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Just reading about a hoarde of people quitting Secret World and saying they're done with the game. This has been released for a couple of weeks now. Rift, SWTOR, D3 and a lot of other games have seen similar comments being made them, hell there are even people saying screw GW2 and that they won't go back before it's even friggin launched.
So my question is, are modern gamers just too impatient? I would say 100% of MMOs need time to iron out flaws, rework certain aspects of the game and just grow the thing before it can be considered polished. I know that a game that leaves beta and goes live should have all of these things done in advance, but it wasn't always like that, even WoW needed time to have the game live to gather feedback from players to help improve it. So is it modern gamers at fault (I would suggest that console gamers crossing into MMOs would have a lot less patience than old timers from 10 years ago)? Or should the gaming companies hold off releasing a game until it's 100%?
To answer my own question I think it's importany for a game to get released to open beta asap. We all knows that even a hint of postponing or dragging out release dates can be a death knell for a game. I would also suggest that a company will never know it's near 100% until players actually get in, play the game and give their feedback
"Are modern gamers just too impatient?"
In 1 word: Yes.
Player nowadays expect everything to be perfect, flawless, without any type of problems.
For example, they want launch to be perfect and to get in as soon a sthey click "Log-in" but are too stupid to even release the servers are getting hammered and many, and i've seen it all the time in live stream, players start going "That's in, i'm going to uninstall", like it's the companies fault.
All in all, impatinte gamers. Why do you also think the mmorpgs of today only have combat activities and are shallow in every other aspect? Because gamers can't take being slowed down and everything is "go go go go go"
It's not just modern gamers its everything about that generation they have no patience for anything and heavens forbid they have to put effort into anything.
If I had my way I would cull everyone between the age of 8 and 21 and get rid of that horrible generation that those slightly older than me created.
First things first - I believe your definition of horde may be in question.
That aside its a problem with people nowadays, not just gamers. Everyone wants everything now and they take it out on everyone around them when they dont get it. So i guess in a roundabout way my answer is "I agree" but I think its more widespread than you detail.
Maybe working in customer service industires I just get to see the bad side too much.
I think it's society in general now a days. In the case of tsw it is destined to have this problem eventually with the meat of the game being the questing and puzzle solving that has little replay value due to been there done that, already know the answer. If they can pump out the monthly updates they said they would they might be able to retain more players but with such a heavy story focus it will be no small task. I for one havent left yet but am taking a break at the moment, still plenty of time to play and no need to burn through everything in a week or two. Many are loving the pvp as well though my setup couldnt really handle it so that is one ellement I havent had the pleasure of getting into.
I think a large issue would be the growing segments of people approaching games as customers or amatuer game reviewers, rather than simply enjoying them as players. The market audience has aged, gotten jobs, possibly started families, and with that growing maturity and responsibility comes a lot of concern over money. Over getting your dollars worth. Over getting perfect customer service. Over getting things now and make it snappy, I paid for this. Despite the apparent maturituy, adulthood leads to a certain amount of entitlement, especially when someone percieves themself as primarily a customer. I won't say it's entirely incorrect, though definitely an unpleasant attitude, just that playing a game with that sort of mentality means that small issues will bother people like that to the point where an otherwise fun game becomes unplayable.
The growth of review blogs/youtube channels/and forums like these also gives some people a reviewer mentality. As they're playing the game they're actively seeking out negative aspects and then focusing on them so they can inform the world that x is horrible, y is an atrocity, and z is actually kind of fun but not enough to make up for the combined awfulness of x and y.
Neither of these types are going to wait for a game to come into it's own, or stick around long even if a game has a strong start.
To be honest I didn't read anything about a lot of Secret World customers leaving. And I'm daily on their official forums.
People seem to love the game.
But to answer the question I think spoiled is the better word. People are not able to start a game with a clear mind.
yes they are and it's the downfall of mmo's. give give give me now or i'll quite!!!
Do the products of a modern education system lack the capacity for critical thought?
Both questions are examples of the same error.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Moderns gamers are way, way, WAY too impatient. It's a porblem with today's society in general. Everyone wants everything and they want it NOW.
