It seems metacritic attracts a lot of angry people. D3 being online only and having a RMAH doomed the scores of anything else Blizzard releases after. I have no interes tin MoP, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go and post a low score in a review for it.
It's also another example of how metacritic has zero affect on sales and neither does it reflect true consumer reactions.
Those that judge a game by ratings and such , are idiots and know nothing and will never know anything about gaming. And that goes for any game. One game might be trash for you but will be liked by thousands. Anyways, keep looking at those meaningless ratings. This is even worst then graphics being important in a MMO.
Originally posted by Demandman In before 8.5-9 average score from integrity stripped game reviewers.
Genuinely liking a game and reviewing it as it should be reviewed does not make for a poor professional critic. Though the one critic that already posted is just as bad as all the "zeros" who haven't even bought the game or are giving it reviews because they have networking problems.
Every single AAA game receives conveniently positive ratings.
Most reviews that appear on the same day (when it's strictly an online game) are subject to us quirking our eyebrows. Though I must ask, do you even read in full all the reviews that professional critics write? If I write a scholarly paper about a theory I have in the scientific community, would you take me for my word or read what I have to say before forming your own opinion? An article that is written well, has shown ample indication that they have played the game, and detailed positives and negatives along with their rating certainly do so in a matter most befitting their station.
Bad games get bad reviews, and more often than not "AAA" titles have the budget to make good games. This is always subject to one's own opinions. The scrutiny that MMOs get in general is not in particular about it being a bad game, but being worth a monthly fee. Thus, these games typically get hundreds of thousands of people subscribed who view it is worth it. Those games which are truly bad? FFXIV -- Which was also a AAA release and got horrible reviews (because it -was- a bad game) -- did not manage to reach those levels. In fact it is restructuring its entire game based on bad reviews given by critics.
Due to frequent travel in my youth, English isn't something I consider my primary language (and thus I obtained quirky ways of writing). German and French were always easier for me despite my family being U.S. citizens for over a century. Spanish I learned as a requirement in school, Japanese and Korean I acquired for my youthful desire of anime and gaming (and also work now). I only debate in English to help me work with it (and limit things). In addition, I'm not smart enough to remain fluent in everything and typically need exposure to get in the groove of things again if I haven't heard it in a while. If you understand Mandarin, I know a little, but it has actually been a challenge and could use some help.
Also, I thoroughly enjoy debates and have accounts on over a dozen sites for this. If you wish to engage in such, please put effort in a post and provide sources -- I will then do the same with what I already wrote (if I didn't) as well as with my responses to your own. Expanding my information on a subject makes my stance either change or strengthen the next time I speak of it or write a thesis. Allow me to thank you sincerely for your time.
Gw2 fanboys making alt accounts and bash wow. Then proclaim on their main account that they "never troll other game forums". Happened yesterday a couple times and at least once again today...
Haha, true!!!
Wonder how many "alts" that Miss Aero. has btw.....
Actually, put up your computer at Ultra settings and go into to Pandaria with a positive attitude and you'll be truly amazed!! And this comes from a person who was tired of WoW and looked forward to WAR, LOTRO, Vanguard, SWTOR and.... yes, gw2 aswell but......
......but almost like U2 once sang; I still haven't found what I'm looking for (though, my re-subscription to WoW is NOT a dissapointment so far, not at all)
Originally posted by Karteli Blizzard pissed all over it's loyal fanbase when it merged with Activision sometime ago.
Cataclysm was just a cheap expansion aimed at attracting younger players, while somehow trying retaining older veterans. It really missed the mark with retaining veterans, and the end result is mostly people that play WoW but don't really want to get involved too much. Some veterans + new younger gamers. EPIX EVERYWHERE YAY FOR WOW!
Losing a slew of hardcore + addicts cost this game dearly with the lackluster expansion known as Cataclysm. Want a dungeon like BRS, LBRS/UBRS? Want a raid locale like MC, Karazan, Ulduarr? Keep looking, the original devs for these places either quit or are working on Titan, leaving the "B" team to do WoW (since mid WotLK).
You do realise that Activision has nothing to do with Blizzard, but rather with Vivendi? You do know that both Activision and Blizzard are publishers(also their own game developers) that share the revenue for Vivendi? The Activision-Blizzard is just showing off the numbers of the revenue they make in the quartals and has nothing to do with Activision interfering into Blizzard's work right?
