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Do you believe in a God



  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    Originally posted by Instago
    Tell me one thing: why do you find it so hard to understand that there isn't someone who has more control than you can ever hope for? Why do you believe in God? Is it because you are scared- scared that you can control what happens?I ask you again- why is it that so many cannot handle the truth- the truth that they are in control. The truth that they can do anything without him, her, or it. That they aren't condemned.I find it hilarious that people can be so ignorant and arrogant.There is no absolute right and/ or wrong. Our reality is nothing more than electronic connections in our brains- what we hear, feel, taste, smell, and see.The universe does not care whether or not anything occurs.

    Actually someone can say the exact same thing towards an athiest with a flew flip of the words...

    ...hence the debate continues............

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • RazorbackRazorback Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 5,253

    Originally posted by THEMANMAN

    So your saying that what happens happens.
    Dose'nt it seem odd how humans came about.  Its really hard to believe that we all evolved from some little bacteria, single cell organism.  If we did evolve from apes then why are we not finding other half humans half apes?  Tell me why?  Why were we so lucky?  You would think that there would be some apes still evolving from apes to humans and we would fined them. 
    And me not being incontrol of what happens, I believe that God lets all humans decided their own fate.  He made us and gave us a few rules, and wants us to abide by them as best as we can.  I control my desteny as much as you control yours.

    You need to read your own thread MANMAN

    The topic of "missing links" and "transitional fossils" has been well covered and it is quite a simple explanation. All you are doing is showing you have no basic grasp of Evolution theory. Not trying to be rude... just saying... read back a few pages, you will see this debate has already be open and closed... and read this...

    and this

    and this

    and this

    Most of those links contain contrary and opposing views as well as supporting views. I like to read both, rather than just stuff that supports my beliefs. If you just read stuff that supports your personal views you will learn nothing.

    So lets put the whole "attack on evolution" thing to bed huh ? MOST senior theologians of every faith including the Pope accept that evolution theory is (while not beyond doubt) a completely acceptable hypothesis that is supported by a massive weight of evidence. ITS a THEORY after all...

    The concept of evolution and the concept of the existence of a divine being are NOT mutually exclusive and you can easily beleive in both. If you dont know how or why... again I say to you it is only because you have not read widely enough. MANY eminent scientists are christians and muslims etc. Many eminent religious leaders accept evolution.

    The whole point here (I thought) was "do you believe in god?" If you clicked yes on the poll then said nothing... cool thats your belief and I respect it. If you want to run off at the mouth about how "you KNOW God exists" then lets see your evidence.... anything will do

    If your still hungry... Read this

    and this

    and this

    See thats the main thing I find frustrating about this thread. Very few of you seem to have done any study at all yet you rave on like your so sure of everything. Dont you feel like youd rather be listening than talking ? There is much to learn, try driving some conversations with your ears and eyes instead of your mouths...Youll get a lot more from life! Who knows you might even learn somthing image

    "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
    "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon

  • HarasharHarashar Member Posts: 68

    Originally posted by THEMANMAN

    So your saying that what happens happens.
    Dose'nt it seem odd how humans came about.  Its really hard to believe that we all evolved from some little bacteria, single cell organism.  If we did evolve from apes then why are we not finding other half humans half apes?  Tell me why?  Why were we so lucky?  You would think that there would be some apes still evolving from apes to humans and we would fined them. 
    And me not being incontrol of what happens, I believe that God lets all humans decided their own fate.  He made us and gave us a few rules, and wants us to abide by them as best as we can.  I control my desteny as much as you control yours.

    Actually there is or at least was.  Around 100,000 years ago and even longer before that there was lots of 'Humanoid' species.  But almost all these are extinct, this is mostly because of us, survival of the fittest people.  It was our early ancesters that paved the way for what we are now we were smarter but most of all we had the greater ability to addapt and that is why we prevailed over the other species.

    lets take the most common (and most recent) of examples the Neandothol (sp?) these where another species of human, they could talk, they made tools. lived in family groups and so on but unlike us there ability to addapt was not as good as ours, they were perfectly suited to there ice age homes and with climate change they made way for us.

