Originally posted by Mykell Just checked it out and almost feel off my chair laughing at the prices lol. Even the gold AH seems to have gone nuts. People are listing items with a buy out price of 2 billion gold?!?!?! rofl
Standard tactic in manipulating markets, nothing funny about it.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Just checked it out and almost feel off my chair laughing at the prices lol. Even the gold AH seems to have gone nuts. People are listing items with a buy out price of 2 billion gold?!?!?! rofl
At first I laughed like crazy, but after spending some time in the AH, going through piece by piece of gear, even gold, it was apparent to me that I just can't even play the game based on stuff like that, Hell I had some rare and legendary gear I just gave it away at that point, and I was going to sell it for like 3 bucks LOL which I thought was fair.
One word, this is'nt everquest where some items in EQ could take you years to get so I can understand a 100-200 price but come on for a hack and slash RPG ROFLMAO
cant play the game?...dude, how about going and getting it yourself. where do you think the stuff on the AH came from, thin air?
i'd feel better about myself be knowing the gear i'm wearing, i earned. would't you?
Video games are crack and players feed the pushers.
The 80/20 rule pwns you all now. Only a blind man couldn't see it coming a mile away. Activision brought the cash store into Wow and nobody even noticed. They just payed their $20 and $30 services and denied it was a cash store for years. The saps who paid the money only contributed to the metrics needed to forever destroy equality in payment.
How do you expect to compete against players willing to spend thousands of $ a year? With $15 a month? Give your heads a shake. These companies effectively spit your $15 back into your face by making games free to play simply because getting a handful of players willing to pay thousands for a game are worth more than a hundred monthly subcribers. Taking away your payment takes away any weight behind your opinion. THAT is why a monthly sub works against a cash shop.
You have no voice. Bitching here does nothing. You got a game engineered from the ground up to pad their pockets from a minority of players. Metrics gathered after the first months of playing lead to mechanics geared to force players away who do not pay money. You will see it coming very soon.
Big companies do what big companies do ... they make money. That is ALL they care about. Marketing masks the truth. That is what marketing is. It creates fantasy greater than reality. Perhaps everyone here hasn't noticed the trend lately? A game is hyped to shit, there is a mad rush to buy and the mass exodus once players see through the marketing euphoria and the truth becomes apparent.
I truly wish all this was paranoia and conspiracy. Sadly we aren't seeing the games developed we once loved. There is no sense of ownership anymore. There is little sense of community. You are tracked, reduced to metrics and worth measured by each $ invested and by that alone. The games we see these days are the spawn of this. I honestly feel that this is masked so well that even developers of games still think they are making games for themselves and their fans. Independent developers hold onto this dream but in a multi-billion dollar industry the rules of the game are set against the small players.
Video games are no longer a consumer product. At the scale the industry and it's companies have become it was only logical where they would be headed. Countries went through the same evolution. Video games are now a service industry. Big developers are now your pusher. They provide you with a product you cannot touch, you cannot feel, you cannot live without and cannot survive against if you try to compete against them. You don't have your game you can play on your own pc anymore. They cannot own your pc (oh but hello cloud computing/gaming! It's coming!) but they can own your time if wired into your house. The player base has leashed themselves to the umbilical cord and the funny part is they did entirely themselves.
Diablo 3 was never a video game. It is a pipeline into your wallet. This is not a game to Activision or Blizzard so it certainly isn't a game anymore for it's players. If you rage quit ... you were never the player they were aiming for. You have no voice.
Great post. People don't seem to get that the whole game is geared for this. The ENTIRE focus of Diablo 3 is to siphon cash ibto the RM auction house. In Blizzard's eyes, nothing in the game has been designed for anything else. Don't get me wrong. Games should be profitable, but when the game is basically just a shopping mall, and not much else, you have to wonder what sort of mindless drone consumers are falling for it. For those who are staying on the Blizzablo bandwagon, congrats... you have just been Actiblitzed!
Now, there is much right in here, the idea of service for making more money etc. is why MMOs have become so popular recently and why F2P games are sprouting like mushrooms as they are wildly more profitable than subscription based exactly becaue they are NOT fair.
But guess how much I paid for Diablo 3? 0 euros. I got it for free and have used not a dime on the auction
house nor do I plan to. I'm having fun with my wife, already logged over 50 hours of play time on a game I got for free.
Yeah... I will prolly hit a wall at Inferno but so what? I will just stop playing and play something else, meanwhile I got a huuuuuge value for my non-existing buck.
But yes, of course Blizzard (Activision more like it) is monetizing on this sheer competition madness inbuilt in nowadays society (by the corporation themselves of course!). The Rich can spend thousands of dollars on items, the Poor can sell their items on the auction house and gain some money.... and Blizzard takes its cut.
