Well it's all subjective really. I found the cartoony GW2 setting a bit tiresome, but I enjoyed the combat. TSW has nailed the setting and quests for the most part, but has spammy combat. The good thing with both would be that both have sorta action oriented combat without being FPS.
Ultimately I don't expect that either game will be a game a PvE'r will be entertained with longer than 3-4 months.
I would say TSW,right now, as the PvE seems to be a bit more challenging and unforgiving (not totally sold on dynamic events yet as the second coming) and the setting is infinitely better. Oh and GW2 character movement is even worse than TSW's...floaty and REALLY REALLY SSSLLLOOOOOWWWWWW.
Now if I was Johnny PvP I would say that my vote would be different.
Gw2 will give you the second best current pvp (after eve) and good pve for more casual players. It has nothing for raiders (finally a dev brave enough to stop pandering to the loud spoilt minority)
Tsw has the best "leveling" pve content of any mmo I've played at least. It also has clever hard dungeons. its pvp though, well the basics are pretty good, but the persistent pvp zone has stupid rules, its like its designed for pveers not pvpers.
I disagree that gw2 is more "explorey" than tsw. Tsw zones are bigger than gw2 zones, and you can head any direction in them. There lots of hidden quests in caves and what have you. There's also rare mob dosiers, lore entries hidden about, lair bosses, acheivement unlock tied to the zones etc..
People seem to think tsw is some sort if corridor game like swtor, and obviously haven't played it, its just not like that, its much more flexible in how you progress
Waiting an extra month to play gw2 ain't a bad idea, all the idiots going "how can you tell who is best pvper with no gear" and what have you will have cleared off to.play mop.
For me its without doubt TSW much better value for money as GW2 will last 2 weeks tops for me.
Have to be honest you had me falling off my chair with this statement, one TSW has a monthly cost and will drain your bank monthly. Where as GW2 is a one off fee and okay while you may have to pay for DLC in the future, that said if the game is not to your taste then there is little chance this will happen. To make such a statement without giving reason for it makes you look someone "Silly" imo and I would love to know how you come to this conclusion to give others an idea, as it could help others decide wheather they want o look at TSW...
TSW at the end of the day was "YAWN" more of the same ol' same ol' and really didn't excite me. Go here got there rehash of stuff. Great setting and intresting stories but mechanics didn't hook me and felt like the same old grind machine.
GW2 had me always wanting from more and played non stop the entire weekend and made me lose intrest in any other game. Everything I loved about it and didn't feel any grinding whatsoever with a rich and beutiful world that has me drooling of what it will be like in later levels.
For me GW2 hands down.
I find it funny that people will say this one line all the time , have you played the game? Because having played every single mmo out on the market , EQ1 being my longest ride of 13 years played , this one is by far the best P2P MMO I have ever played, I don't find it boring at all, this game is full of lore and real history myths and legends of our histroy as a race, game is extremely well done, some things need work sure but having reached rank 13 QL 10.2 I am stiff having a blast.
I won't bad mouth GW2 because I find that game a fantastic master piece as well , extremely well done and I will be playing it like a madman! Will spend moola in their store because I like to support the games I play , however , somethings of GW2 I find is a tad big borring, yes the world is awesome and so is the secret world ( If you have the rig to run it at max settings ) both combat systems play Identical to the other , so why do people bash one games combat over the other? It just tells me those people know nothing of the game they are bashing in the first place, the only diferance is , GW2 you have predetermined skills per weapon set , TSW you have a skill wheel of over 500 abilities with 7 active and 7 passive , so you could make whatever class you want, GW2 does not offer that at all , it has the trinity system with regards to tanking, the ONLY game that did not have the trinity system is SWG, so people need to look and understand what exacly this " Trinity " system is because most of you folks don't have a clue, I'de like to tank a boss in GW2 as a thief LOL I tried and died badly and fast even though I was dogding and moving like a madman even with my healing signet, however I made a warrior and then a guardian and boy what a differance in tanking abilities, that right there is a trinity, they may mask it differently but it's there folks, TSW has it too, with the Hammer/Sword/Chaos/Fist ect ect and you know what? It's not a bad thing, but my point is don't bash TSW and say GW2 is better or vice versa you just sound stupid and bias.