    Also not long ago i believe the remaina of another humanoid species was found on some island in Eastern Asia some where near Indonesia i believe i'm afraid i dont have the link handy.  These creatures where only around 3 feet tall and comically nicknamed 'Hobbits' also small tools were found near the bodys.  Now it is believed that this speices died out around 300,000 - 100,000 years ago i'm not sure but there are storys passed down by the human people of the island reporting to have seen them around a few thousand years ago but how reliable those are i cannot tel you.

    But it is a known fact that there where other human species other than us and it was because of us that most of these species died out.

  • InstagoInstago Member Posts: 109

    If we did evolve from apes then why are we not finding other half humans half apes? Tell me why? Why were we so lucky? You would think that there would be some apes still evolving from apes to humans and we would fined them.

    Natural selection & survival of the fittest- these 'half apes' merely died off because their survival 'traits' were/ are 'inferior' to the coming of the latest 'developements' in the chain of evolution.

    In laymans terms: eventually, the bigger fish came along and ate up all of the smaller fishies.

    Why were we so lucky?

    We aren't- out of a number of infinate variables, life is possible, plausible, and probable. Also, luck is merely how one percieves chances.


    Originally posted by Razorback

    Originally posted by THEMANMAN

    So your saying that what happens happens.
    Dose'nt it seem odd how humans came about.  Its really hard to believe that we all evolved from some little bacteria, single cell organism.  If we did evolve from apes then why are we not finding other half humans half apes?  Tell me why?  Why were we so lucky?  You would think that there would be some apes still evolving from apes to humans and we would fined them. 
    And me not being incontrol of what happens, I believe that God lets all humans decided their own fate.  He made us and gave us a few rules, and wants us to abide by them as best as we can.  I control my desteny as much as you control yours.

    You need to read your own thread MANMAN

    The topic of "missing links" and "transitional fossils" has been well covered and it is quite a simple explanation. All you are doing is showing you have no basic grasp of Evolution theory. Not trying to be rude... just saying... read back a few pages, you will see this debate has already be open and closed... and read this...

    and this

    and this

    and this

    Most of those links contain contrary and opposing views as well as supporting views. I like to read both, rather than just stuff that supports my beliefs. If you just read stuff that supports your personal views you will learn nothing.

    So lets put the whole "attack on evolution" thing to bed huh ? MOST senior theologians of every faith including the Pope accept that evolution theory is (while not beyond doubt) a completely acceptable hypothesis that is supported by a massive weight of evidence. ITS a THEORY after all...

    The concept of evolution and the concept of the existence of a divine being are NOT mutually exclusive and you can easily beleive in both. If you dont know how or why... again I say to you it is only because you have not read widely enough. MANY eminent scientists are christians and muslims etc. Many eminent religious leaders accept evolution.

    The whole point here (I thought) was "do you believe in god?" If you clicked yes on the poll then said nothing... cool thats your belief and I respect it. If you want to run off at the mouth about how "you KNOW God exists" then lets see your evidence.... anything will do

    If your still hungry... Read this

    and this

    and this

    See thats the main thing I find frustrating about this thread. Very few of you seem to have done any study at all yet you rave on like your so sure of everything. Dont you feel like youd rather be listening than talking ? There is much to learn, try driving some conversations with your ears and eyes instead of your mouths...Youll get a lot more from life! Who knows you might even learn somthing image

    Im not trying to sound like I know everything.  Hey thanks for the links very intersteing.

    THEMANMAN or Doctor WHo


    Isnt that funny really, the only real threat to this planet is humans.  If we don't like we destroy it, or if we need it we almost or do deplete it.  Oil some scientest is almost gone, mamoths are gone, and some others too,(dont ask me to name please becuase I cant think of any more at the moment, to busy listen to system of a down, Revenga)

    Ok lets get really deep.  What made us, some would say particle, what made the particles, some say god and others say particles, but something had to make those particles, so then you would think some ifinate being made them, BBBBBBUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT what made him image, did it just appear?  I dont know. 

    Thinking about the particles and them making other partilces.  What made them?  You just cant take nothing and make something out of nothing, not possible.  I want to make a better computer, well lets take some nothing and mix it with nothing, then shake it with some nothing, o crap, I almost forgot to add a butt load of nothing to finish it off.  Let it set in nothing for about ooo, hey Instago how long...whats that 5 min ok then........................Alright lest check it, so far we got nothing but well let it sit out a little longer..............................YES I GOT A BETTER COM...o wait nothing is there.