I saw a guy complain on the forum about how he's "already bored with the game" after playing 500+ hours. Are you frakking kidding me? I think this speaks volumes to how spoiled people are these days.
As for TSW lacking content, well... every time a new MMO comes up, people are up in arms once they play it and found it's lacking in content. It's then branded as the worst MMO launch ever in the history of MMOs until the next MMO is released, people are up in arms once they play it and found it's lacking in contnet, branding it the worst MMO launch ever in the history of MMOs.
Even MMOs that launch with lots of content are accused of lacking in content because it's simply too musk to ask for the endless amounts of content that would be needed to satisfy nerds playing the same friggin' game 8 hours every day like zombies.
That ^ is a good start right there....
I dont know if the "impatient" gamer catch all is the right word to describe what is happening anymore because there are so many elements compounding together that are leading to the problems we have today. Its very easy to blame it all on the gamers but I think game developers are just as guilty.
More and more developers are rushing their games out the door unfinished, riddled with bugs, with limited content that they know gamers are going to blow through quickly and criticize down to the smallest detail. Not only are they releasing fast and full of problems but they are charging $60 and a subscription (alongside a cash shop for some) for games that are obviously very unfinished. Some games are a blatant cash grab, trying to get the most out of the gamers wallets as fast as possible before the inevitable problems start to become known and they go F2P.
If this was 2003-04, I could understand technical problems...bugs....lack of content...but its 2012, MMOs are a dime a dozen, there are hundreds of great games competing for peoples time, gamers are getting older and have less and less time to play. If developers are releasing MMOs that can't compete mechanically, as well as content wise with the competition there is a good chance that they aren't going to be successful or hold people for long. Its very easy to say "gamers are impatient" but there has to be a point where we say "enough is enough".We need to start holding developers responsible for the games they release, stop making excuses for them when they fail to fix problems (that continue to go unfixed long after beta) and take months upon months to release content updates.
If developers aren't ready to bring their A game to the table from the start, they shouldn't even bother because its only going to be bad for them to release a unfinished game in an already oversaturated market. One way to fight this, just like the OP suggested, is to make sure your game is 100% finished from the get go. Having a working game that doesn't take months to clean up can go a long way to keeping people playing since they have less time to focus on flaws and more time to focus on playing.
Duel 1
Lets ROCK!
I think that the problem is more society based than anything else. Look at the current world we live in... When we need to make a phone call, we pick up our cell phone which is right next to us. When we want to watch a particular show on the tube, we just log into one of our favoirte hosting sites and watch what ever episode of a particular series we wish to watch. Were hungery so we either call up delivery so we don't have to cook or we nuke something in the microwave. We want information on pretty much anything, we pick up our smart phone/tablet or turn on our computer and look up what ever we want to find out.
To me everything has been going down hill for several years with the younger generation having the mind-set of: gimmie-gimmie-gimmie now-now-now I-want-I-want-I-want. With the threat of law suits by your own children for attempting to teach them right from wrong by utilizing the age old method of spare-the-rod-spoil-the-child. I think a lot of what we see these days is a direct correspondence with the lack of disaplining of the child as they are growing up and to make them realize that the world does not come gift-wrapped on a silver platter and the world does not revolve around their "wants".
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
People leaving TSW? first time ive read anything about that..
But yeah its seems the younger generation of players want instant gratification.. if they cant have it from the start then they want it within a day..
I think they should be transported back to the 80s and be forced to play game where they had limited lives and no save points... i think it would be too much for most of them LOL...
These days im more of a casual player only getting a few hours a night... but even back in the day where i could play games 24/7 i never rushed through games to get to the end as fast as i could.. i took my time and enjoyed the entire game..
I'm personally just surprised it started so soon. It was ineluctable.
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
lol if only!
I see the game market changing fast into this quick paced, buy your way to the top and we will hand you everything model, which is sad, some of the best game INHO were the older ones with massive in depth story lines, lore, crafting that made you want to craft and open world freedom to adventure where ever you want, when ever you want without limitations or being driven down "their" path and funneled into end game where this frustrating bottle neck occurs with not enough content to support it.
Bring back the good old days, I support the above culling of a generation, it is best for our planet in the long run
The younger ones are impatient. Ofc they are when they don't read anymore. But that is another topic.
