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Hey, I know this is post is a bit random. Especially considering its nowhere near election time or whatever. But I am really annoyed about how so many people take a hating towards president Bush. I can honestly say that I think he has been a pretty good president. Alot of people state their flames against President Bush but do not share their reasons.
so, please. Share your reason. I will respectfully acknowledge your reply.
p.s. feel free to say why you like him if you do
For future reference, do not mix politics with these boards. Some members, like the previous poster, are just not mature enough to handle an intelligent conversation.
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
I hate Bush because he represents, and indeed is proud to represent, everything that is so middle ages. For a political party that "prides" itself on its reasoning abilities, they must not think very hard. Case in point is their belief in God. Anyone who even remotely used the faculties they were born with would know that their can be no such thing as God. My proof is that if God could make himself known to the minds of men, men throughout history would only believe in a single God, the one who is the centerpiece of the Christian, Muslim, and Hebrew faiths. This is all evading the real point however. Bad men will always hide behind a facade of greatness and rightousness to further their goals. He's against stem cell research and cloning. So like the liberals he seeks to destroy, he too only seeks to hold humanity back. They are both one side of the same coin. Even if I knew nothing else about him, the one line he uttered in Fahrenheit 9/11 says it all. He said something like "Some call you the rich and powerful. I call you my base." The man is not about you. He will only protect himself and his buddies, and even then they are disposable. Lastly, in my ever so humble opinion, he was directly involved in 9/11 at worst or allowed it to happen at best. At a time when a supposedly unknown number of planes were flying through the sky, and with his attendance at the school announced days ahead of time, just how did the secret service know he was safe sitting there reading about goats? There was an airport 4 miles from the school he was at. It would be a quick and deadly strike against him. Are we so arrogant to believe that evil people can only be elected to office in countries other than ours? It's now a proven fact that Roosevelt steered the Japanese into attacking our fleet when they did. He even knew days ahead of time that they were going to. He did not act because he needed the attack to sell the United States into war. What's the price of humanity to get your way? Apparently a few thousand is an acceptable cost for a president, despite the fact its not his kids dying.
Just remember, political power attracts the very people who should not have it. Then we act surprised when they do anything to keep it.
i initially supported bush because my evil state governor was in love with karey.
Bill richardson our governor tried to tax old people in nursing homes 5 dollars a day. their families another 5, and then get 75 percent of taht from the federal government.
i can honestly say every event richardson and kerry were together i was there and both those bastards know my face.
but i believe bush is medicine that is needed.
if u look at our history we have always had this bad habit called US isolationism.
then we get brought out of this by an attack of some kind.
then we go make world peace and go back into isolationism.
i really hate this cycle Those with power should use it to help others, we should have stopped islamic extremist repression long ago. And suddam is something we should ahve took out in dessert storm.
but i think we should start putting pressure on and disabling nations like IRan, Saudi arabia(us doesnt actually get most of its oil from the middle east, we get about half from South america we porudce about 15 % our own, and rest is through various places not necesarily middle east but a lot of it is)
i think we need to make other nations quality of life higher, we had enough grounds to go into iraq for womens rights, human rights, Evil regime, And many other things once u study the history of Iraq.
i think bush might be a pawn sometimes but he really does want to help other people outside the US. he has indeed put more into helping south america and central america too.
so i support bush because he isnt just concerned about americans he is concerned about the world/
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
To me this is the most interesting aspect of it all. I would prefer one course of action, but you would prefer another. The two are not complimentary. So why should either group (those who think like myself and those who think yourself) compel the other one into action? Going your way clearly entails a course of action that would have to be funded somehow. Hell, running a carrier at sea is one million dollars per day. So why should myself and others like me have to fund your presidents adventures, a course of action I disagree with? Likewise, why should you be stopped by my group from doing whatever it is you want to do? Therein lies the problem. The state (meaning a government/country) is an artificial creation that subsidizes things that sometimes do not deserve to be. That means it can stop people from doing something or enable them to do something. I am convinced that states are an antiquated "object" and at this point can do no good. If no state existed, things/actions etc would price themselves accordingly. For example, if you knew breaking into a home could get you dead, you would think twice about doing it. As it stands now, people have a huge reliance on the police which have been proven in court cases to not be obligated to provide for your safety. I also think the government encourages the belief that guns are not a desired form of self defense.