    Im only doing this to fuel this great fire that I started AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  TELL ME WHAT MADE THESE PARTICLES AHAHAHAHAHAHA image  AHAHAHAHAHAHAimage

    P.S. I should read the past post before I startmaking post, but I DONT WANT TO AHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    You guys answer that while I go make NOTHING AND EAT NOTHING AHAHAHAHAHA, you cant make anything out of NOTHING AHAHAHAHAimage AHAHAHAHAH, where are my nothing crazy pills image 

    P.S.S                                               SYSTEM OF A DOWN ROCKS

    but the didn't play their songs out of NOTHING AHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    THEMANMAN or Doctor WHo


    Heres the real poll


    THEMANMAN or Doctor WHo

  • HarasharHarashar Member Posts: 68

    'Nothing' is a concept that the human mind cant comprehend.  Asking us to do this is impossible and so therefore basing an argument on 'Nothing' is flawed.

  • RazorbackRazorback Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 5,253

    Well there are two parts to this.

    We now know that when a star goes super nova, the resultant explosion creates every element we know of (this is true of all super nuclear reactions). We arnt quite sure how this works, but we do know that all known elements would have been present and released at the aftermath of the "big bang" (sounds like a porn film image)

    Every time a star dies more elements are released into the universe. (however as someone else pointed out the total mass of matter remains constant as far as we know) The matter just changes state.

    This one is really good reading (what is matter) very relevant to your question (Big bang and God) (alternative theories)

    But the real question or.... "Whats really going to bake your noodle later Neo is would you have knocked over the vase if I hadnt said anything" .........Is what was before the Big Bang... ?

    If you understand the theory of Singularities and Black Holes (which I think i basically grasp but its HARD)

    Then the REAL question is where did the "super singularity" come from in the first place.

    Even if you accept that this universe might be the result of a previous universe that was sucked into a a super black hole, crushed to a singularity which eventually reached a mass even the hole could not support and exploded in the "Big Bang".......... Your still left with the question of where did the matter come from in the first place ?? This cycle could have been repeated on time scales we cant even imagine.... trillions upon trillions of years..... (head hurts)

    See this is the main reason I find no reason for belief in a God. The universe is completely fascinating and inexplicable without the need for introducing omnipotent deities into the mix. In fact introducing a factor such as a God actually only serves to do one thing. Simplify the issue down to a warm fuzzy one sentence explanation of everything... how BORING! Im not surprised so many people find this a lot easier to deal with and adopt it as the one answer to everything. It saves having to think!

    However.... back to the question.... Where did the matter come from in the first place... well in all the reading I have done this is where every scientist in the world shrugs their shoulders. That one... we dont yet know...

    And that leaves the door open for the Big G..!

    FASCINATING isnt it image

    I dont know about the rest of you.... but once I have eaten brekky, and worked out how Im getting to work... my mind always turns back to these questions. Its our responsibility to wonder and to dream! I love this topic, in a way I hope we never find the answer. If the most you ever think in life is "whats on TV next" and "I wonder if I can fit more songs on my Ipod" I feel sorry for you...


    "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
    "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon


    Maybe the Big G man made everything but decided to leave us to our own fate.  I dosn't get involved at all just sits down in his chair leans back with a big bowl of popcorn and watch how everything starts killing each other, and once in a while he sends a meteor sailing into some planet and watches it burn.

    Hmmm maybe,

    This is off topic but Razorback you have a really cool icon.

    THEMANMAN or Doctor WHo

  • RazorbackRazorback Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 5,253

    Yeah thanks... why a hedgehog in a gas mask appeals to me Im not sure... but it seemed to fit

    If you have read some of my earlier stuff you will see I am desperate to believe in all that stuff.. it might make life more interesting.. but I just remain to be convinced..

    Heres another guy who sees things in a similar way to me

    "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
    "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon

  • MenwMenw Member Posts: 38

    I believe in God, the ultimate creator/wizard to ever exist. I was born and raised in a Christian family, Roman Catholic to be exact, but I am incorporating ancient magickal beliefs into my life. I am a descendant of Celtic Scottish ancestors which is why I want to incorporate sorcery into my life. Christianity highly detests witchcraft or paganism, but I am sure God understands. I pray and communicate frequently with my deity and your deity.

