Smokejumper seemed like a cool guy but I am glad to see him go. I hated the direction SOE was going with him around but the blame still lands on Smedley. Dave was just doing the job that he was paid to do.
Originally posted by Kyleran I'm telling you, the new strategy is to deliver the EQ franchise on mobile phones and tablets.
This has been my view as well. They keep emphasizing multi-platform. I think we're seeing the end of Everquest Landmark and EQNext, but right around the corner will be EQMobile.
I'm of two minds on this. On one hand it's sad to see people leave. Some were for the better, some I could have done without. On the other hand, maybe this'll shake up the development cycle and give us something meaningful. Words are meaningless. We've been expecting EQNext updates for months. It's been radio silence. Just tell us it's cancelled and be done with it. I can't remember a decent Harmonix game after this company took over them. And don't tell me Fantasia because that game was meh at best.
With this move my confidence in Daybreak just plummeted, been a customer of SOE since 2000, played many of their games and still do, Planetside 1-2 , DCUO, H1Z1, and Everquest 2 and Landmark. With them cutting staff, makes me wonder what else their going to do without telling us? Getting rid of All Access? Selling off games? Closing more games down? What is Daybreak's goals for the future? These are some of the questions that Columbus Nova needs to come out and start answering or they made see a exodus of all their games.
I am personally not spending another dime on any of their games until these answers are dealt with. Why spend money on something that may be sold off or shut down ? The rumors of them concentrating on mobile and other platforms? With mobile and tablet gaming eventually going to be saturated especially with their pay to win models that bubble will eventually collapse. So the future under the new name doesn't instill confidence at all.
Dave pissed me off at times, but he was the epitome of an idea guy. He nailed the best word to describe himself... dreamer. Him and Brad (McQuaid) are very alike there. I dunno if either of them have ever been partnered with the kind of practical people they need around them to rein them in so to speak.
Linda was flat out great at what she did ... period, full stop.
I will be watching both
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
This does seem like this might be the end of Landmark and EQ Next. I give it a 50 50 chance now that there has been layoffs. Landmark is so close to open beta. I figure we will know for sure within a couple of months. On the last Landmark live, Dave said it was full steam ahead on EQNext, and anything that fits into Landmark from developing Next will go into Landmark. I will warn everyone. When another company takes over the company you are working for, start looking for a job immediately. I was a victim at one time of this, and got laid off...
Dave's position was redundant. He was in charge of development for everquest games it was a position that was not needed. For people wondering EQ EQ2 EQN EQN:L all have there own Lead Producer that directs the team on the direction of the game and this person reported to dave who reported that to Smed. His position was a waste of money there is no reason at all each games lead producer could not just report to smed themselves instead of going through a middle man.
Wow. Didn't see that coming. Or maybe I did, but hoped it would not. Tbh, in the last half year with Landmarks I grew more and more skeptical if Landmark and EQN was heading the right direction. Landmark development had slowed to a crawl, and I got this nagging feeling, SOE err Daybreak bit off more than they could chew with Voxels. I know it is sad, Georgeson seemed a bit like the heart of the development, but maybe it is for the better. Nothing I SAW about the games in development really looked breathtaking and stunning, all the cool parts were words and and speeches. Maybe some fresh wind isn't so bad.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Originally posted by thepatriot Hmm, never seen a studio make this type of announcement and then grow. This is simply the start of falling off the cliff.
hmmm, I can't attest to companies letting people go and growing but I do know that it's usually "business as usual" to let people go after purchasing a company.
Additionally, it's also "business as usual" for the top people to move into some other "guiding role" and then be given some sort of great package when they leave several months later.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Originally posted by Acornia I wonder is Smedly is going to be added to the list of those being let go?
Nope Smed wants a pvp focus like the rest of the world.
Dude you really need to stop with sweeping generalisations in your every post. Seriously, are you always like this? no wonder people don't take what you post seriously.
Pot meet Kettle
Sorry I have to agree with Mrn, you just claimed to have spoken for the entire world. That's pretty ridiculously and no one could take it seriously.
You hate to see people get laid off, because they're people with families. Those that went through these kind of corporate bs know how tough it is when it happens, I've been through it a few times in my career. So even though I despise some of the decisions SOE made in the past 10 years, I wouldn't wish to see anybody get laid off like this.
Die hard EQ fans shouldn't rejoice either. This does not mean CN is reinventing Everquest. This is simply the numbers game. They're an investment firm, they sit down with a numbers sheet and mark off people they can let go in order to stop losing so much money. It starts at the top, but it'll work its way down to developers, programmers, artists, etc.. So if you think any of the existing EQ1 or EQ2 titles can get better with a smaller team and less resources, then I have an island to sell you.
