Originally posted by Sovrath I don't think that's the case at all.I think players who do not like pvp are generally against concentrating on something and then WHAM one shotted or besieged by a zerg of players. Then afterwards the attackers are sometimes just plain rude and insulting.I don't think they would have any problem with wandering npc monsters. Essentially it's the aggressive human element that turns them off unless the pvp is on their own terms.Meaning they have entered an area/battleground and are ready to fight and don't mind dying. In that case they are mentally prepared for waht is about to happen.As opposed to "oh look there's some iron... WHAM".back to town.noob.
I think this is as close to the main reason as anyone is going to get. More than with other game mechanics, players want to choose when and where they engage in PvP.
The final 'noob' might mean this post is sarcastic or something, but I think it's pretty close to the answer regardless.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
I think the answer is pretty simple really. Lack of control/fear of the unknown. In PvE you can control or at least predict the outcome of any fight, PvP can be very different in many aspects. I'm talking about people who absolutely 100% "hate" PvP btw. I think anger issues tie into this as well.
I think the idea of full loot open world pvp is awesome, especially when combined with a really immersive world with good lore and living environments.
My problem is that I work a full-time job. I have many hobbies other than playing the full loot open world pvp game that honestly are much more exciting. I play games to immerse into a world, not to fight other people in a glorified arena battle.
If a game can pull off this type of pvp while still feeling like a living world that is an escape from the every day droll, I'm definitely all for it. For the most part though, when it comes to a game like Darkfall, while the game is really fun, I don't feel the need to prove myself to the random dude in the wilderness who kills me for seemingly no reason just to take my stuff. I will never be able to compete with that, although I would still like to be able to experience the game world.
So it's not that the pvp scares me off, it's just that I only enjoy the game as long as I can play it without feeling like I can't leave the starting town without being butchered because I only have time to play a few hours a week.
Originally posted by ace80k I think the answer is pretty simple really. Lack of control/fear of the unknown. In PvE you can control or at least predict the outcome of any fight, PvP can be very different in many aspects. I'm talking about people who absolutely 100% "hate" PvP btw. I think anger issues tie into this as well.
It's not that I can't predict the outcome of the fight. The thing is that I DON'T want to fight at times, and don't like to be forced into it. Sovrath's post explain it very well.
I have a feeling you are already wrong on your basic presumption that people avoid PvP out of fear. If most are like me, it's due to irritation, asshats and cheaters / hackers.
I'm none of what the Op mentioned, however why I'm crap at PvP is I'm really lazy and poor player because I always use the mouse and keyboard and don't use hot keys and keyboard to take full advantage. Because I'm just lazy as fook, so I'm never going to win.
That said I do like the PvP in EvE again though you need to know your keys so as not to take week to lock a target and I'm getting there slowly.
But I also feel most games lose balance with PvP and PvE so they never really gel it's either one or the other which stands out.
2- Human-controled characters is much more harder to defeat in 99% of the time.
Not when you're 20 levels higher and in god gear.
Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security. I don't Forum PVP. If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident. When I don't understand, I ask. Such is not intended as criticism.
the things listed are the things i like about PVP, the problem is the unforseen consiquence that NOBODY talks about.
I enjoy a harder fight against players, however this becomes, I dont enjoy a harder fight against 5 v 1 odds with my corpse being camped so when i die i need to log off for an hour.
I enjoy the fact that it can happen anywhere at any time, However this quickly becomes, I don't enjoy that 90% of the time when it happens, its when im already almost dead.
I find Reward in the victory, Quickly becomes, Victory rarely happens unless im running in a zerg.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
I don't like PvP because I don't have a ton of time and would prefer to die to something that isn't another player. I'd much rather work together to bring down an unknown force than some dude/dudette that decides I need to die. The payoff is much more rewarding to me to kill a huge boss or a bazillion little goblins than it does to have a grudge match with other players. I really don't have the best reaction time, it's not a mystery why I don't like PvP in PvE games. You can try and shove me in a category but that is my reasoning. You can tell me I'm wrong, or lame, or a spoil-sport, or a whiner, but it will never change the fact that I dislike PvP in games.
I played WoW up until WotLK, played RoM for 2 years and now Rift. I am F2P player. I support games when I feel they deserve my money and I want the items enough. I don't troll, and I don't take kindly to trolls.
