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The latest Star Wars: The Old Republic blog on the official site lays out "quality of life" improvements coming with the v1.4 patch. Included are new facial emotions, a way to leave flashpoints and return to where you were gaming, a delayed binding mechanic and customization of companion armors.
Companion Customization Improvements – Finally, starting in Game Update 1.4 players will be able to hide the helmet, or unify colors to chest, for their companion’s gear (see the screenshot at the top of this article). No more mismatched, silly outfits (unless you like them that way)!
Read the full post on the Star Wars: The Old Republic site.
Playing: Smite, Marvel Heroes
Played: Nexus:Kingdom of the Winds, Everquest, DAoC, Everquest 2, WoW, Matrix Online, Vangaurd, SWG, DDO, EVE, Fallen Earth, LoTRo, CoX, Champions Online, WAR, Darkfall, Mortal Online, Guild Wars, Rift, Tera, Aion, AoC, Gods and Heroes, DCUO, FF14, TSW, SWTOR, GW2, Wildstar, ESO, ArcheAge
Waiting On: Nothing. Mmorpg's are dead.
This have been a good conversation
rofl..i like that one.made me chuckle
I know it's in vogue to dump on Tor, but honestly it's still a pretty fun and heavily active game. A lot of people coming back to the game now and servers are pretty packed. Once the game goes f2p and BW starts putting in more content regularly, I think the game will bounce back.
And let's be honest - the pvp is a 1000x better than GW2. So that's reason enough to keep subbed.
Well considering that EA just did a server merge I would imagine that servers would be packed? Their new Mega Server technology even had server queues with no real differeence in people joining / playing. .. just longer waits for existing customers to log on.
PVP in SWTOR stinks. There is no large scale PVP, it's only tiny instanced PVP. How is this better? The pvp maps in GW2 are huge and the SWTOR maps are the size of a small building (like HuttBall) or a small town hub (like the others).
So lets be honest? lol
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Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
It mitigates the need to constantly watch a small text window where chat happens. With Chat Bubbles, you can observe who says what and note their character appearance to boot. It's like a comic book caption.
Without Chat bubbles, there is a separation between an avatar and what is said. Chat bubbles add to immersion.
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
Prior to the merge my server was still packed. The game is still the #2 or #3 highest subbed game.
No open pvp outside of fighting in The Black Hole which can be entertaining, so I will give you that.
Wzs in Tor are tiny? Gw2's maps are extremely small, and they are all identical: 3 capture points with some PVE thrown in. How is that better? Civil War is easily bigger than any of the maps in GW2. Not to mention the awful camera and controls in GW2 that make pvp almost unplayable...the quality is just not there in that game sad to say.
That about sums it up.
I would add the thousands of upon thousands of players who did Beta testing and requested a "Founders" in game title, only to be given the middle finger by EA/Biowaste with a promotion later ran by EA/Biowaste for game subscriptions (read $$$$$$$$) that granted such a title after the release.
Player housing in the open world would be a better quality of life. Not a face expression.
Well it was the highest #2 or #3 game .. I think this has changed a bunch. Going by the June 2012 investor call they had 500k+ subs, but this has fallen, enough to call for another server merge. This game is way below the 500k to cover operational costs .. hence why it is going F2P.
I have to call you out on the red highlighted part because thats a load of crap. The PVP zones I've been in were so big I could only explore a portion of them during the hours I spent there. In my estimation, they are the equivalent of the size of Tatooine.
I could only guess that you never actually played GW2, but you are just repeating what trolls have fed you.
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
You are an interesting person :-)
SWTOR WZ's are varied and dynamic .. please explain?
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
I don't see how new facial emots is going to make you quality of life better. They go so many other things that need a fixing that emotes is not going to help the game.
SWG had visible moods your character could be in... but this was not a feature, it was just there.
Why do game companies continue to point to themselves saying "see what I just did for you?"
Stop releasing games that are not finished.
It seems like a simple thing.
Look at GW2 ... one of the things that really draws you into the world are the random npc conversations. Both voice and chat bubbles really help in this regard.
Much of the time, I don't read the text in my chat box anymore and that's a good thing.
If you don't worry about it, it's not a problem.
