Was enjoying the game to the point of almost preorder ,till i heard there was a cash shop.
Box and cash shop maybe.
box cash shop and sub not a chance.
Box and sub sold.
Shame think they may have lost a lot of sales with this move.
Radar back on Archage .
Not that I agree with item implementation at all. But when you say "heard" what did you hear? right now ( what's known) it's out of game ( on a website) not an in-game shop. As it stands, the only thing we know of is this horse from the Imp edition. That might be all they ever sell there, or it might not, that's what's known... "it is known".<- Figured I'd throw that in since we're talking about horses:)
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
dint played tis weekend beta. too busy enjoy Diablo 3 new patch and waiting actually expasion more then TESO atm...
maeby i skip lauch day or more...
Exactly the same. I was so excited for TESO release but was bored, so I reinstalled Diablo 3 after year or so and now I cant do anything else than play it I love it and I already purchased ROS .. mega top
Problems I had was the combat still lacks. Some weapons just don't feel good to use and all of them have no real sense of impact during a fight.
Biggest issue to me though was the behavior of other players and what that said about the game. You can read as much from the way people talk on here. The fact the phrase 'quest grinding' comes up at all is an issue. The fact people can loop through the same area farming materials, and have to compete for material nodes, is a problem. The fact that we have people shouting LFM for raids is a problem. The fact people are still talking about "end game" is a problem.
Seriously, It's Elder Scrolls. Yeah there are elements you need to ramp up to competing and much progress to gain in even the single player titles, but progress and adventure throughout the game being dictated so directly by a number before it's dictated by the player is a giant step backwards.
Don't like the game. If I was less of an idiot with less brand loyalty, I wouldn't buy it.
Giving them $100 any ways. >_>
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
Why do people even bother asking such questions when the Beta is running?
The people who enjoy the game are busy playing and of course you are gonna get one sided replies. Wait for the event to end to get good answers.
And FYI, these forums are rampant with liars. Don't be surprised if half the people who say they cancelled the pre-order are just haters who never planned to buy it.
I liked the last build better (without the bugs of course). For me, removing the islands made it harder to get into the game as an Elder Scrolls game. I really didn't think it was the worth the cost before but now I am definitely sure I won't be buying it. I bet a lot of other people will though even if it is only a run of the mill theme park.
Just curious how this beta has affected peoples' opinions of the game.
For some reason I find myself not really wanting to play the game anymore after playing this build and I don't know why.
Interesting. I, on the other hand, decided to not play this beta weekend because I don't want to spoil the experience any further. Not only that, to me MMO's are all about investing a lot time in building and developing a character, and knowing that he will be wiped in a few weeks takes away from the overall enjoyment. I've already seen enough to decide whether or not I will like the game and if I should buy it, and as a beta tester I have also done my fair share of bug-squashing. I'm just going to wait til launch to play it.
The problem some people are finding with the game this weekend might be related to the fact that they see the uselessnes of leveling a character that will get deleted later this week...
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
I was hoping this last beta weekend would change my mind but unfortunetly it did not.
Hope it does well for those that enjoy it. I desperately want a new game but looks like ill be waiting a while longer. Wish trion would hurry things up with AA
Was enjoying the game to the point of almost preorder ,till i heard there was a cash shop.
Box and cash shop maybe.
box cash shop and sub not a chance.
Box and sub sold.
Shame think they may have lost a lot of sales with this move.
Radar back on Archage .
Not that I agree with item implementation at all. But when you say "heard" what did you hear? right now ( what's known) it's out of game ( on a website) not an in-game shop. As it stands, the only thing we know of is this horse from the Imp edition. That might be all they ever sell there, or it might not, that's what's known... "it is known".<- Figured I'd throw that in since we're talking about horses:)
Thanks for clearing that up Distopia,When i said heard i meant read from posts on this forum,which i now realize was not a very smart move on my half,but when i see mmo and cash shop used in the same sentence i drop my head in disgust.
I got invited to 4 beta weekends and didn't bother to install it after the first. Plain and soul-less game unbecoming of such a great franchise.
My opinion is my own. I respect all other opinions and views equally, but keep in mind that my opinion will always be the best for me. That's why it's my opinion.
Not me. I always felt the games an "ok game". It had some cool and some bad aspects, and overall was "more of the same" with nothing really cool to stand out. It fills the time. I probably will play it as I played SWTOR: I play 1-2 faction stories like I would play a single player story, and then move on. I assume it is worth that much, so I kept my preorder.
But I understand it isn't really thrilling.