It makes me laugh and cry at the same time that we think we have the right to jail Saddam. We have as much right to jail him as I do you. The Constitution of this once great country said that in order to wage war, Congress actually needed to declare it. Then the president was given a "privilege" with the war powers act. It supposedly entitles him to use military force without asking for permission from Congress. However, there IS a 60 day time limit involved. I don't know about you, but my math skills tell me we have been in Iraq just a bit longer than that. So now he is in violation of a unconstitutional law and nobody gives a damn, save you. And you would have him continue on with Syria, Saudia Arabia, and North Korea, countries that have not declared war on us and have no means of attacking us with the "weapons of mass destruction" Bush says they have. Encouraging Bush to do what he is doing only encourages the terrorism Bush seeks to stamp out. Unfortunately, small minds cannot seem to grasp this. Good is a matter of perspective. If my country were to be invaded by another, I would fight for it. I can only fathom how angry those who decide to wait must be. Remember the old shool yard saying about the quite kid is the deadliest? Well, the longer this campaign against terrorism goes on, the more the quiet people will explode and fight against the United States. It can only get worse. If you saw a rabid dog, would you reach out to pet him? No, you'd avoid him if you were smart. Why incite the incitable?
Lastly, the funniest part (or the saddest) about all of this that you profess to love your country, but the course you would have her go down would destroy it faster than any other way possible. Remember "guns and butter?" The more you spend on guns, the less you have on butter. Look at North Korea as an example. Cannabilism is the norm in the more rural areas. All because they want guns and not butter. Is that what you want to live like? Of course it is. You profess to save them from it, but you engage in the same act that put them there in the first place. It's like the man who tries to save the mentally deranged woman. In the act of saving her, he loses himself in her madnesss and then becomes that he once tried to save. It's not my, or your job, to give the people of the world the liberty they refuse to take for themselves.
To me this is the most interesting aspect of it all. I would prefer one course of action, but you would prefer another. The two are not complimentary. So why should either group (those who think like myself and those who think yourself) compel the other one into action? Going your way clearly entails a course of action that would have to be funded somehow. Hell, running a carrier at sea is one million dollars per day. So why should myself and others like me have to fund your presidents adventures, a course of action I disagree with? Likewise, why should you be stopped by my group from doing whatever it is you want to do? Therein lies the problem. The state (meaning a government/country) is an artificial creation that subsidizes things that sometimes do not deserve to be. That means it can stop people from doing something or enable them to do something. I am convinced that states are an antiquated "object" and at this point can do no good. If no state existed, things/actions etc would price themselves accordingly. For example, if you knew breaking into a home could get you dead, you would think twice about doing it. As it stands now, people have a huge reliance on the police which have been proven in court cases to not be obligated to provide for your safety. I also think the government encourages the belief that guns are not a desired form of self defense.
It makes me laugh and cry at the same time that we think we have the right to jail Saddam. We have as much right to jail him as I do you. The Constitution of this once great country said that in order to wage war, Congress actually needed to declare it. Then the president was given a "privilege" with the war powers act. It supposedly entitles him to use military force without asking for permission from Congress. However, there IS a 60 day time limit involved. I don't know about you, but my math skills tell me we have been in Iraq just a bit longer than that. So now he is in violation of a unconstitutional law and nobody gives a damn, save you. And you would have him continue on with Syria, Saudia Arabia, and North Korea, countries that have not declared war on us and have no means of attacking us with the "weapons of mass destruction" Bush says they have. Encouraging Bush to do what he is doing only encourages the terrorism Bush seeks to stamp out. Unfortunately, small minds cannot seem to grasp this. Good is a matter of perspective. If my country were to be invaded by another, I would fight for it. I can only fathom how angry those who decide to wait must be. Remember the old shool yard saying about the quite kid is the deadliest? Well, the longer this campaign against terrorism goes on, the more the quiet people will explode and fight against the United States. It can only get worse. If you saw a rabid dog, would you reach out to pet him? No, you'd avoid him if you were smart. Why incite the incitable?