There may be a handful of people who have emotional issues or something of the sort that makes PVP scary, but I'm sure that is a very small percentage. The truth is MMO PVP is usually complete shit. Most of the time it's a tacked on feature with no thought beyond, "Throw some people in an instance and let them kill each other." People aren't afraid of it; they just don't like it. I don't like themepark PVP because it bores me to tears, so I don't do it. That doesn't mean I piss myself at the thought of being killed in Arathi Basin for fuck's sake.
full loot : no unless its just money and resources you can claim, then ok with me
permadeath: no...in a sandbox? Stupid!
open world pvp: yes
instanced pvp : no
To many kiddies and bi-polar people ruin a good pvp game, just that simple. No honor - no sportsmanship. See a bunch of 10 year olds running around smack talking because him and his 8 friends ganked you and you killed half of them before you went down way too many times. Problem with full loot open world pvp is you spend more time worrying about people than making friends, you can not trust someone saying lets meet and trade lol. I just rather not worry about that. But enjoy pvp. I think a game should have all aspects going on.
What people in wow dont like about pvp is that in the open world on a pvp server , pvp is basicly level 80- or 90s sitting in level 20 zones camping and killing poor 20s who cant even fight back thats not pvp.
Thats just plain cowardice. If they normalized stats and made its o i had a chance id have no issue with that kind of pvp either but in wow thats not the case.
Then when i do finally get a high level guildy to help me out the guy runs off like al ittle sissy and wont even engage the guy his own level so if thats what u mean by pvp of course they hate it.
Now a group based objective open world pvp battle where max levels fight over keeps and areas to controll i have no issue with , I just dont like being ganked by a max level when im just trying to level a guy only to have them run when anyone near there level shows up cause they dont really wanna fight anyone who can actually beat them.
Originally posted by DSWBeef Its not that im against pvp. Im against full loot FORCED pvp. Thats the main reason I dont play MO or DF. I shouldnt be forced into entering a pvp situation. Thats why I enjoy pve servers, I can pvp When I choose to. I also prefer large scale battles or RVR type battles. Single or small group engagements to me are not exciting.
It's nice to have a world where you aren't afraid of PVP. Because the real world is full loot PVP with huge risks and rewards
My first mmos played (UO and L2) had open PVP and it was regarded as essential part of the enviroment, indispensable to the social, political and economic dynamics of the virtual world.
General Pvp in mmos goes as such. Group 1- im uber we are going to dominate, - Group 2 -- wants the same but doesnt say it. Group 3- Enjoys casual pvp, but trys to enjoy all aspects of the game. So 1 and 2 go at it killing each other, However group 2 had more skill and didnt brag about there plans instead attacked when they seemed weak. Group one gets camped into obvlion then gets bored, Stops play as there world dominations failed. Then Group 2 gets bored of having no targets and goes after group 3. Then group 3 trys to fight, but looses most matchs, Thus they quite. If the games open world then group 3 is camped and hunted into oblivion till they quit (generally pve groups), Group 2 bored quits, with on few pve lefts and few pvpers left the games pop drops to where the company cant afford to pay its bills. Then pvpers blame the game, Pvers says more content, then pvpers says its the pvers fought n vice versa. When the truth is, most open world pvp games brings mass griefers, these groups of people run everyone off, Then complain when theres nothing to do. Well there ya go, Thats why people dont pvp, as these days MOST players dont care for pvp, unless it is a pure fps game like black ops, battlefiend or planet side 2 or similar. Also this is the same pattern we have been treking for years now and it shall remain the same, Untill a dev can balance a game to where 1 side cant harrass the other into oblivion making it enjoyable on all sides, same trend shall always occur thus these types of games will most always fail due to this. Just my 2 cents n a half .
I think players who do not like pvp are generally against concentrating on something and then WHAM one shotted or besieged by a zerg of players. Then afterwards the attackers are sometimes just plain rude and insulting.
I agree with PVP zones, not specifically instanced but zones of the conteinent listed as "contested" The idea would be that you cant PVP in zones other than these, and these are the boarders between 2 countries. gives the lvl 20s a chance not to get walked on by lvl 80s, build up strength to go join the fight.
Or if lvl 80 enemy does enter a lower level zone a big alarm goes off, gaurds that are stronger or as strong as the enemy, are dispached that can aggro them from anywhere in the zone. the idea is simple.