Melee was improved though, and I even thought the visuals looked a tad better this weekened. So it is by no means a bad game. My main letdown was PVP. All that walking and riding through empty lands, the difficulty to coordinate PVP without minimap and chat bubbles made it a chore.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
"cant thank them enough for allowing me to play these betas ..."
i concur ... wont be buying right away but watching to see how it does ... WAY too many bugs and problems, its just too rough right now ... there is a really good game in there, can it survive long enough to get out ? the world wonders ...
If you do not like doing quests, completing dungeons or anything else stop playing mmorpg and go do something else. It's like buying Battlefield and complain that everything you do is kill people. The game is actually very buggy (that is why I will not buy it now). But it's a great game.
I think maybe the folks canceling are tired of the same old Zzzz quests and weak dungeons in MMORPGs. People get bored fast these days and when a game just holds your hand and the dungeons are stupidly simple, people get bored :P Just a thought. I don't think because you don't like ESO you should stop playing all MMORPGs, but you should play MMOs that are interesting to you.
If you want to give stupid analogies, i guess you could say yours is like saying if you don't like how a Honda drives, don't buy a car because all cars drive. How about if you test drive a Honda and don't like it, don't buy it and try a different car that you may like. If you like cars, you just need to find the one that feels right to you.
I think I need to be more clear because you do not understand. The problem is not about liking or not ESO. Most of the criticism currently made on mmorpg's is the characteristics of the model. Would not like about the test drive of the Honda, but complain that the car has four wheels. The criticisms are on quests, npc's and dungeons. Ok, what you want to do in rpg? If not follow a story, talk to NPC's, fight to win stronger items to go on the quests I do not know the purpose.
I understand that nowadays everything is faster, GW2 tried to improve the style of combat and still rained criticism. People want something new, surreal but that is far from reality.
Every people have a favorite style of game and there are thousands on the market. As a fellow there said above, did not like the interface, etc.. Passed on and all is right.
After playing I feel this patch was a big step backwards for the game actually. The new starter island skipping experience is implemented terribly in my opinion and while apparently there were tons of bug fixes I've encountered an ungodly amount of bugs questing and doing other things. Seems things are unraveling a bit with 2 weeks left and combined with the cash shop confirmation I'm losing a good bit of interest yes. Not to the point of cancelling yet but I've thought about it.
You get a quest, some guy talks to you for what feels like 10 minutes, you walk 10 minutes and kill one dude. Teh end.
This is exxagerrated, yes, but it is what a lot of people feel. So much talking (which most people don't listen to anyway), and WAY too much empty lands. I never seen a MMO where the world was so empty and you could travel all through the world almost unharmed. It is just too safe. There are pockets with mobs here and there, and that's it. I mean, I appreciate I don't have to wade through legions of mobs, but ESO is too safe in this term.
There is nothing to explore for, and for achievers there is also very little. You have the nice story quests and that's it.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I was about to pre order but changed my mind. Cyrodiil is fun but gets old very very fast and I was getting this game for the PVP.
Cyrodiil is just empty. There's nothing to do or happening traveling in between Keeps and after a while its just a endless Cat and Mouse type of game between 3 alliances.
You need a dedicated healer if you don't want to be re-spawning and walking all the time. Face to face fights are so quick that all it takes is 1 normal attack to get someone killed, if you are fast enough to kill him before someone else does. There's no reaction time, no evasion abilities except for Nightblade.
I can see Cyrodiil being fun with coordenated guilds but for players who just want to pvp a little bit its no fun at all lol. You ll either die a lot because you're not in a zerg or you are in a zerg and require no skill at all to kill someone since you only have time to cast one spell before he s dead anyway.
The 4 man dungeons were not bad though, they were pretty easy but I like how they punish one single mistake with a huge blow to HP or even death. Looks promising.
Promising, good potential, is what defines TESO. This game is not ready for launch in my opinion, could be great but it is not.
I've got about 12-15 hours in-game time so far, and I'm still not sold. I don't think it's good, and I don't think it's bad. I think if you removed the quest location indicators on the compass and map, it might have a bit more appeal for me. I think if there was a little more combat, and less "messengering" it might have a bit more appeal for me. The combat reminds me of the good parts of Darkfall combat minus the good AI of mobs. The level of detail is great, and the objects feel more permanent in this patch. I'm not sure if it's a visual change or I'm just seeing it differently.
I just don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything except accumulating junk loot and occasionally adding some stats to a character. I'm glad I was able to participate in beta and help them out, but I don't plan on revisiting it any time soon.
If you do not like doing quests, completing dungeons or anything else stop playing mmorpg and go do something else. It's like buying Battlefield and complain that everything you do is kill people. The game is actually very buggy (that is why I will not buy it now). But it's a great game.
