pain train looking for dedicated crafters, if interested join us at and fill out a application and use the ts info that comes in PM and join us on TS
still looking for dedicated players! we will be doing pvp and pve, a fan of both, and planning on casual/hardcore raids. We provide crafting to our members, helpful assistance, and group questing, we dont leave anyone out and help out everyone regardless of experience in the genre, feel free to hop on teamspeak and come talk to us. want to try and get groups together when phase 4 opens to join in lvlings groups, and get ready for launch.
PTX is looking for dedicated gamers for our free company. Come join us on Adamantoise... much like the darkside we have cookies Head on over to and fill out an application today!
Lots of opportunities available in PainTrain! If you have leadership, recruiting, video recording and editing experience, PainTrain is the place for you! We are looking for dedicated players to fill out our ranks. Whether you are a casual or hardcore gamer, we have a place for you in our community! Stop by our website and fill out a app!
Lots of opportunities available in PainTrain! If you have leadership, recruiting, video recording and editing experience, PainTrain is the place for you! We are looking for dedicated players to fill out our ranks. Whether you are a casual or hardcore gamer, we have a place for you in our community! Stop by our website and fill out a app!
with the live letter just around the corner, hopefully signaling phase 4, be sure to come check us out and see if we are a good fit for you!
do you like backstories, RP, and fun events, yes we do it all, pvp, pve, raids, dungeons, events, RP, and Lore, even backstories.
If interested check out our website at
If interested check out our website at
Look forward to any future recruits and to seeing all of you in game!
and fill out a application and use the ts info that comes in PM and join us on TS
also in meantime check us out at
benchmark now out download it at
also in meantime check us out at
hope to see you all in phase 4!
still accepting all classes, if you are interested in a drama free, helpful community, and active, check us out at
hope to see you all in phase 4!
hope to see you all in phase 4!
hope to see you all in phase 4!
See you all in phase 4 soon!