And to your second passage, yes, it's their B team working on WoW now, not their main team, because the main team was transfered to work on the project code named "Titan".
What I do realize is that you are just repeating what you have read and not what you have felt. Gather your inner emotions and tell me that there has been no change in game quality since Activision got involved. IF you were a WoW player 2004-2009, tell me this. Vivendi was always around, they are not part of the equation in the quality degredation we've seen.
But since Vivendi's main source of income is WoW, adding Activision only added more mouths to feed. Quality went down, and cash shop items went in. All around 2009. Zing!
Seems like most scores are either very low (0-2) or very high (8-10) with hardly anything in-between, meaning MoP polarised people.
MoP didn't polarize people. Gamer's in general are very polarized in their views. Everything is either the next [game] killer or "FAIL"
It's been really noticable the past year or so, and I don't think that most gamers realize the more they do that the more they genuinely make their feedback useless and, as such, irrelevant.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Originally posted by Panther2103 Metacritic user scores are garbage. No way does a game deserve a 0. Which if you look, you see a majority of the negative reviews are 0. Most of them are saying it's a kids game and are mad about some change they made to the game. Which even then a change to a system that they didn't like doesn't auto make a score 0. It isn't worth it to even look at this, considering trolls and people who are upset about a gameplay change are going to just try to lower the score by any means possible.
trolls are countered by fanboys, so if the game has alot of scored reviews on meta, you can figure the liars cancle each other out, and then the game still scores 3/10, sounds about right considering the plot of MoP follows the kung fu panda movies word for word..... and they werent that good.
Originally posted by Panther2103 Metacritic user scores are garbage. No way does a game deserve a 0. Which if you look, you see a majority of the negative reviews are 0. Most of them are saying it's a kids game and are mad about some change they made to the game. Which even then a change to a system that they didn't like doesn't auto make a score 0. It isn't worth it to even look at this, considering trolls and people who are upset about a gameplay change are going to just try to lower the score by any means possible.
trolls are countered by fanboys, so if the game has alot of scored reviews on meta, you can figure the liars cancle each other out, and then the game still scores 3/10, sounds about right considering the plot of MoP follows the kung fu panda movies word for word..... and they werent that good.
Which one do you fall under? The "liar" or "The Judge by what others tell you without playing it" category?
Either way, you have my pity good sir.
Due to frequent travel in my youth, English isn't something I consider my primary language (and thus I obtained quirky ways of writing). German and French were always easier for me despite my family being U.S. citizens for over a century. Spanish I learned as a requirement in school, Japanese and Korean I acquired for my youthful desire of anime and gaming (and also work now). I only debate in English to help me work with it (and limit things). In addition, I'm not smart enough to remain fluent in everything and typically need exposure to get in the groove of things again if I haven't heard it in a while. If you understand Mandarin, I know a little, but it has actually been a challenge and could use some help.
Also, I thoroughly enjoy debates and have accounts on over a dozen sites for this. If you wish to engage in such, please put effort in a post and provide sources -- I will then do the same with what I already wrote (if I didn't) as well as with my responses to your own. Expanding my information on a subject makes my stance either change or strengthen the next time I speak of it or write a thesis. Allow me to thank you sincerely for your time.
Paid work (EA pays people to do that crap & to censor boards like this one too - BUT, I am not saying they did anything in this case, just stating a known, proven example)
Sorry, but this one is not true. You don't have to pay people to write crap on forums, they do it when they are supposed to be working.
Really, I mean a post like this already the game has barely been out 24 hours and yet its a fail, sure whatever......
I'm not a fanboy but come on...
Like people are not getting on there just to down vote it, because WOW eats babies and kicks kittens....
Just look at the reviews on there everything is 0 or 10....
The reviews on these sites are so biased that it just can't be belived I mean there never is a middle ground its always the same thing people either gave it a 10 or a 0......
Gw2 fanboys making alt accounts and bash wow. Then proclaim on their main account that they "never troll other game forums". Happened yesterday a couple times and at least once again today...