Lastly, the funniest part (or the saddest) about all of this that you profess to love your country, but the course you would have her go down would destroy it faster than any other way possible. Remember "guns and butter?" The more you spend on guns, the less you have on butter. Look at North Korea as an example. Cannabilism is the norm in the more rural areas. All because they want guns and not butter. Is that what you want to live like? Of course it is. You profess to save them from it, but you engage in the same act that put them there in the first place. It's like the man who tries to save the mentally deranged woman. In the act of saving her, he loses himself in her madnesss and then becomes that he once tried to save. It's not my, or your job, to give the people of the world the liberty they refuse to take for themselves.
first off testrax i love debating with you because for some odd reason neither of us take it as personal insult and just challenge ourselves to prove our points.
but in regards to your war act congress has approved war, the very fact they send money to the troops prove it but the congress did vote yes on the war in Iraq, this is what got john kerry in trouble if you remember.
The fact taht he voted for the war and against every funding bill even if it didnt entail weapons.
But i dont think we should go to war over WMD's i think we should go to war to free people from oppression. We should at least be in a state of cold war with them. I hate countries that critizice teh US, then go and legalize beating their wives, and removing the reproductive capability from women(this was a legal practice in afghanistan for a while). I think that this is wrong and we should liberate countries like that. I suggest war on moral grounds alone, and North Korea needs a regime change we should at least covertly fund a rebellion there.
Also I think The us is taking over the original job the United Nations swore to uphold.
Which is to make world equality,I think if we started helping nations technologically, educationally, adn socially the world would be a better place.
however the only way to do this in a lot of cases involves tossing out that countries government. So i think that is what we should do.
But incidentally i would also prefer the money spent on iraq and afghanistan to go to stopping wars in Africa. I think africas many wars is the most ignored desperate situation there is.
Seriously we need to just keep a large part of our forces there, because africa is raving out of control.
they are proof the UN is not only negligent but criminally so, i think it is criminal the UN never even lifts a finger to stop wars that involve more civilian casualties then military. Mines being left for years preventing all agriculture.
i hate the UN i think we need to stop the corruption in the UN. Vladamir Putin is Ex KGb scum who jails political rivals and journalists, and some of these people mysteriously go "missing" Senator Mcain even is petitioning for them to be removed form the UN or tried.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
u had to interrupt a perfectly intellectual discussion with something taht stupid.
seriously if ur gonna make fun of bush make fun of him with facts and debates not photoshop.
that just shows you are way too ignorant to care about facts.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
hm..Do u really think i read this dumb topic?
people who reply to something without reading it.
people who vote without being aware.
should be stripped of the right to help create a government on the basis of sheer ignorance.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
hm..Do u really think i read this dumb topic?
It figures that ignorant CHILDREN like you, Pizzafarno, would not understand a sophisticated topic such as a discussion of your political leader of the country that you reside in... you demoralizing abortion that lived.
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
You are proof my generation is the death of democracy.....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
More like people like You Who support Bush shall be the death of democracy.
ROFLMAO you have to be quite immature to say someone is the death of democracy based on their beliefs.
i believe people like you are the death of democracy because they are apathetic until it comes back and bites them in the ass.
at least i can support with facts why i support bush where u just had mildly amusing clique photoshop pictures.
so please come back with facts and educated optinions with basis in reality.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Dammit, have You seen the budget?Have You seen any reasons to go to Iraq?Have You seen the patroit act?If You look, come back to me
But, we better stop or well get a warning or something
yes i have read the patriot act, 9/11 commission report, national security report. and i actually read teh bills that come and i have an extensive knowledge of american history.
patriot act is not half as bad as it was hyped out to be, the information gathered with it are only admissable in arrests not court. So they can only use it to arrest you, but then if they find a bomb and a agenda in your apartment thats the only way your going to be convicted.
i have seen the budget and its not bad at all.
as i said i support going to iraq for moral reasons, and i believe WMD's were an excuse to overthrow someone who supported terrorism. Which there are documented videos he released to people in Palestinean territories encouraging them not only to strike israel but to attack the US.