I think maybe the folks canceling are tired of the same old Zzzz quests and weak dungeons in MMORPGs. People get bored fast these days and when a game just holds your hand and the dungeons are stupidly simple, people get bored :P Just a thought. I don't think because you don't like ESO you should stop playing all MMORPGs, but you should play MMOs that are interesting to you.
If you want to give stupid analogies, i guess you could say yours is like saying if you don't like how a Honda drives, don't buy a car because all cars drive. How about if you test drive a Honda and don't like it, don't buy it and try a different car that you may like. If you like cars, you just need to find the one that feels right to you.
I think I need to be more clear because you do not understand. The problem is not about liking or not ESO. Most of the criticism currently made on mmorpg's is the characteristics of the model. Would not like about the test drive of the Honda, but complain that the car has four wheels. The criticisms are on quests, npc's and dungeons. Ok, what you want to do in rpg? If not follow a story, talk to NPC's, fight to win stronger items to go on the quests I do not know the purpose.
I understand that nowadays everything is faster, GW2 tried to improve the style of combat and still rained criticism. People want something new, surreal but that is far from reality.
Every people have a favorite style of game and there are thousands on the market. As a fellow there said above, did not like the interface, etc.. Passed on and all is right.
But people DO like those things... just not boring ones like fetch this and that. We need more exciting and challenging quests. Sooo your point doesn't really make sense. People want new quests and dungeons they are better and more exciting. Everyone's done these before. Many many times in fact.
I am VERY disappointed with this build. The amount of bugged quests makes character advancement almost impossible. Implementing a way to skip the "starter islands" isn't a bad idea, but the way it is done is completely backwards and makes no sense. The lack of dev communication on gamebreaking issues is really changing my attitude for this game.
Three days ago I was hyped for this weekend, right now I'm debating leveling a SWTOR toon just for kicks cuase its bonus XP weekend.......How freaking sad is that?
Just got the game yesterday for $19.99 and really enjoying it.
Was enjoying the game to the point of almost preorder ,till i heard there was a cash shop.
Box and cash shop maybe.
box cash shop and sub not a chance.
Box and sub sold.
Shame think they may have lost a lot of sales with this move.
Radar back on Archage .
yeah its a lot more fun now when pay to win is gone and players who play game get rewarded:)
Not that I agree with item implementation at all. But when you say "heard" what did you hear? right now ( what's known) it's out of game ( on a website) not an in-game shop. As it stands, the only thing we know of is this horse from the Imp edition. That might be all they ever sell there, or it might not, that's what's known... "it is known".<- Figured I'd throw that in since we're talking about horses:)
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Exactly the same. I was so excited for TESO release but was bored, so I reinstalled Diablo 3 after year or so and now I cant do anything else than play it I love it and I already purchased ROS .. mega top
Problems I had was the combat still lacks. Some weapons just don't feel good to use and all of them have no real sense of impact during a fight.
Biggest issue to me though was the behavior of other players and what that said about the game. You can read as much from the way people talk on here. The fact the phrase 'quest grinding' comes up at all is an issue. The fact people can loop through the same area farming materials, and have to compete for material nodes, is a problem. The fact that we have people shouting LFM for raids is a problem. The fact people are still talking about "end game" is a problem.
Seriously, It's Elder Scrolls. Yeah there are elements you need to ramp up to competing and much progress to gain in even the single player titles, but progress and adventure throughout the game being dictated so directly by a number before it's dictated by the player is a giant step backwards.
Don't like the game. If I was less of an idiot with less brand loyalty, I wouldn't buy it.
Giving them $100 any ways. >_>
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
Why do people even bother asking such questions when the Beta is running?
The people who enjoy the game are busy playing and of course you are gonna get one sided replies. Wait for the event to end to get good answers.
And FYI, these forums are rampant with liars. Don't be surprised if half the people who say they cancelled the pre-order are just haters who never planned to buy it.
No one has cancelled their pre-order. It's the Sheeple hate train, choo-choo
Interesting. I, on the other hand, decided to not play this beta weekend because I don't want to spoil the experience any further. Not only that, to me MMO's are all about investing a lot time in building and developing a character, and knowing that he will be wiped in a few weeks takes away from the overall enjoyment. I've already seen enough to decide whether or not I will like the game and if I should buy it, and as a beta tester I have also done my fair share of bug-squashing. I'm just going to wait til launch to play it.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
I was hoping this last beta weekend would change my mind but unfortunetly it did not.
Hope it does well for those that enjoy it. I desperately want a new game but looks like ill be waiting a while longer. Wish trion would hurry things up with AA
Thanks for clearing that up Distopia,When i said heard i meant read from posts on this forum,which i now realize was not a very smart move on my half,but when i see mmo and cash shop used in the same sentence i drop my head in disgust.