I am going to play both, why? Because I will play through all the content that TSW has and by the time I am done that ( life time subber ) I will move to GW2 play that for afew months , finish the content and when I go back to TSW it will have new aton of new stuff and maybe even a expac at that time, and then back to GW2 for their new stuff ect ect ect , so in turn both games can play off of each other and can be a very very good thing!
So , either way , bash one or the other , you are actualy bashing both games!
For me its without doubt TSW much better value for money as GW2 will last 2 weeks tops for me.
Have to be honest you had me falling off my chair with this statement, one TSW has a monthly cost and will drain your bank monthly. Where as GW2 is a one off fee and okay while you may have to pay for DLC in the future, that said if the game is not to your taste then there is little chance this will happen. To make such a statement without giving reason for it makes you look someone "Silly" imo and I would love to know how you come to this conclusion to give others an idea, as it could help others decide wheather they want o look at TSW...
ROFLMAO Really????
You had ME falling off my chair laughing , since I am at work I had to try and retain that laughter and it was hard when your drinking a pepsi.
Ok , so 15 bucks a month is going to make you poor? Bud really? I play 200+ every two weeks on my pick up truck , I spend 15 bucks a day on coffee ( I know I drink alot of it :P ) then your gonna say something like that ? Man, honestly you will probably spend more monthly in GW2 cash shop that you will in TSW monthly " High " Monthly cost * Sarcasm OFF *.
If people like myself can afford to play mmos that are P2P we must be rich , because I remember back in the good ole days of gaming in a persistant massive multiplayer online role playing game ( Thats what MMORPG stands for ) you had to pay to play that was cool with us because 15 bucks a month is shit , my little rocket stick cost me 58.97 a month so I can play at work , even still thats nothing, and my bank account is'nt draining? You budget for these things duhh LOL
It was nice when every mmo you had to pay to play it weeded out alot of kiddies , not like that anymore.
For someone who has been playing TSW since CB i would say go with GW2. TSW has lots of issues right and will frustrate new players. GW2 is more ready and have less issues in beta compared to almost one month old TSW.
I'm currently playing TSW and will also be buying gw2 - I have a lot of experience with TSW and only hours with gw2, so it's difficult for me to give a really fair opinion.
TSW has been a LOT of fun so far. My favorite thing is easily the skill system which allows you to experiment and play your character however you'd like. You really only need one character in this game as you can learn everything. The quest are the best I have experienced to date, requiring a good amount of though and investigation if you don't just cheat and look up the answers. The Dev's also seem to be patching regularly and have committed to a monthly update schedule. So far though, a whole lotta fun in TSW. Visuals are good, but combat animations could use some work. I'm hammer and swords and the melee attacks sometimes don't seem to flow as nicely as I'd like them to. But it's a small complain. I thiink most of the models and areas and outstanding. Questing and the skill system by far are the best reason to try this game.
As far as GW2, I have only been able to play about 6 hours and that was mostly starting new characters to see perhaps what I would like to play at release. The visuals to me were very good, one of the best looking games in terms of atmosphere etc. I've seen in awhile. I don't want to comment so much on quest, as I didn't get very far, the hearts seem to be some easy public quest style areas to help ease you into the system. Story line quest were fun and engaging and from what I hear, only get better.
Something about gw2 left me extremely excited to get more of it. Could be just because I can't have it yet, but maybe not..lol. I had a lot of fun with it for the time I could play it. I can tell you know, that I already kinda prefer the combat in GW2, however, I like the skill system in TSW, being that you don't have to make a new character to access all "classes". Like they said above though, with gw2 having no monthly sub, it will make it a whole lot easier to justify giving it a go.
You guys saying the combat in TSW is lackluster compared to GW2 must be playing an Enhanced version of GW2. There is no way in hell GW2 has better combat animations? Are you seious? First of all, when you attack, the animation is so fast that it defies the laws of physics! No one swings that fast! Then when you hit the monster, it feels like you are swinging through the air! There is no recoil! There is no death animation for the enemy. They just fall down. Then you have an auto-attack for button #1. And they just do the same old animation over and over again. When you get your first 5 skills within 3 hrs of playing the game, do you really want to see those animations again and again for the next 300hrs?? Really??
