I doubt that mega servers are going to improve things.. It may give a temporary band aid feel, but in the long run, The game will be what it is.. It is designed to be a gear grind treadmill, and people either play it or not.. I personally don't think that game style can sustain more then 200-300k for the long term.. In fact I think more and more people that used to tolerate gear grinds like WoW had, are now getting bored of the formula.. I know I and most of my friends have.. It's just a linerar loop or insanity.. LOL
Point is EA doesn't do salvage. EA doesn't do dedicated support. EA is in it for the quick buck. SoE might be the devil for what they did with SWG and Vanguard, but atleast they dedicatedly support EQ and EQ II. And compared to Blizzard and CCP, again not exactly saints, but damn look how much they support their games. Blizzard released a major patch for SC 1 over 10 years after its release, and offers support for it even to this day, almost 14 years after its launch. Damn, tell me what you want but they care about the games they make. And CCP is pretty much the only MMO publisher that did a complete new interface and resolution overhaul for their game.
What exactly do you expect from EA? That they start to care about their games like blizzard, or keep a whole dedicated and growing team on it like CCP did for atleast 5-6 years? You think thats the kind of company they are? I tell you what they do, they will do the exact same with this game that they did with every other game ever made by EA. Milk it till its dry and then move on. They already have their next MMOs in planning and guess three times where the devs working on these new MMOs will be coming from ...
If BW wants me to get excited about a whirlwind of possibilities then I need more than 1 or 2 sentences at this point.
I doubt that mega servers are going to improve things.. It may give a temporary band aid feel, but in the long run, The game will be what it is.. It is designed to be a gear grind treadmill, and people either play it or not.. I personally don't think that game style can sustain more then 200-300k for the long term.. In fact I think more and more people that used to tolerate gear grinds like WoW had, are now getting bored of the formula.. I know I and most of my friends have.. It's just a linerar loop or insanity.. LOL
QFT +1