Reading the reviews is actually pretty entertaining.
demonlordcip writes: Kung fu pandas in Warcraft, pandas suck, the game has become a **** disneyland kid game. What a joke Blizzard. Those of you who rate 10 , your **** WoW addicts and Blizzard fanboys who eat every turd out of Blizzard's ass. Enjoy your retarded pandas and kung fu
rating: 0
PANDASARESOLAME writes: If you are an old WoW player from the Vanilla or BC days and are thinking of getting MoP, please do not. You will forever taint your good memories of WoW. It's sickening what this game has become. Do yourself a favor and pretend that the game you used to play was shut down completely, just like Tabula Rasa or AC2. If you have a small child who is interested in playing WoW, you should
MathewT writes: Ignore the Blizzard employees and fanboys leaving 9s and 10s on here. This expansion is trash. I seriously feel sorry for anybody that thinks WoW is a good game now. If you have an ounce of intelligence in your brain you will not enjoy playing WoW in its current state.
rating: 0
manotaur writes: Just absolutely not. Blizzard had lost me after Diablo 3, which I still bought out of pure loyalty. I regret ever giving this company that chance. A terrible, money-grubbing company who make **** games.
rating 0
Diablo3sux writes: Blizzard really needs to re-learn how to make fun games. Nothing new, same old stuff with more ilvl, same old crafting materials, and questing is still boring.
rating: 0
Another fun one:
RamboRomulous: The death of a giant. Same old same old. No new artwork, bad design, changing things that do not need changing. Voiceovers are bad. Once was a great MMO, now just a stale piece of junk. Blizzard needs to hire people who care about games, not those who just want to make money by insulting the customer.
I just wish they would say what they don't like about the game, instead of going on a general rant against WoW, D3 or Blizzard/Activision. The section is called User Reviews, yet all I read is bitching, moaning and raging. Not that the 9's and 10's are much better, but most of them at least mention one or two points they like in MoP.
Originally posted by FrodoFragins
All of those 0 scores have to be from people that didn't buy the game. They just hate Blizzard. Some hate them for DRM in D3, otehrs for changing WOW, others becasue they are popular.
Diablo 3 had some fun reviews and scores too at Metacritic. I'm not saying that the launchproblems from Diabl 3 are excusable, but to give a "0" rating to a game just because a shitty launch is laughable, to say the least.
The same happened with Mass Effect 3. A lot of low scores, because people disregarded the complete game, because of the crappy ending. The original ending was (and after the free patch, still is), crappy, rushed and misplaced in my opinion. Mass Effect deserves a better ending. But if I had to score the game, I still wouldn't give it a "1" or a "0", because I enjoyed the 30 or so hours I put into the game.
Lastly, some "reviewers" complain that MoP is the "same old" again. I just wonder what the hell they're expecting from an expansion? MoP changed enough things for me to feel fresh, which is what I expect from an expansion.
Reading the reviews is actually pretty entertaining.
demonlordcip writes: Kung fu pandas in Warcraft, pandas suck, the game has become a **** disneyland kid game. What a joke Blizzard. Those of you who rate 10 , your **** WoW addicts and Blizzard fanboys who eat every turd out of Blizzard's ass. Enjoy your retarded pandas and kung fu
rating: 0
PANDASARESOLAME writes: If you are an old WoW player from the Vanilla or BC days and are thinking of getting MoP, please do not. You will forever taint your good memories of WoW. It's sickening what this game has become. Do yourself a favor and pretend that the game you used to play was shut down completely, just like Tabula Rasa or AC2. If you have a small child who is interested in playing WoW, you should
MathewT writes: Ignore the Blizzard employees and fanboys leaving 9s and 10s on here. This expansion is trash. I seriously feel sorry for anybody that thinks WoW is a good game now. If you have an ounce of intelligence in your brain you will not enjoy playing WoW in its current state.
rating: 0
manotaur writes: Just absolutely not. Blizzard had lost me after Diablo 3, which I still bought out of pure loyalty. I regret ever giving this company that chance. A terrible, money-grubbing company who make **** games.
rating 0
Diablo3sux writes: Blizzard really needs to re-learn how to make fun games. Nothing new, same old stuff with more ilvl, same old crafting materials, and questing is still boring.
rating: 0
Another fun one:
RamboRomulous: The death of a giant. Same old same old. No new artwork, bad design, changing things that do not need changing. Voiceovers are bad. Once was a great MMO, now just a stale piece of junk. Blizzard needs to hire people who care about games, not those who just want to make money by insulting the customer.
I just wish they would say what they don't like about the game, instead of going on a general rant against WoW, D3 or Blizzard/Activision. The section is called User Reviews, yet all I read is bitching, moaning and raging. Not that the 9's and 10's are much better, but most of them at least mention one or two points they like in MoP.
Originally posted by FrodoFragins
All of those 0 scores have to be from people that didn't buy the game. They just hate Blizzard. Some hate them for DRM in D3, otehrs for changing WOW, others becasue they are popular.