This is one of the weirdest comment I have ever seen on a forum. What possible kind of motivation would someone who's enjoying GW2 have to go to the bother of creating an alt account just for the purpose of bashing wow? Does it sound logical or even likely? This is the kind of comment that would make a science fiction robot from the 60s rock back and forth stammering 'illogical, illogical does...not...compute' before falling over making 'bzzt bzzt' noises.
Metacritic is becomming less and less usefull as it's users abuse the ratings.
Why is it so hard for people to just "play fair" and rate the game like a normal, unbiased, human being instead of a rabid fanboi or hater?
I don't think I even look at ratings anymore unless is some obscure indi game on Steam.
This is filled with flaws and unfortunately for you, I like to point out bullshitters.
First, Metacrititc is not less useful nor more useful. It is a popular marketting tool. You seem to not be able to make the difference between a metacritic score and a user score. The metacritic scores are taken from actual critics and averaged out from there. Sure each critic can be bought off to give a high score SW:TOR but it remains widely used as a first glance reference, even appearing on Steam. As Steam is still gaining in popularity, so is the "usefulness" of metacritic. Many will simply not look at a game with a metacritic score under 50.
The user score is where users rate a game. That score, as all user scores has always and will always be completely worthless. Humans will always rate emotionally and bitter users are far more tempted to write off their emotions on a game than happy users are. (The why is explained in a previous post of mine in this thread)
Then you seem to seriously question why people can't play fair. A valid question with a stupid assumption. The assumption that normal humans are unbiased. Everyone is emotional, even those who do this daily and have their perception included in the actual metacritic score. Life is not fair, humans are not machines. In fact, humans are emotional meatbags with an ego. So the question you are really asking is, why can't humans be objective?
Well objectivity is actually a concept taught along with critical thought. A society able to function with a majority of critical thinkers is unknown to mankind. It is far more efficient for those in charge (corporations, not your Dear Government) to keep people emotional. So from day one, you are taught to live an emotional life. As such, you are sold happiness, along with the concept that money does buy happiness, if only for a little while. However, as true as it might be, it remains an excuse, an excuse fabricated through fear. The only ones to blame are your parents as they have failed you. So why aren't people objective? Because they were let down, by parenting failures and so, they never learned it.
Lastly, your nonsensical rambling makes sense, you make a perceptual judgment of Metacritic's usefulness, as it relates to you alone and emotionally state that you dont look at them.... EXCEPT if its an indie game on Steam. So you go asking why people can't be objective and your very next statement is one that relates and is affected by your own personal perception. Well, the answers you seek fellow human, you stare at them in the mirror and yet remain too blind to notice them.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
Metacritic is becomming less and less usefull as it's users abuse the ratings.
Why is it so hard for people to just "play fair" and rate the game like a normal, unbiased, human being instead of a rabid fanboi or hater?
I don't think I even look at ratings anymore unless is some obscure indi game on Steam.
This is filled with flaws and unfortunately for you, I like to point out bullshitters.
First, Metacrititc is not less useful nor more useful. It is a popular marketting tool. You seem to not be able to make the difference between a metacritic score and a user score. The metacritic scores are taken from actual critics and averaged out from there. Sure each critic can be bought off to give a high score SW:TOR but it remains widely used as a first glance reference, even appearing on Steam. As Steam is still gaining in popularity, so is the "usefulness" of metacritic. Many will simply not look at a game with a metacritic score under 50.
The user score is where users rate a game. That score, as all user scores has always and will always be completely worthless. Humans will always rate emotionally and bitter users are far more tempted to write off their emotions on a game than happy users are. (The why is explained in a previous post of mine in this thread)
Then you seem to seriously question why people can't play fair. A valid question with a stupid assumption. The assumption that normal humans are unbiased. Everyone is emotional, even those who do this daily and have their perception included in the actual metacritic score. Life is not fair, humans are not machines. In fact, humans are emotional meatbags with an ego. So the question you are really asking is, why can't humans be objective?
Well objectivity is actually a concept taught along with critical thought. A society able to function with a majority of critical thinkers is unknown to mankind. It is far more efficient for those in charge (corporations, not your Dear Government) to keep people emotional. So from day one, you are taught to live an emotional life. As such, you are sold happiness, along with the concept that money does buy happiness, if only for a little while. However, as true as it might be, it remains an excuse, an excuse fabricated through fear. The only ones to blame are your parents as they have failed you. So why aren't people objective? Because they were let down, by parenting failures and so, they never learned it.
