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Hi guys. Yeah I know, I know, you have heard it all before bla bla bla, using forums as an open diary and so on! Just.. Ok?
Anywho. I am now In my final days before my subscription runs out, and I wonder if this is a game worth hanging on to.
In my travels through out the world of Arborea, I have managed to level a slayer up to level 37 and a sorcerer up to 16, and I felt pretty happy at first, but then I started to remedee on the thread I wrote about my beta impressions, and I got me thinking: Is there more to this game than what I have already experienced? Or is just going to be the same all over again until max level. (My beta impression
That is why I come to you! The beloved people of for some guidance or help ooor something among those lines.
Up until this point, there are both negatives and positives about this game, and to save “space” and time I’m just going to list them up with a conclutionized summary at the bottom.
My likes
*PvP: I love that you have to actually think and just key mash to be able to fight an opponent in pvp (this also applies to PVE)
*Huge Open Sandboxy world: There’s nothing better than to have a huge world as your playing ground.
* Character customization: Well not much to say here, what’s better than have some uniqueness to your character.
* Graphics: Tera is by far the most beautiful mmorpg I have ever seen, and its like what I read in another thread “ Tera is like Aion on steroids”
*BAMS/Bosses : One thing that Tera has going for it is epic fights. The bosses I have encountered up to this point have put up some amazing fights. The adrenaline you get when you barley manage to dodge a huge attack and survive with low HP is simply accelerating! The same goes for the BAMS out in the open world.
*Classes: Love the different classes and the fact that when you create a character, you get to play through the prologue where you are level 20 and get a sense of how the class is going to be played throughout your journey.
Also like the fact that every class has its own playing style and that there is something for everyone in here.
The sexiness: Yeah you heard right. I have always admired the idea of the less clothing more armor principle that the Koreans have showed us in both Aion and Tera. Oh and not to mention the “boob” physics. I have never ever seen so much “bouncing” in any mmorpg before.
The Races: I kinda like the races in Tera because some of them actually look pretty awesome and creative.
My Dislikes
*Questing: Yeah I know, its basically like any other mmorpgs out there, so why on the dislike? Well after swtor, I think that people should really start to make questing more interesting. The dialogs don’t have to be voiced, just have choices that will affect the outcome of the conversation.
*Main Story Line: Sorry to say this Tera, but your main storyline is confusing. Every time your about to get somewhere in the story, you get sidetracked with something else, and you end up basically losing focus on what’s going on and what all the fuzz really is about.
*Boredom: Tera group wise, got to be the most fun mmorpg out there! When me and a friend played in the beta we had a blast. But since he lost interest around the last CBT, I ended up playing alone. Sure a guild helps, but you’re still alone and playing this game that way really sucks.
*Monster Slaying: Monster what now!? Yeah you heard right, monster slaying. The reason for this is because this game I build up way to much to be a hack and slash type of game. Its ok to fight mobs one and more of the time, but when you walk into an area and you see these groups of monsters just standing there Waiting to be attacked, it just looks dumb(in a way). Also the fact that there’s like 5-15 small mobs surround a bigger mob, just looks well.. Retarded.
*Dungeons. The dungeons that I have experienced so far in the game are just plane boring. You run around in a straight line killing everything you see, and then kick some ass when meet some semi bosses or a main boss. The reason for me saying this is because I miss something that Rift actually got right: Puzzles! I didn’t play the game for long, and it was a long time ago since I played. But I still remember one of the dungeons had this form of light puzzle stuff where you had to avoid fighting the mobs in the dark, and had to pass over to light balls or something(long time ago, but I do remember it being funny as hell!)
Wow didn’t realize how much I have actually written, well to get to the main point.
Is there something that I’m missing with all this? Is there some greatness in Tera that is worth to spend 10£ to get 30 days more to figure out? Or are there any better alternative for a great MMORPG out there that is yet for me to be discover/re-Discover
Note: Don’t you dare to mention GW2 or I will punch you in the throat! (I sure as hell ain’t paying to test out a game that is still unfinished. It’s not a mater of hate, but rather principle)
~Thanks for all responses on forhand.
Also please share your views on the game so far and why you are quitting or continue to play on.
That one in a million Anime loving,Workout crazy, Gamer.
I really didn't bother to pay attention to the story at all the first character I got to 60...
On the 2nd one I was determaned to read the quest text and watch the cutscenes and learn the story.
And I'm glad I did, its a really good story in my book, it flows well and it takes you from place to place in a very fluid and logical way. If you are confused about something the website even has a guide and a lot of back story and info on all of whats happening in the game...
I'd also love to explain anything else you find confusing...
Yes the game 40+ is very similar to -30, the monsters get more moves, there are more types of monsters, the instances get a bit longer and are more unforgiving, and the combat gets a bit faster as gear gets more stats and your abilities are fleshed out.