so please dont just get things from the media or synopsis actually read the damn acts, bills, and reports.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I hate Bush because he represents, and indeed is proud to represent, everything that is so middle ages. For a political party that "prides" itself on its reasoning abilities, they must not think very hard. Case in point is their belief in God. Anyone who even remotely used the faculties they were born with would know that their can be no such thing as God. My proof is that if God could make himself known to the minds of men, men throughout history would only believe in a single God, the one who is the centerpiece of the Christian, Muslim, and Hebrew faiths. This is all evading the real point however. Bad men will always hide behind a facade of greatness and rightousness to further their goals. He's against stem cell research and cloning. So like the liberals he seeks to destroy, he too only seeks to hold humanity back. They are both one side of the same coin. Even if I knew nothing else about him, the one line he uttered in Fahrenheit 9/11 says it all. He said something like "Some call you the rich and powerful. I call you my base." The man is not about you. He will only protect himself and his buddies, and even then they are disposable. Lastly, in my ever so humble opinion, he was directly involved in 9/11 at worst or allowed it to happen at best. At a time when a supposedly unknown number of planes were flying through the sky, and with his attendance at the school announced days ahead of time, just how did the secret service know he was safe sitting there reading about goats? There was an airport 4 miles from the school he was at. It would be a quick and deadly strike against him. Are we so arrogant to believe that evil people can only be elected to office in countries other than ours? It's now a proven fact that Roosevelt steered the Japanese into attacking our fleet when they did. He even knew days ahead of time that they were going to. He did not act because he needed the attack to sell the United States into war. What's the price of humanity to get your way? Apparently a few thousand is an acceptable cost for a president, despite the fact its not his kids dying.
Just remember, political power attracts the very people who should not have it. Then we act surprised when they do anything to keep it.
For someone of obvious intelligence, Its hard to believe you can actually think Bush knew anything of 9/11 plans. You can discard God because obviously he does not exist. But dream up or follow a 9/11 conspiracy? It doesnt make sense at all.
So your telling us that he and his advisors felt it would be a good idea to have planes hit the towers and pentagon killing and injuring many people. Just so we could declare war on Afghanastan? Then that would open up the opportunity to charge Iraq with WMD and then in turn attack them also. All the while watching our economy go down the crapper. That sounds about as believable as well.......god.
Even posting something as ludicrous as that would make me disregard any comment you ever have. Only proves two things though....some people are too smart for there own good and the worsed kind of idiot is an idiot who thinks hes a genious.
hm..Do u really think i read this dumb topic?
It figures that ignorant CHILDREN like you, Pizzafarno, would not understand a sophisticated topic such as a discussion of your political leader of the country that you reside in... you demoralizing abortion that lived.
That must've been quite some pic that he posted, photoshopped or not. Alas, I missed it. However, it was sufficient to get Kiamde to say what he did, which IMO is rare. Must have been really bad.
I'm gonna steal a line from Rentantilus for this. Your failure to be informed does not constitute my crisis.
In all truth, I don't think he was involved, but I also KNOW he was not even remotely interested in investigating the facts of the case. I am of the belief that it was an Isreali orchestrated attack upon us. The day before the attacks, on September 10th, the Washington Times ran a story about an Army study of Isreali intelligence and in it, it said "ruthless and cunning," "a wildcard" that "has [the] capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act." Here is a link to more information.
Political debates. I love them. About the only thing better then a historical debate.
But first lets get a few things right. Bush is the president, and the figurehead of this country. Hate him in private if you want but do not publicly attempt to humiliate him, you are then humiliating my country and that is a bad thing. Did Bush know about 9/11? I can say with certainty he knew nothing about it. Bush is a moron. Did others have info about 9/11 before it happened? Ah well that is a different story and entirely possible, but don't think that they just let it happen. You have to realize that we gets hundreds of such threats every single month (and that was before 9/11 probably get 5 times that now) The information has to be sorted on believability, time, cooborating evidence, etc so that we know where to devote our time. Can't chase down every single threat. So it is very possible that some note referring to a possible hijacking on 9/11 was floating about, but it is inconceivable that said note was reviewed by anyone in power and ignored. It was most likely never seen until after the fact. Oh and did I say that Bush is a moron?
I don't hate Bush, and he might have been the lesser of two evils. Kerry would have hemmed and hawed this thing to death, at least Bush let himself get pushed around by his cabinet and pretty much did whatever they asked of him. Reminds me a lot of the Reagan cabinet; things got done in those days. But not hating Bush and somehow being blinded to the fact that he is a idiot are very different things. He has no tact, knows nothing about politics, and the only reason we even know who he is is because of his mom and dad. In fact, the only bigger idiot I can see is terstax, well because he believes that the presidents of this country have for years been in a secret conspiracy against their own country. Such delusions can often get a person locked away for their own good.