Lastly, your nonsensical rambling makes sense, you make a perceptual judgment of Metacritic's usefulness, as it relates to you alone and emotionally state that you dont look at them.... EXCEPT if its an indie game on Steam. So you go asking why people can't be objective and your very next statement is one that relates and is affected by your own personal perception. Well, the answers you seek fellow human, you stare at them in the mirror and yet remain too blind to notice them.
Sure buddy you keep telling yourself that...
No one is stopping you from using it but don't try and say that this site is useful when its filled with hate rants for reviews I mean gimme a break....
Someone seems a little angry, I mean its a review site it can't possibly invoke this kind of passion from you to defend it.....
Especially when the site is so biased.... It always goes by the FOTM game and if you can't see it, then there is not much anyone can say.....
Metacritic is becomming less and less usefull as it's users abuse the ratings.
Why is it so hard for people to just "play fair" and rate the game like a normal, unbiased, human being instead of a rabid fanboi or hater?
I don't think I even look at ratings anymore unless is some obscure indi game on Steam.
This is filled with flaws and unfortunately for you, I like to point out bullshitters.
First, Metacrititc is not less useful nor more useful. It is a popular marketting tool. You seem to not be able to make the difference between a metacritic score and a user score. The metacritic scores are taken from actual critics and averaged out from there. Sure each critic can be bought off to give a high score SW:TOR but it remains widely used as a first glance reference, even appearing on Steam. As Steam is still gaining in popularity, so is the "usefulness" of metacritic. Many will simply not look at a game with a metacritic score under 50.
The user score is where users rate a game. That score, as all user scores has always and will always be completely worthless. Humans will always rate emotionally and bitter users are far more tempted to write off their emotions on a game than happy users are. (The why is explained in a previous post of mine in this thread)
Then you seem to seriously question why people can't play fair. A valid question with a stupid assumption. The assumption that normal humans are unbiased. Everyone is emotional, even those who do this daily and have their perception included in the actual metacritic score. Life is not fair, humans are not machines. In fact, humans are emotional meatbags with an ego. So the question you are really asking is, why can't humans be objective?
Well objectivity is actually a concept taught along with critical thought. A society able to function with a majority of critical thinkers is unknown to mankind. It is far more efficient for those in charge (corporations, not your Dear Government) to keep people emotional. So from day one, you are taught to live an emotional life. As such, you are sold happiness, along with the concept that money does buy happiness, if only for a little while. However, as true as it might be, it remains an excuse, an excuse fabricated through fear. The only ones to blame are your parents as they have failed you. So why aren't people objective? Because they were let down, by parenting failures and so, they never learned it.
Lastly, your nonsensical rambling makes sense, you make a perceptual judgment of Metacritic's usefulness, as it relates to you alone and emotionally state that you dont look at them.... EXCEPT if its an indie game on Steam. So you go asking why people can't be objective and your very next statement is one that relates and is affected by your own personal perception. Well, the answers you seek fellow human, you stare at them in the mirror and yet remain too blind to notice them.
Sure buddy you keep telling yourself that...
No one is stopping you from using it but don't try and say that this site is useful when its filled with hate rants for reviews I mean gimme a break....
Someone seems a little angry, I mean its a review site it can't possibly invoke this kind of passion from you to defend it.....
Another statement based on emotions. That's weak.
I do not defend it, I'm just being objective about it. From my eyes, the universe doesn't revolve around me. You should really work on your reading comprehension, it is lacking.
[edit: removed what could have been read as an ad hominem attack]
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
I liked WotLK. I know there were people who didn't care for that expansion but I did enjoy it. I started playing mid-WotLK so that might explain my fondness for the game. When cata came out I was pretty excited for it. It ended up being an ok expansion. My favorite part was Uldum and the whole Indian Jones theme quest series.
I really wanted to get excited for MoP. I played in the beta. And I ended up getting bored with it. So I was leveling a rogue for a while as I waited for MoP to be released. Then I pre-purchased GW2. After their first BWE, I couldn't go back to playing WoW. It just didn't hold a spell over me like it used to.