Fight like a coward Die like a coward.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
I think players who do not like pvp are generally against concentrating on something and then WHAM one shotted or besieged by a zerg of players. Then afterwards the attackers are sometimes just plain rude and insulting.
I always teabag when afforded the option.
i couldnt help but LOL at this, funny but sad all at the same time
PvP "lovers" (in keeping with the nature of this thread) do not consider how imbalanced PvP can be. Particularly in a level based game. They also fail to acknowledge that there are absolutely no negative consequences for just "killing of killings sake". It is one thing to "kill" in the name of war, theivery or passion. It is a totatlly different thing to do it just because you can. To some, it is not "fun" to just be the victim of those that just want to get the epeen for the night. So, if I am a level 1 out doing quests and some level 50 comes along and beats me down he may get some sick pleasure out of it. I on the other hand just get a bad taste of what the game it going to be like. It is not "fear" as was pointed out in the opening post. It is just that there is no reason for it and it is not at all competitve.
Speaking of competitive, what point is saying that it is "skill" when one player (or several in many cases) out levels their targets. What "skill" is involved if one person has far inferior equipment then someone that is fully high geared? Skill can only be measured if all possible variables as just mentioned are equal. Otherwise, it is not skill that wins those fights but the higher level or the much superior equipment.
So don't tell me that PvP scares people. It doesn't scare people, they just don't like being on the wrong end of a badly mismatched system that is not fun.
Fits item 1. The skill issue you said i already explained in item 2 ("in equal conditions").
Originally posted by grimgryphon I don't think people are afraid of PvP, I think they just find a large portion of the people who gravitate toward it distasteful.
This. I would have far less problem with PvP if it wouldn't attract the bigest a-hole of the gaming community. My other problem with PvP ( well only with forced PvP, not in general ) that other players think they have the right to force me to entertain them when I don't feel so, and to be their content when I want to mind my own business.
OP, what if there was a game where another player could run up to you when you were having fun in an activity, could stop you doing that and could force you to sing a song for 5 minutes ? Would you enjoy that ? I'm not scared of PvP...I really doubt anyone is. But I can be very irritated by it, when other players waste and steal my precious gaming time.
I think players who do not like pvp are generally against concentrating on something and then WHAM one shotted or besieged by a zerg of players. Then afterwards the attackers are sometimes just plain rude and insulting.
I don't think they would have any problem with wandering npc monsters. Essentially it's the aggressive human element that turns them off unless the pvp is on their own terms.
Meaning they have entered an area/battleground and are ready to fight and don't mind dying. In that case they are mentally prepared for waht is about to happen.
As opposed to "oh look there's some iron... WHAM".
Originally posted by ace80k I think the answer is pretty simple really. Lack of control/fear of the unknown. In PvE you can control or at least predict the outcome of any fight, PvP can be very different in many aspects. I'm talking about people who absolutely 100% "hate" PvP btw. I think anger issues tie into this as well.
It's not that I can't predict the outcome of the fight. The thing is that I DON'T want to fight at times, and don't like to be forced into it. Sovrath's post explain it very well.
I think this is as close to the main reason as anyone is going to get. More than with other game mechanics, players want to choose when and where they engage in PvP.
The final 'noob' might mean this post is sarcastic or something, but I think it's pretty close to the answer regardless.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
I think the idea of full loot open world pvp is awesome, especially when combined with a really immersive world with good lore and living environments.
My problem is that I work a full-time job. I have many hobbies other than playing the full loot open world pvp game that honestly are much more exciting. I play games to immerse into a world, not to fight other people in a glorified arena battle.
If a game can pull off this type of pvp while still feeling like a living world that is an escape from the every day droll, I'm definitely all for it. For the most part though, when it comes to a game like Darkfall, while the game is really fun, I don't feel the need to prove myself to the random dude in the wilderness who kills me for seemingly no reason just to take my stuff. I will never be able to compete with that, although I would still like to be able to experience the game world.
So it's not that the pvp scares me off, it's just that I only enjoy the game as long as I can play it without feeling like I can't leave the starting town without being butchered because I only have time to play a few hours a week.
It's not that I can't predict the outcome of the fight. The thing is that I DON'T want to fight at times, and don't like to be forced into it. Sovrath's post explain it very well.
