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I mean seriously :S They arn't even that good!
I could go on but just see : It misses out on so much i wonder why it's so popular? TBh i think it's because it's OMG Blizzard made another Warcraft game lets bum them! When in reality the game has nothing new and doesn't have much to offer! The games just far too easy!
Also it falls into alot of traps that GW falls into :
casual gamers ruin the mmorpg market, making it for quick bursts of play! mmorpgs are meant to be play for years and have a stable community! Not a sorry excuse for a community that these two games have, that ruins them!
I hope more games come like EQ or Eve-online or we can wave goodbye to gems, killed off by the 12 year old casual gamer
Nah its the hardcore gamers that ruin it.
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
WoW & GW enforce a lot less stuff on the players then any others games, so the players are more free in WoW & GW then in 95% others games out there.
Many WoW players left the game because of the raiding ending, and they NOW, many months later, tell me I was right...
GW ''must PvP'' setting will be it undoing, in time.
Players like to be free and to be able to progress in what they love by doing what they love. So quite simple, best soloer need to be a soloer. Best casuals in a casual zone need to be casuals(or hardcore who take a few moments to earn that casual uberness as well). In WoW, many casuals and soloers believe in it. A casual take many months to realize the nasty ending of WoW, and when they read about the future plans of Blizzard, they just quit the game, they are quiet fellows(unlike me).
And no, the hardcore gamers hardly ruin anything either. It is when the game ''enforce'' the hardcore part on the casual zones(they all do by a lack of a level cap that bring down to current level everyone above say level). Blaming players is hardly the solution, unless the say players have influenced the devs(Hell-O Afterlife, not happy to ruin EQ you did ruin WoW as well?). But I will not over argue over it, if you want to trash hardcores I will take it, yet, I will repay Afterlife many times with it in the future!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Sounds like you played the game for a month and quit and came to make a whining post on some forums.
Guild Wars ownz you.Its the best MMORPG and theres no monthly fee
Well say what you will but personally i get sick and tired of HAVING to play a game for hours on end to achieve anything period.
3 reasons why WoW is a success:
1.Its fun.
If developers made a game that was fun they might retain some subscriptions.The way the game looks reminds you its a game.They didnt go out of their way to make the graphics the most immersive ever and thats the same reason there is no player housing.Why is it that player housing ion recent years has become the socalled standard to judge a game by?
2.Its easy to accomplish a quest.
3.XP for exploring, and completing a quest.
Yeah im playing it and im having fun something ive not had in a while in any mmo.
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
Easy is fun in the short term.
They are good, they just arn't good mmorpgs. They are built for the casual player. The lack of leveling and all the instancing and stuff isn't mmorpgish, but it's still fun. I don't think its hardcore or casual players that ruin it, i think its both. the casual players make these games get on the top of the lists, so more games like them come out, but the hardcore players ruin the games to. Its the medium players that are ok. ( i believe )
First off- WoW may not be the best MMO for the hardcore MMO player or Role-Player but it is great for casual games. It comes down to the fact that 80% of people playing MMORPGS are either just a casual player of video games, or need to split time from MMOs to RTS games and FPS games ect. As said before its desined for the person who doesn't play it more then 8 hours a day. Also i wish people would stop just posting up new threads say "This Game Sucks" or other complaints because of its style. It comes down to the fact that Casual gamers and Hardcore gamers are complete opposites. Since Casual is the most popular type of gamer you are going to get 80% games for casual people. If the hardcore gamers don't like it, DON'T PLAY IT, THERE ARE SOME HARDCORE MMOS OUT THERE.
I don't have much to say about GW but the fact that it is a good game but as been said, is not a real MMO. It's a very fun game still though if your a person looking for a mix of D2, a MMO and a Team vs Team game with many versions like Death Match.
"A stupid idea to you is the memory of a lifetime for me"
You know, I get so sick of people whining about what is wrong with the latest crop of MMOs. If you miss EQ or Eve Online style gameplay so badly, PLAY THOSE GAMES! It's not like you can't play them anymore or anything.
