Originally posted by cinos You said I was not correct in saying that the majority do not think like the op, which in turn imply's that you believe the majority agrees with the op.
No, it does not imply anything like that. That is just your failing in reasoning process.
If I prove you that there is no rain, does not imply there is sunny weather out there.
You said I was not correct in saying that the majority do not think like the op, which in turn imply's that you believe the majority agrees with the op. Which is why I sought clarification, and asked you a question (notice the ?). I didn't make a passing statement on you which is how you have reacted.
Also please try and understand the word 'reasoning' before you try and confront people in such a condescending man
Fixed :P
We go trough life with many yet there is a time we must walk our path alone.
1. As a good mmo should, the game provides for social interaction.
2. The class stories are great.
3. Leveling is fun.
4. There is a ton of things to do at 50.
5. The dailies do what dailies should do--provide a way to make the credits you need to play the game. Doing any one of the planets will give you enough for basic game play. The great thing is they don't have to be dailies.
6. Crafting is a blast and is really useful leveling up and providing a starting point for the end game.
7. The Instances and Operations are well made. Some complain they are to easy, but remember the target audience is not hardcore mmoers who hit 50 in a day, but Star Wars fans.
8. Heroics while leveling up prepares one for the end game, and provide plenty of opportunity for social interaction while leveling.
9. Pursuing datacroms is a good challenge for 50s.
10. Playing the GTN is fun and profitible.
11. There are plenty of opportunities for role playing.
12. While the world pvp didn't work out so well, the instanced pvp zones are great.
Overall, a great and exciting game.
good for some, maybe, tolerable for others, sure, great? no...
Originally posted by lizardbones I found the non-standard MMORPG content to be really cool. None of the standard MMORPG content really appealed to me though. I could have played the game without the character skill progression, world quests, inventory management and crafting and been pretty happy.
Yeah, this is what was so refreshing for me about SWTOR. I think I even discussed the very same thing long time back with you...
Most games on the market just make very same core game play, features and then probably try add some new. Typical example is Rift. The game is as generic as it can be with all the "standard" feature + something little new.
SWTOR tried different approach. They fully focused on core game play - the questing and linear progression. They have put heavy emphasis on the best story telling experience possible with features and "generic" content to be added later on.
Overall it does not seem as bad idea since you can add endgame content and features any time but you would be hardly able to rework the core of the game.
1. As a good mmo should, the game provides for social interaction.
2. The class stories are great.
3. Leveling is fun.
4. There is a ton of things to do at 50.
5. The dailies do what dailies should do--provide a way to make the credits you need to play the game. Doing any one of the planets will give you enough for basic game play. The great thing is they don't have to be dailies.
6. Crafting is a blast and is really useful leveling up and providing a starting point for the end game.
7. The Instances and Operations are well made. Some complain they are to easy, but remember the target audience is not hardcore mmoers who hit 50 in a day, but Star Wars fans.
8. Heroics while leveling up prepares one for the end game, and provide plenty of opportunity for social interaction while leveling.
9. Pursuing datacroms is a good challenge for 50s.
10. Playing the GTN is fun and profitible.
11. There are plenty of opportunities for role playing.
12. While the world pvp didn't work out so well, the instanced pvp zones are great.
Overall, a great and exciting game.
it is good . but delaying f2p till november not such a good idea . they should go f2p in september
Originally posted by cinos the only logical implication is
It is an implication, not logical tho...or at least not logically correct one.
I did provide you with an explanation, pointed out where you made your error, offered a logical alternative but you just deny anything I say...despite your inability to point any flaw in my statements or reasoning.
So at this point, I do not know what more I can do nor what you ask from me...
You said I was not correct in saying that the majority do not think like the op, which in turn imply's that you believe the majority agrees with the op. Which is why I sought clarification, and asked you a question (notice the ?). I didn't make a passing statement on you which is how you have reacted.
Also please try and understand the word 'reasoning' before you try and confront people in such a condescending man
Fixed :P
Edit: Wait, "Condescending man" ? Lol.
Lol! It appears that I deleted part of the quote whoops :P.
We go trough life with many yet there is a time we must walk our path alone.
It is an implication, not logical tho...or at least not logically correct one.
I did provide you with an explanation, pointed out where you made your error, offered a logical alternative but you just deny anything I say...despite you cannot point any of the flaws in my statements or reasoning.
So at this point, I do not know what more I can do nor what you ask from me...
My god.
Firstly please stop ignoring my entire posts and focusing on a few words. It's just coming off as petty.
Second, I'm going to make this as simple for you as I possibly can. I say the majority do not think like the op. Which is to say that the majority do not think of the game as great. Which is to say that the majority think of the game as anything from "absolutely terrible" to "just short of great". How is this incorrect?
You have not offered any logical alternative whatsoever. Just saying that 500k+ currently play the game does in no way contradict what I originally said. Why would I point to a flaw in that statement when it actually supports my original claim rather than prove it to be incorrect?
