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Part of the experience in previous Elder Scrolls games is that items have weight. You could go raid a dungeon and it would be full of amazing items, but you had to pick and choose which ones you wanted the most. It was a balancing game of weight versus worth. Later you had to decide if it was worth it to make several trips back and forth to get every last piece, or make due without.
Now I understand that they are trying to make things easier in this new game. What I see here is a missed opportunity. When you are traveling with a group of friends and you start raiding dungeons, you could balance out the treasure between your group so you walk away with as much treasure as you can. It gets you excited about bringing friends because the more people you have the more treasure you can carry! This is the spirit of what role playing games and playing with friends is all about.
It's not about making things easy, but overcoming obstacles and facing challenges. I fear that by removing all the small and seemingly insignificant things, they are chiseling away at what made this series challenging. What are your thoughts?
My opinion is that weight is redundant in games and should be removed. I don't want it in ESO and I'm happy other ES games have console commands. Making me run back and forth to sell or store items is not fun, non-fun things don't belong.
It doesn't remove any challenge, it just removes redundancy... stops wasting my time.
Challenging is trying to beat a hard boss, not whether to keep or drop an item. And i had to decide whether to keep or get rid of an item probably more in ESO than i ever did in Skyrim.
There's no challenge or critical thinking involved. If you find junk, you'll leave it.. if you don't, you'll have to take a few trips to get everything. But you can ALWAYS get all the items whether there is item weight or not, in older TES games I mean... because they stay there until you get back. One way wastes your time, the other doesn't. If you think challenge means deciding whether or not to safely run back and forth to get what you want.. more power to ya.
Well there is limited bag space which at least early on is pretty expensive to expand. I have no idea how expensive it is later in the game compared to money earned.
Weight is more strategic than inventory size for sure because it creates questions like Am I better off dumping this weight 7 hammer so I can carry 7 weight 1 gems? But it's also finicky to balance in a MMO and there would be much grumpiness if they tied it to strength like the single player games do. Some things that are add flavor in a SPG game add class imbalance in a MMO and if there is one thing your average MMO player can not tolerate in any form it's even the perception of someone else having even the smallest advantage over them no matter what the tradeoffs are.
There Is Always Hope!
Is trying to beat a boss really that challenging? Probably not since you can just go back and try again until you beat it.
With that said I'm not a huge fan of managing inventory. It does force you to think about what you are looting a bit more though.
Because it is a challenge to overcome. Some people get enjoyment out of those types of challenges. Not all challenges are fun but many of us get enjoyment in overcoming them. I did not do like you did. I chose what I thought was the most important items and left what I couldn't carry. There are different ways to handle the particular "challenge" you described.
That's what you chose to do. You wanted to consume everything and exploit it for maximum profit. I played the game differently by taking bites and nibbles here and there...had a blast...
what do you mean exploit? Its a standard function of the game. Maybe you meant benefit from the standard function of the game.
There Is Always Hope!
Yes, this is another way ESO is not identical to Skyrim. OTOH, it's like 99% of MMOs... shrug.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
You stay sassy!
You still have to manage your inventory, it's not like you have an unlimited amount of slots. I ran into "your inventory is full" many times while out harvesting.
Stop acting like it's a huge thing to change from weight to slots.
You guys are forgetting the most important thing!!
With Extraction there is NO junk everything is useable!!!
So now what about your arquement about dropping junk?
Bag space already limits you infinitely so you have to run back every few minutes and extract and unload! Storing crafting components in bank does help some but my god it's limited also!!! What a collosall waste of valueable gameplay time!
I sort of understand what the op means and sort of agree.
In the ES games I would find all sorts of things. Do I take advantage of their prices and sell them, do I use them, etc.
Then you get to the point where you can't carry everything and you have to decide what is actually worth it, what can be left, do I go back or just leave money on the ground, etc.
Do I use a strength potion and will it last me long enough to get me back to town.
I "get" where the op is coming from and sort of agree but that's only because we probalby play in a similar manner.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
From memory weight limited you to about 200 arrows in DAoC. Artificially high for sure but - well lets just say that having to go back to your vault / vendor / crafter all the time got very boring..
That's exactly what I meant. You chose to gather and collect everything, make full use of, and derive every possible benefit from the resources you had at hand. I chose a less fastidious approach to the game. If I went to a merchant to sell something and they ran out of money, I carried on with the game normally...exploring things and finding new avenues of adventure. Simple things become a burden to those who obsess.
You actually end up having to mess with your inventory more than when you only had to worry about weight.
With weight only being the cap, you could carry a ton of small items. Now you can't.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
You cant drop items in the world, so item weight would just be equivilent to deleting an item you cant carry.
In Syrim i just used my followers as packmules, until i got bored and just removed the weight of every item.
Managing items due to weight is just silly. Sorry.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson