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so they are going to have multiple story branches and a dialogue wheel, might as well call it Mass Effect 5 with added space action.
I read their single player campaign script alone is like 1000 pages long. This is going to be good. Massive ships to walk around NPCs to talk to, set course and command your ship to really navigate the unvierse. I think Bioware needs to crank up their scope for a possible next Mass Effect. Story alone doesn´t cut it any more, need to combine it with actual not-on-rails freedom.
Yes, yes. All very enticing.
But I will only believe it when I actually see it in place, right in the game. By now if anyone jumps head first into the promiseland pool on pre-release dev speak alone (where is your source by the way?) is nothing more than a fool or a glutton for punishment. Be optimistic, not zealous.
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Now after release, repeating the very same words from back then would be like preaching to the choir on this site.
This. Let's see some of these features in action before making claims.
Chris Roberts ... Wingmans Hangar Episode 66 ... April 23 2014 ... at 6:32 .... although i recommend to listen from 4:40 to 7:00
Have fun
Thanks for the source.
Not sure what OP was smoking when they wrote up their post but no idea where they got the 1000 page idea from except that CR threw it out there as a arbitrary number when talking about booking set times, etc. I understand you are excited for this game but you seriously need to step back and actually listen to what is being said instead of picking up on random words and crafting your own fantasy around it to hype it up even more in your head. The end product will never live up to your expectations if you do.
Stop bashing others and use google for once ... the first source i posted was one of several references to this number - and probably not the one the OP referred to. Here is another discussion about this topic.
If that is not enough, ask the writers directly on the Star Citizen forums. They DO answer, you know !
For reference ... according to Chris Roberts the complete Squadron 42 solo campaign will have about four times the story length of the Wing Commander game. So if you want to compare the known length of the WC script with the SQ42 script .. go ahead and do the numbers in your head.
Have fun
I have little doubt Star Citizen (SC) will be a GREAT game, but it's release is still SO far away why ponder the universe infinite.
Mr. Roberts & staff have VERY ambitious concepts which if they can implement might aide the evolution of all gaming let alone the space sim genre. I can imagine that depth of immersion. Now I want to play that depth of immersion.
If it was out now would I purchase it? Hell yeah but I'm not going to invest $ into it this far away. Nevertheless, I appreciate those that have & their devotion to SC.
So when I ask for a source you jump right in and tell me where to look but don't let me know that isn't all of the information out there. Next time don't bother posting if all you will do is throw out 1 piece of the puzzle so that later on you can ride in on your high horse because I didn't know everything about everything on star citizen.
I just looked through that reddit and they say its over 1000 pages but they want to edit it down to about 700. In reality that could mean anywhere between 500-600 full pages. You can probably cut that down even farther once you edit out all the scene descriptions, how the characters should be acting, etc.
I am still waiting to be impressed.
I've become pretty excited about this game, the more I've learned about it. But I haven't put up any money, yet. I'm thinking along these lines, right now.
Since SC has already far surpassed their kickstarter goals and don't seem to have any money problems, it's not like they need my support.
So is there any benefit to putting money into SC this far out?
ive become excited about a lot of mmos and games pre release... lol
first they need to deliver a GAME that you can PLAY and then we can stop thinking about what it "could" be and start enjoying or hating what it "is"
one of the last 10 for the chairman videos, not sure which one, not the most current one I think 2 episodes before.
Explicitly said branching dialogue and story, and dialogue wheel type choices.
And the length of the Squadron 42 campaign alone was said somewhere else being a 1000 page script all in all.
The benefit is to maybe help shape the future of the gaming industry.
Make the big publishers rethink their mindless continuation of a few series (Sim 24 and CoD 16 anyone ?) with beaten-to-death-gaming concepts. Make them rethink their smallest-denominator-has-to-fit-all-gaming-platforms strategies and formula-like cash-cows ("The Ubisoft Formula" like Assassins Creed 12 and Far Cry 19, or like Shadow of Mordor, which follows the same formula, but is not even from Ubisoft). Make them rethink their financing schemes, were 40-50 % of a game budget goes into advertising and NOT into making the game the best it can be.
The only thing to make them rethink anything is to support something that starts to play "in the big leagues" with them but did not originate from them. Something that takes away "their" money.
For me personally this is Star Citizen.
For you .... you decide, if that is beneficial to you.
Have fun
The fact is that Star Citizen is not an MMO (says so in the FAQ section of the official forum).
So maybe the developers "did get it".
Star Citizen is a multiplayer game, but not a MASSIVELY multiplayer game. It will consist of a single-player introduction campaign (to earn your citizenship via military service). Solo play. Most likely off-line solo play. 3-4 episodes of roughly 10 missions each. After the solo-campaign you leave the military and join the (online) Persistent Universe, where you meet other players. But not in 4000 player battles like in EVE but in instances of (at most) approx. 100 players.