I didn't buy this expansion. I'm not going to sit here and rant and rave about how Blizzard sucks. When I was playing the game, I honestly had fun and enjoyed my time spent there. But they have made a lot of changes this time around that I just don't like. And of course, they've been promising to update the older character models and still haven't done so.
I honestly hope that people who did buy MoP are enjoying it. I don't think that this expansion is going to slow down the inevitable decline of WoW. The game is just getting old and everyone knows Blizzard's main focus is on Titan right now. After playing GW2, I simply can't justify paying $15 a month in addition to the expansion purchase price just to access to their game.
Good one. Some of us actually l ike WoW too you know.
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.
It seems metacritic attracts a lot of angry people. D3 being online only and having a RMAH doomed the scores of anything else Blizzard releases after. I have no interes tin MoP, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go and post a low score in a review for it.
It's also another example of how metacritic has zero affect on sales and neither does it reflect true consumer reactions.
Most reviews that appear on the same day (when it's strictly an online game) are subject to us quirking our eyebrows. Though I must ask, do you even read in full all the reviews that professional critics write? If I write a scholarly paper about a theory I have in the scientific community, would you take me for my word or read what I have to say before forming your own opinion? An article that is written well, has shown ample indication that they have played the game, and detailed positives and negatives along with their rating certainly do so in a matter most befitting their station.
Bad games get bad reviews, and more often than not "AAA" titles have the budget to make good games. This is always subject to one's own opinions. The scrutiny that MMOs get in general is not in particular about it being a bad game, but being worth a monthly fee. Thus, these games typically get hundreds of thousands of people subscribed who view it is worth it. Those games which are truly bad? FFXIV -- Which was also a AAA release and got horrible reviews (because it -was- a bad game) -- did not manage to reach those levels. In fact it is restructuring its entire game based on bad reviews given by critics.
Haha, true!!!
Wonder how many "alts" that Miss Aero. has btw.....
Actually, put up your computer at Ultra settings and go into to Pandaria with a positive attitude and you'll be truly amazed!! And this comes from a person who was tired of WoW and looked forward to WAR, LOTRO, Vanguard, SWTOR and.... yes, gw2 aswell but......
......but almost like U2 once sang; I still haven't found what I'm looking for (though, my re-subscription to WoW is NOT a dissapointment so far, not at all)
What I do realize is that you are just repeating what you have read and not what you have felt. Gather your inner emotions and tell me that there has been no change in game quality since Activision got involved. IF you were a WoW player 2004-2009, tell me this. Vivendi was always around, they are not part of the equation in the quality degredation we've seen.
But since Vivendi's main source of income is WoW, adding Activision only added more mouths to feed. Quality went down, and cash shop items went in. All around 2009. Zing!
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
MoP didn't polarize people. Gamer's in general are very polarized in their views. Everything is either the next [game] killer or "FAIL"
It's been really noticable the past year or so, and I don't think that most gamers realize the more they do that the more they genuinely make their feedback useless and, as such, irrelevant.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
trolls are countered by fanboys, so if the game has alot of scored reviews on meta, you can figure the liars cancle each other out, and then the game still scores 3/10, sounds about right considering the plot of MoP follows the kung fu panda movies word for word..... and they werent that good.
Which one do you fall under? The "liar" or "The Judge by what others tell you without playing it" category?
Either way, you have my pity good sir.
Metacritic is becomming less and less usefull as it's users abuse the ratings.
Why is it so hard for people to just "play fair" and rate the game like a normal, unbiased, human being instead of a rabid fanboi or hater?
I don't think I even look at ratings anymore unless is some obscure indi game on Steam.
I completely agree.
Sorry, but this one is not true. You don't have to pay people to write crap on forums, they do it when they are supposed to be working.
Really, I mean a post like this already the game has barely been out 24 hours and yet its a fail, sure whatever......
I'm not a fanboy but come on...
Like people are not getting on there just to down vote it, because WOW eats babies and kicks kittens....
Just look at the reviews on there everything is 0 or 10....
The reviews on these sites are so biased that it just can't be belived I mean there never is a middle ground its always the same thing people either gave it a 10 or a 0......
