my rig: Asus G53sx. with i7 gtx560 16gb ram win7 64b and just getting 25-30 fps on medium settings.
is it really that demanding that people need monster rigs to play this game smoothly? , if so then i think funcom has shoot them selfs in the foot right from the start.
I don't think you need a monster rig or anything for it, but personally it ran a LOT worse on my system then AoC, which is ironic.
thats strange because I get 40fps with 6gb ram, i7 2.6, and a gtx 260 on ultra.
I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back.
Alias Warin
Alias Warin
I have that same laptop, but with 8 gigs instead of 16. I haven't actually cheked the fps but I run it either in medium for pvp or high for pve and haven't notice much of a drop. Sometimes it gets too choppy in Fusang, but the mayority of the time it works fine for me. Again havent checked my fps, but 30 should be pretty playable.
in bw 4? or closed?
I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back.
in bw 4? or closed?
Alias Warin
All mobile GPU's are rubbish for gaming. While I'm not saying TSW runs as smoothly as can be, if your expecting to play any modern dx11 game on a laptop other than at low setting at 30-40 fps your dreaming.
I find this really weird aswell, I have Intel duo E6850: 3.00GHz, 8 gig ram, gtx 460 card and can play on ultra with AA turned on and I get 30-50 fps depends where I am, it had dipped down to 15 fps sometimes but it helps to relog.
I was stunned that I could have this setting at all, was a pleasnt surprise to say the least, althou I'm not fond of the game just yet but still was fun to be able to play it.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
E8500 @ 3.16 Ghz, 8 GB of Ram, 560Ti, running dual 1920x1080 monitors in fullscreen windowed mode with FXAA on and textures set to 4 and I'm averaging 35+ fps for most of the game. Dips to 25 fps in high pop areas (sheriff's office etc) and rises above 50 fps in low pop empty zones.
I was suprised by the performance actually and have put off upgrading my computer now for another 6 months at least (current PC is 3.5 years old).
The Enlightened take things Lightly
The game still needs more optimization at this point, last time I checked the news, they wanted people to turn off SLI and Crossfire due to problems with freezing and getting stuck, that alone tells me they arent there yet. There were similar FPS problems with SWTOR in the beta, and eventually over time the optimization improved so that it didnt run solely on the CPU and made better use of hardware. The honest truth is that they are pushing this game out the door in a real beta state, there is still a lot that needs improving and I think it will hurt them in a similar way to AoC if they arent quick to remedy the stuttering with the game engine alongside the many other bugs with animations, random errors and crashing etc.
Duel 1
Lets ROCK!
Yeah I must be a random thing OP my system is similar to yours. I am running Asus P8Z68-V/GEN3 MB with i72600k OC'd to 4.5, 8gigs of ram and an evga gtx 570 superclocked edition and I am rolling 50 to 55 fps on avg on ultra settings everything maxed. I am not certain whats going on but I have seen alot of posts with rigs very similar to mine with results all over the place.
after some searching around i found out that i gained 10fps alone with turning lightning off ,so now i am running 40+ fps in none crowded area's @ 1900x1080 on medium settings.
Alias Warin
On my 6870 I get 55+fps on high with no aa at 1080p using dx9 in closed beta
With the open beta dx9 is giving me 30fps, but dx11 50fps. I might stick with dx11 anyway, the colours look better, more vibrant.
Aa on an AMD card, AMD doesn't use fxaa or txaa anyway, if you have a high end AMD, you are better off doing aa in hardware.
The advanced graphics slider, you can put this to 0 and still play the game, its stuff like god rays and what have you.
You can put lighting on medium and its still payable.
I would have effects, textures and draw distance on high or better if you can, textures on low looks horrible, effects on low you will miss important information, like toxic areas etc..
actually it depends on the system Tesselation for me only has 5 fps hit or so. Some systems turning lighting down helps a lot, some turning Advanced FX setting down helps a lot then some turning world detail helps a ton. Others turning down Filtering Mode helps the most. Best is to just play with all the settings and see what effects your system the most
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
What's up with the performance of this game?
It's not good enough.
One will also be DX11, while the other DX9.
I have a GTX295, which I've had for a few years now. Runs fine on ultra, even though the Nivida test says its below spec for TSW. Of course, I can only play in DX9. Shame DX10 doesn't seem to get much support.
TSW graphics settings:
I am pretty sure you can run the "dx11" client and get stuff like godrays since it's a dx10 feature. You won't get tesselation and so on, since those are dx11 only features.
I believe they fixed some of the issues with the fps today. I usually don't run in dx11, but I forgot to switch it after they reset the seetings and it's been running fine in dx11 for me and my comp is like 3 years old.
Thanks. Tried it, and couldn't notice the difference from DX9.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Just curious - did you get godrays?
They made a post (funcom) they know there are performance issues with the latest patch and it will be improved with next patch. Dont panic , the game is not even live yet. They are making some really big improvements in the last couple weeks but of course some things get tweaked in ways they didnt expect.