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World of Warcraft: Can Old Be New Again?



  • SweedeSweede Member UncommonPosts: 210

    One big problem is that players have changed a lot to, everquest was my first mmo and i loved it, could spend 1 hour just exploring the first city (Neriak as dark elf) games today cater more to people that like to rush to max level as fast as possible.

    But maybe the secret world is trying to change that, i read quite a few comments where people enjoyed not rushing the game but taking time reading quest text and working the puzzles.

    WoW is fun but currently my ally server is rather dead, only town still used is Stormwind and you can find that town empty of players frequently, guild lobby in everquest now has more players in it then twisting nether ally side :)


  • MrlogicMrlogic Member Posts: 178

    Absolutely nothing could bring the magic back that I felt in vanilla WoW, the game is dead and I've moved on long time ago.. 

  • ArawulfArawulf Guest WriterMember UncommonPosts: 597

    It would take something shocking and out of the blue to even get me to consider getting into it again.  From the MoP beta experence, this isn't going to happen.

  • BadnessoBadnesso Member Posts: 19
    "I know a large portion of the player base is sitting at the cap". He said it right there, I played wow with friends and had a blast questing and working together. Then I hit level cap "60" and all I could do was farm for gear max out and wait for the expansion so I could farm for more gear all over again... WOW was fun initially because there was not so much a race to get full epic gear but to enjoy the experience with other players, and eventually that died out. Now it's all about gear and maxing out that's not fun it feels like work to me, so I say no it's going to die from being repetitively stabbed by end game racing.
  • stiz4shizstiz4shiz Member UncommonPosts: 14

    I'll always hold a special place in my heart for WoW, it's where I cut my MMO teeth and it's where I met alot of the online gamers I still play with to this day. I'll never forget the first impressions it left on me, I knew I was in love when as a lowbie Night Elf I arrived in Auberdine for the 1st time to see an entire Horde Guild destroying it and killing every quest giver I needed to talk to, but I wasn't mad, I was just blown away that something like that could actually take place... I literally called everyone I knew that night to tell them I had found the perfect game. Unfortunately I believe WoW's own popularity is what drove it downhill for gamers like me. Every "improvement" aimed at the growing number of new players they implemented,  just seemed to be taking away everything I loved about the game. Making the journey to Ironforge as a lowbie Night Elf was almost like a rite of passage, ya just stroll down to the dock and catch a ride to Stormwind...where is the fun in that? Questing as a newbie was one of the most satisfying gaming experiences I can remember, the fact that not everything was just laid out in front of you made it seem much more rewarding when you finally completed it and exploring the huge, beautiful persistant world keep me in awe for quite ya just look at the map and run straight to it. And don't even get me started on the cross-server LFG que...I'd be willing to bet alot of the newer WoW players have no idea where most of the instance entrances are anymore,  I remember not even entering instances that we had planned to run because the fight with the Horde outside lasted hours..and was more fun!! And oh man, when you started talking about the Southshore Vs. Tarren Mill battles, it almost made me log in and re-activate my subscription, I couldn't tell you how many hours of my lvl 60 days were spent at Tarren Mill beckoning the Horde to come out and play...but then I rememberded all I'd be doing is standing in town waiting on the instance or BG que...I miss the old WoW and I don't think the newer WoW will ever hold a candle to what it once was...sadly :(

  • GarfunkelGarfunkel Member UncommonPosts: 224
    BOriginally posted by stiz4shiz

    I'll always hold a special place in my heart for WoW, it's where I cut my MMO teeth and it's where I met alot of the online gamers I still play with to this day. I'll never forget the first impressions it left on me, I knew I was in love when as a lowbie Night Elf I arrived in Auberdine for the 1st time to see an entire Horde Guild destroying it and killing every quest giver I needed to talk to, but I wasn't mad, I was just blown away that something like that could actually take place... I literally called everyone I knew that night to tell them I had found the perfect game. Unfortunately I believe WoW's own popularity is what drove it downhill for gamers like me. Every "improvement" aimed at the growing number of new players they implemented,  just seemed to be taking away everything I loved about the game. Making the journey to Ironforge as a lowbie Night Elf was almost like a rite of passage, ya just stroll down to the dock and catch a ride to Stormwind...where is the fun in that? Questing as a newbie was one of the most satisfying gaming experiences I can remember, the fact that not everything was just laid out in front of you made it seem much more rewarding when you finally completed it and exploring the huge, beautiful persistant world keep me in awe for quite ya just look at the map and run straight to it. And don't even get me started on the cross-server LFG que...I'd be willing to bet alot of the newer WoW players have no idea where most of the instance entrances are anymore,  I remember not even entering instances that we had planned to run because the fight with the Horde outside lasted hours..and was more fun!! And oh man, when you started talking about the Southshore Vs. Tarren Mill battles, it almost made me log in and re-activate my subscription, I couldn't tell you how many hours of my lvl 60 days were spent at Tarren Mill beckoning the Horde to come out and play...but then I rememberded all I'd be doing is standing in town waiting on the instance or BG que...I miss the old WoW and I don't think the newer WoW will ever hold a candle to what it once was...sadly :(

    Basically I agree with this 100%. WoW is just too disposble now and optimised for the min-maxers. Everything is so easy it has more in common with some social game of Facebook than the WoW most of us get nostalgic about.

    Give us our talents back, take out all the instant travel for none-mages, make us travel to instances, capitalise on open-world pvp and town radis - don't kill them, make journeys across continents feel epic again and have less instanced content all together and we still won't have wound the clock back far enough.

    I often feel nostalgic and think about renewing my sub but unltimately the game has changed so much, and is changing once more with MoP that any more time spent in Azeroth is pointless. MoP was the final straw for me and there can be no going back now.

    You can walk the walk but can you talk the talk?

  • aesperusaesperus Member UncommonPosts: 5,135

    Highly questionable. I've heard rumors that this new expansion is 'the best WoW has ever been', but I just can't seem to swallow that pill. I would be surprised if MoP wasn't a very polished expansion, but given Blizzard's recent trends, it just screams more of a PR attempt at another cash grab. I know they are probably fishing for more revenue until they release with Titan. D3 managed to net them a very sizeable chunk, but MMOs are very expensive, so who knows.

    To those of you planning on going back to MoP, I wish you the best. I guess I'm just not looking forward to the next round of posts complaining about 'the same ol' crap' in MMOs, after so willingly going back to what many people consider the root of the problem. It's still going to be WoW, remember that.

  • MarcelinoMarcelino Member UncommonPosts: 124

    Originally posted by Garfunkel I think I can safely say my WoW days are behind me, the Azeroth I miss doesn't exist any more.
    100% agree

    I miss the old WoW and I don't think the newer WoW will ever hold a candle to what it once was...sadly :(

    Azeroth like it was in pre, post BC will never exist anymore. Blizzard have confirmed this many a times in forum posts.

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