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Ok first off Id like to say that I'm having quite a bit of fun playing this game. The game is fantastic, combat is fluid and engaging, the soft trinity is great, questing is fun, easy to get groups for skirmishes and dungeons and has cooperative and rewarding gameplay, and the foundry is one of the most innovative implementations to the MMO genre in a long time.
Now take everything they've done right with their well venerated IP and take a pay 2 win crap all over it and you've got Neverwinter. The cash shop is full of items to give unfair advantages over other players, and a massive amount of pay for convenience items. It's intrusive and annoying to be constantly be bombarded with reminders of how much better i could be by buying all their overpriced items.
Ok i already know the counterargument, "well why dont you stop freeloading and support the developers". Im not a cheap individual I just dont find paying for random crap all the time fun, and i believe all players should be on a some-what level playing field. If this title was separated from the cash shop and the game systems reworked based on that I'd gladly shell out 60 bucks plus a 15 a month sub, no problem at all.
Im not going to sit here and attack anyone if they like the free to play business model that's their perogative, but i am going to take a stand with my wallet and not support this endeavor. I fear if this project succeeds, which at this point i think it will, then other mmo developers will be more inclined to make their games in Neverwinters image, thus destroying my beloved genre even further. Anyway, just sharing my opinion, dont hate me too much!
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considering its a themepark i don't see why it really matters.. aren't you the one who said themeparks are just for a quick fix and you move on? don't see what the payment model would matter in that case.. actually f2p would make more sense to me since you will quit in a couple months(or less) anyway
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
you do release that they have to generate income some how and just a 60 box price would not work for a mmo. theres upkeep and additional content.
But this debait is in a million other threads.
I sort of hate the free to play model too because of the fact that it detracts from the gameplay simply because people CAN buy unfair advantages if they want. But to be honest I think I have the best of both worlds. I an not an envious person and I play games to chill out and for teh fun of adventure. So i really could care less about what other people spend their money on.
The way I look at it, I have never and will never pay for items from the store in a free to play game. I will quite happily pay a subscription to a game but if they are trying to get me to spend money in a shop for phat pixels then it just won't happen. So for me, I play free to play games for free, absolutely free, and will continue to do so. Let some other sucker pay all tehy want if it keeps the game running. It is their money and I feel like I am getting other people to pay for my fun which is fine by me.
But I do hope the model dies so we can get back to supporting subscriptions games because then you know if the game is worth it because you want to keep subscribing.
Im some ways yes, as i stated the cash shop is annoying and intrusive and it ruins my personal experience unfortunatly. Just makes me a bit i guess, sad?, that such a good game is ruined in my eyes by a business model.
I'd also love to see this game, and any others like it, fail hard. I want developers to focus on creating fun games with great settings and great communities again. Charge $15 a month and don't spend so much on development that you have to have millions of subscribers to make the publisher happy. It's ok for a game to *only* have 500k people playing it.
Unfortunately, as long as people keep buying into every new F2P game that comes out, publishers will keep pushing that pay model, and players will continue complaining about how crappy MMO's are today.
You make me like charity
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
How is it intrustive? I havent been prompted to buy anything once. I don't even know what the icon to open it looks like. Shrugs, it's your perogative if you let something like this ruin a fun experience, but I think it's pretty silly. It's not like you're trying to be ultra-competitive at the game.
Hell, this is the first F2P that has me thinking about spending a couple bucks. I might pickup a bag or companion from the CS.
Being an old school PnP player I had low expectations coming in. However, I now think this product is worthy of support, especially if finer development continues.
The best thing you can do if you hate the financial model is play for free. I will play for free with my kids and none of us will give Craptic a dime. When we see people who have purchased stuff we will laugh at them and make fun of them in groups.
In all honesty, the game wont fail in the sense you are thinking... CO and STO have very small populations compared to other MMO's and PW keeps them running. If you want to hit them where it hurts, just keep playing for free and using up their server resources.