I also haven't denied anything you have said. I've tried to explain to you that I was asking for a clarification on your position rather than making a statement of assumption regarding your thoughts in this matter. However all I get back is condescending tone and an elitest attitude.
I suspect now that you may have misunderstood me and believe I am implying that the majority of the remaining playerbase (500k+) do not think of the game as great. Which is completely untrue of course, as my statement was based on the total playerbase (2.4mil) SWTOR had accumulated up to this point. If this is the case then at least your insistance that my statement was incorrect can be understood, even if it was based on a misunderstanding.
With all this said therefore, once more and as simply as I can make it, please can you explain why you think this statement is incorrect?
"The point of my post however was to illustrate that "unfortunately" the vast majority do not think the same as you regarding this game."
You better have had Mojo's voice in yur head when you wrote this.
If not, reread it with his voice and you too will still be laughing.
Originally posted by Ahnog 1. As a good mmo should, the game provides for social interaction.
2. The class stories are great.
3. Leveling is fun.
4. There is a ton of things to do at 50.
5. The dailies do what dailies should do--provide a way to make the credits you need to play the game. Doing any one of the planets will give you enough for basic game play. The great thing is they don't have to be dailies.
6. Crafting is a blast and is really useful leveling up and providing a starting point for the end game.
7. The Instances and Operations are well made. Some complain they are to easy, but remember the target audience is not hardcore mmoers who hit 50 in a day, but Star Wars fans.
8. Heroics while leveling up prepares one for the end game, and provide plenty of opportunity for social interaction while leveling.
9. Pursuing datacroms is a good challenge for 50s.
10. Playing the GTN is fun and profitible.
11. There are plenty of opportunities for role playing.
12. While the world pvp didn't work out so well, the instanced pvp zones are great.
The game is not as bad as some ppl say. I think it's fun but I expected a lot more to be honest, based on the IP, the budget and the developers involved.
If SWTOR was truly great then it wouldn't have lost nearly 70% of it's subscribers (2.4mil -> ~750k) in half a year and still falling.
Sub fees apparently account for 40% of those losses (according to EA), so what about the other 60%?
Sorry, but when a game which is made by Bioware, using the Star Wars IP and has a blank check from EA, fails to hold on to its subscribers, there is something inherently wrong with the game.
SWTOR may be great for you therefore, which is fine, but unfortunately you are apparently in a vast minority that still hold on to that opinion.
Flawed Logic. Great doesn't automatically equate to successful or (number of losses). I'm not saying it is great. I think it is a fun MMO. No particularly outstanding features that scream great IMO. My only point is the logic flaw.
1. As a good mmo should, the game provides for social interaction.
2. The class stories are great.
3. Leveling is fun.
4. There is a ton of things to do at 50.
5. The dailies do what dailies should do--provide a way to make the credits you need to play the game. Doing any one of the planets will give you enough for basic game play. The great thing is they don't have to be dailies.
6. Crafting is a blast and is really useful leveling up and providing a starting point for the end game.
7. The Instances and Operations are well made. Some complain they are to easy, but remember the target audience is not hardcore mmoers who hit 50 in a day, but Star Wars fans.
8. Heroics while leveling up prepares one for the end game, and provide plenty of opportunity for social interaction while leveling.
9. Pursuing datacroms is a good challenge for 50s.
10. Playing the GTN is fun and profitible.
11. There are plenty of opportunities for role playing.
12. While the world pvp didn't work out so well, the instanced pvp zones are great.
Overall, a great and exciting game.
I liked the game too, but one thing I really wish was different was the whole fleet structure. Once the majority of the population reached endgame it lead to dead worlds. There is also no excuse for no open PVP because this type of game screams for it. It's set in the time period when jedi and sith were numerous and there should be large scale battles happening. At least provide warzones or create instanced battlefields that can hold 20 vs. 20. Even with all of Ilum's faults, it was nice to have fights against more than eight people.
Yes for a single player RPG but not as an MMO which is why the majority of people left. They "Beat" the game.
I agree. I had quite a lot of fun while I leveled up two characters -- which is one more character than I would have in a single player game. In that sense, I'm not that sad about the purchase price, but as an MMO it is not a good or long lasting game. In a gear-gring style mmo (which I like), it's bringing nothing new to the table and didn't have enough content to last.
SWTOR is really strange -- of all the mmos I've played over the years (and I've played most of the big ones), this one leaves the worst taste in my mouth after having left it. Maybe it's because there were so many great things during the leveling process, but the game engine just sucks so bad, and the endgame was so weak, that it became a huge letdown. I really can't see the F2P model changing anything for this game.
It is great game with best story around. Something what i miss is that Star W ars feeling. SWG was poorly created mmo but you had that SW feeling, that loneliness in desert of tatooines with spice of fear. I have this not in swtor. Great game but fail star wars ambient, i think most of the blame goes to cartoonish graphic. It should be more ''real'' like AOC for example with more sandbox.