You guys saying the combat in TSW is lackluster compared to GW2 must be playing an Enhanced version of GW2. There is no way in hell GW2 has better combat animations? Are you seious? First of all, when you attack, the animation is so fast that it defies the laws of physics! No one swings that fast! Then when you hit the monster, it feels like you are swinging through the air! There is no recoil! There is no death animation for the enemy. They just fall down. Then you have an auto-attack for button #1. And they just do the same old animation over and over again. When you get your first 5 skills within 3 hrs of playing the game, do you really want to see those animations again and again for the next 300hrs?? Really??
I like realistic physics just as much as the next guy...but seriously...magic...5 foot swords...impossible barrages of arrows...juming 50 feet in heavy plate armor (actual in-game range unit to feet calculation, not just random hyperbole)...
And so what? I don't see a problem with any of this.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
Both are good games. I'm sure there have been plenty of people going into the details of reasons to buy either, so I'll just keep it fairly simple. My recommendation is GW2 hands down, though I think it's possible if you wanted to buy both and play one casually since GW2 doesn't cost a subscription fee. For comparison's sake (keep in mind this is all my personal opinion, not stating anything as facts here):
GW2 has more content at launch than TSW does.
GW2 has better combat than TSW.
TSW has better story and more detailed quests than GW2 does.
TSW has investigation missions which test your puzzle solving skills.
GW2 has more exploration oriented content such as jumping puzzles, vistas, and skill challenges.
GW2 has far superior PvP (both battlegrounds style SPvP and WvWvW).
TSW makes better use of scripts in dungeons and battles feel less chaotic, but fun nontheless. GW2 can be quite chaotic. GW2's explorable mode feels more difficult than TSW's nightmare dungeons.
TSW promises raid content in the future. It doesn't seem to be on the agenda for GW2.
GW2 promises loads of minigames. So far we've seen Keg Brawl, which is quite amazing and complex for a minigame. TSW doesn't really have this.
GW2 has no subscription fee, but a cash shop that is a bit more than cosmetic. TSW has a subscription fee and a cosmetic only cash shop.
Both games promise updates on a monthly basis.
GW2 has far more social features than TSW.
Both GW2 and TSW allow you to do something productive on less than an hour playtime. GW2 feels like it wins out slightly over TSW here though.
While GW2 and TSW both offer tons of flexibility in builds and how you want to play your character I feel like GW2 wins again here as TSW's passives and resource system tend to pigeonhole you into specific builds.
GW2 barely has a trinity system (which works differently than the standard one). TSW revolves around the trinity system.
GW2 promises housing in future updates.
GW2 allows you to dye gear and has various armor sets and cosmetic options along with multiple races. TSW let's you dress your character how you want, but can be fairly limited compared to GW2.
GW2 has a much more robust guild system.
GW2 has much more subtle touches added to game. One can even say GW2 is more polished as a whole.
I can hardly imagine anyone who played/tried both would actually suggest TSW over GW2. No, seriously.
TSW isn't a bad game, but it is so... limited. I continually ran into things I could not do, I failed at or which simply where hard in the boring way, not challanging in the exciting way, but in the tiresome way. Animations and sounds effects are simply horrible. Sure, TSW has it's charm, but I never got into that mental state called "flow", which is usually associated with having fun in games. (Look the term "flow" in Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_%28psychology%29 ) All factions have the same zones, which makes replay worthless. The ability wheel means you can make 100s of trash combinations and you can essentially forget balance. TSW has it's merits but it just isn't a fluid experience and gets frustrating in the mid game.
GW2 on the other hand immediately had addictive qualities. It is a pleasure to look at, has so unique races and so different and fun to play classes. Everything is round and I immediately got into the flow feeling.
I am a bit too lazy now to go into greater detail, but I'd pick GW2 over TSW any day. It depends a bit on what you seek in a MMO, of course, but for me GW2 is leagues better than TSW, and if you see my posting history here, you know I am very critical and NOT easy to satisfy. I didn't have so much fun with a MMO as I had with GW2 in years. Of course I only saw the early 15 levels, as far as open beta went. So take it with a grain of salt.
(The F2P argument doesn't really interest me, I play a game because it's good, not because it's free. If a game is worth a monthly fee, I pay it.)
