Look, just do a charge back. They are based in Romania or something and in all likelihood nothing will be done about them even if you do report them to the BBB, or some other fraud agency. The only thing that will hurt them now is for people to stop handing over their money to them. If you don't know what a charge back is, it's when you contact your credit card company and tell them you've been ripped off. They generally side with the customer (I know this from dealing with EBay) so you will have NO problems getting your money back.
Also, I wish people would read this thread or any one number of the poor game reviews they've been getting before buying this game. I mean, do they have to hit you with an obvious stick?
Originally posted by etabetapi Look, just do a charge back. They are based in Romania or something and in all likelihood nothing will be done about them even if you do report them to the BBB, or some other fraud agency. The only thing that will hurt them now is for people to stop handing over their money to them. If you don't know what a charge back is, it's when you contact your credit card company and tell them you've been ripped off. They generally side with the customer (I know this from dealing with EBay) so you will have NO problems getting your money back. Also, I wish people would read this thread or any one number of the poor game reviews they've been getting before buying this game. I mean, do they have to hit you with an obvious stick?
No, the publisher is an American based company and can be held liable for anything they do. The developers are in romania, not the publisher.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
How many more of these posts will it take to show the developers could care less, counting their pennies and sending out resumes as it were... the dev, bah, trick dave has hit the bricks, his money already counted in unfinished betas he sold to the sheep...
Originally posted by devilduck website says its updating check back later
Huh? No it says there is no website. Where are you seeing this, have a link?
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Has the mourning Emblem and the flashing words Updating ... please check back later [/b][/quote]
When I go there I get:
If you are the owner of this web site you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information.
and its a generic message by their host provider saying there is no website currently found here. Wonder why we are seeing differently.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Has the mourning Emblem and the flashing words Updating ... please check back later [/b][/quote] When I go there I get: If you are the owner of this web site you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information. ----- and its a generic message by their host provider saying there is no website currently found here. Wonder why we are seeing differently.
For some reason your dns is not updating. Devilduck is right in what he says, I see same he does.
Also the forums are still there and irc is working.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
I get forums fine. IRC has nothing to do with them, its hosted by another gaming network.
Perhaps my DNS is working faster then everyone elses and I am seeing the new server which they have nothing on yet.
And all thats all speculation based on the fact that they changed hosts however.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Well I saw the web site when it was down and now I see it when it is up. So 2 see it saying updating and you see it when it was down. So it can't be that you are faster. In fact I neever heard that one before, Very original.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
Originally posted by D0ZeR Well I saw the web site when it was down and now I see it when it is up. So 2 see it saying updating and you see it when it was down. So it can't be that you are faster. In fact I neever heard that one before, Very original.
Um, did you ever stop to think that they put the updating logo on the ORIGINAL site since thats where DNS will be pointing for up to 24 hours while the worlds DNS servers update? Once again, speculation.
Based on what your saying they would have had to delete the entire old site and to get the message I am getting. I am not seeing it down, I am seeing the host say there is no site there yet. Nice try with twisting in the very original thing though. And nice assumptions on you part.
None of it really matters however. Apparently they decided to change service without warning their customers.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
ROFL, ahh ok yeah. So you still see, if you are the owner of this web site you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information?
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
Originally posted by D0ZeR ROFL, ahh ok yeah. So you still see, if you are the owner of this web site you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information?
And I will repeat since you apparently didn't read it the first time:
"None of it really matters however. Apparently they decided to change service without warning their customers."
The whole "I am cool cause I think my DNS updates faster then yours" thing is pretty immature man, give it up.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
You asked why you would see it differently and I answered that question then you wanted to argue the point. I wonder who is really immature here. Sorry I tried to tell you exactly why it is different.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
Originally posted by etabetapi Look, just do a charge back. They are based in Romania or something and in all likelihood nothing will be done about them even if you do report them to the BBB, or some other fraud agency. The only thing that will hurt them now is for people to stop handing over their money to them. If you don't know what a charge back is, it's when you contact your credit card company and tell them you've been ripped off. They generally side with the customer (I know this from dealing with EBay) so you will have NO problems getting your money back.