This game, like many online games, is very community based.
Find a guild, make some friends, you'll like the game a whole lot more.
I'm still having fun at 60 and will still be playing the game, at least until July. Then I'll do a fun to fun factor comparison between his and TSW and decide what to continue and what to quit.
I decided to go back to Rift since I can't progress enough in Tera by just playing a month of it.
TSW is just around the corner anyhow
Well, TSW is a month away and I reckon it takes about three weeks to max a character in Tera. You'd have skipped plenty of stuff to reach 60 at that point and the process can be greatly accelerated with the presence of friends, but you would reach the max level easy enough.
Thanks a lot for the response. Will check out website for the story part, but one question about it tho. Elion is the guy you are with but disappears throughout the boss fight in the prologue right, how did he end up coming back and why is he (what seems) hated by that general dude? weren’t Elion some sort of hero?
But in a way, what you are promoting is to continue since the game will get hardere and more fun throughout right? :]
That one in a million Anime loving,Workout crazy, Gamer.
Do you really want us to answer that? It's quite a big spoiler.
Of course I want an answer to that. But it would probably be best if I got it on a PM rather than to share it in the thread.
Also, im not purchasing some book to read it
That one in a million Anime loving,Workout crazy, Gamer.
That novel is not related to the main story of the game, more like a parallel story and a more fleshed out connection between some key characters.
Did you do the main quest up to your level? That would answer your question. As a non spoiler, I'd say that things aren't what appear to be.
If you want gameplay, stick with Tera. if you want storylines and atmosphere, TSW is a game that will tide you over for a month or two. Unfortunately, TSW's gameplay is mediocre at best.
It's an easy answer.
Are you enjoying yourself? Then play. You say you hate playing alone? make a new friend and problem solved.
Are you not enjoying yourself? then move on.
Otherwise, what are you "hoping" the game will be? Because currently the game is what it is. the vanarch system has just started and they are going to be adding the 15 x 15 battlegrounds.
But in the end you are responsible for your own fun. Not En Masse, not bluehole.
So if you can't enjoy yourself with what is at hand then it's not for you.
Oh, and I voted the game an 8 despite the flaws that I see.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
This poll won't really end well, everyone on this site has their specific game and if it's not their game in the poll they'll just hate on it.
You'll see it with Rift, SWTOR, TSW, doesn't matter.
Honestly, just decide for yourself, but I have one thing, if you feel the world may be a little too empty and it's hard to find groups, try a free server transfer to a heavily populated server like dragonfall, maybe even a PvP on like Valley of Titans(this server makes the second highest populated server look like a ghost town).
OP, I too am in the same dilemma. Several members from my WoW guild had cancelled their WoW subs(at least till MoP hits), because they were blown away by Tera. After about 1-2 weeks, many slowed down their activity in game. 3 of them sign in every few days and gain a level. The other two that I play with, at my level, were pretty regular up until end of the last week. All this week, its been a ghost town when I log in(from my own guild, not really the game but I have noticed a pop drop off in every single zone). My RL friend has been messing around in Minecraft(why I have no clue). As a result, one of the other members of the guild doesnt play when he doesnt. He'll make an appearance for a bit in the game, byt thats it. They both have been sitting around at 49 all week. It doesnt take a week to get to 50. so, I shelved Tera for a bit this week to play D3 more, which I really enjoy.
Last night, again, noone was logged in at all. I texted them, said hey...I dont want to play this game alone, its made for grouping. Im thinking of unsubbing until if/when you guys decide to return. One of them replied that he hasnt felt the need to log in lately, but that will pick up in a week or two. So, I have until tomorrow to cancel my sub before Im charged 10 bucks. Or, hope he adheres to what he said and stay subbed until they return in a week or two.
Long story short: I like the game, it is getting a bit grindy but with friends its not so bad. Endgame is probably more of the same. I do think the population is a bit low, at least on my server of Arachnea. So its either, unsub and play Diablo 3 and resub to rift for a while (my brother is raving about it again) until GW2 comes out...or stay subbed, get to max, check out endgame possibly doing all of this alone.
Tough one
This is The Internet calling you. Hear my message as I have heard your pleas for guidance. You are unsure about how you feel and feel that you are having great fun while other people are telling you that you shouldn't. Believe me, this is an important long term commitment you shouldn't take lightly. You could be stuck paying another full $15 dollar for another month only to find out that you are still unsure whether you are supposed to be having fun or not.****************************
Do not take this decision lightly. Like marriage, or pregnancy, this is a monumental decision that will follow you to your grave. ***********************
Therefore I decree, HEAR THE VOICE OF THE INTERNET. *******************
Go to the store.
Buy a Magic 8 ball.
Shake it.
See what it tells you and STICK TO IT - FOREVER.