The hardcore crowd constantly bitches that the dreaded 'casual gamer' is taking over their beloved genre. Why should you care if there are now games out there that a person with a LIFE can play--games that don't require you to grind into oblivion 40+ hours a week. The hardcore, old-school games are still out there! They didn't go away, so play them! What pisses me off about the harcore crowd is that they act like casual gamers don't have the right to play an MMO, just because they can't devote their life to one.
Reasons why lots of people like WoW.
*You have nothing to lose in pvp
*You can do it fast
It's for these same reason that I don't think there are many hardcore pvpers that play it.
And guildwars isn't and MMORPG.
Because people are lazy and not as creative as they once were.
There's an anti-intellectual culture, especially among younger people that denigrates creativity, intelligence and wit.
Many people want their entertainment spoonfed to them which is something that the computer games industry is only really starting to get to grips with. They assumed interactivity, complexity and involvement was something people wanted, but its only a minority it seems, of enthusiastic people, the type who get involved in the modding communities or who write or make art themselves that really want to contribute to such a thing.
These uncreative fantasy games are the McDonalds of RPGs, be they TTRPGs, CRPGs or MMORPGs, something everyone 'knows' and doesn't have to work at or get that involved in.
People also aren't familiar with roleplay any more, despite the growth in the traditional RPG industry the cultural awareness isn't there as much. People just want to pick out a prexisting template and 'Kill things and take their stuff'.
On the other hand, games that DO encourage some thought and emotional connection garner fiercely loyal, RP strong communities.
It'll be interesting to see how Ryzom's 'Ring' turns out, as the enthusiastic few will be turning out content for the lazy wider group.
Yes, I'm being very negative.
Postmortem Studios
Roleplaying games to DIE for
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Absolutely agreed with GRIMACHU !
What is a good game in your opinion? Very interesting really...
Here is my list.
UO - Was great before Tram
EQ - Didnt liked it
Project Entropia.... Good game but dont worth paying so much money.
AO - Nice but a bit meaningless in my opinion
WoW - Great at first month.. Great for one month.
>Absolutely agreed with GRIMACHU !
>What is a good game in your opinion? Very interesting really...
>Here is my list.
>UO - Was great before Tram
>EQ - Didnt liked it
>Project Entropia.... Good game but dont worth paying so much money.
>AO - Nice but a bit meaningless in my opinion
>WoW - Great at first month.. Great for one month.
WoW I find simplistic, dull and uninspired. Just the same old same old, which reduces me to a boredom induced coma.
Eve, when I saw it, was very, very empty and very, very boring and repetetive. However I respect some of the people who are huge fans of it, so assume its changed.
UO - Never tried.
EQ - Ugh.
AO - When I was playing there was zero community, also I was playing a soldier and felt outclassed by just about every other class and stitched up over ammo costs. Didn't stick with it.
I'm enjoying Ryzom but, if I hadn't betaed it and worked out how it worked while testing it I doubt I'd have the patience for it that I do. There are parts of it that can be very offputting to newcomers and it is a game that requires work, but it rewards you for putting in that work. Thus far its the closest thing to a perfect MMO for me.
My dream MMO?
No classes, no levels.
Skill based, with the ability to shift points, very slowly, from one set of skills to another if you decide you want to change.
Potential for permanent death.
Concentration on PvE rather than PvP.
No instancing, but lots of one-time content and events.
And probably not fantasy, unless it was a really different take on it. Like Talislanta or Iron Kingdoms or Gargentihr or Bas Lag.
You know what'd be fun?
A survival horror MMORPG, a city overrun by zombies. Your character dies? It rises as one and you have to make another.
Something really brutal and genuinely full of dread.
Postmortem Studios
Roleplaying games to DIE for
Shop here
true but who cares?
My youtube MMO gaming channel
You obviously missed the topic creators point, for the most part. He's complaining that the game offers nothing new and innovative. To the "hardcore" players the game is a repetition of what they have already played and thus dull. And for the record, WoW does require a lot of time to get to the top level, acquire good gear, and achieve high PvP rank. It's not exactly a casual game in the sense that if you play for a minimal amount of time that you'll be able to come close to competing with the hardcore crowd. WoW is one of the most boring grinds I've ever played in a MMORPG, period.
Well, as a stranger to mmorpg-phenomenon i first considered checking out Star Wars Galaxies, but after one evening of surging, only finding long chronicles of how bad the game was, had been, how people were deserting it, i was extremely turned off.