Why do we get into other country's business? That is a big question by the liberal folk that think somehow we should never ever go to war. I will answer your question now. We get into it because noone else will, and because the very fate of this nation and most of the rest of the first world depends on continued trade and relations throughout the world. We are not a self sufficient country, as many countries are not. Oh sure we could become so, but that is not the issue; why should we the most powerful notion on the planet close its doors and abstain from the benefits of a global economy? We shouldn't and thus we don't. So for those that want us to mind our own business, think about having to pay $10.50/hr to some kids to make shoes so that you have to pay $350 a pair, not that you could afford them because you lost your job at the many gas stations that closed down as the US oil companies consolidate now that they have to rely on US oil and no imports. Oh you work at computer store? Did I mention that also closed as the japanese decide to pull their money out of US businesses because we are being jerks?
Soo before you start making stupid comments about how the government has it out for the US people, and how we have no business in other country's affairs. Open up your eyes, maybe do a google search or two and think. And lay off Bush, he has an IQ of 93 for christ's sake. Trust me, everyone reading this has more of an idea of what is going on then he does. You didn't pick on old Ronny did you?
I'm sorry, I don't recall ever saying I said presidents "have for years" plotted against this country. Show me where I said that please. Oh, by the way, you believe that by virtue of being american we cannot possibly elect a man who would take advantage of his position, like other despots have throughout history? Please answer this.
I can't say yes or no on this one..... Its about down the middle. I agree strongly with some of his views, Others I strongly disagree with. Bush is alowing more raw sueage to be put in our water, amung other various environmental issues. Hes doing good stuff in Iraq trying to help people be free. But gas has went up since the war in Iraq
Bush = Tax stealer
There are more red necks in this country.. No wonder he is in office.
I love how in topics like these, feces can actually manifest itself as text. It's awesome.
If the war in Iraq is a "war for oil" as so many liberals love to say they why are gas prices going up?
Hell man im all for a war for oil.How could you NOT be for it?This is merely protecting our interests.For the most part its about keeping the economy rolling along so we all can provide for ourselves.
I live in Atlanta,Ga a city where on ANY given day the 4 door suburban has 1 person driving it.Even worse is seeing someone drive a hummer to the grocery store.This is the biggest waste iver ever seen.This is a city where EVERY day there is a major traffic jam lasting at least 2.5 hours.If you could see how many SUV's there are here you would be amazed.Ive owned the same jeep for over 10 years and it gets about 25 miles per gallon.My sister has been through 4 cars in that time because her business she owns is able to write it off.She has 1 kid and no husband and now owns a Yukon Xl.A car that seats between 6 and 8 people and gets about 12 to 15 miles per gallon.
All ive ever seen liberals do is yell about "blood for oil" and offer no alternatives for this country's future energy supply.Gas prices flucuate right around the 2 dollar mark and have for some time.We need to get out from under the OPEC oil tyrants and let them drown in it as far as im concerned.Studies have shown in the next 30 to 50 years our fossil fuels will dry up.
Bush is protecting our best interests atm.The only reason we are over there is for oil and thats all there is to it.Everything else is secondary.
Freedom is great where we can spread it but dont you think the locals in Iraq would have helped us a bit more by now if they truly wanted this?
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
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I do think that they are over there for oil. Which is totally gay..... We dont need there oil. We can make our own oils. Hemp is a very wonder plant you can make just about anything with it including the cleanest burning gas. But america is driven by the oil and car companies. They dont want to lose what they have got and dont want to make any changes.
Eventually we will, cuz the way we are poluting this planet something needs to be done. It may not happen in my life time but I dont want to see my future generations suffer for what we are doing right now. Only if America wasnt driven by Greed and Power. Its a great place to live its just we can always improve it.
Just so long as you're not angry when the "enemy" fights back. If that's the game you're going to play, then know that you will need to take your lumps.
By the way, I do find your attitude sickening. It's not unlike that of a bully's. Or a kid throwing a temper tantrum because he can't get his way. It's a short sighted, immature belief system. You say we need oil so we can provide for ourselves. No, it's just one way we COULD provide for ourselves. Is your imagination so lacking that you can concieve of no other way to meet our needs? Does that mean I can come over to your house now and take something of yours just because I want it?
Also, you may be interested to know that gas prices are going up because China is importing record amounts of oil. That's the way the free market operates. Also, it would not surprise me that part of the reason is because now the oil companies Bush is in bed with now have more control of the market and can thus gouge you. Monopolies are almost never good for the consumer.
Let me say one thing, Bush is fighting a war becuase we were attacked!
Do you not remember September 11? Over a million people died. They messed with us first. You other country's are jelous of America!
Run! or ellse,.......Walk!