This is one of the weirdest comment I have ever seen on a forum. What possible kind of motivation would someone who's enjoying GW2 have to go to the bother of creating an alt account just for the purpose of bashing wow? Does it sound logical or even likely? This is the kind of comment that would make a science fiction robot from the 60s rock back and forth stammering 'illogical, illogical does...not...compute' before falling over making 'bzzt bzzt' noises.
This is filled with flaws and unfortunately for you, I like to point out bullshitters.
First, Metacrititc is not less useful nor more useful. It is a popular marketting tool. You seem to not be able to make the difference between a metacritic score and a user score. The metacritic scores are taken from actual critics and averaged out from there. Sure each critic can be bought off to give a high score SW:TOR but it remains widely used as a first glance reference, even appearing on Steam. As Steam is still gaining in popularity, so is the "usefulness" of metacritic. Many will simply not look at a game with a metacritic score under 50.
The user score is where users rate a game. That score, as all user scores has always and will always be completely worthless. Humans will always rate emotionally and bitter users are far more tempted to write off their emotions on a game than happy users are. (The why is explained in a previous post of mine in this thread)
Then you seem to seriously question why people can't play fair. A valid question with a stupid assumption. The assumption that normal humans are unbiased. Everyone is emotional, even those who do this daily and have their perception included in the actual metacritic score. Life is not fair, humans are not machines. In fact, humans are emotional meatbags with an ego. So the question you are really asking is, why can't humans be objective?
Well objectivity is actually a concept taught along with critical thought. A society able to function with a majority of critical thinkers is unknown to mankind. It is far more efficient for those in charge (corporations, not your Dear Government) to keep people emotional. So from day one, you are taught to live an emotional life. As such, you are sold happiness, along with the concept that money does buy happiness, if only for a little while. However, as true as it might be, it remains an excuse, an excuse fabricated through fear. The only ones to blame are your parents as they have failed you. So why aren't people objective? Because they were let down, by parenting failures and so, they never learned it.
Lastly, your nonsensical rambling makes sense, you make a perceptual judgment of Metacritic's usefulness, as it relates to you alone and emotionally state that you dont look at them.... EXCEPT if its an indie game on Steam. So you go asking why people can't be objective and your very next statement is one that relates and is affected by your own personal perception. Well, the answers you seek fellow human, you stare at them in the mirror and yet remain too blind to notice them.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
Sure buddy you keep telling yourself that...
No one is stopping you from using it but don't try and say that this site is useful when its filled with hate rants for reviews I mean gimme a break....
Someone seems a little angry, I mean its a review site it can't possibly invoke this kind of passion from you to defend it.....
Especially when the site is so biased.... It always goes by the FOTM game and if you can't see it, then there is not much anyone can say.....
I don't believe he is defending it per se, he's pointing out the flaws in the posters reasoning.
Another statement based on emotions. That's weak.
I do not defend it, I'm just being objective about it. From my eyes, the universe doesn't revolve around me. You should really work on your reading comprehension, it is lacking.
[edit: removed what could have been read as an ad hominem attack]
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
Which WoW has ALWAYS done.
I liked WotLK. I know there were people who didn't care for that expansion but I did enjoy it. I started playing mid-WotLK so that might explain my fondness for the game. When cata came out I was pretty excited for it. It ended up being an ok expansion. My favorite part was Uldum and the whole Indian Jones theme quest series.
I really wanted to get excited for MoP. I played in the beta. And I ended up getting bored with it. So I was leveling a rogue for a while as I waited for MoP to be released. Then I pre-purchased GW2. After their first BWE, I couldn't go back to playing WoW. It just didn't hold a spell over me like it used to.
I didn't buy this expansion. I'm not going to sit here and rant and rave about how Blizzard sucks. When I was playing the game, I honestly had fun and enjoyed my time spent there. But they have made a lot of changes this time around that I just don't like. And of course, they've been promising to update the older character models and still haven't done so.
I honestly hope that people who did buy MoP are enjoying it. I don't think that this expansion is going to slow down the inevitable decline of WoW. The game is just getting old and everyone knows Blizzard's main focus is on Titan right now. After playing GW2, I simply can't justify paying $15 a month in addition to the expansion purchase price just to access to their game.
and players already are 90 and done all heroics
Good one. Some of us actually l ike WoW too you know.
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.