EDIT: I played TSW beta and I bought it and had played it ~ 4 weeks after launch into mid game. I played GW2 extensively over 3 beta weekends. Just so you have a referrence how far my experience with these games goes.
To each his own but please stop already complaining that you were unable to choose right skills and fight in a bit harder zone. I've read your posts and I know that the problem is yours because I ran into same problems but solved them after reviewing skills I used and making some adjustments. If you don't like TSW then fine but stop this complaining already.
You assume too much.
I play MMOs for 8 years, and computer games for 25 years. So I can claim not to be a total noob. I gave the skills considerably time. I even made ALL the quests of an entire zone (Savage Coast) a second time to pimp my char and learn additional skills. Sure, they MAY be a way to make it all work. But when I put so much work into understanding the skill wheel AND even making an entire zone 2 times, I think I can claim I put reasonable effort into TSW. You may disagree, but that is MY opinion, and the OP asked for opinions. Don't like it, fine, but instead of attacking me you could write your OWN comparision. I think that would help the OP more than baseless name calling me, muchacho.
NOTE: I don't understand how anyone can even say TSW PVP would be equal or better! The only PVP TSW has are 2 arenas and a larger zone. The arenas are pure zergfests and the larger zone is just with mediocre layout and design, whereas GW2 has 5 VS 5 for the small quick appetite, a medium size castle siege and THREE large castle siege battlefields. The GW2 PVP areas are so much more complex and interesting compared to TSW. Sorry, but this isn't hating or loving, it is a simple fact. GW2 PVP may not yet be perfect, but it is leagues ahead of all the simplistic arena zergs we have seen in MMOs inthe last few years.
The only thing TSW does better is, it has logic puzzles, and really difficult ones.
That may be ..
but youre making it out to seem like its TSW's problem and not your own..
TSW has plenty of 'flow' if you do things right.If you keep doing things the wrong way you end up frustrated and end up giving up like yourself.
It all comes down to what you prefer OP:
TSW is a modern day - refreshing- setting with a much higher difficulty.The PVE is the games shining point,as the PVP is indeed lacking.
GW2 is your standard fantasy setting..Good PVE and PVP,but you either love,like,or hate the game..
Both MMO's are solid,I'd suggest trying both first before buying to see which one you like best.Some like the TSW better,others like GW2,or you could *gasp* like both!
GW2 has much more subtle touches added to game. One can even say GW2 is more polished as a whole.
Great list, was in agreement with them all. GW2 is superiorly polished product compared to TSW- one month from release vs. one month after release. I appreciate Arenanet's quality standards, and remain truly disappointed that Funcom had no qualms releasing TSW in such a buggy and unfinished state.
Both are good games. I'm sure there have been plenty of people going into the details of reasons to buy either, so I'll just keep it fairly simple. My recommendation is GW2 hands down, though I think it's possible if you wanted to buy both and play one casually since GW2 doesn't cost a subscription fee. For comparison's sake (keep in mind this is all my personal opinion, not stating anything as facts here):
GW2 has more content at launch than TSW does. debateable
GW2 has better combat than TSW. yes but they are very simmilar combat wise
GW2 has more exploration oriented content such as jumping puzzles, vistas, and skill challenges. debateable, they are both more explorable than say swtor, but i think they are pretty simmilar in this regard.
While GW2 and TSW both offer tons of flexibility in builds and how you want to play your character I feel like GW2 wins again here as TSW's passives and resource system tend to pigeonhole you into specific builds. plain bullshit. you have may more flexibitly in building your characters in TSW, you are supposed to have multiple builds in TSW, TSWs content demands that you keep changing your build.
GW2 promises housing in future updates. so does TSW
see comments,
It basicly boild down to - prefer PVE - TSW, prefer PVP - GW2
Both are good games. I'm sure there have been plenty of people going into the details of reasons to buy either, so I'll just keep it fairly simple. My recommendation is GW2 hands down, though I think it's possible if you wanted to buy both and play one casually since GW2 doesn't cost a subscription fee. For comparison's sake (keep in mind this is all my personal opinion, not stating anything as facts here):
GW2 has more content at launch than TSW does. debateable
GW2 has better combat than TSW. yes but they are very simmilar combat wise
GW2 has more exploration oriented content such as jumping puzzles, vistas, and skill challenges. debateable, they are both more explorable than say swtor, but i think they are pretty simmilar in this regard.
