As a PC gamer I see no problem with EQN being on consoles as long as EQN is focused on PC first. New consoles are just going to be glorified PCs with controllers. Dave Georgeson has stated that they are looking at different approaches to the title but he is focusing on PC first. A broader player base, introducing more people to the mmo world and providing revenue for the game. How can the console be bad for EQN?
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Well most technical issue for the consoles are gone with the new generation but the mindset for design of console games is still there. Lets assume this mindset would not affect EQN that would leave us with the remaining issues. One of the biggest is the controls and as a result of this the ui. Not having a keyboard is with a single exception a minor issue as a gamepad can have a lot buttons/combinations as well. The single exception is not being able to chat and thats a huge issue. Voice chat isn't a solution that works outside of groups and a good mmo involves much more communication. The second and huge issue with the consoles is the lack of the mouse. I don't realy have words for how big that issue realy is...just try to play a couple of pc games(no console-ports and no pure action games) without your mouse. There are workarounds for the mouse-part but this means a highly altered ui for the game and usualy this ui is horrible compared to what is posible on pc resulting in a game that simply is below its potential.
Of course there is always the solution of using mouse/keyboard for the console but most sonole players don't do that and pretty much none of the developers wants to force them.
Power wise, both PS4 and XBOne are much more powerful than the average modern PC and could easily max all current MMOs. If we were talking about the current, outdated generation of consoles, you'd be right, but not in this case.
No, the thing that could really harm EQN is the way consoles are controlled. Console games have to work well with controllers and that often leads to consolitis in UI and gameplay design. Defiance is a good example of this.
Besides the difficulties of porting the game to consoles. Is there anything negative to the PC consumer? So far the only one I have spotted is chat. And UI it seems would just be changed for the console?
When I say chat, I am talking about cross platform talk. Maybe they can have some type of FFXI quick chat buttons?
Even if not true (I am do not know the specs that well of the PS4, so can not judge) MMO often are aimed at lower-end machines anyway. So I am sure it will not even make full use of the power of the console anyway. However when talking about growth then your defintly right. Look at long running games like EQ1 and even RuneScape. They all graphicly evolve and help them to stay healty.
Because those people do not have a PC. I mean everyone who owns a console will never ever play a MMO on a PC. Right?
There are a lot of small issues with porting it to consoles. First we have to wonder if the game is not pre-butchered like others are mentioning. That you only end up with 8 buttons or something like that. While I do understand why people wonder this, I do think it adds to a game to have less buttons. I don't want EQ2's 50 buttons on my screen and a tiny window of view. My problem is what they decided to do with the 8 buttons that's more of an issue than the controller limit though.
You always have to consider that they lie, deceive or tell up front but it's still no good, and they make a console version and port it to the computer. You will see translation errors (press random xbox/ps4 button rather than the pc button that has it), you see the graphics being pushed back, you see the controls feeling sluggish without a gamepad and the need for the one or two analog sticks.
Keyboard. People don't understand how important communication with the keyboard is. That's your way of asking for help, talking to people, discussing things, disagreeing or agreeing on builds and how your class is played, grouping, communicating.
And to people who think consoles are ahead you do realize that most gamers run 1 mid end graphics card. You know how often I was looking at the new release of cards or cpu's and think oh cool, time to get a new one. Then a minute later oh wait, why would I buy a new piece of computer gear if every game I play plays on max or high, I have zero issues with anything and no need to upgrade at all. If tomorrow the new consoles would be released everyone would buy a new mid-end graphics card, some people might have to upgrade their core2 cpus maybe and after that play on high and max for the next 5-8 years, because high end cards are useless with ports. It's not that gamers don't have high end cards because they can't buy them, but more that they don't have high end cards because they don't need it.
The new consoles should have video cards similar to a 7870 power wise, decent 8-core CPUs and 8 Gb of RAM. They're noticeably more powerful than the PCs MMORPGs are generally made for. As usual, their fixed architecture also allows for better optimization
I see 2 problems:
1. Controls. A PC game and a console game should really have rather different controls and for good reasons. If they actually bother to make separate combat mechanics for the different version then fine but if they want both versions to be exactly the same neither get as fun as they should have been if the game were for that platform only.
2. Bad porting. If the PS4 version suck all the bad talk on the net would hurt PC sales as well and cost many potential players. We seen more than a few bad ports from PC to console or the other way around.
Dumbing down menues and combat mechanics so the game can run on both the platforms would be a very bad decision, if they instead could use the different systems advantages right the game could be great on both platforms but that takes more work than a bad compromize so most companies go for the later.
