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Gamasutra is reporting that Star Wars: The Old Republic executive producer Rich Vogel has departed BioWare Austin, though no explanation was offered. We're also hearing reports that the studio may have been affected by additional layoffs today.
We'll be reaching out to Electronic Arts for comment and will update this story as it develops.
UPDATE: Below is the official response we received from EA:
"As announced in May and detailed at E3, the BioWare/Austin team is refining Star Wars: The Old Republic to continue to grow the game and the service.
As with the launch of any MMO, the size and skillset of the teams needed to maintain the game is different than the ones that built it. Starting in May, there have been staff reductions in the BioWare Austin studio. Some people have been platooned to other projects at BioWare Austin and EA SPORTS/Austin. Others have been released – qualifying personnel receive severance and outplacement assistance.
BioWare Austin is currently staffed to ensure the continued delivery of new, high quality game content for The Old Republic, and at a more frequent cadence. In the weeks ahead, we will announce plans for growing SWTOR with new content, new players and new ways to play."
This is so 10 minutes ago man. :P
I would like to add, it's tree trimming time for them. ohlen is next and many of us noticed when pokket interviewd him he looked pretty shaken. as was erickson. this game was a major debacle even if the poor folks still playing it have no clue whats coming next. it's not going to be good. lucas arts smells chummed waters and is gearing up to send help.
In The end of this firing tree trimming a new vision for the game will be born and there is nothing you can do to stop it but sve your sub money and wait it out.
NGE all over again.
This is what happens when you fail to make a good game.
not true(or not so simple). this is what happens when you spend a boatload making a not so good game, respond unfavorably to tester feedback, don't have endgame tested, keep up a NDA till a month before launch, release patches untested, don't use your test servers until after half your players quit for good, and then hype every patch while only at best 50% of what you promised actually makes it live.
Exactly. Even if the game was good, it felt old even at release. BioWare definitely forgot to actually look at a shifting genre. Instead they copied succesful older games without any vision.
Starwars games.. MMO's at least.. seem to be cursed.. i blame LA..
Finally the management and leadership are held accountable for the direction they took with this project. It's a shame so many people who were undeserving met a similar fate.
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this is what happens if you fail to make a good game and your don't have bilzzards money to back you up!
Seems to me that if there is constant failure of the games that use the Lucasarts IP maybe the problem isn't the developers, but LA sticking it's hand further into the developement process then just protecting their intellectual properties and trying to preserve the uverse its set in.
The people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off , why should I. Light up the darkness Bob Marley
This is what happens when you take an awesome rpg franchise like KOTOR, alienate the fanbase, throw around ego-filled comments like "TOR will be KOTOR 3 4 5 6 and so on in one!" and decide its a great idea to bastardize one of your most succesful franchises into a cheap mmo, instead of delivering the most awaited third part of the franchise
How can be LA fault for protect their property ? Can you explain us your words? I cant see any relation in develop a bad, boring game with mechanics from 2005 and Lucas protecting their IP. this is poor desing fault just and plain. The game is boring, not innovative and outdated, just that.
Well, KOTOR games did well, as well as Jedi Knight series. The Force Unleashed sold over 6 million, so it definitely wasn't a failure. I'm not sure about units sold of Republic Commando, but I really liked that game too.
It seems to me that whenever Star Wars games take "the safe route" and try to copy/paste popular games with Star Wars skin, they fail. Maybe Star Wars fans don't take mediocrity too well.
I enjoyed the game for 3 months but have no desire to go back.
I mostly blame LA. Having seen them go through paper rpg publishers I knew that it was only a matter of time before SWTOR had troubles. I did not expect it to happen so soon. I do blame BW as well. I forget who made the comment about mulitple players fighting one mob is not heroic but that one comment made me realize that BW was off base from the start.
I do feel sorry for all who have or will lose their jobs. I have been there and I know how tough it is. I know it hurts even more when you put your heart and soul into something and then you are let go. I wish them luck.
If it doesn't go free to play it will end up closing down.
Even that can't save an outdated and terrible game like SWTOR.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
SWG, Swtor, MMO's are what I am talking about because last time I checked this was an mmo forum, not a forum about FPS, Over the shoulder Shooters or RPG's.
In the MMO world, I stand by what I said. If the problem of "decent" game makers turning out crap products has only variable that is the same between those companies is the IP holder, the problem is most likely the fact that they try to micromanage parts of the development process they shouldn't be. The point was, they should ONLY be worried about protecting their uverse and IP, not about game mechanics and story feel.
The people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off , why should I. Light up the darkness Bob Marley
Its not a Curse.
LucasArts is entirely to blame.
They're a horrible company now. the 90s was their golden age.
this micromanaging on LA's part migh be very true. it certainly popped up in SWTOR where you could not name a character after SW characters.
It is the truth, as Lucas Arts was also responsible for the NGE on SWG! It was their idea and they forced it through SOE's throats to make it happen.
SOE had actually no say in it, but was pretty much blamed for it through the years of aftermath.
Lucas Arts always wants full control over their SW licenses, want to dictate development and design directions and there lies the problem. Always has been.
Not surprised. Oh well, at least I'm not wasting $$$ on it anymore.
Oh man. Is that a new game experiece I hear coming?
Yup, SOE took the blame for poor execution but LA requested the NGE.
At the time SOE did their best in the really short time frame and an engine not built for FPS like combat, among other things.
People will start understanding LA was has much to be blamed than SOE and also EA isn't the culprit in TOR failure as their gave a blank chek to BioWare and more than enough time to finish the game.
Thing is Austin went wrong on the management of the game and too many design decisions.
Hopefully the game won't get a U turn but the 90 degree one it needs.
Yup that's why I feel that LA should be the only one's making SW games not EA or Bioware or SOE or anyone else.
Evil will always triumph because good is dumb....
They had more money than any video game to date. Blizzard spent less money on WoW. o.0