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I didn't want to do it, I wanted GW2 to be my last hope...
But, it's not. GW2 has it's place on my hard drive, and it will continue too, but it isn't going to be my mainstay MMO. I really, really wanted it to be, but the PVP is just not what I was looking for. I thought the "balanced" pvp and the lack of gear differences would of been enough, but sadly it isn't. There is nothing in GW2 that is like my rogue in WoW....
Maybe I'm getting to old to PVP, maybe I do need gear to balance it out when I have had too many beers (my favorite time to pvp). But I'm finding myself wanting to go back to the PVP my fingers know.
It's funny that I'm sad that I have to go back to WoW, but it's time for me to realize that nothing out there in the MMO market gives me what WoW gives me. And that is simple, fun, killing of others. I don't care about massive battles, I want to kill the guy in front of me.
I know now not to prepurchase another MMO because I always end up back on my rogue, ganking at will, under stealth. I'm sorry GW2, you will be a great game for many.... just not me .
Maybe, but I have more fun PVPing in WoW, and having fun is the point of an MMO or any game. I'm not trying to change anyone else's mind with this thread, it's just me admitting that at the moment WoW is the best MMO for me.
If that makes me less of a gamer, so be it, but I miss my rogue and I'm going back like an abused lover.
For those who GW2 is their game, I'm jealous and happy for them, but it's time for me to be honest with myself, WoW IS the MMO for me.
mediocrity is never better then innovation. Went and played WoW to see what they changed since i played in the beta. Nothing. Sure they finally at long last fixed the issues with my class but not with my profession ( they didn't do anything else accept dumb down as a fix the talent trees adding talents that really aren't all that great or creative and then they took elements from other titles and put them into their game as if it were their idea (AOE looting anyone?)
since the D3 was released and their devs for D3 said what they did on FB about the main creative mind behind D2, I lost what little respect i had for blizzard.
i may be having a brain fart, but this double/triple negative confused assuming you are dissing WoW, but for alot of people who arent waaay oldschool but still old this is their one and only original mmo. And that still shows alot of people seem to be coming back for the pre patch. i have 13 85's and am starting on a completely new realm to do it all over again. after a 3 month break im no longer burnt out from WoW and despite dumbing down the talent system talent choice still takes a bit of understanding, but no doubt the "best" combinations will start to surface soon and no1 will be unique at all talent wise now, despite that combat is still the same and is still fun in pvp. Now that alot of classes have been buffed 1v1 fights are no longer really long either.
you can always send me the account information, I'll play it.
You made a choice to quit the game but if you followed the game correctly you knew that it was all about skills and not gear! Something I love about GW2 no more stun-lock till dead or healers out healing the damage.
I like the battles being huge and involving! the best thing i loved about wow was it was competitive at first till the BG's became a timer fest, this destroyed wow for me at this point. All everyone cared about was getting points about gear.
For Me FFXIV 2.0 will be my PVE and GW2 will be my PVP!
Good luck in WoW !
P.S WoW Free 2 1/2 years! Traded it and SwTor for GW2!
Below is where we can disscuss and come up with new ideas for Sandparks!
Titan will be the next MMO I buy, I'm done spending money on MMOs that just don't do it for me.
And that said, if Titan is not the PVP I want, I'll once again return to WoW...
I'm not going to delete GW2 from my hard drive, maybe once I get tired of WoW after MoP I'll return. But it's clear to me that GW2 will never be what WoW and SWG was/is to me.
Once I have had a few beers grammer goes out the door. Hopefully the rest of the post gives you the jest of what I was trying to say.
LOL, NVM, not my post....
Not that i know for sure, but when it comes to money blizz knows what they are doing. It will probably be very similar to WoW with modern graphics and some new gimmicks (the good kind of gimmicks though) as well as some innovative idea's. the thought of it makes my gut churn with excitement, its name is Titan no doubt it will have to take the lead out of WoWs hands
Blizzard makes great games, regardless of what D3 haters say.
ah titan. its details are probably the best kept secret in gaming right now. part of me is hoping blizzard shocks the world with a fully realized sandbox/virtual world mmorg.
The CIA has a higher chance of leaking
Yes, yes, I'm the loser re-subing WoW. This thread is sort of therapy for me to let my feelings out. I know that there are many who love the changes GW2 brought to the market, and I have no bad feeling towards them.
lol naaa..I mainly posted that as a joke.
Im unbiased when it comes to MMO's,play whatever one u enjoy most is my motto.
I followed the game, and it sounded so good. I guess I'm one of the players who always thought I was better than I actually was, but GW2 PVP just isn't for me.
I don't like CoD pvp, I don't like BF3 pvp. The only games I like PVP in is WoW and TF2. Maybe I'm not the gamer I thought I was. This has been an eye opening experience for me. I want dumbed down, I want simple, I want PVP that I can do when I'm so drunk I stumble to the fridge to eat once I'm done.
I'm starting to think that my competitive PVP is past me, like an old soldier who knows the young guys have passed him. Hopefully there will be another MMO like WoW that allows me to have fun with PVP in the future, if not, make the PVE I enjoy, something GW2 does not do.
I have a feeling Titan wont do so well and that Blizzard will announce Wow 2 soon after its release. I would be very surprised if they dont already have a small team working on a Wow sequel. To make a MMOFPS that will take over after Wow is a really hard task and I have my doubt even Kaplan can pull it off.
While I am not a Wow fan myself the game is well done and I can understand people enjoying it.
Well, im not a WoW fan neither, and cant say im really enjoying it but i dont have a real choice... I stopped playing wow 6 months ago and finished me3 and after beating Diablo3 Inferno with 2 characters i tried to get involved in grinding paragon levels and better gear but that got boring aswell so now theres only black mesa to go through before pandas roll over.
Well atleast im gonna be in wow so that all those rogues can gank me
Don't worry though, stealth is all I have at this point .
That's...interesting. What I don't/didn't like about WoW is just that, how everything is dumbed-down to the LCD. I want my PvP to be challenging, where if I'm tired or not concentrating, I'll get totally & completely rocked/owned. Walking that razor's edge gives me my thrill, not autopilot PvP-Lite.
I need decent PvP in the MMO's that I play, & the harder/more active, the better. I suck at FPS's, & don't have the time nowadays for anything that's gear-based. so this is right up my alley. I didn't play GW1 but was looking for my PvP fix after I left Rift & GW2 is filling it. There need to be more sPvP objectives, more maps & a few broken abilities need to be looked at, but the rest of the PvP is quite enjoyable.
Yeah, the GW2 PvE is horrid, blah & meh don't even describe it, especially after coming from TSW, where, IMO, it was the reverse. I was gathering, crafting & doing events to level but I guess I'll just go W-v-W like everyone else since it's apparently ridiculously easy to progress that way. If I overdo it, I can see myself getting burned out like I did in Rift, running BG's 24/7, but I hope they'll add things to make sPvP more interesting before that happens.