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Few things before I start :
- Vanilla WoW was a 2003 mmo, FF14 is 2013.
- Sure, Vanilla WoW had a hard start in its first few months, but my comparisons have nothing to do with crashes, disconnects or ironing out coding problems.
- I'm still enjoying FF14, I will say the quality is not as good.
Ok, now that we have that cleared up.
The graphics of Vanilla WoW were cartooned compared to FF14, however WoW had more theme to their zones. Darkshore had no comparison to Westfall. Dustwallow Marsh didn't look anything like Tanaris. I'm sorry but I don't see very much difference between zones in FF14. Sure The Black Shroud has more trees than the rocky ground of La Nosesa but I'm sorry I just don't really see much difference. All three zones look 60% the same and may I add only three zones, but eventually you make to Coerthas at level 36 for a breath of fresh air.
Zoning and maps. We all know FF14 has small zones that would be hard to dispute. This has a lot to do with the release of different platforms. But PLEASE at least make one zone different from the next. Telaporting is a pain in the but alt least for me, you have to memorize what town is for what zone or your playing around between pressing the M key vs. the telaport list. This makes things disjointed in my eyes.
Fighting, Well, Fighting in FF14 is no challenge. Very few multiple mob attacks unless you back into something else. You know your gonna win ! Lets face it it's a sure thing unless you have that lazy minute where your not paying attention.
Exploration. WoW hands down...No caves, no major enemy outpost, no enemy controlled cities in FF14, in fact no caves at all. First time in a new zone and I already know whats over the hill " the same ". Remember that little cave under the water fall in Darkshore to the north. I used to be afraid to go in there at level fifteen !...Remember Mo'Grosh Stronghold in Loch Moden, you wouldn't even attempt to play around unless you had a group.
Personal story line. COME ON....This is stopping me from playing with my friends. I have to do this by myself. They have to do this by them selfs or you don't un lock things. That sucks !.... I see players in there 30s running around without a mount because they are trying to play their way, instead of being told what they HAVE TO DO. Personal story lines don't belong in an mmo.
Dungeons ..This may be an even trade off between FF14 and Vanilla WoW. FF14s are fun and hard but often short. I would devote an entire afternoon with a well oiled group, ON MY OWN SERVER from my friends list, doing Scarlet Ministry. The best days of my mmo experience was taking it slow and easy with friends on my server. Stop and chat, fight a little more. Hay, even make a new friend that lives in New York ....This is the fun of having deep rich long dungeons without a dungeon finder.
F.a.t.e's and hunters log......Make up for lack of quest and things to do.....Fillers !... Raucously easy stuff.
Crafting and end game....I don't know, I'm a casual player lv 37 doing what I'm told to do by developers to un lock my stuff.
Do I like FF14 ?....Yes, it's ok because I have a nice strong Guild, a few RL friends that we can que up with other strangers and have some group fun.
There is no such thing as open world in FFXIV. Game has small boxed in zones. Invisible walls, which won't even let you jump off a small rock formation or a ledge. No exploration no sense of adventure.
WOW was amazing back then with its zone design and size. Since then many MMOS have done quite impressive things with open world for example Vanguard and GW2.
Personal story doesn't bother me, cause it's really stupid to organize my RL friends to play. I really wish that CM and praetorium was a solo dungeon, cause people got real pissed at me for watching the cutscenes. I really did like the immensely different zones in WoW, but FFXIV makes up for that for being very eyepleasing to me. Even though WoW had caves there was hardly any incentive to go into them, maybe for a quest or just pure curiosity. I like FFXIV dungeons over WoW cause they are somewhat more challenging. The dungeons in vanilla WoW have been my favorite cause they weren't linear and had few puzzles to solve.
Crafting in this game is one of the games strongest features, it's more interactive than other crafting systems. F.A.T.Es are by far the weakest feature, their are 3 types boss, mob zerg, or kill and turn in, they need to do them like GW2 and actually change the world with them. I really wish there was no invisible walls, and lots of open world dungeons or castles to explore. The game does really well at being a themepark, and hope it improves on exploration.
It terms of open-world design, WoW is a beast. Those guys knew what they were doing in setting the theme for each zone. The transition between zones are also done elegantly and feel seamless in both the technical (no loading) and artistic sense. Comparing the two, FF14 is just average at best. There are nice views, but the loading screens and lack of transition between areas are glaring.
Outside the small zones and loading screens, I would say FF14 makes a good come-back in the feel of the world thanks to the personality behind the NPCs and the lore. I would say the characters in FF14 are well-developed and comparable to the lore and feel behind WoW. In comparison, GW2 and Rift's (especially, Rift) world felt empty with the generic cut-and-paste characters.
Page I agree with everything you said and like you i still enjoy FFARR despite all its shortcomings. Listen, there is a reason WOW has been around as long as it has, Its one of the best if not the best MMO on the market despite the hate it draws.