Diablo 3 had some fun reviews and scores too at Metacritic. I'm not saying that the launchproblems from Diabl 3 are excusable, but to give a "0" rating to a game just because a shitty launch is laughable, to say the least.
The same happened with Mass Effect 3. A lot of low scores, because people disregarded the complete game, because of the crappy ending. The original ending was (and after the free patch, still is), crappy, rushed and misplaced in my opinion. Mass Effect deserves a better ending. But if I had to score the game, I still wouldn't give it a "1" or a "0", because I enjoyed the 30 or so hours I put into the game.
Lastly, some "reviewers" complain that MoP is the "same old" again. I just wonder what the hell they're expecting from an expansion? MoP changed enough things for me to feel fresh, which is what I expect from an expansion.
Diablo 3 actually deserves a 0 IMO, because it's a thinly veiled RMT AH treadmill, not a real game. Some people will think it's ridiculous to say that, but I stand by it. I'd say 1 in 1000 games might deserve a 0. Many deserve a bad score, but to actually call a game a 0, it really can't be a game at all. I still agree that Diablo 3 is a 0/10. Now, if they'd remove the RMT AH, the game goes up to a 1/10 for me. If they also remove always online, it goes up to 4/10, and if they hire decent writers to re-write the whole story and scrap 100% of what they wrote, it goes up to a 7/10.
... but I digress. Sometimes people are not at their writing peak when they are outraged, and I think that's what has happened here. It's not that they are dumb or anything. They are just blind with anger, as well they should be. Blizzard used to be the #1 PC Gaming juggernaut, but not anymore.
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
Fair barometer. I haven't heard even one positive from any of the large number wow-fiend mates that have played the new content, well, except my two little nephews who love it.
The success of Blizzard is to a large extent due to market research. I think their market research department have been increasingly telling them that the only people on the planet who haven't played WOW to death are people who were in nappies when it was first released and they made a concious effort to steer the content towards the young'uns. No shame in that, it's all about corporate survival and keeping people in jobs in these difficult times. There's a game out there for everyone and for an increasingly large number of people this isn't it anymore.
Diablo 3 actually deserves a 0 IMO, because it's a thinly veiled RMT AH treadmill, not a real game. Some people will think it's ridiculous to say that, but I stand by it. I'd say 1 in 1000 games might deserve a 0. Many deserve a bad score, but to actually call a game a 0, it really can't be a game at all. I still agree that Diablo 3 is a 0/10. Now, if they'd remove the RMT AH, the game goes up to a 1/10 for me. If they also remove always online, it goes up to 4/10, and if they hire decent writers to re-write the whole story and scrap 100% of what they wrote, it goes up to a 7/10.
... but I digress. Sometimes people are not at their writing peak when they are outraged, and I think that's what has happened here. It's not that they are dumb or anything. They are just blind with anger, as well they should be. Blizzard used to be the #1 PC Gaming juggernaut, but not anymore.
Personally I've put in around 80 hours or so in Diablo 3. My Hardcore Wizard is finished Hell, which was my original goal with DIablo 3. Playing on Hardcore means that I had no access to the RMT. Some people I've played with are sludging their way through Inferno, so I know for certain that your don't need the RMT to finish Inferno. Two of my friends are nearly done with Inferno on Softcore, but haven't used the RMT out of principle. Sure, it might be slower, but you certaintly don't need the RMT. I know it's your opinion, but I disagree with you saying that the whole game revolves about the RMT. The blackmarket already excisted in Diablo 2, Blizzard now regulates it and that's just it.
Like I said, if you don't like the game, fine. The thing that "bothers" me a bit, is that people throw around "0" ratings, while having around 20-40 hours invested in a game. If you look at some of the Metacritic reviews about Diablo 3 you see this. That's stupid. That's also why I prefer the professional reviews. Even if they're on the payroll of the publishers, they at least give some pro's and con's about the games, from which I can conclude if the game is for me or not. Reviews that are just rants aren't helpful at all.
A 3.3 seems a little high. I am pretty angry about spending $40 on MoP!
It was amusing to read the thread on mmo-champion, where dozen of WoW fans "optimistically" expected WoW to lose half a million subscriber due to MOP and the average of almost a hundred mostly WoW player guessed about 1-2 million subs lost. Must be WoW fanbois with their many alts pushing to rating up.
But dont worry next week MOP will release in China and many active accounts... I mean "subscriptions" will apear and fill those empty server ...somewhere else... temporary ...for a few days. But hey 30 days grace time for PR buzz!!!
What do you want more than a low/medium pop server called medium/high now thanks to recently downwards adjusted server pop ratings and milions of co-player on paper, after you finally got your long delayed regular contentpatches accumulated into a paid expansionpack to make it appear at least decently sized.
You amuse me. Your signature especially. If anyone, anywhere reads any of your posts and knows at least a little about MMOs, knows your "arguments" are empty words driven by obvious hatred to WoW. I've been encountering your posts on the whole forum and you are a angry and bitter man. What did WoW ever do to you? Did it kill your family? Or are you just aggravated knowing that your favorite MMO won't ever fly so high as WoW once did.