While GW2 and TSW both offer tons of flexibility in builds and how you want to play your character I feel like GW2 wins again here as TSW's passives and resource system tend to pigeonhole you into specific builds. plain bullshit. you have may more flexibitly in building your characters in TSW, you are supposed to have multiple builds in TSW, TSWs content demands that you keep changing your build.
GW2 promises housing in future updates. so does TSW
see comments,
It basicly boild down to - prefer PVE - TSW, prefer PVP - GW2
In GW2 the content remains attractively repeatable no matter your progression due to the downscaling mechanic, whereas in TSW you are faced with the choice of 50k q2 Kingsmouth missions vs 500k q10 Shadowy forest missions. Since I haven't played through the entire GW2 content as I have TSW I can't say confidently which has more unique content (TSW is very short on story content so I assume that will go to GW2).
Try to explore in TSW- you will get stuck in the terrain geometry and have to suicide because their /stuck command doesn't work a majority of the time. Not once did I get stuck in GW2, and it was infinitely more fun exploring and jumping to all the hard to reach challenges/vistas.
I used the same tanking build (blade/chaos) from kingsmouth to carpathian fangs (loosly based on the martial artist deck). I had 44% of the wheel unlocked, full skill points when I quit two weeks ago. The only time I switched was to farm deathless for signets- since they punished you for stunning, I would swap my active elite...such variety! Combat and skill system in GW2 was far more enjoyable to me.
GW2. With ease.
Has alot more to do. PVP PVE and Crafting.
TSW has a cruddy combat system if you ask me.
sorry for not going into more details but most ppl have covered what id say anyways.
And just to add i have paid for both, and just the fact that tsw is p2p, and gw2 is b2p is a big factor to,
As I hope other gamers have said, GW2 is not out yet, don't compare a launched MMO to one that has yet to launch.
I bought GW2 due to one reason. No sub. I played beta and got borred already a bit. But that's ok right? No sub etc.
Bought TSW recently and having a blast. I wish GW2 was at least one more month away than it is, cos I might have to postpone playing it
TSW is by far the better game in my opinion... but we all like different things..
For me GW2 was just boring..
Both are shit but I would go with GW2.
Well it's all subjective really. I found the cartoony GW2 setting a bit tiresome, but I enjoyed the combat. TSW has nailed the setting and quests for the most part, but has spammy combat. The good thing with both would be that both have sorta action oriented combat without being FPS.
Ultimately I don't expect that either game will be a game a PvE'r will be entertained with longer than 3-4 months.
I would say TSW,right now, as the PvE seems to be a bit more challenging and unforgiving (not totally sold on dynamic events yet as the second coming) and the setting is infinitely better. Oh and GW2 character movement is even worse than TSW's...floaty and REALLY REALLY SSSLLLOOOOOWWWWWW.
Now if I was Johnny PvP I would say that my vote would be different.
Well, The Siren wants you to play TSW. That's something.
Pvp or pve Basicily
Gw2 will give you the second best current pvp (after eve) and good pve for more casual players. It has nothing for raiders (finally a dev brave enough to stop pandering to the loud spoilt minority)
Tsw has the best "leveling" pve content of any mmo I've played at least. It also has clever hard dungeons. its pvp though, well the basics are pretty good, but the persistent pvp zone has stupid rules, its like its designed for pveers not pvpers.
People seem to think tsw is some sort if corridor game like swtor, and obviously haven't played it, its just not like that, its much more flexible in how you progress
Waiting an extra month to play gw2 ain't a bad idea, all the idiots going "how can you tell who is best pvper with no gear" and what have you will have cleared off to.play mop.
Have to be honest you had me falling off my chair with this statement, one TSW has a monthly cost and will drain your bank monthly. Where as GW2 is a one off fee and okay while you may have to pay for DLC in the future, that said if the game is not to your taste then there is little chance this will happen. To make such a statement without giving reason for it makes you look someone "Silly" imo and I would love to know how you come to this conclusion to give others an idea, as it could help others decide wheather they want o look at TSW...