Companion Customization Improvements – Finally, starting in Game Update 1.4 players will be able to hide the helmet, or unify colors to chest, for their companion’s gear (see the screenshot at the top of this article). No more mismatched, silly outfits (unless you like them that way)!
.....How about a standard friggin outfit system. This is just inferior to so many MMORPG's... much like many of TOR's other features. I don't enjoy disliking SWTOR and picking it apart... it makes me sad because it is what it is instead of what it should have/could have been imo.
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
I think you don't get what quality of life alludes to.
I just started SWTOR a few weeks ago myself, I only avoided it because of the constant bashing of the game. To be honest, I find it by far better than any other MMO as far as the leveling process goes. I haven't reached endgame yet, but I have months worth of leveling to hold me over until the game is fleshed out more with content. The Legacy system they have rewards alts more than any other game I played, and the 2 classes I've played so far (both on the Empire side) have completely different stories and have high replay value.
let me guess your a swtor fanboy. even if the camera angle in gw2 does suck which i disagree playing as a necromancer aka range mage class, swtor pvp is garbage whether you like it or not. atleast gw2 has real pvp. as any meaning behind their pvp well thats a different story. i use to play swtor, the lack of work they promised and promised to fix illum still hasn't been adressed. sadly to say this game is not the #2 or # 3 so please stop trying to hype up a garbage game. these was one of the games that everyone including myself was looking forward to, and i'm sure if you ask everyone who has played swtor that left will give you the same answer as me. some may even be vulgar towards the game.
they need to fix the dam open world pvp make it more exciting, only then they will stand a chance in getting their playerbased back. but seriously please stop saying or even thinking this game is still #2 or #3 because thats a buncha bull. also i'd like to add, bioware needs to learn from se and look at what they are doing with realm reborn ffxiv. seriously
Sounds like you're getting very emotionally attached there, dude.
You do realize having a sub base around 500k puts a game around the top 2-3 spots. The biggest MMOs in the world are WoW, Aion, Lineage and SWTOR right now. Remains to be seen where GW2 will land.
Educate yourself next time, please.
not getting emotional just stating facts. subs will always grow because they will constantly have new consumers come in. it's more of them sustaining that which swtor has failed to do so. imagine they was like at what 1.5mill sub before and look at them now. they need to really look into what square enix did with ffxiv realm reborn and how they learned from their mistakes. i am not a harcore gw2 player i actually play 2 mmos eve online and gw2 atm. infact i play gw2 less then eve online because i prefer the freedom i have in eve compared to any other mmo. but putting that aside, unless bioware starts doing something big its going to be like just another mmo that just fades away.
also aion online isn't freemium. freemium swtor is and thats almost like a subbed version. in the end swtor will still have the same basic borring pvp grind for armor that has really not point to it. atleast illum kinda did but they messed that up. anyways you can think what you want your opinion is yours and your own only. i standby with what i feel.
I was pointing out that you're incorrect in thinking it's not still one of the top subbed games. I don't understand how Tor is freemium...because it has a free trial up to level 10? Almost every mmo has something similar to that, including WoW. It's yet to be seen how they handle f2p and premium subscriptions etc. This is what they're planning to do to recapture lost subs. It will never be back to original release numbers, but very few mmos ever recover or grow from their release. The most successful mmos to grow actually grew from going f2p, like Lotro and D&D Online. So could be a similar situation with Tor.
That's cool if you don't like the pvp. The pvp gear grind in Tor is actually quite minimal, and all of the top players are in full WH within a few weeks. That's when things get interesting, and ranked warzones are pretty intense. So gear is a non-issue at that point because everyone is using the same gear. At that point it's all about the fun, and the point is to win and beat the competiton. Which is the point of PVP anyway.
thats the problem with swtor, i have the gears for pvp but in the end i'm left unstatisfied because all i can do is run flaspoint ops and do instance based small scale pvp. i mean even then if we look passed all that. it's the empty promises they have came up with that was never delivered. tell me what has become of illum after what they have said to fix the issue? btw i think that chat bubble thing is the most retarded thing to ask for in a fix lol. out of all things to ask for, people ask for chat bubbles -.-
just one big lol, pvp in swtor is not all instanced when you compare with gw2 pvp. Do you even play gw2???? There is no open world pvp in gw2! Only instanced wvw pvp, something like pvp dungeon