Thanks again.
My opinion is my own. I respect all other opinions and views equally, but keep in mind that my opinion will always be the best for me. That's why it's my opinion.
Not me. I always felt the games an "ok game". It had some cool and some bad aspects, and overall was "more of the same" with nothing really cool to stand out. It fills the time. I probably will play it as I played SWTOR: I play 1-2 faction stories like I would play a single player story, and then move on. I assume it is worth that much, so I kept my preorder.
But I understand it isn't really thrilling.
Melee was improved though, and I even thought the visuals looked a tad better this weekened. So it is by no means a bad game. My main letdown was PVP. All that walking and riding through empty lands, the difficulty to coordinate PVP without minimap and chat bubbles made it a chore.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
"cant thank them enough for allowing me to play these betas ..."
i concur ... wont be buying right away but watching to see how it does ... WAY too many bugs and problems, its just too rough right now ... there is a really good game in there, can it survive long enough to get out ? the world wonders ...
I think I need to be more clear because you do not understand. The problem is not about liking or not ESO. Most of the criticism currently made on mmorpg's is the characteristics of the model. Would not like about the test drive of the Honda, but complain that the car has four wheels. The criticisms are on quests, npc's and dungeons. Ok, what you want to do in rpg? If not follow a story, talk to NPC's, fight to win stronger items to go on the quests I do not know the purpose.
I understand that nowadays everything is faster, GW2 tried to improve the style of combat and still rained criticism. People want something new, surreal but that is far from reality.
Every people have a favorite style of game and there are thousands on the market. As a fellow there said above, did not like the interface, etc.. Passed on and all is right.
The main problem, IMVPO, comes down to this.
You get a quest, some guy talks to you for what feels like 10 minutes, you walk 10 minutes and kill one dude. Teh end.
This is exxagerrated, yes, but it is what a lot of people feel. So much talking (which most people don't listen to anyway), and WAY too much empty lands. I never seen a MMO where the world was so empty and you could travel all through the world almost unharmed. It is just too safe. There are pockets with mobs here and there, and that's it. I mean, I appreciate I don't have to wade through legions of mobs, but ESO is too safe in this term.
There is nothing to explore for, and for achievers there is also very little. You have the nice story quests and that's it.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I was about to pre order but changed my mind. Cyrodiil is fun but gets old very very fast and I was getting this game for the PVP.
Cyrodiil is just empty. There's nothing to do or happening traveling in between Keeps and after a while its just a endless Cat and Mouse type of game between 3 alliances.
You need a dedicated healer if you don't want to be re-spawning and walking all the time. Face to face fights are so quick that all it takes is 1 normal attack to get someone killed, if you are fast enough to kill him before someone else does. There's no reaction time, no evasion abilities except for Nightblade.
I can see Cyrodiil being fun with coordenated guilds but for players who just want to pvp a little bit its no fun at all lol. You ll either die a lot because you're not in a zerg or you are in a zerg and require no skill at all to kill someone since you only have time to cast one spell before he s dead anyway.
The 4 man dungeons were not bad though, they were pretty easy but I like how they punish one single mistake with a huge blow to HP or even death. Looks promising.
Promising, good potential, is what defines TESO. This game is not ready for launch in my opinion, could be great but it is not.
I've got about 12-15 hours in-game time so far, and I'm still not sold. I don't think it's good, and I don't think it's bad. I think if you removed the quest location indicators on the compass and map, it might have a bit more appeal for me. I think if there was a little more combat, and less "messengering" it might have a bit more appeal for me. The combat reminds me of the good parts of Darkfall combat minus the good AI of mobs. The level of detail is great, and the objects feel more permanent in this patch. I'm not sure if it's a visual change or I'm just seeing it differently.
I just don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything except accumulating junk loot and occasionally adding some stats to a character. I'm glad I was able to participate in beta and help them out, but I don't plan on revisiting it any time soon.
Gaming since 1985; Online gaming since 1995; No End in Sight! My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8POVoJ8fdOseuJ4U1ZX-oA
But people DO like those things... just not boring ones like fetch this and that. We need more exciting and challenging quests. Sooo your point doesn't really make sense. People want new quests and dungeons they are better and more exciting. Everyone's done these before. Many many times in fact.
I am VERY disappointed with this build. The amount of bugged quests makes character advancement almost impossible. Implementing a way to skip the "starter islands" isn't a bad idea, but the way it is done is completely backwards and makes no sense. The lack of dev communication on gamebreaking issues is really changing my attitude for this game.
Three days ago I was hyped for this weekend, right now I'm debating leveling a SWTOR toon just for kicks cuase its bonus XP weekend.......How freaking sad is that?