As money schemes goes, it is one of the fairer around.. at least you can opt out at any time and you can complete the game (at least up to Hell difficulty) without using it at all. That cannot be said for many F2P MMos that instead become unplayable well before end-game.
IT STILL is a revenue scheme. This was quite plain from the start, it was Blizzard's plan to continue to make money on Diablo, considering the last time around, with Diablo 2, they made a game people played for 12 years while PAYING criminals (and most importantly... NOT-Blizzard) for their items.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
People buying for 20$, reselling for 200, making $180 profit.
Who really wins in the end? Blizzard does.
You can't stop RL transactions in ANY game. Blizzard figured that out and build an amazing system. I give Blizzard kudos on this system, even if I hate them as a company.
Over time the prices will go down. That $200 item you bought will be 20 cents next month.
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
If you were looking forward to the RMAH then you weren't too interested in playing anyway.
Why not?
I am interesting in BOTH playing the game, and playing the market. There is no reason saying i cannot.
Because they are contradictory. For the AH to be workable drops are gimped in the game. If the fixed the drops in the game, the AH would be pointless.
Because nothing can ever be balanced so the ambitious people can supply the less ambitious? While the rest of us just enjoy the normal drop rate. D2 totally disproved this. ..
Except the drop rate isn't normal. Its been geared towards driving players to the AH
I was done with diablo 3 in the first day. Right now I play Krater and it is so good. @_@ Krater ftw
''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni ( o.o) (")(") **This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**
Heck, firing up TQ with a mod is 10X better. Matter of fact, the TL2 beta was better. Very sad day when my favorite ip of all time implodes. I have lost all respect for blizzard.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
Standard tactic in manipulating markets, nothing funny about it.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
cant play the game?...dude, how about going and getting it yourself. where do you think the stuff on the AH came from, thin air?
i'd feel better about myself be knowing the gear i'm wearing, i earned. would't you?
Can I have your stuff?
It's funny, you have this thread complaining that prices are too high and another thread
complaining that prices are too low.
Now, there is much right in here, the idea of service for making more money etc. is why MMOs have become so popular recently and why F2P games are sprouting like mushrooms as they are wildly more profitable than subscription based exactly becaue they are NOT fair.
But guess how much I paid for Diablo 3? 0 euros. I got it for free and have used not a dime on the auction
house nor do I plan to. I'm having fun with my wife, already logged over 50 hours of play time on a game I got for free.
Yeah... I will prolly hit a wall at Inferno but so what? I will just stop playing and play something else, meanwhile I got a huuuuuge value for my non-existing buck.
But yes, of course Blizzard (Activision more like it) is monetizing on this sheer competition madness inbuilt in nowadays society (by the corporation themselves of course!). The Rich can spend thousands of dollars on items, the Poor can sell their items on the auction house and gain some money.... and Blizzard takes its cut.
As money schemes goes, it is one of the fairer around.. at least you can opt out at any time and you can complete the game (at least up to Hell difficulty) without using it at all. That cannot be said for many F2P MMos that instead become unplayable well before end-game.
IT STILL is a revenue scheme. This was quite plain from the start, it was Blizzard's plan to continue to make money on Diablo, considering the last time around, with Diablo 2, they made a game people played for 12 years while PAYING criminals (and most importantly... NOT-Blizzard) for their items.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
If you were looking forward to the RMAH then you weren't too interested in playing anyway.
Why not?
I am interesting in BOTH playing the game, and playing the market. There is no reason saying i cannot.
Because they are contradictory. For the AH to be workable drops are gimped in the game. If the fixed the drops in the game, the AH would be pointless.
People buying for 20$, reselling for 200, making $180 profit.
Who really wins in the end? Blizzard does.
You can't stop RL transactions in ANY game. Blizzard figured that out and build an amazing system. I give Blizzard kudos on this system, even if I hate them as a company.
Over time the prices will go down. That $200 item you bought will be 20 cents next month.
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
Only suckers would pay that kind of money on D3 items. I cant believe people would pay money on virtual items for a dungeon crawler.
offering services if needed
Except the drop rate isn't normal. Its been geared towards driving players to the AH
I was done with diablo 3 in the first day. Right now I play Krater and it is so good. @_@ Krater ftw
''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
( o.o)
**This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**
Heck, firing up TQ with a mod is 10X better. Matter of fact, the TL2 beta was better. Very sad day when my favorite ip of all time implodes. I have lost all respect for blizzard.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
Yey... Auction House Online!
Little forum boys with their polished cyber toys: whine whine, boo-hoo, talk talk.