Thanks for your advise , Think i will look into that.
Originally posted by RedDevil Originally posted by etabetapi Look, just do a charge back. They are based in Romania or something and in all likelihood nothing will be done about them even if you do report them to the BBB, or some other fraud agency. The only thing that will hurt them now is for people to stop handing over their money to them. If you don't know what a charge back is, it's when you contact your credit card company and tell them you've been ripped off. They generally side with the customer (I know this from dealing with EBay) so you will have NO problems getting your money back. Thanks for your advise , Think i will look into that.
God yes, do what ya can to get your money back at this point.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Kinda makes ya wonder if someone backed out of something or the game is changing hands. Either that or they are moving to Budget Servers R Us!
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Originally posted by Fadeus Kinda makes ya wonder if someone backed out of something or the game is changing hands. Either that or they are moving to Budget Servers R Us!
Must be time for a forum wipe, and deletions, because that is how the amateurs at Limitless Horizons, and the admins in Romania combat cynics best!!!
Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash! Be water, my friend. ~Bruce Lee
Originally posted by Nattydread Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash! Be water, my friend. ~Bruce Lee
gotta add this natty. put water in you and water becomes urine. just a thought. sorry i just think that everytime i see your sig lol
Look, just do a charge back. They are based in Romania or something and in all likelihood nothing will be done about them even if you do report them to the BBB, or some other fraud agency. The only thing that will hurt them now is for people to stop handing over their money to them. If you don't know what a charge back is, it's when you contact your credit card company and tell them you've been ripped off. They generally side with the customer (I know this from dealing with EBay) so you will have NO problems getting your money back.
Also, I wish people would read this thread or any one number of the poor game reviews they've been getting before buying this game. I mean, do they have to hit you with an obvious stick?
No, the publisher is an American based company and can be held liable for anything they do. The developers are in romania, not the publisher.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
How many more of these posts will it take to show the developers could care less, counting their pennies and sending out resumes as it were... the dev, bah, trick dave has hit the bricks, his money already counted in unfinished betas he sold to the sheep...
just thought it should be clickable. after all it is my post that is being blatantly ignored by the company.
Huh? No it says there is no website. Where are you seeing this, have a link?
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Has the mourning Emblem and the flashing words Updating ... please check back later
[quote]Originally posted by devilduck
Has the mourning Emblem and the flashing words Updating ... please check back later
When I go there I get:
If you are the owner of this web site you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information.
and its a generic message by their host provider saying there is no website currently found here. Wonder why we are seeing differently.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
For some reason your dns is not updating. Devilduck is right in what he says, I see same he does.
Also the forums are still there and irc is working.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
I get forums fine. IRC has nothing to do with them, its hosted by another gaming network.
Perhaps my DNS is working faster then everyone elses and I am seeing the new server which they have nothing on yet.
And all thats all speculation based on the fact that they changed hosts however.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
Um, did you ever stop to think that they put the updating logo on the ORIGINAL site since thats where DNS will be pointing for up to 24 hours while the worlds DNS servers update? Once again, speculation.
Based on what your saying they would have had to delete the entire old site and to get the message I am getting. I am not seeing it down, I am seeing the host say there is no site there yet. Nice try with twisting in the very original thing though. And nice assumptions on you part.
None of it really matters however. Apparently they decided to change service without warning their customers.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
And I will repeat since you apparently didn't read it the first time:
"None of it really matters however. Apparently they decided to change service without warning their customers."
The whole "I am cool cause I think my DNS updates faster then yours" thing is pretty immature man, give it up.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
God yes, do what ya can to get your money back at this point.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
now the forums are being reconstructed.
Kinda makes ya wonder if someone backed out of something or the game is changing hands. Either that or they are moving to Budget Servers R Us!
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
[quote]Originally posted by sinsa
now the forums are being reconstructed.[/b][/quote]
Must be time for a forum wipe, and deletions, because that is how the amateurs at Limitless Horizons, and the admins in Romania combat cynics best!!!
Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup,
You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle,
You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Now water can flow or it can crash!
Be water, my friend.
~Bruce Lee
sorry i just think that everytime i see your sig lol