They've mentioned "multi-platform" yet again in their press release. Looks like they're full on ready to insert console guys and start watering down gameplay, controls, and depth of these classic PC MMORPG's. Expect EQN to be even more console friendly when it launches. The game will be nothing like the Everquest we grew up with. Good or bad, I guess it depends on if you think console ports are a good thing. Personally I think console ports kill good PC games myself.
Played: EQ1-AC1-DAOC-FFXI-L2-EQ2-WoW-LOTR-VG-WAR-GW2-ESO-BDO Waiting For: CU & Vanilla WoW
I wrote here that EQ:N is probably going to be cancelled along with anything new comming from SOE
But, even my experience with acquisitions and mergers is by far milder than this. Restructuring and pink slips usually happen 2-3 months later. After the deal grace period.
This is going to be bloodbath
I agree, Lobotomist. This acquisition seems very different from those I've been involved in. It's moving on a far faster schedule than anything I've seen. My experiences said they would be in an evaluation period (for products, projects and personnel), then reallocating personnel with terminations as needed, followed by a re-branding / re-launch effort.
CN is acting more like a corporate raider here, with no signs of a long-term commitment to staff or portfolio. Subject everything to extreme budget scrutiny, salvage whatever interests them, and sell off the rest. I'm wondering now if the existing catalog of functional games (Free Realms, Everquest 1 & 2, DCUO, etc.) aren't more likely to be closed down, or (at best) sold in a third party operational deal. Maybe they will simply sell the license to the EverQuest IP to third party developers, just to make a quick buck. I don't know.
Bloodbath. Definitely.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
"These reductions will not affect the operation of our current games and as mentioned above, will help better position our company for future success."
I guess what Day Break is saying is the future is going to be better without Dave...
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
Originally posted by saker Whenever the "money men" are in-charge of a games development it's doom is sealed.
I have to agree with this.
Whatever direction does remain for thetitle, one thing is certain. Focus has been shifted onto profits or nothing. Either way, I doubt it will be good for EQ.
Man o man there is a lot of typical BS in that release statement.
So according to their statement....every time they want "future growth" they will let other staff go?That means you might have key people in game designs leave,which of course leaves the game design as messed up.
"This reduction will not affect the current games"???LMAO say what?So in essence they are saying those let go were not working on the game ,just dead weight?How can you remove parts of a game design and not affect it,how can you take anything they say after that statement with any seriousness?
Smed says "can't wait to start making xbox 1 games?SOE's best work is publishing not game design.Naughty Dog and Square Enix have done more for SOE than all of SOE's products put together.Play station was big because of Square Enix,Naughty Dog has made some tremendous games that are vastly superior to anything EQ or Landmark or Planetside or H1z1.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
So, hypothetically. If they strip Daybreak down would they make more money using the IPs on mobile/console games or by selling the IPs to the highest bidder. Wouldn't a major developer want to buy these assetts? Makes me wonder. What if Blizzard canceled Titan to have the money to buy the EQ IP. Just conjecture, it could be any big Dev just using the most popular as an example.
This is what Daybreak told IGN , which is a common theme from VC buyouts ,
"Daybreak spokesperson Michele Cagle said the move is a "strategic decision to rationalize the business,"
Strategic decision to rationalize the business = this is only the beginning of the cuts/layoffs/cancellations.
Prepare to see further cancellations and reductions , basically down to skeleton of the SOE assets to either transition to easy and profitable mobile games or sell the IP for a profit.
I guarantee they paid SOE jack for the SOE studio , Sony was glad to be rid of it in its current state.
Hmm.. Not sure if this is good or bad. Lately ive gotten the feeling that georgeson is taking this build-the-game-with-the-community mentality abit too far. I mean their workshop videos are just sad, and the community is telling them, its like they dont realize we want EQN, and not minecraft 2..we already have minecraft for that! Hope they dont change the philosophy of EQN, but stepa up the pace of developement instead.
This has been my view as well. They keep emphasizing multi-platform. I think we're seeing the end of Everquest Landmark and EQNext, but right around the corner will be EQMobile.
Where ever you are, go suck a big lemon. Just because you can't see the light doesn't mean the rest of us can't. Ignorance isn't bliss...
I'm of two minds on this. On one hand it's sad to see people leave. Some were for the better, some I could have done without. On the other hand, maybe this'll shake up the development cycle and give us something meaningful. Words are meaningless. We've been expecting EQNext updates for months. It's been radio silence. Just tell us it's cancelled and be done with it. I can't remember a decent Harmonix game after this company took over them. And don't tell me Fantasia because that game was meh at best.
