Hey everyone, Just to give everyone a little information, I have been apart of PTX for little over a year now and i can honestly say that it has been a warm welcoming community full of common minding people just looking to have fun. I recommend anyone that is looking for a guild to come check us out.. Tell them TheGame sent you. you might just get a free cookie =D
game is still going strong and better then ever as new updates coming very soon, come join us on PVE end game content as we get ready for Beh Coil!, we are accepting all classes, all lvls, and offer new player assistance, and gear grind help. We will get you to the coil if need be, we are a mature community, drama free, and a well organized core of great individuals. If you are interested in a semi core raiding free company look us up at www.ptxgaming.com , fill out a applcation and ill get back to you or any officer available.
game is still going strong and better then ever as new updates coming very soon, come join us on PVE end game content as we get ready for Beh Coil!, we are accepting all classes, all lvls, and offer new player assistance, and gear grind help. We will get you to the coil if need be, we are a mature community, drama free, and a well organized core of great individuals. If you are interested in a semi core raiding free company look us up at www.ptxgaming.com , fill out a applcation and ill get back to you or any officer available.
See you in Game,