Havok and Dominoe! Two of my favorite mutants, and who else to tag along beside Cyclops but his brother (or jean, ) and Dominoe gollowing after Cable...=)
I'm excited for beta-ray bill. I want to run around as thor watching bill smite the crap out of enemies. Really hope he says "who lays hands on the mighty thor!?"
NEW IDEAS that can refresh the STALE state of MMORPGs
I choose Deadpool.
I mean, who doesn't want a funny person as a companion?
I don't get why people are so excited about Beta Ray bill... I actually hate him only good thing he has apparently is insane damage skills...
Domino on the other hand is an awesome character and I can't wait to team her up with my Wolverine
All die, so die well.
Havok. I always loved his character in the comics and his costume. His powers and bro cyclops only added to the drama that made him so interesting.