that has what TERA does but takes away the locks therefore making your point that the locks don't need to be there. I still don't agree with it but I see your point. The counter point I would make is that GW2 is about movement and TERA is about movemement and risk/reward. One huge difference in the comparison is that TERA has full collision which changes things dramatiacally. If I'm fighting a huge boss and I know it's about to attack I can't simply walk through it out of harms way... I'm dead lol. Even if I'm fighting a normal mob I can't simply walk behind it, I have to move horizontal and vertical. True Action Combat (I couldn't help it )
I didn't play the BWE and I realize that videos are not like playing the game. What I did see was an evolution of the static tab target, which is great and hope is done at minimum in the future, but did not carry the weight TERA does for me.
Not exacty wanted to compare it to GW2 but you make a good observation, still they are very different games and not only in the combat area. But I do find movement in Tera to be limited and that was on purpose. BTW there is collision detection in GW2 although probably not as good as Tera idk since I didn't really try to run over any unit in Tera or GW2.
I suggest you play it when you get the chance, and not just a little while(hate when people spend 5 mins and say its crap). You might be impressed
I agree that it would need to change, not sure if all your options are the right ones but definately changes would be needed for something like that. As far as your "projected" combat, I don't see Tera's combat beign way to different right now, its move and 1 2 3 also...this is standard skill based game fare. But also we can ponder an inbetween, animation lock somethings but not all.
Try fighting a boss in Tera or pvp in Tera like you would in WoW or GW2 or any other tab target mmorpg and tell me how it goes.
Ha! ok, basic pve fights in Tera and GW2 both can be fairly simple but still more complicated than other MMO's because they actually require concentration, still the 1 2 3 rule(with a bit of 4 & 5) applies with a lot more emphasis on movement in GW2 and risk-reward in Tera. Boss battles in both are not going to be a piece of cake and require more, pvp...thats a whole different beast and 1 2 3 wont cut it in neither.
I take it you didn't play the GW2 pvp cause you would know that simple startegy is not going to cut it. What Im trying to point out though is that skill system games are not really that complex when it comes to the run of the mill mob. I know I played both Tera and GW2....and still in GW2 a run of the mill mob is harder to come by because of the dynamic event scaling.
In some cases yes but in others no and that's what makes it fun IMO. There are abilities like Rising Fury and Combative Strike for a Warrior that move you faster that normal speed for a split second as you complete the move. I use Rising Fury half the time to escape being tampled after a heavy frontal assualt. If I angle it just right I can move around the mob at the same time I'm slashing and come back with the stage two of it from the back. Some skills make other specific skills recover faster and are used more fluidly with others. There are additional factors to using abilities in TERA rather than what direction your pointed in which is where most tab target/hotkey games take you.
Edit: Meaning that when the phrase "True Action Combat" is used I see how motion plays a big part in the combat making the statement true.
Just not worth my time anymore.
Look at my other post
Without this lock, there would be no way in hell I could kill a sorcerer with my slow moving berzerker. It also gives the other person a chance to react (hence the action- no action in a game without the ability to react).
I personally enjoy the combat, though I have currently only played ranged classes. It reminds me of playing Demon Souls' slightly and I much prefer it to other MMo's I have played given that I am actually rewarded for playing well. One of the issues I had with other games was that Monsters would stick to you or have impossible to dodge attacks, I do prefer pre-fixed attack animations from NPC's that you can learn and then avoid.
There may well be MMO's with better combat, unfortunately they fall short of TERA in other ways so I won't be playing them. As far as GW2 goes, I don't see how the comparison is even relevant..
I get it, you're trying to pimp GW2 as the game that has what TERA does but takes away the locks therefore making your point that the locks don't need to be there. I still don't agree with it but I see your point. The counter point I would make is that GW2 is about movement and TERA is about movemement and risk/reward. One huge difference in the comparison is that TERA has full collision which changes things dramatiacally. If I'm fighting a huge boss and I know it's about to attack I can't simply walk through it out of harms way... I'm dead lol. Even if I'm fighting a normal mob I can't simply walk behind it, I have to move horizontal and vertical. True Action Combat (I couldn't help it )
I didn't play the BWE and I realize that videos are not like playing the game. What I did see was an evolution of the static tab target, which is great and hope is done at minimum in the future, but did not carry the weight TERA does for me.
Just not worth my time anymore.
Not exacty wanted to compare it to GW2 but you make a good observation, still they are very different games and not only in the combat area. But I do find movement in Tera to be limited and that was on purpose. BTW there is collision detection in GW2 although probably not as good as Tera idk since I didn't really try to run over any unit in Tera or GW2.
I suggest you play it when you get the chance, and not just a little while(hate when people spend 5 mins and say its crap). You might be impressed