With this move my confidence in Daybreak just plummeted, been a customer of SOE since 2000, played many of their games and still do, Planetside 1-2 , DCUO, H1Z1, and Everquest 2 and Landmark. With them cutting staff, makes me wonder what else their going to do without telling us? Getting rid of All Access? Selling off games? Closing more games down? What is Daybreak's goals for the future? These are some of the questions that Columbus Nova needs to come out and start answering or they made see a exodus of all their games.
I am personally not spending another dime on any of their games until these answers are dealt with. Why spend money on something that may be sold off or shut down ? The rumors of them concentrating on mobile and other platforms? With mobile and tablet gaming eventually going to be saturated especially with their pay to win models that bubble will eventually collapse. So the future under the new name doesn't instill confidence at all.
Linda was flat out great at what she did ... period, full stop.
I will be watching both
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
hmmm, I can't attest to companies letting people go and growing but I do know that it's usually "business as usual" to let people go after purchasing a company.
Additionally, it's also "business as usual" for the top people to move into some other "guiding role" and then be given some sort of great package when they leave several months later.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Sorry I have to agree with Mrn, you just claimed to have spoken for the entire world. That's pretty ridiculously and no one could take it seriously.
You hate to see people get laid off, because they're people with families. Those that went through these kind of corporate bs know how tough it is when it happens, I've been through it a few times in my career. So even though I despise some of the decisions SOE made in the past 10 years, I wouldn't wish to see anybody get laid off like this.
Die hard EQ fans shouldn't rejoice either. This does not mean CN is reinventing Everquest. This is simply the numbers game. They're an investment firm, they sit down with a numbers sheet and mark off people they can let go in order to stop losing so much money. It starts at the top, but it'll work its way down to developers, programmers, artists, etc.. So if you think any of the existing EQ1 or EQ2 titles can get better with a smaller team and less resources, then I have an island to sell you.
They've mentioned "multi-platform" yet again in their press release. Looks like they're full on ready to insert console guys and start watering down gameplay, controls, and depth of these classic PC MMORPG's. Expect EQN to be even more console friendly when it launches. The game will be nothing like the Everquest we grew up with. Good or bad, I guess it depends on if you think console ports are a good thing. Personally I think console ports kill good PC games myself.
Waiting For: CU & Vanilla WoW
I agree, Lobotomist. This acquisition seems very different from those I've been involved in. It's moving on a far faster schedule than anything I've seen. My experiences said they would be in an evaluation period (for products, projects and personnel), then reallocating personnel with terminations as needed, followed by a re-branding / re-launch effort.
CN is acting more like a corporate raider here, with no signs of a long-term commitment to staff or portfolio. Subject everything to extreme budget scrutiny, salvage whatever interests them, and sell off the rest. I'm wondering now if the existing catalog of functional games (Free Realms, Everquest 1 & 2, DCUO, etc.) aren't more likely to be closed down, or (at best) sold in a third party operational deal. Maybe they will simply sell the license to the EverQuest IP to third party developers, just to make a quick buck. I don't know.
Bloodbath. Definitely.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
They dont even have an official logo and all their websites still have SOE plastered all over the place.
Nothing about this seems 'professional' or thought out, it's all very hasty which doesn't bode well for the future.
"These reductions will not affect the operation of our current games and as mentioned above, will help better position our company for future success."
I guess what Day Break is saying is the future is going to be better without Dave...
I have to agree with this.
Whatever direction does remain for thetitle, one thing is certain. Focus has been shifted onto profits or nothing. Either way, I doubt it will be good for EQ.
Man o man there is a lot of typical BS in that release statement.
So according to their statement....every time they want "future growth" they will let other staff go?That means you might have key people in game designs leave,which of course leaves the game design as messed up.
"This reduction will not affect the current games"???LMAO say what?So in essence they are saying those let go were not working on the game ,just dead weight?How can you remove parts of a game design and not affect it,how can you take anything they say after that statement with any seriousness?
Smed says "can't wait to start making xbox 1 games?SOE's best work is publishing not game design.Naughty Dog and Square Enix have done more for SOE than all of SOE's products put together.Play station was big because of Square Enix,Naughty Dog has made some tremendous games that are vastly superior to anything EQ or Landmark or Planetside or H1z1.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
EQN and EQL are now doomed.. SOE itself is doomed..
Farewell.. Other SOE titles are also likely doomed..
This is what Daybreak told IGN , which is a common theme from VC buyouts ,
"Daybreak spokesperson Michele Cagle said the move is a "strategic decision to rationalize the business,"
Strategic decision to rationalize the business = this is only the beginning of the cuts/layoffs/cancellations.
Prepare to see further cancellations and reductions , basically down to skeleton of the SOE assets to either transition to easy and profitable mobile games or sell the IP for a profit.
I guarantee they paid SOE jack for the SOE studio , Sony was glad to be rid of it in its current state.
Hope they dont change the philosophy of EQN, but stepa up the pace of developement instead.