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I tried to like it, I really did but two things make me not like the game, well 3 if you want to count the inability to skip through all the cut scene bullcrap at character creation.
I really dislike Asian themed games, I do not, nor will I ever like a bright, vibrant cuddly wuddly environment in my fantasy game, This was strike 1. Killing Squirrels abd bunny rabbits was strike 2.
lastly, the flow of combat is SO SLOW, its boring to me and I can never go back to the tab target. stand still trade blows with my target type of combat. On top of that the combat flow feels even slower then say WoW or Rift. Not fun at for me at all. Ohh well I tried but it's back to Neverwinter I go.
well it sounds like it is not the game for you. A lot of us do like the game, theme, monsters, and generally everything else it has going on. I do hope you find a proper game though. You into darker fantasy settings?
You stop killing bunnies and squirrels at about level 5-7. If you can't make it that long then it is best that you left on your own. This game has some of the best monsters design I have ever seen. You will miss out.
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Neverwinter is fun
Wow ???? They have the most fluid game of all time, yes its tab targetting but its the best at what it is.
I believe it to be a solid and enjoyable game myself. Though 1-7 made me question if I would play it any further, but by the time I got to 15 and obtained the airship pass I was sold.
Your first point is valid for you, as we can't help what we enjoy or not. Second is, I believe, a misunderstanding as it fits the context of the game. You were sent to a guild that focuses on combat and has a green new recruit; of course they would send you out to kill weak monsters to prove yourself. The Combat Guilds are all about combat, and later on they will receive requests from the populace to take out troublesome beasts and sometimes very powerful monsters that are ravaging the country side (though as a poster said above me, you stop getting these quests at level 5). The story lines and side quests have a variety of things, all of which fit and progress the story slowly until it turns into an epic.
Third is also a matter of opinion. Though it made me think you're trying a bit too hard to find fault in a game were little exist. This came to me simply because you said the combat was slower than Rifts. I'm not even sure how anyone could come to this conclusion, but I won't chastise it. The combat is fairly fast paced, and it only increases and amps up as you level (again, as someone else in this thread mentions, it's one of the best tab targeting combat systems around and does well at what it does). The difficulty also spikes, and you find yourself needing to prepare for fights or even grouping with friends to beat content.
Sorry that you don't like it. Though I can't help but feel -- especially when threads start with "I tried to like it", -- that people just look for something that's wrong and don't give it a proper chance by sticking with it past an hour. Though I must admit that, with regards to combat, you actually have to start thinking and employing some tactics and group coordination. If this is not fun for someone -- or if they prefer hack and slash -- then it's a perfectly valid reason not to enjoy something if something more suited exists elsewhere. According to your last sentence, that's Neverwinter. So hope you continue to have a great time playing that.
All in all, in my own opinion (based on the limited writing available), not enough time was given to see if you really enjoyed it. I came to this conclusion simply because of the way you opened the sentence, in addition to you initial dislike and the fact that you had to use two (in my opinion) weak or (again in my opinion) questionable assertions with regards to misunderstanding the context of quests and combat respectfully. Had one truly continued on past a Guild Quest, and possibly even progressed into the Main story (which has not relation to the guild quests as each class has their own story separate), I believe they would've seen what the game really offers.
If I may ask, what is the first major cutscene of the story? It occurs at roughly level 5. Also, the first villain that appears once you enter the actual game? Maybe name the monster that appears with a villain then or the second monster that comes with him?
Played both beta's with a friend who loves the game. I just for some reason don't like it. It's hard to point a finger at the exact reason why. The slow cinematic start was kinda dull, but I forced my way through it. The combat seemed alright, so that wasn't a big bad point for me. The Asian art style isn't for me, but again, it's something I can ignore.
It just didn't click for me.
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
Youre not alone,longest Asian MMO I played was Aion,which was a little under a month.I played a free trial of TERA,didnt even last the whole trial before uninstalling.
Never liked their approach to MMO's,though I will say im holding out hope for Archeage.
as for FF XIV, I most likely wont bother.I didnt like FF ..XI was it? so many numbers now i lost track.
Never was a Final Fantasy fan anyway.
I appreciate your opinion, but your reasons for not liking this game are for the most part silly. There are many different kinds of enemies in the beginning zones. Many more than I've seen in other MMOs and they are not all cute and cuddly.
The whole "I don't like said game because it looks Asian" is like saying I don't like black people because they are black. Open your mind. This game isn't nearly as Asian looking as most. It actually looks like a game that would be released in the West. It has aspects of both Asian and Western MMOs.
New MMOs have made you accustomed to fast-paced fighting and therefore you consider it the "best." There's nothing wrong with combat that is slower. This isn't slow btw. I guess you're supposed to just slice and dice through everything without any thought because it's so fast you don't even care about what else is going on.
Hmm if you missed out on all those great Final Fantasy games from NES to SNES to PS1 and PS2 and son on, thats really a shame.
Most of us have fond memories of all of those games and so many other great Japanese RPG series.
Yea if you are not a fan of those classics, then you probably will not enjoy this game at all.