    God is for real. If you don't believe in God have faith and think of him/her. The deity is always open for whatever you want to tell him/her.

    Some religions believe in a god and goddess which I believe is a form of Paganism. I was considering Paganism, but my instinct tells me there is only one creator. The possibility of other deities of demigod's is something else which is possible amongst Earth. Havn't you ever heard of Mother Nature?

    For sure there is an Ala, in our terms, God. He/she is here, he/she is there, he/she is everywhere. I firmly believe the deity is masculine, but I'm not sure which is why I name it either a he or a she.

  • pistolierpistolier Member Posts: 91
    all people that believe in god are delusional, look up what delusional means and will see that i am right. now how can so many people be wrong well it is the same thing as when people thought the earth was flat, that earth was the centre of the universe, that sort of thing and the 'holy books are nothing more than historical documents. in short there is no way on earth god can and ever will exist.
  • RazorbackRazorback Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 5,253

    Originally posted by Menw

    God is for real.

    And your evidence is ?

    (btw you sure have most of the bases covered)

    You might like to read this....



    "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
    "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon

  • RazorbackRazorback Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 5,253

    Originally posted by pistolier
    all people that believe in god are delusional, look up what delusional means and will see that i am right. now how can so many people be wrong well it is the same thing as when people thought the earth was flat, that earth was the centre of the universe, that sort of thing and the 'holy books are nothing more than historical documents. in short there is no way on earth god can and ever will exist.

    See to me.... dissmising the posibility of God's exisitence outright is just as "delusional"

    How is it that you are SO sure ?

    This question has eluded the greatest minds of our race for thousands of years.. yet your certain ??

    Please let us all in on the secret of how you are the ultimate keeper of the knowledge that proves God is a myth.

    "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
    "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon

  • pistolierpistolier Member Posts: 91

    if you think about it there is only one point to life and that is to get by the best you can, and when that life is over we deserve 'eternal rest' because spending eternity with the man is not something i would fancy for a couple of years ok but i would prefer to be in complete oblivion and not have to deal with the all aspects of life, before now and after.

    but to the point, the belief of god is a form of control, god is an excuse for people to do the inexcuseble, people use god when it is appropriate the ultimat double standard.  take for example the dinosaurs they were here way before humans were here there is no record in the holy books of these gargutaun creatures, and then there is that fact that that before christ and mohamed and abraham and these prophets there where people who did not believe in god but in nature and why because nature is what made us and it can break us.

    so razorback if you want more just ask and i have question for you, do you enjoy toying with people or is that just the way you are, also do not take offense to this question it is not meant to take a crack at you, i am just curious.    


  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,359



    Originally posted by pistolier
    all people that believe in god are delusional, look up what delusional means and will see that i am right. now how can so many people be wrong well it is the same thing as when people thought the earth was flat, that earth was the centre of the universe, that sort of thing and the 'holy books are nothing more than historical documents. in short there is no way on earth god can and ever will exist.

    And where are your faqs to support your theory?  Is this your butt talking?  Im mean but I want some faqs and dont quote anybody tell us in your own words, that all I want.  I really dont care if you dont or do believe in my God or any god I just want to know why not or why and with some faqs.

    THEMANMAN or Doctor WHo


    Originally posted by pistolier

    if you think about it there is only one point to life and that is to get by the best you can, and when that life is over we deserve 'eternal rest' because spending eternity with the man is not something i would fancy for a couple of years ok but i would prefer to be in complete oblivion and not have to deal with the all aspects of life, before now and after.
    but to the point, the belief of god is a form of control, god is an excuse for people to do the inexcuseble, people use god when it is appropriate the ultimat double standard.  take for example the dinosaurs they were here way before humans were here there is no record in the holy books of these gargutaun creatures, and then there is that fact that that before christ and mohamed and abraham and these prophets there where people who did not believe in god but in nature and why because nature is what made us and it can break us.
    so razorback if you want more just ask and i have question for you, do you enjoy toying with people or is that just the way you are, also do not take offense to this question it is not meant to take a crack at you, i am just curious.    

    I enjoy toying with people when they give crap to support themself.

    THEMANMAN or Doctor WHo

This discussion has been closed.