Aloha Mr Hand !
It's really hard to take you seriously when even the different zones in a region can look completely different.
I guess they just didn't go over-the-top extreme fantasy for you.
I get what you mean and do agree. To that point, FFARR's world does feel small and over-crowded. I was speaking more on the connection to the world in Rift and GW2 in comparison to FFARR in terms of lore. In Rift, I just didn't feel attached to the world they created. I do not even recall the heroes on each faction and why they were fightning. I hold much respect to Trion due to Rift, but the world they created just didn't click with me.
Since when do we call games with phases and instanced dungeons "Open world"?
The only two open world MMOs I can remember of recent history is Vanguard and Darkfall.
I agree with this man right here. Played both personally
This is like comparing FFXI to FFXIV, aside from graphics FFXI would kill FFXIV in every category. I only played WoW a couple of weeks. After playing FFXI at that time for a year or so WoW was a joke in comparison, I couldn't stay long enough to see all of the "good" things and went back to FFXI where you didn't have to kill 100 mobs in order for the game to be a challenge.
If FFXIV was open world it would look as bad as the other open world games, I'm glad it's not.
Pretty much my feelings also
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
Kind of off topic.. But as a player that's bored with MMORPG's... (Rift, Tera, WoW, FF:ARR you know.. run of the mill MMORPG's)
Should I give Vanguard a try? Is it worth it? Is it different? Maybe more in depth than these other MMORPG's. I want to play an MMORPG but none that I've listed. Should I try Vanguard?
I think there are little similarities between Vanilla WoW and FF xiv.
Obvously open world. The world felt huge, and still does even though they made travelling so much easier.
There was little hand holding progress. Sure there were quests all over the place but you either take them or don't. There was no "story quest" or "main quest". You take quests for xp and rewards, or you don't. And if you happen to enjoy the quest, well good for you.
The quests in Vanilla were so much better to. You really had to read the quest text to know where to go and what to look for. You actually were forced to pay attention.
More could be said on this matter, but these 3 points alone makes these two games so different from each other.
Vanguard is F2P, you should definitely try it.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
Sold.. Currently Downloading it. Dunno why I've never bothered with it lol.
Last night I had no choice but to cancel my sub.
I extremely and really wanted to like this game. I talked my friend into playing,. All I talked about was FF14 at work for weeks on end.
I'm only a level 40, yes only a few levels above my OP. But I fund that I cant log in much any more. At 40 I found myself in the outpost of Dragonhead, with all the 36-50 players standing in the outpost waiting for a fate to start then the town would clear out with everyone running for it.
After seeing this I knew it was the end.....It was the stopping point !....The game is shallow, the world is easy, and small. The story line should not direct your game play....It's all my own opinion.
Unfortunately Vanguard, unlike WoW, has not aged all that well...
When it comes to zones in FFXIV, it boils down to quality vs quanity on a hardware scale. WoW does have bigger zones but the visuals are gaudy, and you get a couple few levels in difference, FFXIV are not as small as people think, depending on your level, the map will increase in size. If FFXIV didn't have the zoning parts in, your computer would have a lot of trouble rendering.
It's a hardware issue if you want quality graphics, keep in mind Ps4 brings in directx11, which WoW doesn't have. you'll have to compromise for the sake of rendering. And that's what the role on zones in FFXIV anticipates. Every single graphic intense mmo has had to make the same sacrifice, AoC, TSW, and FFXIV. All the blackout does is hide the rendering that's going on when you enter the new zone, who wants to watch a zone build pixel by pixel.
Even WoW has it's invisible walls, only they end your life by drowning, or cliffs you can't climb.
Have you even played Khitai? AOC opens up a lot so nope it maintained visual quality as well as gave us an open world to explore.
TSW maps are also bigger in size compared to FFXIV. So i don't know why are you even comparing these MMOS?
FFXIV has the smallest world of all the recent MMOS i have played. Not to mention invisible walls which won't let you jump off a ledge or even a small rock formation. What was the even point of adding the 'jump' feature? Static and bland world devoid of any life. Mobs just sitting there waiting for you to kill them. NPC's glued to the floor. Its a static world.
FFXIV MAPS is like being in trenches...congested, small and claustrophobic.
Wow's invisible walls define the borders where as in FFXIV invisible walls are everywhere.
How are you level 40 and think there are no caves in the game?
By the way, good luck out there.
I'm currently playing ff14 and WoW. I'm running WoW in directx11.
I don't know if fair to compare FF with WoW in world design. It's quite possible and can be argued, WoW had the best world design ever made.
From what I see of FF, it reminds of of GW2, and TSW. There are a lot of pretty views of buildings and mountains, but they are only pictures. They're not playable. They're blocked by closed doors, or invisible walls. I believe this is do to graphics being pushed to far and taking up too much w/e.
WoW on the other had has a lot of real buildings with interiors, and everything you see is playable.