*** in my best Starship Troopers voiceover *** "Do you want to know more ?" ... Read here:
Have fun
Somehow i expected it to be more than just that, to be honest if that's truly what your limited to, could be that Star Citizen is not a game i would be interested in, too many predetermined 'pathways' with 'scripted' events.
One of the things i like about Eve Online, and also about Elite;Dangerous, is that you choose your own path. What your basically saying is that SC is a Theme Park game, not a Sandbox one, personally i hope you have got it wrong.
oh puhleaze. Is "choose your own path" now the official euphemistic codephrase for "no story whatsoever" or "no purpose whatsoever" ?
I´m sure they´ll thow in some non voiced generic text window quests for you , then you can make up "your own story" and ship biowaste from A to B or C to D all day long, completely without "scripted story".
And then the whole absurd reference he makes to sandbox vs. themepark.
You know what shipping biowaste from A to B with or without "story" has zero to do with either themepark nor sandbox?
Good. Because Eve is the only sandbox MMO around in space, just so you know. NPC focused grinds where you can´t build anything or do player trading, instead doing fetch quests cargo runs are not even sandbox MMO, FYI. That´s GW2 in space, or worse.
I think having played Eve for the last 10 years or so, i'd know exactly the kind of game it is. And playing Elite since a friend introduced it to me on his new BBC..
when you mention games throwing in none voiced generic text window quests, that means to me that its not the main focus of the game, and just one of the things you can do in a game, but whenever you start throwing around things like 'voiced' quest givers, suddenly they become the main focus of the game, and isn't that exactly what happened with SW;TOR? as fun a game as it is, the game play in SW;TOR is finite, each class in the game has its own storyline, altogether, 8 of them, is SC going down that path, because in that direction there is only the Theme Park.
As for Elite;Dangerous, your given a ship, and a universe to fly it in, what you do, how you do it, is up to you, fairly sure neither Eve Online nor Elite Dangerous, has anything at all in common with GW2.
Speaking of which, doesn't GW2 have some voiced Storylines?
mmo leaves a bad taste in my mouth especially if they make a prg a mmo like elders scrolls and no one is happy,everone wanted an elders scrolls game that you can play with one or two friends not a mmo!
only reason they make mmos are to make as mush cash as they can in the first few months,they don't care what players want.
So you claim that Star Citizen is the Mass Effect MMO, and therefore the whole point of multi-choice options is to choose your own path and yet you're saying that it''s all "official euphemistic codephrase for "no story whatsoever" or "no purpose whatsoever" ?"
Well done...
In Star Citizen you will have BOTH.
Squadron 42 is a detailed and long (solo) story, with necessarily scripted events following the plotline (which is NOT linear, there are variants based on your choices and victories/defeats). With many detailed cutscenes, heavily using mocap,P-cap (=detailed facial expressions), voice acting and orchestral sounds.
Star Citizen Persistent Universe is your free-to-choose-Sandbox ... where you follow your own path, alongside other players. You just earned your citizenship by doing your tour of duty in the military (=SQ42) ... now ... the universe is yours to experience.
Have fun
those fan boyz are out reality ,why cant stop spread their dreams ?! and accept true it is just one more space sim but with MP ,and this is what we waiting from this game ,nothing special
That was the first thing I thought when I read his post.
Let's belittle the company that actually has a working, successful product out there and praise the one that's still mostly just promises.
Don't get me wrong, I'll be very impressed if Star Citizen manages to deliver on all that, but they'd hardly be the first MMO to promise some awesome, previously unseen features, and then launch with maybe 1/10 of them actually realized.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
I'm afraid that it is you that, "Does not get it". If you knew anything about this game than you'd know that the Single Player part (Squadron 42) is a totally separate entity than the MMO part (The Persistent Universe). SQ 42 is set in the same Universe but you will be able to play one or the other or both if you so desire. Your SQ 42 game leads you into the PU if you decide to continue after finishing it. If you want to know more it's all spelled out for you over on their Website.
No offence but that if *bleeeep* hilarious... Even with what some people see as a decline in storytelling from BW... CR and his team will not come even close... Sorry mates but that is the honest to god truth.
Maybe if they push out another 4-5 games with the focus on storytelling... They could come close to something worth comparing to BW´s stories.
Now with that said i am glad to see that they are taking some care with the story elements of SC... After all a bad story can sink even the best of ideas... Not to mention the not so good ones. Heck just look at the Crew... A fairly solid SP/Co-op game (mp still thrash) but the story is so atrocious you sort of wish that another writers strike would have happened.
But MMassEffect is is not nor will it ever be... Simple as that.
This have been a good conversation
I'm not saying you are right or wrong but maybe you should go to the RSI website and read some of the lore before you make that judgement. They have some very talented writers on their staff. Most of their lore is as well written as anything Bioware has produced. Hopefully that quality will carry over into the game as well.