I mean you must not like Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Dragon Quests, Xenogears, ChronoTrigger, and pretty much any games on consoles that are good, all of them are Japanese.
So my conclusion is you only like PC games like baldurs gate and Diablo 1/2, and the few games that were good on PC in the old days while there were literally thousands of great Japanese RPGs and games in that time.
hallo ~_~
Won't even go into future combat, systems and coordination / preparation / combos / armory system (to mix it up further) that are also time dependent with MP / TP management and restoration techniques.
Though what you described is video gaming in general. What is a hack and slash game (or mmo) that isn't just Left Mouse to attack, left mouse to attack, left mouse to attack. Or a console game that isn't, mash "A, A, A, A, A"? The difference is management, group coordination, attacks, preparation and the systems whereby they place you in to employ these tactics (different situations and conditions and locations).
Those who usually just mention "12345" actually don't realize that is with every game. Most even less involved than that. A great deal not even having the additions mentioned above. Sounds to me like such a person is just tired of gaming or has outgrown it in general.
I barely made it to lvl 10 over the course of a couple weekends. This game feels like a complete chore to me. I'm guessing it's a combination of 2.5 sec global cooldown combat with no movement and little tactics, quest hubs with boring quests, walled in zones, general lack of freedom which comes with type of game and dull loot.
The game appears to be well made it's going to be a tough go for someone that's fried on WoW, Rift and ultra dull tab target combat. Although I still enjoy ultra slow EQ1 combat. Possibly because there is real danger in EQ1, you screw up you are toast.
Lvl 8 Druid, having a hard time with the extremely slow paced combat (maybe class related in my case) , the fetch/deliver quests and the endless being send back and forth.
Love the graphics and design, again confirming to me how very bad Rift's world design is.
(please excuse the typing, it's Friday and I'm drinking)
I enjoy the game for a story line game but I dislike the game so much as the combat is soooo boring. I'd rather a DCUO combo attack than what they have. My brawler does seem awfully boring in comparrison. I can understand both sides but with a lack of games out, I'm trying to force myself to swallow.
I just don't know if I can keep it down.
Ohhh! Unlock the Armory system and try it until at least you acquire the airship pass. I'd even say until you unlock chocobos and chocobo companions. The game really opens up past ten, with at least five new systems being introduced every five levels thereafter.
You don't like asian games? I guess you've never played or even heard of Final Fantasy before? The series started in 1987 and has released dozens of games on virtually every platform released since then. Every Final Fantasy was, is and always will be a Japanese developed game. What did you expect?
Final Fantasy games usually have turn based combat and tons of cutscenes. The only exception to this is the spinoff series Dissidia for PSP. Why in the world would you expect fast paced twitch combat from a Final Fantasy? Seriously, are you not capable of processing information before playing a game?
I hate to say this but you belong in Neverwinter.
If you play it solo, that's all it is. Playing in a group is where I enjoy the game. The slower combat allows you to focus on the tactics of group combat. An example would be Eve's combat. Very boring by yourself but lots of fun in large fleets when tactics become important.
I loved Tera's combat solo but it just felt like an unorganized mess in groups. Everyone was too busy focused on their character to coordinate anything. Same with GW2. I prefer FFXIV style combat.
Going on almost two hours without a response by the topic creator. Given the name of the thread and the content, this just might be a troll attempt as opposed to an honest hope for discussion as the thread's name implies.
Sad face.
Well I for one had never played a Final Fantasy game before this beta. I had almost no information about previous Final Fantasy games. I had no idea what to expect and like azzmasin I did not like the themes, killing squirrels and bunny rabbits seemed stupid and the cut scenes where completely irrelevant annoying and far far too numerous. Combat was lack lustre (and I hate twitch combat so my saying it was lack lustre should tell you something). Finally a number of NPC's seemed downright creepy and those funny eye masks things were ridiculous.
So this is the type of criteria some mmorpg players use to judge if a game is worthy of their time? Ok, now I understand the madness swirling around in this genre and it still doesn't make me feel any better.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Nope not a troll post. I tried it, didn't like it. Like all Asian themed MMO's I've tried I am not into the their version of fantasy. It doesn't mean its bad it just means its not for me. I prefer the dark gritty world of European/Western fantasy. I prefer my atmosphere to be more akin to Rift, Neverwinter, Everquest or Asheron's Call.
I also dislike slow paced combat, now I only got to level 7 but I still feel the game is not going to speed up at all, I just prefer the more action type combat associated with games like Neverwinter, Tera or Elder Scrolls but everyone has their own opinion and I am entitled to mine, doesn't make it right for you but thought I'd share mine since this is by-product of a forum. Good luck to those who stick with the game, I'm sure it will do fine. However It isn't for me. I'll be waiting for something else to come along to suit my tastes.
Sandbox means open world, non-linear gaming PERIOD!
Subscription Gaming, especially MMO gaming is a Cash grab bigger then the most P2W cash shop!
Bring Back Exploration and lengthy progression times. RPG's have always been about the Journey not the destination!!!