I'm none of what the Op mentioned, however why I'm crap at PvP is I'm really lazy and poor player because I always use the mouse and keyboard and don't use hot keys and keyboard to take full advantage. Because I'm just lazy as fook, so I'm never going to win.
That said I do like the PvP in EvE again though you need to know your keys so as not to take week to lock a target and I'm getting there slowly.
But I also feel most games lose balance with PvP and PvE so they never really gel it's either one or the other which stands out.
All the PvP:ers ive seen is a lot of griefing kids and i have no interest of being ganked when out doing a quest.
Simple as that.
Here we go again. This argument is the most repeated argument on this site. Why can't PVPers just leave PVEers alone and vice versa. End of Argument.
We MMO gamers need to come up with something new to discuss. The argument is past getting old.
Not when you're 20 levels higher and in god gear.
Plus this.
the things listed are the things i like about PVP, the problem is the unforseen consiquence that NOBODY talks about.
I enjoy a harder fight against players, however this becomes, I dont enjoy a harder fight against 5 v 1 odds with my corpse being camped so when i die i need to log off for an hour.
I enjoy the fact that it can happen anywhere at any time, However this quickly becomes, I don't enjoy that 90% of the time when it happens, its when im already almost dead.
I find Reward in the victory, Quickly becomes, Victory rarely happens unless im running in a zerg.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
I played WoW up until WotLK, played RoM for 2 years and now Rift.
I am F2P player. I support games when I feel they deserve my money and I want the items enough.
I don't troll, and I don't take kindly to trolls.
There may be a handful of people who have emotional issues or something of the sort that makes PVP scary, but I'm sure that is a very small percentage. The truth is MMO PVP is usually complete shit. Most of the time it's a tacked on feature with no thought beyond, "Throw some people in an instance and let them kill each other." People aren't afraid of it; they just don't like it. I don't like themepark PVP because it bores me to tears, so I don't do it. That doesn't mean I piss myself at the thought of being killed in Arathi Basin for fuck's sake.
Choice pvp:yes
Forced pvp : no
death penalty/decay: yes
full loot : no unless its just money and resources you can claim, then ok with me
permadeath: no...in a sandbox? Stupid!
open world pvp: yes
instanced pvp : no
To many kiddies and bi-polar people ruin a good pvp game, just that simple. No honor - no sportsmanship. See a bunch of 10 year olds running around smack talking because him and his 8 friends ganked you and you killed half of them before you went down way too many times. Problem with full loot open world pvp is you spend more time worrying about people than making friends, you can not trust someone saying lets meet and trade lol. I just rather not worry about that. But enjoy pvp. I think a game should have all aspects going on.
What people in wow dont like about pvp is that in the open world on a pvp server , pvp is basicly level 80- or 90s sitting in level 20 zones camping and killing poor 20s who cant even fight back thats not pvp.
Thats just plain cowardice. If they normalized stats and made its o i had a chance id have no issue with that kind of pvp either but in wow thats not the case.
Then when i do finally get a high level guildy to help me out the guy runs off like al ittle sissy and wont even engage the guy his own level so if thats what u mean by pvp of course they hate it.
Now a group based objective open world pvp battle where max levels fight over keeps and areas to controll i have no issue with , I just dont like being ganked by a max level when im just trying to level a guy only to have them run when anyone near there level shows up cause they dont really wanna fight anyone who can actually beat them.
It's nice to have a world where you aren't afraid of PVP. Because the real world is full loot PVP with huge risks and rewards
I don't agree with your first sentence.
I always teabag when afforded the option.
I agree with PVP zones, not specifically instanced but zones of the conteinent listed as "contested" The idea would be that you cant PVP in zones other than these, and these are the boarders between 2 countries. gives the lvl 20s a chance not to get walked on by lvl 80s, build up strength to go join the fight.
Or if lvl 80 enemy does enter a lower level zone a big alarm goes off, gaurds that are stronger or as strong as the enemy, are dispached that can aggro them from anywhere in the zone. the idea is simple.
Fight like a coward Die like a coward.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
i couldnt help but LOL at this, funny but sad all at the same time
Fits item 1. The skill issue you said i already explained in item 2 ("in equal conditions").
Fits item 1 from the OP text.
Item 1
Look item 1.