< 3 months tsw is cheaper
> 3 months gw2 is cheaper
At least in the UK anyway where gw2 box price us double that of tsw.
I find it funny that people will say this one line all the time , have you played the game? Because having played every single mmo out on the market , EQ1 being my longest ride of 13 years played , this one is by far the best P2P MMO I have ever played, I don't find it boring at all, this game is full of lore and real history myths and legends of our histroy as a race, game is extremely well done, some things need work sure but having reached rank 13 QL 10.2 I am stiff having a blast.
I won't bad mouth GW2 because I find that game a fantastic master piece as well , extremely well done and I will be playing it like a madman! Will spend moola in their store because I like to support the games I play , however , somethings of GW2 I find is a tad big borring, yes the world is awesome and so is the secret world ( If you have the rig to run it at max settings ) both combat systems play Identical to the other , so why do people bash one games combat over the other? It just tells me those people know nothing of the game they are bashing in the first place, the only diferance is , GW2 you have predetermined skills per weapon set , TSW you have a skill wheel of over 500 abilities with 7 active and 7 passive , so you could make whatever class you want, GW2 does not offer that at all , it has the trinity system with regards to tanking, the ONLY game that did not have the trinity system is SWG, so people need to look and understand what exacly this " Trinity " system is because most of you folks don't have a clue, I'de like to tank a boss in GW2 as a thief LOL I tried and died badly and fast even though I was dogding and moving like a madman even with my healing signet, however I made a warrior and then a guardian and boy what a differance in tanking abilities, that right there is a trinity, they may mask it differently but it's there folks, TSW has it too, with the Hammer/Sword/Chaos/Fist ect ect and you know what? It's not a bad thing, but my point is don't bash TSW and say GW2 is better or vice versa you just sound stupid and bias.
I am going to play both, why? Because I will play through all the content that TSW has and by the time I am done that ( life time subber ) I will move to GW2 play that for afew months , finish the content and when I go back to TSW it will have new aton of new stuff and maybe even a expac at that time, and then back to GW2 for their new stuff ect ect ect , so in turn both games can play off of each other and can be a very very good thing!
So , either way , bash one or the other , you are actualy bashing both games!
Some food for thought,
Think about it!
ROFLMAO Really????
You had ME falling off my chair laughing , since I am at work I had to try and retain that laughter and it was hard when your drinking a pepsi.
Ok , so 15 bucks a month is going to make you poor? Bud really? I play 200+ every two weeks on my pick up truck , I spend 15 bucks a day on coffee ( I know I drink alot of it :P ) then your gonna say something like that ? Man, honestly you will probably spend more monthly in GW2 cash shop that you will in TSW monthly " High " Monthly cost * Sarcasm OFF *.
If people like myself can afford to play mmos that are P2P we must be rich , because I remember back in the good ole days of gaming in a persistant massive multiplayer online role playing game ( Thats what MMORPG stands for ) you had to pay to play that was cool with us because 15 bucks a month is shit , my little rocket stick cost me 58.97 a month so I can play at work , even still thats nothing, and my bank account is'nt draining? You budget for these things duhh LOL
It was nice when every mmo you had to pay to play it weeded out alot of kiddies , not like that anymore.
For someone who has been playing TSW since CB i would say go with GW2. TSW has lots of issues right and will frustrate new players. GW2 is more ready and have less issues in beta compared to almost one month old TSW.
I'm currently playing TSW and will also be buying gw2 - I have a lot of experience with TSW and only hours with gw2, so it's difficult for me to give a really fair opinion.
TSW has been a LOT of fun so far. My favorite thing is easily the skill system which allows you to experiment and play your character however you'd like. You really only need one character in this game as you can learn everything. The quest are the best I have experienced to date, requiring a good amount of though and investigation if you don't just cheat and look up the answers. The Dev's also seem to be patching regularly and have committed to a monthly update schedule. So far though, a whole lotta fun in TSW. Visuals are good, but combat animations could use some work. I'm hammer and swords and the melee attacks sometimes don't seem to flow as nicely as I'd like them to. But it's a small complain. I thiink most of the models and areas and outstanding. Questing and the skill system by far are the best reason to try this game.