Then i got into WoW US OB nad was completely blown away. lvled two charchters to 20 and had one hell of a ride.
OB ended and in the meanitme i checked out DAOC's free 14-days trial. I was here turned off by the lame graphics. Maybe i choosed the wrong starting area, i dont know, it all felt really lame and dead however.
After that ive been reading about other mmo's but all ive heard is how some mage-boost (or was it ebay? dont remember...) destroyed AC, that there's some new ones with very interesting ideas, like that Saga of Ryzom, but that they dont manage to bring their ideas into a complete and good game.
I dont know much about all the games, for me it stood between theese four:
EQ2 - no pvp, boring
DAOC - see above, felt old and dead graphics-wise
SWG - well, noone seems to like it, its expensive, and so on
WoW - I know the warcraft story, whcih comes in handy for rp, i loved open beta. For me it was an easy choice.
Don't know if i gave much to the discussion, but well thats my response. As far as i discovered through simple reading, WoW seemed to be the ONLY mmorpg without outdated graphics that offered decent pvp. the choice seemed simple.
But im always interested in new games, what other really good games are there out there?
My youtube MMO gaming channel
I play eve-online (well did, until those damn lvl 4 agents ruined it) and GW, and like both. They are at polar ends of the MMO(RPG) spectrum. In one i can jump in and out, have fun almost instantly and have a pretty risk-free gaming experience. In the other, success requires meticulous planning, time, strategy and a fair amount of work. All of the rewards can be lost incredibly quickly. Which is better? There is no such thing as 'better', just different.
I really don't see why people get so worked up about scores and reviews, in the end people will always defend games they enjoy and bash those they don't. Opinions are never definitive, yet one heck of a lot of people act like they are, and feel the need to repeat them in every *insert popular game here* thread.
PvE in general is pretty lame, if you think long and hard about it. You are spending your time beating a severely gimped AI that would lose to a well trained monkey. Best not to think too long and hard why you are wasting time playing games in general actually...
First off WoW was never intended to be the groudbreaking, earthshaking MMO to change how MMOs were suppose to be like. I think Xp touched on this enough when he said WoW brought to new MMOers what they never experienced before. And that was what was Blizzard intended. Improve enough on existing ideas and capture a secure percentage of the market. All of the seasoned(Not hardcore) MMOers out there who was looking for something fresh and exciting should have known better. And if you didn't.....goes a long way in proving just how seasoned you truely are.
GW is doing just the same. Setting up a game for a niche market. Not meant to take the place of your traditional MMO, but it would love to keep it company when you want to play something different. Speedy pick-up and play feel, no monthly fee and well placed expansions that go easy on the wallet. Again it streamlines the traditional MMO template for that sake of players with limited time/cash.
Thing is with EQ and Eve-Online is that they provided for you at the time that awe and freshness you never had up to that point and now that current games are doing it for their wave of new players, you want to pelt rocks at them and make them appear less appealing. Sorry but it won't work. They numbers are in and they don't lie, WoW and GW are what current/new MMOers are looking for and all us seasoned vets can either stand around with our thumb up our butts hoping for a godsend MMO or see what all the fuss is about and offer to "educate" these new players without trying to sound like stuck-up, self-centered has-beens.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Touchy, touchy.. aren't we all.
What I mainly regret is that WoW could have offered some more in depth game mechanics on top of what is now the game.
Also PVP lacking in sense is unrelated to Hardcore/casual arguments, it's basically just a poor implementation of a feature..
It's very easy to have some fixes for it.. such as the possiblity to bet on an item when duelling is a little adiditon that would make the duelling option more interesting.
What I disgagree with that some people who present themselves as intelligent roleplayers and mourn over the death of deep MMORPG's, brush of PVP.. I love roleplay, but mainly including PVP, which adds to the experience. The whining about UO by the way is so over the top.. it wasn't that bad.. but some people just don't learn too quick and for the ignorants UO was a punishing game I guess.
(meaning: dont take too much valuable stuff out, dont go alone, to go to dangerous place).
I hated pks and getting pked but I loved the sense of realism and actual consequences this had for my ingame character.