So now that I've played and experienced ESO in the beta. Can make a list of things I liked and didn't like.
- Player customization is pretty beefy and detailed.
- Variety of races to choose from (even though most were variations of humans and elves).
- Voice acting for quest givers.
- 3 factions.
- Has that single-player feel to the game.
- The random weather encounters are well done.
- Questing is some times done by exploring.
- The bland art style and area design.
- Phasing; want to play with friends in the open world? Forget it.
- The camera; third person having issues and the game causes really bad motion sickness.
- The random weather encounters are phased; thunder and lightning for you whilst clear skies for the person standing next to you.
- This feels like a poor console port; menus are designed with a control stick in mind.
- Clunky animations and movement is janky; jumping is floaty and not exact whilst combat skills have constant pathing issues.
- Lack of polish.
- Inability to swim underwater.
Final verdict. This product in my eyes is not fit for launch. Nor is it worthy for a subscription model. Even if you like this game. You should feel insulted that you are expected to pay monthly for this.
I will not be playing this at launch.
i think you should head on over to wildstar since that seems to be the colorful art style you are looking for.
me personally i cannot stand that kind of crtoony shit.
oh and ive answered countless polls like this, not going to do it again.
All in all I do not at this point in time see myself wasting time replying to the poll.
Sorry you will be wasting your time this weekend, please make sure you stop over to Cyrodill though.
ESO has great animation. Colour schematic too, all factions have completely different environment and colours.
And I will play at launch, but not early access. Maybe 1-2 days early, because I go on uni break 4th of April, but I might finish early, depending on tasks I have left to do by then.
Yup, im playing
Ordered the CE for my spouse and myself. We'll be there for the head start.
(Isn't the OP gushing over WoWStar? Kalza, I coined that, but I'll let you use it I guess.)
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
true true some gamer's are interested in playing a game for a couple of months then dropping it because of its non-existent endgame and sub-par features(Eso) and some gamer's prefer where the only negative at most its graphics(Wildstar) so i see your point .
Witty & Wicked
Are you really trying to defend that WoWclone WoWStar? You all will be so disappointed when the realization hits that it IS just another WoW copy. Graphics are the least of WS's problems.
Are you serious right now? SWTOR is as close to WOW as they come.
Wildstar is like Guild Wow2. Only it's like someone vomited skittles over it, and it insists on trying to be witty, but winds up being obnoxious.
I find it funny that this same thread on WSOs own forum, where you think fans would be, less than half have voted they will be playing it at launch. LMAO. WTF?
With such a negative attitude...why are you bothering to post anything about this game ?
^ What he said. We'd love to show you around in Cyrodill ..
Best answer in thread..
So you obviously haven't played the game, so you have no concept on what you are talking about. The game is vibrant and further away from the shades of brown that you are talking about. The animations are not clunky at all. I tell you what, I suggest that you at least try the darn game before you form an opinion based off of previous posts and videos.
Probably best to ignore them. Wildstar forums don't get much traffic, and for all that it does, more than half of them say they will not play that game at launch, so these guys are bored over there. This is nothing compared to when the game actually launches.
tbh i was referring to Eso being like swtor because of its story telling and having no endgame, just like how wildstar is only like guildwars 2 when it comes to combat wvwvw is the same as avava( in eso) and that was one of its main selling points just like eso . When it comes to your comment about the wildstar forum that doesn't shock me 85%( guess) of the people who are for eso now were bashing it before the NDA drop now all they have to go off of video and beta of early to mid game( that is still buggy to crap 2 months before release) i find it funny how you switched from talking about the core of the game to the population on one mmorpg site,is it perhaps because eso's con's outweigh its pro's therefore you have nothing to fight against some one calling it out on what it is which is crap ? Also that comment goes right back to my other first post, Lul tsk tsk tsk just like how im over here in the eso forums,eso fanbois and other people can/do go over to wild-star forums.
Witty & Wicked
Hehe i would much rather be bored on the games non-official forums than on the game when it come out gl with that non-existent End game and tedious avava doe Xp
Witty & Wicked
Nah. I've played both. That's why its so funny. I'm sure I wasn't the only one disappointed that are not allowed to talk about why.
Keep your chin up though. Maybe it will redeem itself over time.