Thanks for a lot of great replies :] My sub ends the coming monday, so i guess this weekend will be the final judge of me staying ingame or not.
Will also read up on the lore so i can get more motivated to do the quests at hand.
That one in a million Anime loving,Workout crazy, Gamer.
Well I was going to vote a 7 but then beside it read "It's a great game" so just put a 6 instead :S
Remember... all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.
I'm sticking with it. I read the non-story quests here and there, some of them are funny, some are just bad puns, some are ok. The only thing I stick with is the Story Line when reading the text. I'm enjoying the game play to much to quit this game. What really kept me on this game is when i soloed two elites on my warrior, that took a lot of time but it was very fun! It's up to you if you want to hang onto this or not. TERA might not be the best game in universe, but it is a good game, no one should tell you if you should play it or not, just you.
What? Huge sandboxy world? The world is the mosts tale one ever created. Roads to follow and 0 reason to stray from these. There are no random caves or things to find, at all.
The BAM and boss fights are not epic, they are huge, very beautifuly created monsters....that mostly stand around doing noting b4 they slam the ground and aoe ppl
After the sinking of tortanic i doubt big investment will be thrown into choice and story driven mmo. Open world option(gw2) and creative/fun type (raiderz/ tera) are the way to go. For me personally, i find the quest and story in Tera much better than RIFT at launch (i don't know how'd it improve over time) although they both utilize quest hub system. Kudos to the quality westernization by en mass
Honestly, my impression is that while the game hints that there is a history to the different races, regions, "wild races", etc. -- a bit of which does exist in external material -- the game itself utilizes almost none of it. I would argue it's largely devoid of personal stories of any depth or complexity. Instead, everything is driven by either the war with the argons or the desire to uncover the mystery of and deal with these gods seeking power, from the leaders of the Federation to the peasant who wants to go back home but can't but because he's been displaced by the creatures being used by the bad guys.
This is very similar to the way TOR used the Republic vs. Empire conflict to drive the planetary (non-class) stories that resulted in worlds that felt lifeless, existing only to give the player a place to grind out quests. TOR's best storylines were arguably those that broke away from the need to drive the opposing faction out and/or influence, intimidate, or control the local populace on behalf of your faction, questlines such as What Czerka Found on Tatooine.
Having a story carry the player from Quest 1 through Quest 997 is not the same as creating a rich setting that feels as though it lives on separate from the players' need to quest in it to become more powerful. TERA benefits from a more vibrant visual style and a structure which changes what the player is seeing more frequently, but the story remains relatively constant until its ready to take a wholesale turn.
I know everyone is tired of the WoW comparisons, but in this case, it really illustrates the difference between building a world and telling a story. Using the "Old World" as an example, various parts of the world were in conflict with the Scourge, the Burning Legion, the orc Shadow Council, the Dark Horde, the Dark Iron dwarves, the Centaurs, the Silithid, desert trolls, jungle trolls, ogre clans, the Bloodsail Pirates, the Venture Company, the dragonflights, kobolds, furbolgs, the Scarlet Crusade, the naga, and murlocs...and of course the opposing faction. Some parts were in conflict with different combinations of these at once, and yet frequently none of the antagonists had anything to do with each other except perhaps at the very highest levels (like the Scarlet Crusade being run by Balnazzar or the Blackrock Clan being used by Nefarian).
The stories -- plural -- of the people in different places in the world were personal, because the conflicts were personal. That's what makes a world a world, and not just the background setting for a story. Perhaps you like the other way better, but for my part I think TERA horribly underutilizes its world.
Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying my time in the game. As someone who enjoys questing, I think TERA improves on the questing rhythm of some other games I've played, in particular by the way multiple hubs are occasionally connected together (thought this could still be done better) and the way it sends you back to the primary regional hub for a bit of a "break" every now and again. But there's no great revelation of storytelling and setting here IMO.
I won't be continuing with the game and this is why...
[LFG][name] : LFM BT. Exp Req. ilvl 144+ PST -Need Healer/Tank.
The Enlightened take things Lightly
Yeah, some of the quotes next to the # are kinda wonky lol
If you have to ask, then you already know the answer is no. You want someone to convince you otherwise but you're already bored.
This is one of the main reasons I never bothered to play this, and honestly every time I see a screenshot, that's all I see in the chat window. I can't play this type of game anymore and it's one of the biggest draws in GW2 for me.
Well. After a weekend with only Tera (almost) I came to realize what a great game this really is :]( I read up on the story/lore + rolled a new class)
Since every class is so different to play, choosing the right class can easily determent if your going to enjoy your stay in Tera or not.
I would like to thank the people who pm'ed me and those who commented on this thread for helping me choose to continue. Now the game(for me) is a more enjoyable game to play.
That one in a million Anime loving,Workout crazy, Gamer.