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Wait so let me get this straight. We've all complained on how all mmo's are the same, and then when a company reveals a new type of mmo, everyone is complaining over it ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Talk about society, we truly are never pleased. They're even letting us create parts of the GAME. U people are NUTS. I'm DAMN SURE EXCITED.
We complained there weren't any hardcore games with a community.
What we got was something that looks like WoW, is confirmed to be for casuals, and plays like all the latest action MMO.
It might improve or turn out better, but I can't take an MMO serious that looks like a disney adventure.
Engine is top notch. SKLug and that Nvidia guys. A+ job
Art director person. Get a new job. Something that doesn't involve copying WoW.
I dont need to know, everything that they've announced sounds amazing. IMO!
HAHA!!! If its a sandbox game then, NOTHING!
Im done with this thread,
1. Cartoony graphics= longevity
2. Casual confirmed?? I would like to know what this guys definition of "HARDCORE" is before i judge.
3. plays like all action mmos= we've only seen a few seconds of the combat
I liked most of what was shown but have my concerns but....If you don't want to know other people's opinion...don't read them or come to public forums?
Its been confirmed that other players cant destroy your house unless you allow it to be attacked. So I think its like toggling your house for pvp kind of like toggling your character for pvp.
Oh a toggle. Ok, not playing.
I was just wondering why people are complaining about a product that was just announced? i didn't ask what they're complaining about.
What is it with this "cartoony = longevity" argument.
WoW looks like it was made in the 70s.
it looks better then EQ2 which was launched the same year.
No... just confused!
Because people are allowed to form positive and negative opinions on what is shown.I don't agree with most of them personally but they are free to express their opinions.
Then again I don't agree with being too positive either,I liked the core concepts as described....but I liked the descriptions of GW2 core concepts too...I just didn't like the final execution of them over time.
True, if everyone loved something then it would be perfect (and nothing's perfect) but i dont understand all the hate towards a game that was annouced 10 hours ago.
Point made. But still cartoony graphics arn't that bad.
Niche old-school gamers are never going to get what they want, an AAA MMO that is impossible to be played casually. That is why will always exist as a forum for their whining. I'm sure someday there will be forums for WoW fans complaining why there are no fun themeparks like WoW anymore. There are just too many conservative people out there who really don't deal well with change...
Because SOE spent all of this time and money to reveal The Lion King set to a Willy Wonka score. Not very EQesque at all.
That's even simpler...there are a few crowds that are bitter now
The Everquest purist crowd that wanted EQ with newer graphics
The Eve with a Everquest skin crowd
The we want realistic graphics more than any other features crowd.
Most of these folks built this image if what EQN would be built on personal preference and no actual information so are now angry and bitter that it wasn't what they convinced themselves it was.