And of course, console players and PC players should not play on the same servers.
Just truth here, seriously. Good posts.
We don't want the KKK* in our MMOs! They should have been PC only from the word go.
The anti-social disease is already killing MMOs without brats with no keyboards spurting "Faster! Pick me! now! more!" on vent or TS.
*Konsole Kiddies Klub!
No trials. No tricks. No traps. No EU-RP server. NO THANKS!
...10% Benevolence, 90% Arrogance in my case!
An MMO designed around the PC makes a bad console MMO.
An MMO designed around a console makes a bad PC MMO.
Its just the facts. They know not all console owners are going to get a keyboard/mouse so they must make it so it can be played with a controller and that vastly limits the games design/depth. While there will be plenty of "shut up and take my money" types adding to the sales and the "its new so ill play it no matter what" types that will add players, how many players will either never buy or stop playing because of it?
Need to face the fact that the vast majority of MMO players in the world, those that play/played WoW, Lineage, GW and the other most popular MMOs (over 2 million players) are not into the action combat, FPS style MMO games. So making EQN a console game is basically choosing to go with the smaller niche market.
I hope we shall its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." ~Thomes Jefferson
An MMO designed around the PC makes a bad console MMO.
An MMO designed around a console makes a bad PC MMO.
Its just the facts. They know not all console owners are going to get a keyboard/mouse so they must make it so it can be played with a controller and that vastly limits the games design/depth. While there will be plenty of "shut up and take my money" types adding to the sales and the "its new so ill play it no matter what" types that will add players, how many players will either never buy or stop playing because of it?
Need to face the fact that the vast majority of MMO players in the world, those that play/played WoW, Lineage, GW and the other most popular MMOs (over 2 million players) are not into the action combat, FPS style MMO games. So making EQN a console game is basically choosing to go with the smaller niche market.
More people own PC then they do consoles. So designing a UI or game to function on a console and they sell it to PC users means their product is inferior to all the other MMOs designed for the PC. Play DCU on a PC and the UI drives you nuts. Play FF14 on a console and try and do simple things like navigate a map, again drives you nuts.
2nd reason is when a new console launches it close in tech to an above average PC, not a gaming PC just a regular rig but consoles tech dont change for 5-8 years and PC quickly out pace the old console. So updates need to be scaled to the console and the PC gamer gets screwed. I get CPUs are getting a roof become of heat but there is many ways to get by that like motherboards that can use more then one CPU, so a PC with 2-4 4 core CPUs. PCs is the way to go with MMOs.
Nothing has to be "dumbed down" ... That almost sounds like a term that applies more to the player base than anything related to the game. Oh and to be clear.. that remark was not directed at anyone on these forums... you can simply log into any PC only MMO and see what I mean for yourself.
The one thing I will totally agree with is the controls and to me that shouldn't be a problem.. other than having to take the time to recode parts of the console version for that. Final Fantasy XI was likely hard to play without a controller... However, even *I* a person that has a great dislike of consoles went out and bought a controller and found the game very easy to navigate... I've tried a few other games (including FF XIV) with a controller and never had that same feeling in any of them.
^^ There certainly wasn't any lack of option layers in FF XI when I used a controller.. which is why I always have found the "8 slots" means console argument rather amusing. With a controller I was switching around between more actions/menu's in FF XI with greater ease than any PC only MMO I've played. The obvious thing here is that a PC version can be coded to work in the way we are used to and a console port could just as easily be recoded to work with a controller. The fact that most companies are lazy doesn't mean ports are bad.
I guess you could argue about the GPU level PhysX support and how the PS4 won't be able to support it unless they have some option to add in a card. Tho I'm not really sure how much of a difference one would notice without it.. probably not much. I am pretty sure that Nvidia rep that showed up at SOE Live.. would be happier if every PS4 shipped with Nvidia graphics tho...
*edit* Oh and I wanted to also say... When I log into a new or existing MMO the playerbase is so bad (unless the game is dead) that I can't see how it could remotely be possible that console gamers could be worse.
That isn't really true, at least not right now.
The consoles are at about the Nvidia 650 ti to 660 level, which is low-mid grade gaming PC graphics.
That won't increase over time though, so in 2 years it will be horribly outdated, but as of right now they are decent systems compared to low end gaming PCs.
I am not a fan of MMOs going to console, but lets keep the facts straight!
You should probably never comment on anything tech related again.