I was not a fan of MoP, but now when it's released, I am really enjoying it. This expansion has all the things previous expansion had + a lot more. Those are the facts. Nothing more.
If you care about those things, and you obviously do, MoP will outsell GW in 1 day. You can argue why but that doesn't really matter now, does it?
I can literally bury each and every one of your "claims" and consipracy theories to the ground but that won't make you change your mind. I assume you are one of those people who when confronted with hard evidence, just shrug it off and continue believing in your own distorted theories. If you can even call them that.
What will happen if MoP eventually manages to boost Blizzard back to 10 million? Will you shut up then? Or if it doesn't? What if WoW stabilizes at 8 million? What then? Will you start yelling all over the forums "I told you so" eventho WoW will still after a decade be the biggest MMO?
Please, get your arguments straight or just stop posting. For everyones sake.
The first zone was ok, the second I was starting to wonder if I had outgrown the game or something it was so childish. However, KL summit and beyond was really cool. I only got bored leveling around 89.5 or so and it wasn't anything some bg's (the new one rocks) and dungeons couldn't fix.
The heroics are way too easy tho and I'm really worried they are going to make the same mistakes again - not enough content.
I don't understand their strategy sometimes because if 10% of the content they put out with this xpansion was put out 5 months ago, they wouldn't have so many people leave. I think what they are doing is like previous posters have said, going after the Asian market and the young kid market.
Diablo 3 had some fun reviews and scores too at Metacritic. I'm not saying that the launchproblems from Diabl 3 are excusable, but to give a "0" rating to a game just because a shitty launch is laughable, to say the least.
The same happened with Mass Effect 3. A lot of low scores, because people disregarded the complete game, because of the crappy ending. The original ending was (and after the free patch, still is), crappy, rushed and misplaced in my opinion. Mass Effect deserves a better ending. But if I had to score the game, I still wouldn't give it a "1" or a "0", because I enjoyed the 30 or so hours I put into the game.
Lastly, some "reviewers" complain that MoP is the "same old" again. I just wonder what the hell they're expecting from an expansion? MoP changed enough things for me to feel fresh, which is what I expect from an expansion.
Diablo 3 actually deserves a 0 IMO, because it's a thinly veiled RMT AH treadmill, not a real game. Some people will think it's ridiculous to say that, but I stand by it. I'd say 1 in 1000 games might deserve a 0. Many deserve a bad score, but to actually call a game a 0, it really can't be a game at all. I still agree that Diablo 3 is a 0/10. Now, if they'd remove the RMT AH, the game goes up to a 1/10 for me. If they also remove always online, it goes up to 4/10, and if they hire decent writers to re-write the whole story and scrap 100% of what they wrote, it goes up to a 7/10.
... but I digress. Sometimes people are not at their writing peak when they are outraged, and I think that's what has happened here. It's not that they are dumb or anything. They are just blind with anger, as well they should be. Blizzard used to be the #1 PC Gaming juggernaut, but not anymore.
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
Fair barometer. I haven't heard even one positive from any of the large number wow-fiend mates that have played the new content, well, except my two little nephews who love it.
The success of Blizzard is to a large extent due to market research. I think their market research department have been increasingly telling them that the only people on the planet who haven't played WOW to death are people who were in nappies when it was first released and they made a concious effort to steer the content towards the young'uns. No shame in that, it's all about corporate survival and keeping people in jobs in these difficult times. There's a game out there for everyone and for an increasingly large number of people this isn't it anymore.
Personally I've put in around 80 hours or so in Diablo 3. My Hardcore Wizard is finished Hell, which was my original goal with DIablo 3. Playing on Hardcore means that I had no access to the RMT. Some people I've played with are sludging their way through Inferno, so I know for certain that your don't need the RMT to finish Inferno. Two of my friends are nearly done with Inferno on Softcore, but haven't used the RMT out of principle. Sure, it might be slower, but you certaintly don't need the RMT. I know it's your opinion, but I disagree with you saying that the whole game revolves about the RMT. The blackmarket already excisted in Diablo 2, Blizzard now regulates it and that's just it.
Like I said, if you don't like the game, fine. The thing that "bothers" me a bit, is that people throw around "0" ratings, while having around 20-40 hours invested in a game. If you look at some of the Metacritic reviews about Diablo 3 you see this. That's stupid. That's also why I prefer the professional reviews. Even if they're on the payroll of the publishers, they at least give some pro's and con's about the games, from which I can conclude if the game is for me or not. Reviews that are just rants aren't helpful at all.
You should take your own advice
The heroics are way too easy tho and I'm really worried they are going to make the same mistakes again - not enough content.
I don't understand their strategy sometimes because if 10% of the content they put out with this xpansion was put out 5 months ago, they wouldn't have so many people leave.
I think what they are doing is like previous posters have said, going after the Asian market and the young kid market.
Regardless, it isn't a 3/10 it's a 7/10 IMHO, get your Wow macros!