It's true they dont throw anything in your face like that, but there are reminders of what you can be getting with astral diamonds which are directly coorelated to zen and not in game currency. For instance crafting, for those who dont know, is time based with the option to speed up with diamonds to level it faster, playing at a resonable rate you'll outlevel any gear you can make with crafting based on the restriction of crafting time, that type of mechanic has no place in MMORPG's. Also, simply socketing gear costs diamonds as well. You can buy faster mounts with zen, also upgraded companions and such.
Id much rather pay a sub than be nickel and dimed.
Then why did you bother playing an F2P game in the first place?
I hope it fails because I really think they shat all over DnD. They really just bastardized the IP n MMOified it. But then again if it fails I highly doubt another DnD MMO will come round which I really want in hopes that one will come that will be pretty much a reboot of NWN2 with capabilities of a true D&D experience.
I will enthusiastically wait to see how Neverwinter evolves. If they can enable Persistent Worlds like in NWN 1&2 and furthur allow custimization of Foundry missions then I can see some real potential. Right now I'm feeling its too limited and needs to massive expanding on some elements.
Truth hurts don't it?
Missing my point, its a great title that I'd love to play, not many games are released like this maybe 1 a year and this one is ruined for me based on a business model, it's MMO sacrilege and i fear my MMO days are nearing it's end because of this p2p to f2p paradigm shift.
Yes. It is extremely painful knowing that I enjoy something other people don't. It is a completely reality shattering revelation and has been horrifyingly painful.
My Wife and I were playing this game today and we both agree that we will not continue to play it because it’s a P2W cash shop. It’s not like SWTOR cash shop where you get an advantage for leveling or just and item for looks. The stuff in the cash shop really will give players advantages and I am not going to buy into putting my wallet up against another person’s wallet. I would be fine if this game had a subscription or a setup like SWTOR, however I too am not going to be a part of Neverwinter because of the cash shop.
I too cannot wait for this model to die because it’s BS that I have to put my wallet up against some single twenty something person still living at home with mommy and daddy. When you get into your 30s have kids, a house payment and life to deal with you don’t have hundreds or thousands of dollars to spend on some digital crap that is really just a few characters in a database. I again I am not cheap, I don’t mind a $15 subscription, or dropping $20 or $30 here and there on a game. However spending $25 for 2500 zen and a some things in game costing 1000 to 5000 zen is BS.
Except that League of Legends is not "fluff only." Owning more champions than the opposing team gives you a distinct advantage in picking and counter-picking, enables you to learn how to play against more champions faster than your competition, and increases the apparent roster size of your team in the banning phase, making it more difficult for foes to ban against you.
Those who play the game excessively (or since beta) or spend RP thus have an advantage over other players in terms of versatility, picking, counterpicking, experience, and resistance to bans. And this is without mentioning the fact that a player with more alternative characters is less likely to be phased by nerfs to any particular character.
DotA2 is, on the other hand, "fluff only" because every item in the cash shop (at least when I played - don't know about now) is aesthetic only and all heroes are available to everyone. Sure, they can afford to use this business model because of financial backing from Valve, but the same argument could be used against Riot Games, who now own one of the largest and most financially profitable IP's on the market.
I really don't like neither to be honest, non p2w f2p is fine though. P2P, never, even my dream MMORPG, I wouldn't pay per month for it, not a damn video game at least.
We can argue the whole movies and 15 cent a day and etc, I still don't think P2P is best.
Cause in all honesty, I know damn well the devs don't need that shit to do what they do, yet people fall for it time an time again.
They did it well though, tricked people into believing that only P2P produces good quality, fast patches, good support, but it's all good cause it's only a matter of time, more B2P MMORPG's come out, more P2P going B2P, yea it's a matter of time, now for this website, I doubt it, people will stay stubborn and narrowminded and think P2P is the only way to get a great MMORPG, already being proved wrong, but I understan need more great B2P MMORPGs.
I do agree though, p2w f2p, p2w b2p, p2w p2p, those models need to die before anything else.
Not saying Neverwinter is P2W, then really if it's like P2W but it's only a win by level and doesn't effect no body other than the idiot who paid just to be first max or to bypass all the playing then that's his/her decision to ruin their own gaming experiences, if it doesn't fuck with you then it shouldn't matter, if it does, then that's when the issue arises. Jealousy and/or just knowing that person exist shouldn't count though.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.