I can't wait to see Wasp, She sounds very interesting and I want to see how small they actually make her! Good luck everyone on whoever wins the advanced pack, I know I really need it!
Beta-ray Bill! I'd love to see Beta-ray Bill and Thor rampage through the universe, cleansing the bad blood from when he picked up Mjolnir and Thor got the butthurts
Wasp! Becasue Janet is one of my favorite avengers and I have really enjoyed her in most of the media that I have seen her in and I would really like to have fight along side my Avengers!
I'm most excited to see Havok added as a team-up. I want to team him with Cable and Cyke to have the Summers family annihilating everything in their path.
I've already seen the Beta Ray Bill skin on Thor an heard a lot of his voice acting so I'd like to see Spider Woman as a team up the sooner the better.
SHE hulk would be nice, but i think I will likely just spend splinters or G's cause I seem my self winning this like wining the lottery .
Either way can't win if you don't try.
Beta Ray Bill, even though hes being released soon anyway. i have alot of melee heroes, so his passives are killer for me.
Deadpool the kid because...more deadpool can never be a bad thing. i just can't wait to hear the banter!
Havok just because of his name. cool name. im not sure he'll be particularly exciting, but his name sure is the shizz.
I like Magik best for the Prince of Otherplace taunt ability to save you from sticky situations