1. As a good mmo should, the game provides for social interaction.
2. The class stories are great.
3. Leveling is fun.
4. There is a ton of things to do at 50.
5. The dailies do what dailies should do--provide a way to make the credits you need to play the game. Doing any one of the planets will give you enough for basic game play. The great thing is they don't have to be dailies.
6. Crafting is a blast and is really useful leveling up and providing a starting point for the end game.
7. The Instances and Operations are well made. Some complain they are to easy, but remember the target audience is not hardcore mmoers who hit 50 in a day, but Star Wars fans.
8. Heroics while leveling up prepares one for the end game, and provide plenty of opportunity for social interaction while leveling.
9. Pursuing datacroms is a good challenge for 50s.
10. Playing the GTN is fun and profitible.
11. There are plenty of opportunities for role playing.
12. While the world pvp didn't work out so well, the instanced pvp zones are great.
Overall, a great and exciting game.
[mod edit]
He have all the right to like this game. You can see here on mmorpg.com topics about wow, aoc, eve and this games are much older from swtor.
I'm sure some think it's a great game ... and it's not bad by any means. The story line is pretty good ... everything else was ok. However teh more and mroe I played the more teh game felt like a co op. SWG did the Star wars franchise more justice than this and it certainly dropped the ball as well.
Great game? IMO it is far from it, great games dont go F2P right of the gate with as much money as they sunk into the game. Maybe greatest dissapontment for a game in recent memory ...
No, it does not imply anything like that. That is just your failing in reasoning process.
If I prove you that there is no rain, does not imply there is sunny weather out there.
Fixed :P
We go trough life with many yet there is a time we must walk our path alone.
good for some, maybe, tolerable for others, sure, great? no...
Yeah, this is what was so refreshing for me about SWTOR. I think I even discussed the very same thing long time back with you...
Most games on the market just make very same core game play, features and then probably try add some new. Typical example is Rift. The game is as generic as it can be with all the "standard" feature + something little new.
SWTOR tried different approach. They fully focused on core game play - the questing and linear progression. They have put heavy emphasis on the best story telling experience possible with features and "generic" content to be added later on.
Overall it does not seem as bad idea since you can add endgame content and features any time but you would be hardly able to rework the core of the game.
it is good . but delaying f2p till november not such a good idea . they should go f2p in september
It is an implication, not logical tho...or at least not logically correct one.
I did provide you with an explanation, pointed out where you made your error, offered a logical alternative but you just deny anything I say...despite your inability to point any flaw in my statements or reasoning.
So at this point, I do not know what more I can do nor what you ask from me...
Lol! It appears that I deleted part of the quote whoops :P.
We go trough life with many yet there is a time we must walk our path alone.
You better have had Mojo's voice in yur head when you wrote this.
If not, reread it with his voice and you too will still be laughing.
To give feedback on moderation, contact mikeb@mmorpg.com
Yea all of the above LMFAO
Nice one OP couldnt have put it better myself!
Things I agree with you. Not enough imho thou.
Flawed Logic. Great doesn't automatically equate to successful or (number of losses). I'm not saying it is great. I think it is a fun MMO. No particularly outstanding features that scream great IMO. My only point is the logic flaw.
I self identify as a monkey.
I liked the game too, but one thing I really wish was different was the whole fleet structure. Once the majority of the population reached endgame it lead to dead worlds. There is also no excuse for no open PVP because this type of game screams for it. It's set in the time period when jedi and sith were numerous and there should be large scale battles happening. At least provide warzones or create instanced battlefields that can hold 20 vs. 20. Even with all of Ilum's faults, it was nice to have fights against more than eight people.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
Yes for a single player RPG but not as an MMO which is why the majority of people left. They "Beat" the game.
I agree with the OP
SWTOR is a great game (well decent).....................but it's a bad MMORPG
Hope that sets things straight.
I agree. I had quite a lot of fun while I leveled up two characters -- which is one more character than I would have in a single player game. In that sense, I'm not that sad about the purchase price, but as an MMO it is not a good or long lasting game. In a gear-gring style mmo (which I like), it's bringing nothing new to the table and didn't have enough content to last.
SWTOR is really strange -- of all the mmos I've played over the years (and I've played most of the big ones), this one leaves the worst taste in my mouth after having left it. Maybe it's because there were so many great things during the leveling process, but the game engine just sucks so bad, and the endgame was so weak, that it became a huge letdown. I really can't see the F2P model changing anything for this game.
He have all the right to like this game. You can see here on mmorpg.com topics about wow, aoc, eve and this games are much older from swtor.
I'm sure some think it's a great game ... and it's not bad by any means. The story line is pretty good ... everything else was ok. However teh more and mroe I played the more teh game felt like a co op. SWG did the Star wars franchise more justice than this and it certainly dropped the ball as well.
Great game? IMO it is far from it, great games dont go F2P right of the gate with as much money as they sunk into the game. Maybe greatest dissapontment for a game in recent memory ...