As far as GW2, I have only been able to play about 6 hours and that was mostly starting new characters to see perhaps what I would like to play at release. The visuals to me were very good, one of the best looking games in terms of atmosphere etc. I've seen in awhile. I don't want to comment so much on quest, as I didn't get very far, the hearts seem to be some easy public quest style areas to help ease you into the system. Story line quest were fun and engaging and from what I hear, only get better.
Something about gw2 left me extremely excited to get more of it. Could be just because I can't have it yet, but maybe not..lol. I had a lot of fun with it for the time I could play it. I can tell you know, that I already kinda prefer the combat in GW2, however, I like the skill system in TSW, being that you don't have to make a new character to access all "classes". Like they said above though, with gw2 having no monthly sub, it will make it a whole lot easier to justify giving it a go.
TSW is just another end game raid mmo, i've had enough of that kind of gameplay. I like how guild wars 2 is going for a different approach.
You guys saying the combat in TSW is lackluster compared to GW2 must be playing an Enhanced version of GW2. There is no way in hell GW2 has better combat animations? Are you seious? First of all, when you attack, the animation is so fast that it defies the laws of physics! No one swings that fast! Then when you hit the monster, it feels like you are swinging through the air! There is no recoil! There is no death animation for the enemy. They just fall down. Then you have an auto-attack for button #1. And they just do the same old animation over and over again. When you get your first 5 skills within 3 hrs of playing the game, do you really want to see those animations again and again for the next 300hrs?? Really??
I like realistic physics just as much as the next guy...but seriously...magic...5 foot swords...impossible barrages of arrows...juming 50 feet in heavy plate armor (actual in-game range unit to feet calculation, not just random hyperbole)...
And so what? I don't see a problem with any of this.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
Both are good games. I'm sure there have been plenty of people going into the details of reasons to buy either, so I'll just keep it fairly simple. My recommendation is GW2 hands down, though I think it's possible if you wanted to buy both and play one casually since GW2 doesn't cost a subscription fee. For comparison's sake (keep in mind this is all my personal opinion, not stating anything as facts here):
That may be ..
but youre making it out to seem like its TSW's problem and not your own..
TSW has plenty of 'flow' if you do things right.If you keep doing things the wrong way you end up frustrated and end up giving up like yourself.
It all comes down to what you prefer OP:
TSW is a modern day - refreshing- setting with a much higher difficulty.The PVE is the games shining point,as the PVP is indeed lacking.
GW2 is your standard fantasy setting..Good PVE and PVP,but you either love,like,or hate the game..
Both MMO's are solid,I'd suggest trying both first before buying to see which one you like best.Some like the TSW better,others like GW2,or you could *gasp* like both!
it all comes down to you.
Great list, was in agreement with them all. GW2 is superiorly polished product compared to TSW- one month from release vs. one month after release. I appreciate Arenanet's quality standards, and remain truly disappointed that Funcom had no qualms releasing TSW in such a buggy and unfinished state.
see comments,
It basicly boild down to - prefer PVE - TSW, prefer PVP - GW2
In GW2 the content remains attractively repeatable no matter your progression due to the downscaling mechanic, whereas in TSW you are faced with the choice of 50k q2 Kingsmouth missions vs 500k q10 Shadowy forest missions. Since I haven't played through the entire GW2 content as I have TSW I can't say confidently which has more unique content (TSW is very short on story content so I assume that will go to GW2).
Try to explore in TSW- you will get stuck in the terrain geometry and have to suicide because their /stuck command doesn't work a majority of the time. Not once did I get stuck in GW2, and it was infinitely more fun exploring and jumping to all the hard to reach challenges/vistas.
I used the same tanking build (blade/chaos) from kingsmouth to carpathian fangs (loosly based on the martial artist deck). I had 44% of the wheel unlocked, full skill points when I quit two weeks ago. The only time I switched was to farm deathless for signets- since they punished you for stunning, I would swap my active elite...such variety! Combat and skill system in GW2 was far more enjoyable to me.
I prefer PvE, and I prefer GW2.
Two main question for me:
1) How is grouping & story handled in TSW & GW2?
Instances? LFD tools? Or group mainly through chat channels .. or public quest that you stumbled onto?
2) How is the combat feel in both games?
-- any specific information will be helpful.