I blame the developers and the whole system behind gaming nowadays.
Today, games are just gigantic piles of crap.
They are designed by huge teams of psychologists instead of talented designers. They want to suck you dry and do that as fast as possible.
They want to get as addictive as possible and FAST!
The downside to all of this is that eventually the brain kind of gets saturated and needs even more doses to stay hooked. Unfortunately, they can't do anything else. At least, not at the moment.
It's just the natural response of the brain after it got bashed in by all the possible little gimmicks and tricks to pump out all kinds of hormones to keep th player happy and hooked to just pump money into the games.
This is all their fault. They fucked up entire generations because there is no fucking system in place to properly regulate the production systems. Screw that little warning that appears in the corner. Is just like with smokes and alcohol.
Today's games are the new frontier of the organized drug empire.
Yes, I blame them.
To actually know if gamers are any more or less impatient than they have ever been, the internet would have to be as pervasive as it is now. Something like XBox Live would have to have been in use "back then". Gamers were a lot more isolated, so the perception of patience was based on you and your immediate friends, not gamers in general.
Now, gamers are around many more gamers, both in games and out. There are more games with multiplayer components and more games involve text and voice chat. Gamers could be more patient now, but because gamers are seeing more people in their games, and those people aren't as patient as they are, it looks like gamers in general are less patient.
If the question is the population of MMORPG players being less patient, I think that's probably true. MMORPG are attracting players from other types of games. The MMORPG crowd isn't as isolated as it used to be. Other types of games can give you some meaningful progress in a half hour. MMORPG by and large don't do that. So those players coming from other types of games are going to look more impatient because their expectations are different. This would be the case even if gamers in general are more patient now than they were ten or twenty years ago.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
No they are not impatient, they are finally unwilling to put up with mediocrity. Lazy devs are gonna have to get off their bums and work for their jobs again.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
If "today's society" includes the MTV Generation, then YES.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
so why are they all addicted to wow clones ? and COD clones?
When it comes to WoW clones, they are not, thats why the clones keep failing. If people want to play WoW, they play WoW, not sh*tty clones like Warhammer, Rift, SWTOR. As to CoD, they're first person shooters, I have no clue, I only played M.A.G. before when it comes to fps.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
but they are selling boxes like no ones business.. look how many copies of SWTOR got sold and everyone knew what it was gonna be like.. Everytime theres new MMORPG everyone goes crazy over it and box copies sell by the millions.. even tho they know its gonna just be another average themepark game.. so if they where all unwillnig to put up with average sae old same old junk.. then but do they all go out in the millinos and by them when released LOL..
As for COD... for the last 5 versions its basically been exactly the same game.. still they dont care it sells like hot cakes..
I dont think that its that modern gamers are too impatient is that modern games are attracting more of the mainstream audience. In the past gamers were really kind of a sub-culture of people who usually were not very competitive and highly imaginative. Now that its more mainstream competitive personality types have something to fight over.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Just guessing we've forgotten, amongst all the talk of "generations", that this hobby hasn't existed for even one yet?
The internet has...barely.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
I saw this same thing being said on Dr. Phil as the "ME-Generation" and i can agree with you! I saw parents and adults saying "School hasn't taught them!" "My child is out of control, doesn't respect me" and all this time they didn't confess being ANY PART of this problem!
I have seen this thing in my home town too... Parent's say "Don't walk, red lights" and next to them, a senior goes... And forces a driver to hit the brakes. This showes the kid why you shouldn't walk when lights are red, right? At worst it can teach kid's NOT to trust their parent's
This generations problems have come from parents who can SAY but not DO! (Haven't experienced that myself, just observed)
But to the gaming side, i think that the games today are faster and more action driven (meaning the "Big Ones"). They make some of the planned content and rush the game, a fine example being Soul Calibur V. And of course if that 4 hours of action wasn't enough, you can pay for more! After my parents bought AC:Revelations for me with the price of 70€ i felt depressed...
So if you are raising newer generation, to them and yourself a favor: Give them a game that teaches patience and keep discipline... You will have a relaxed and non spolied kid!